Author Topic: Which usa city has worst meth and cops ?  (Read 1586 times)

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Offline iknowcedulies

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Which usa city has worst meth and cops ?
« on: January 09, 2007, 01:22:53 PM »
I just quoted an article about a study, based on federal drug statistics. Such statistics show that meth use is confined to about four tenths of one percent of the population. Hardly "everywhere", and in fact much less than either cocaine or marijuana.

Meth pushers are everywhere trying to make a buck off of an addiction that kills. There is a lot of money in making people into junkies and killing them. The drug will bring you down so fast you'll never know what happened to you. It make you lose your dignity, your character, anything good in your life before it kills you. This is an epidemic that is killing the promise of many youth and just because you've chosen to stick your head in the sand does not make a growing problem go away.

Again, you have no evidence. None of you "the sky is falling", Chicken Little types have presented any. One guy, below, even worked a little scoffing about "invasion from Mexico" into his reply, which is really funny, since most meth isn't made in bathtubs here in the USA, but rather comes over the Mexican border, where it is made in superlabs. So the idiot claims to hate meth, but loves the little brown stubbies who smuggle it in. One doesn't know whether to laugh or cry at such stupidity. When this is how poorly a typical citizen reasons, no wonder those in media and gov't who manipulate the public mind lie to you with increasing brazeness. It's so easy to stampede you into anything. In just the last few years you have been stampeded into surrendering every right you have under the Bill of Rights, and the stampede started with the "War on Drugs". ... g0625.html

I believe that you are being played like a violin by people who have something to gain by exaggerating the problem. Don't think so? Well then, present your evidence that meth is "everywhere". If you can, I'll change my mind. Don't have any? Hmm. Why am I not surprised ...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Which usa city has worst meth and cops ?
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2007, 08:50:55 PM »
War on drugs is bullshit.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Which usa city has worst meth and cops ?
« Reply #2 on: January 18, 2007, 01:04:34 AM »
you're an idiot.......METH (ice, T, TINA, Champagne, ETC) isn't made in super labs in Mexico you moron it's made in the US in with cookers ranging from apts in AZ and CT to trailers in the MIDWEST. WItness the recent evidence of  pharmacies nationwide pulling off allergy medications that have the main active ingredients in meth from all there store shelves and placing it behind the counters or drug manufactures fearing a loss of profit share who've simply changed the formula in order to cut the theft of their product which has expereinced MAJOR upswing in the last several years.

This drug is everywhere and is used by everyone. Since it's an amphetimine the users usually appear to be together and "WITH IT" as opposed to people who are drunk and stupid from THC in pot.  HOWEVER the use of Meth over time will make you nutty, psychotic and paranoid/dillusional. I shot up slammed/mainlined for three years and have been off for nearly 4 months. Don't take my word that blue color and WHITE color workers are taking it, that houswives, teenagers, gays, truck drivers, doctors and more are taking it look at the national statistics of METH related incidents in US ERs.......skyrocketed over the last decade. This drug is horrible with a less than 6% average recovery rate. I'm one of the lucky ones. Blame those in the US with access to fertilizer not mexicans with access to refried beans, limes and US borders...........According to documents and the History Channel Hitler was fond of giving this to his troops as witnessed by their incrediblly swift assault and round the clock attacks on their WW2 targets. ALso, incredible of true, that JFK and Jackie O were given daily injections of meth (assumedly into muscle tissue not veins) as their Dr thought it was a vitamin as it provided the perfect pick me up for the often tired or frazzeled pair before the devestating effects of the drug were known.

SO do some research, live your live and expereince some things first hand, read, ask questions, google some statistics or for god's sake at least watch the history channel before baselessly blaming Mexicans for the VAST and quickly growing epidemic of Meth use in the U.S.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Which usa city has worst meth and cops ?
« Reply #3 on: January 18, 2007, 11:37:33 AM »
Mainline methamphetamine and begin the healing of your psyche. Tweaking helps maintain (or restore) mental health. Do not be deceived by the slanderous propaganda of the evil bitch Betty Sembler and her demented lackeys at the Drug Free AMerica FOundation. They lie about the beneficial drug methamphetamine to furhter their own twisted and evil ends. They cannot stand the fact that meth heals and reveals the path to happiness and health, so they slander it and it's users. They hate tweakers because we are immune to the lies and deceit that are necessary components of their brainwashing process. We cannot be used by them, cowed to their will, so they demonize and oppress us; they fear us because they fear all that is free and beautiful, resent all who are brave enough to think for themselves, who question the statements of those who would limit our freedoms.

Use meth and begin to reap the benfits of this powerful agent. Assert your independence of mind by slamming Tina in defiance of Straight and those that conform to Straightlike thinking..

Eating methamphetamine of other methods of administration such as smoking, injection, or doing a booty bump by shoving crystal meth into your rectum makes you immune to the brainwashing from Straight. It enables you to unlock a greater amount of your brain's power, and you will see how ridiculous not only Straight's, but society's brainwashing and indoctrination really is, and you will be free of it, thanks to the higher perspective afforeded you by meth.

The reason methamphetamine is so effective on humans is because we have evolved naturally to have a symbiotic relationship with the methamphetamine chemical, a relationship which has been disturbed by authoritarian forces with a paternalistic bent that seek to control not only your actions, but your thoughts, your very mind and sense of self. The use of methamphetamin thwarts their ability to do these things, so they seek to eliminate the practice and to eradicate the drug.

Use tweak and destroy the Straight that still exists in your mind.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Which usa city has worst meth and cops ?
« Reply #4 on: January 18, 2007, 11:45:29 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Mainline methamphetamine and begin the healing of your psyche. Tweaking helps maintain (or restore) mental health. Do not be deceived by the slanderous propaganda of the evil bitch Betty Sembler and her demented lackeys at the Drug Free AMerica FOundation. They lie about the beneficial drug methamphetamine to furhter their own twisted and evil ends. They cannot stand the fact that meth heals and reveals the path to happiness and health, so they slander it and it's users. They hate tweakers because we are immune to the lies and deceit that are necessary components of their brainwashing process. We cannot be used by them, cowed to their will, so they demonize and oppress us; they fear us because they fear all that is free and beautiful, resent all who are brave enough to think for themselves, who question the statements of those who would limit our freedoms.

Use meth and begin to reap the benfits of this powerful agent. Assert your independence of mind by slamming Tina in defiance of Straight and those that conform to Straightlike thinking..

Eating methamphetamine of other methods of administration such as smoking, injection, or doing a booty bump by shoving crystal meth into your rectum makes you immune to the brainwashing from Straight. It enables you to unlock a greater amount of your brain's power, and you will see how ridiculous not only Straight's, but society's brainwashing and indoctrination really is, and you will be free of it, thanks to the higher perspective afforeded you by meth.

The reason methamphetamine is so effective on humans is because we have evolved naturally to have a symbiotic relationship with the methamphetamine chemical, a relationship which has been disturbed by authoritarian forces with a paternalistic bent that seek to control not only your actions, but your thoughts, your very mind and sense of self. The use of methamphetamin thwarts their ability to do these things, so they seek to eliminate the practice and to eradicate the drug.

Use tweak and destroy the Straight that still exists in your mind.

 :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Which usa city has worst meth and cops ?
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2007, 06:33:30 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
national statistics of METH related incidents in US ERs.......skyrocketed over the last decade.

Cite source.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Which usa city has worst meth and cops ?
« Reply #6 on: January 31, 2007, 06:00:19 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
national statistics of METH related incidents in US ERs.......skyrocketed over the last decade.

Cite source.

Also, please provide a source for the claim that less than 6% recover from meth dependency.

Provide a source that supports a claim that more meth comes from kitchen cooks than superlabs in South America.

It might also be noted that the meth coming from Mexico is far more toxic and "pure" than domestic meth, which in turn creates far more cases of addiction/dependancy as well as medical complications.
Better meth, use goes up. Dirty crank, use goes down. (Want proof?)

Ive read in numerous credible medical journals that the recovery rate is closer to 21%.

Still not good, but certainly better than Mr Mainlines estimate.

As for the first post. Whats your point? That you have your head in your ass?

Educate yourself

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »