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By Sue Scheff
« on: February 01, 2007, 01:20:48 PM »
By Sue Scheff  

Since then it has been nothing short of an emotional ride of mental abuse and legal battles. For the past five years I have been involved in litigation, once as a defendant when I was sued by the people who harmed my daughter and defrauded me, and once as a plaintiff in an Internet Defamation and Invasion of Privacy lawsuit.

When I posted my story (above website) I was immediately under attack by the very people that I believed harmed my daughter and defrauded me, the World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools (WWASP aka WWASPS). They sued me in an attempt to silence me and eliminate my website from the internet. After 2+ years of litigation and approximately $1 million in legal fees (which I was fortunate to have my insurance cover most of it) I defeated WWASPS in a jury trial in their home state of Utah. They appealed and I went on to defeat them again in the Supreme Court of Appeals in June 2006.

The campaign to destroy and discredit me on the Internet exploded. At one point it was so out of control that I had to take legal action to protect the privacy of my family and children. Carey Bock, a woman who I believe was retained by WWASPS, continued posting excerpts from confidential and sealed depositions about my family. Though I had nothing to hide, it was a matter of our privacy which I am sure most people can relate to.

It was discovered WWASPS paid Bock $12,500.00 for her computer hard-drive in an attempt to incriminate me ? which it did not do. Because of her insistence and continued crusade to destroy me and my family I filed a lawsuit against her for Internet Defamation and Invasion of Privacy. After two years of litigation, on September 20, 2006, I won again when the jury awarded me $11.3 million - $5 million of this was in the form of punitive damages which is meant to punish the defendant for her actions. Further, the jury wanted to send a strong message to people: Freedom of Speech does not give a person the right to destroy, discredit, defame, and ruin others with false statements.

Though I experienced these two amazing legal victories ? where the truth prevailed ? there has unfortunately been an up-rise in continued Internet attacks by people who want to silence me and by people who believe programs for children and teens should not exist. Many of these people were institutionalized in the 70?s and 80?s and were harmed in the programs they attended. They have every right to feel hostility towards programs, considering what they went through. However, not all programs are bad and there are good programs for teens in crisis.

Desperate parents need to know there are safe options and that it is critical they do their research so they do not fall into the same trap I did. I have also been criticized by parents who, too, placed their children into abusive programs. Many parents have a difficult time admitting that we, as parents, made mistakes when we placed our children into bad and abusive programs. Some have come away with the belief that all programs must be bad and shame on me for thinking differently! As a parent I did make a mistake. I am not condoning my daughter?s behavior prior to placement. She was out of control and needed help but I made the mistake of not listening to my gut feelings and not doing better research. I believe parents need help in making such a major decision which is why I have spent the past seven years providing resources and assistance to parents.

Yes, as a parent I made a drastic mistake - one that cost my daughter years of emotional distress. Quite honestly she still suffers today with back flashes of what happened to her at the program she was in (Carolina Springs Academy). My daughter will still lash out at me in times of anger due to the abuse she endured, because for some time I did not believe her, and because I admitted openly that I did not do the research I should have done. This is why my organization, Parent?s Universal Resource Experts (PURE) is so important to me. It is a way in which I can help educate parents on how to research programs for their teens. The best parent is an informed parent.

My website brings awareness to parents when they begin their search for schools or programs and feel that anxiousness to make a rash decision. Many parents are learning from my experiences and are able to investigate potential programs with a better understanding of the teen help industry.

With this awareness parents are becoming wise and are not falling for the slick marketing tactics, fancy websites, tearful DVD?s, and glossy brochures provided to them. One of the marketing strategies of WWASPS is to have parents ?sell? the program to other parents in exchange for free tuition. Initially I believed in the program and was one of their supporters. That quickly stopped when I learned what they had done to my daughter. All of this has made WWASPS and those who work for them extremely uncomfortable. Lisa Irvin is a Teen Help Sales Representative who sells WWASPS programs and who may be affected by my story being made available to parents on the Internet. I was recently informed by a former WWASPS employee that she is posting old e-mails from me when I was involved in the WWASPS system. This is a blatant act of attempting to discredit me again; however, I am going to address this head on.

While I was under the enchantment of WWASPS I was completely (in my opinion) brainwashed as one of their followers. Those of you who were once involved with WWASPS will understand this. I would venture to say I was one of their top referral parents. I actually sent out Newsletters in an attempt to help other parents. I truly believed in what they told me and what they sold me. I wanted to help other parents who were having trouble with their teens. I remember how relieved I felt when I believed my daughter was getting the help she needed (it wasn?t until much later that I learned the truth) and I wanted to share this information with as many people as possible.

When I first became involved with WWASPS Randall Hinton was my Sales Representative. Over the months he helped me with my parent referrals. Some time after I discovered what happened to my daughter Hinton left WWASPS/Teen Help. He kept in touch with me every so often via e-mail. Eventually he ended up in Puerto Rico where he agreed to interview for Zadig Productions and expose what went on at Teen Help and WWASPS facilities. Shortly after his interview, Hinton went back to work for WWASPS (Robert Lichfield). I never had contact with him again. Today, Hinton is charged with various felony charges in Colorado pertaining to children. Please read here.

In a continued effort to destroy PURE and me, old e-mails between Hinton and me are being posted on the Internet. My association with him was many years ago and has no relevance to what is going on today. Admittedly I did associate with Hinton, Lisa Irvin, and other Teen Help employees. However, that in no way means I condone what they did or what they do.

I was a victim who made bad choices in the interest of my child. I have learned from these experiences and though I wish my daughter and I did not have to go through this, I know PURE has helped thousands of families over the years because of our experiences.

It is sad that people like Lisa Irvin and others feel a need to find and post old information at my expense. It is sad that anyone would stoop to this level. If a person feels they are honest and make an honest living then why do they feel the need to attempt to destroy others?

People have e-mailed or called me asking about these e-mails that are showing up on Internet forums, and I have answered them what I have stated here. I wrote this statement so people can understand that evil generates more evil. I am not haunted by my mistakes. Instead I look at my mistakes as steeping stones and not stumbling blocks. I am not bitter from my experiences but rather I am better for them!

I am moving on from the past and looking forward to a tremendous future helping to educate parents from my personal experiences. PURE is based on reality, not textbook and definitely not from perfection. Learn from my mistakes; make a smart decision for your family.

If you have read any statements on the Internet or forums about me or PURE that you have questions about, please feel free to contact me directly via email at [email protected] or call me 954-349-7260 EST. Although the rumors and gossip may never end, rest assured the truth always prevails as both my legal trials have proven.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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By Sue Scheff
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2007, 01:33:41 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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By Sue Scheff
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2007, 02:33:39 PM » ... 0Trial.htm

Katrina Victim Fights for Trial after $11.3 Million Default
Judgment for Internet Blogging

Case in Point:  

Sue Scheff, owner of Parents Universal Resource Experts (PURE), called a ?crook, con artist, and a fraud? by Katrina victim Carey Bock.

FT. LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA (January 30, 2007):  

Carey Bock from Mandeville, Louisiana was devastated by
Hurricane Katrina.  She evacuated her family to a Texas apartment only to find her father was suffering from heart
failure.  Bock lost most of her money.  One of Bock?s sons was in Iraq and the other son was in Germany.  It seemed
life couldn?t get much worse?that is, until Bock received word that a judgment in Broward County, Florida had
entered against her for $11.3 million in a case filed by Sue Scheff and Parents Universal Resource Experts (PURE).  
Bock did not receive court notices after May 31, 2006.  

These facts are relevant according to Bock?s motion, filed in November 2006, to set aside the default.  The Broward
County judge will hear Bock?s motion against Scheff in early February 2007.   A response by Scheff?s lawyer has not
been filed with the court.

Bock called Scheff a ?crook,? a ?con artist,? and a ?fraud? over the Internet.   Scheff told U.S.A. Today, October 11, 2006, that Scheff wanted to ?make a point,? in suing Bock, but some feel Scheff went too far.  According to Bock, she has witnesses who will testify in support of her opinions of Scheff.

Scheff too was slapped with a lawsuit for similar Internet behavior directed at the World Wide Association of Specialty Programs (WWASP).  Scheff, unlike Bock, had business insurance covering her attorney fees.  Scheff used false names when she blogged WWASP over the Internet.  

Scheff accused WWASP of fraud.  Bock accused Scheff fraud.  The difference, some would argue, is only the ability to access lawyers.

As oddity would have it, Scheff had a prior business association with WWASP.  According to a United States Court of Appeals opinion, Scheff had been paid a substantial sum whenever Scheff referred a child to a WWASP program.  After a ?falling out? with the marketing arm of WWASP, Scheff now competes with WWASP.  Some operators of the children?s programs to which Scheff refers have been accused of multiple counts of child abuse.  

The federal court held WWASP to be a limited purpose public figure and thus Scheff was not liable.  Scheff too is a limited purpose public figure, according to Bock?s lawyer, because Scheff has cast herself in the public eye on the issues about which Bock has blogged.

The chilling of speech is at issue.  The sheer cost of defense may be enough to silence advocates attempting to expose fraud and child abuse in referral businesses?complaints, that is, such as those against Scheff and her company PURE.  ###

Copyright © 2007 Paula Reeves

All Rights Reserved



Katrina Victim Fights for Trial after $11.3 Million Default Judgment for Internet Blogging
Carey Bock: Internet Blogging and Free Speech
1/28/2007 3:03:56 PM
FT. LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA (January 30, 2007)

- Carey Bock from Mandeville, Louisiana was devastated by Hurricane Katrina. She evacuated her family to a Texas apartment only to find her father was suffering from heart failure. Bock lost most of her money. One of Bock?s sons was in Iraq and the other son was in Germany. It seemed life couldn?t get much worse?that is, until Bock received word that a judgment in Broward County, Florida had entered against her for $11.3 million in a case filed by Sue Scheff and Parents Universal Resource Experts (PURE). Bock did not receive court notices after May 31, 2006.

These facts are relevant according to Bock?s motion, filed in November 2006, to set aside the default. The Broward County judge will hear Bock?s motion against Scheff in early February 2007. A response by Scheff?s lawyer has not been filed with the court.

Bock called Scheff a ?crook,? a ?con artist,? and a ?fraud? over the Internet. Scheff told U.S.A. Today, October 11, 2006, that Scheff wanted to ?make a point,? in suing Bock, but some feel Scheff went too far. According to Bock, she has witnesses who will testify in support of her opinions of Scheff.

Scheff too was slapped with a lawsuit for similar Internet behavior directed at the World Wide Association of Specialty Programs (WWASP). Scheff, unlike Bock, had business insurance covering her attorney fees. Scheff used false names when she blogged WWASP over the Internet.

Scheff accused WWASP of fraud. Bock accused Scheff of fraud. The difference, some would argue, is only the ability to access lawyers.

As oddity would have it, Scheff had a prior business association with WWASP. According to a United States Court of Appeals opinion, Scheff had been paid a substantial sum whenever Scheff referred a child to a WWASP program. After a ?falling out? with the marketing arm of WWASP, Scheff now competes with WWASP. Some operators of the children?s programs to which Scheff refers have been accused of multiple counts of child abuse.

The federal court held WWASP to be a limited purpose public figure and thus Scheff was not liable. Scheff too is a limited purpose public figure, according to Bock?s lawyer, because Scheff has cast herself in the public eye on the issues about which Bock has blogged.

The chilling of speech is at issue. The sheer cost of defense may be enough to silence advocates attempting to expose fraud and child abuse in referral businesses?complaints, that is, such as those against Scheff and her company PURE. ###

To contact Carey Bock,
call (985) 789-9119 or by email at
Victim and Advocacy News
Legislation for Free Speech and Child Protection
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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By Sue Scheff
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2007, 03:15:33 PM »
Sue Scheff is talking about her MANY MANY referrals to the WWASP programs and states "that quickly stopped when I leanred wheat they had done to my daughter."

It has already been documented through the WWASP vs PURE transcripts that Sue Scheff continued to refer parents and their children to WWASP MONTHS (that is MONTHS) after she started PURE.  COME ON SCHEF....go peddle your lies somewhere else.

You may get to answer this lie in your upcoming trial with Carey Bock, Ms. Scheff.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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By Sue Scheff
« Reply #5 on: February 02, 2007, 07:25:34 PM »
   Sue Scheff And P.U.R.E Set Sights For 2007
Parent Universal Resource Experts
10/29/2006 9:57:14 PM
  WebWire Related Industries  
  ? Business Announcements  
  ? Education  
  ? Legal Issues  
Contact: Sue Scheff 954.349.7260

October 30, 2006/Webwire

Sue Scheff, President of Parent Universal Resource Experts (P.U.R.E) announced new company objectives and goals for 2007. ?We are very pleased with the results and the progress that P.U.R.E made in 2006,? said Scheff.

With a re-vamped website offering new parent resources, a favorable court ruling defeating an appeal from World-wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools (WWASPS), and an award of $11.3 million in a victory against Internet defamation, the year has been eventful for Scheff who is arguably one of the nation?s outspoken proponents for family advocacy and parent awareness.

?This past year has taught me a lot about my convictions regarding the teen help industry and the reality that I will always be someone under attack on forums and blogs in an effort to be discredited,? continued Scheff. ?But, I vow to continue to fight to raise parent awareness and offer parents support through professional referral resources and services for many more years to come.?

Parent?s Universal Resources was founded in 2001 by a group of parent advocates to help families in crisis with defiant or struggling teens. ?P.U.R.E. was established to offer first hand experience and share schools and programs that we would send our own children to. We are not therapists, or medical doctors; we are parents helping parents,? said Scheff.

P.U.R.E.?s confidence in best-of-class service offering comes from associations with behavioral health professionals that are highly credible and reliable. They operate a very rigorous screening process that includes a network of schools and programs that offer national accreditation for education and vocation, a therapeutic milieu?s that mandates at least 10 hours of clinical intervention per student per week, and a transition approach that requires participation of the entire family unit. ?With our added associations with the Better Business Bureau, States Attorney Generals Offices, and the Alliance for Children & Families, we believe we are a more thorough and objective option for parents,? concluded Scheff.

In connection with assisting parents, P.U.R.E. helps organizations such as Coalition Against Institutionalized Child Abuse (CAICA to insure that children are kept safe and are not placed in abusive environments. P.U.R.E. is also involved in the distribution of ?What Every Parent Needs to Know,? an informational DVD that further educates parents on how to find the right programs and schools for their family and teen. Sue Scheff will also have her first book, ?At Wit?s End? published in spring 2007.

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Boyd Hooper
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AKME Consulting
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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By Sue Scheff
« Reply #6 on: February 03, 2007, 09:01:30 PM »
Sue writes..

"Admittedly I did associate with Hinton, Lisa Irvin, and other Teen Help employees. However, that in no way means I condone what they did or what they do."

Honey- you not only condoned what they did, but you KEPT ON REFERRING until you could not squeeze illegal fees out of Teen Help.  

Isn't this the same kind of condoning you, Sue Scheff, have done with Sudweeks and Whitmore Academy in Utah?  Exactly the same Missie Scheff.

You are exactly what we all think of you:  You are a Robert Lichfied and you are a WWASP.  You and your Izzy posting here on fornits does not convince us.  We know who you are Rat-So and no matter how many little self-serving articles you have others write for you, you are a PROFESSIONAL LIAR SUE SCHEFF.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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By Sue Scheff
« Reply #7 on: February 03, 2007, 09:51:17 PM »
The campaign to destroy and discredit me on the Internet exploded. At one point it was so out of control that I had to take legal action to protect the privacy of my family and children. Carey Bock, a woman who I believe was retained by WWASPS, continued posting excerpts from confidential and sealed depositions about my family. Though I had nothing to hide, it was a matter of our privacy which I am sure most people can relate to.


What the heck?  Retained by WWASPS?

IMO, Scheff (or whoever wrote this if she didn't)  should support her "beliefs" with some kind of documentation because on it's face, this statement makes no sense at all.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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By Sue Scheff
« Reply #8 on: February 04, 2007, 01:06:52 PM »
/// Initially I believed in the program and was one of their supporters. That quickly stopped when I learned what they had done to my daughter. ///

This is what you told us  and we believed it; until we got our hands on a transcript of your SLC trial. You lied to us and your lying still.

/// While I was under the enchantment of WWASPS I was completely (in my opinion) brainwashed as one of their followers. Those of you who were once involved with WWASPS will understand this. I would venture to say I was one of their top referral parents. ///

What you saw was a big fat cash cow and you set out to milk it. I personally don't think you were brainwashed in the manner of many other Programmed parents. I now believe saw dollar signs, and you wanted a share of the profits.  What ever happen to your daughter didn't make any difference to you, as you keep selling the program, up to and until Kevin Richey put a plug on your cash flow. All this is a matter of public record now Sue - so why the continued lies?

/// When I first became involved with WWASPS Randall Hinton was my Sales Representative. Over the months he helped me with my parent referrals. Some time after I discovered what happened to my daughter Hinton left WWASPS/Teen Help. He kept in touch with me every so often via e-mail. Eventually he ended up in Puerto Rico where he agreed to interview for Zadig Productions ///

I had assumed it was you who put them in touch. I also assume it is you who put at least one new paper reporter in touch with him. But I notice, you never did tell Layne or his mom where he was - even though you knew full well they very much wanted this information. Why not? Could it be you saw some possible self interest in protecting him? Could it be you were referring to his little program? I don't know - I am just asking - why would you with hold this information from this most seriously abused boy and his mother?

///Shortly after his interview, Hinton went back to work for WWASPS///

Typical. They got Ken hired back on right after the Desperate Measure article as well. This is not an uncommon business tactic. Wonder if your anger with the program is actually that Bobby never made you an offer of lucrative employment to shut you up?

///Admittedly I did associate with Hinton, Lisa Irvin, and other Teen Help employees. However, that in no way means I condone what they did or what they do. ///

Well, not unless there is some money in it. You had no problem with the accusations against Whitmore - which were serious and made by multiple families - not just one kook parent - or one disturbed and lying, manipulative kid. You borrowed the defense of your WWASP teachers - attack those who speak out, and deny, deny, deny. Adding a few juicy lies helps to. I mean, claiming to have read a report that hadn't been written yet - what could have been your motive?  Seems to me you were desperate to add credibility to your disintegrating story, and were willing to lie in the attempt.

/// People have e-mailed or called me asking about these e-mails that are showing up on Internet forums, and I have answered them what I have stated here. ///

I sure do hope they were able to see through your crap.

/// I am moving on from the past and looking forward to a tremendous future helping to educate parents from my personal experiences. ///

And so shall we all.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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By Sue Scheff
« Reply #9 on: February 04, 2007, 06:47:25 PM »
I'm am the "kook parent" that  that Buzzkill makes reference to.

I have a problem with Sue Scheff's words, "Freedom of Speech does not give a person the right to destroy, discredit, defame and ruin others with false statements."

Sue Scheff and Mark Sudweeks spread the vicious LIE/rumor/story that they had PROOF that I threw my daughter down the stairs at Whitmore Academy the night we removed her from this facility.  Sue Scheff and Mark Sudweeks both said they had a POLICE REPORT documenting this incident.  THIS WAS A BOLD FACE LIE: Officer Wright, who escorted my husband and me to the Whitmore Academy to pick up our daughter had not even written a police report at the time Sue Scheff and Mark Sudweeks were spreading this horrendous LIE about me.

Officer Wright did write a report, later: and his report verifies that I did not do anything abusive towards my daughter or anyone.
This was all posted on ISAC at the time it occurred, and can be read there---Shelby Earnshaw posted the important parts of Officer Wright's Polce Report; which proves Sue Scheff and Mark Sudweeks lied about about me.

Sue Scheff has spread other LIES about me---and she knows it. Some of these lies are verbal, and some of these lies are in written form. Anyone listening to what Sue Scheff, has said about me, would believe that I am "evil...that I sit on the right hand of the devil...that my daughter is a liar....that I paid Whitmore children to lie about being abused by the Sudweeks....that I am crazy........"

I am none of those things, and I did none of those things.
My husband and I wrote a statement to ISAC, and in this statement we criticized Sue Scheff's referral of our family to Whitmore Academy.  We are not the only Whitmore family who wrote such a statement to ISAC, criticizing Sue Scheff and Pure--but I have been targeted by Sue Scheff: once even receiving a letter from her attorney, Mr. Pollack. This letter is posted on ISAC.
It appears that Ms. Scheff believes she can speak mistruths about   others, at will: but  any criticism of Sue Scheff and PURE generates  litigation threats..

I agree with Sue Scheff:  "FREEDOM of SPEECH" does not give her the "right" to "destroy, discredit, defame and ruin others with false statements"---and I would appreciate if she would stop doing that in regards to me and my daughter.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Sue Scheff The Liar and FAT IZZY
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2007, 07:25:40 PM »
Sue and Fat Izzy--you will both get what's coming to you.  You are both in trouble and you are too stupid to see what's coming. For sure you're going to love the court this time around and then the next time and the next time.

Sue Scheff talks about "evil begets evil" like she is some kind of Mother Theresa.  You and your idiotic "partner" are in hot water for all the SHIT you pulled on so many people.

Here's one for ya Miss Bible:

"Ye shall know them by their deeds."   Figure that one out you 2 dopes!!!!!!!!!!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Is Sue Scheff Related to Rev. Haggard?
« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2007, 07:29:29 PM »
Waygookin said it best on Mz. Scheff:

"May god have mercy on your soul Sue Scheff for what you profess to do in his name."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »