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« on: November 02, 2006, 10:40:03 AM »


Sue Scheff? - Bringing Families Back TogetherSM

What's New
NEW Sue Scheff And P.U.R.E. Set Sights For 2007
NEW Sue Scheff Reveals What Led to the $11.3 M Victory
NEW Troubled Teen Programs - 25 Plaintiffs Join in Lawsuit Against WWASPS, Cross Creek Manor, Robert Lichfield, and Associates ? More Expected to Join In
NEW Sue Scheff Wins $11.3 Million For Internet Defamation
NEW Internet Defamation can carry a Big Price Tag
 The Miami Herald Article on PURE and Sue Scheff: After her own harrowing experience, a Weston mom formed Parents Universal Resource Experts

Sue Scheff is a Parent Advocate who promotes Parent Awareness and who is about Parents Helping Parents. She believes that educating parents about an extremely confusing industry is the first step to finding the best help for their teen.

Parents are completely foreign to the industry of teen help until they experience problems with their own teens. Sue Scheff's personal experiences when her daughter was abused in a program in 2000 are what prompted her to create her organization, Parent's Universal Resource Experts, Inc. (PURE).

She is well aware of the dangers in the industry and has dedicated her life to helping parents by providing the knowledge they need to see through the glossy brochures and slick DVD's or videos.

Sue Scheff recognizes the politics in the teen-help industry and helps sift through the confusion. She offers assistance in how to research and investigate schools and programs - hints and tips that can make all the difference in the world for their child and family.

Sue Scheff has a built a network of parents over the past seven years. She has connected many parents throughout the country who were silently suffering with today's teens and issues, letting them know they are not alone in their feelings.

Mothers are typically the ones calling, the ones hurting, the ones fearing for the safety and well-being of their troubled teen. Often times their lives are a mess from the turmoil teens have created within their household. As a result of this, M.E.S.S. (Mother's Existing and Silently Suffering) is currently being created by a parent. Fathers suffer also, however the majority of parents calling are mothers.

Sue Scheff continues to visit schools and programs. She listens to parent feedback and student feedback. She uses this feedback as a powerful tool in locating quality schools and programs for teens.

Since 2001 Sue Scheff has grown her organization, Parent's Universal Resource Expert's (PURE), to be widely recognized throughout the country and world. P.U.R.E., recognized for its integrity, sound professional advice, and honesty, has been a Member of the Better Business Bureau for the past 4 years.

The World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools (WWASPS aka WWASP) attempted to silence Sue Scheff by putting her through a 2+ year legal battle. Her desire to be a voice for those who were silenced and to fight for the rights of children helped her during a time when she was emotionally ripped apart. She won against the World Wide Association of Specialty Programs and Schools (WWASPS aka WWASP) in a Jury Trial in their home state of Utah.

In June 2006, Sue Scheff again defeated WWASPS in the Appellate Court. She is someone who has come under attack on forums and blogs in an effort to discredit her. However her voice is stronger than ever for the parents who are desperate and at their wits end! The attempt to silence Sue Scheff was lost, and she will continue her fight to raise parent awareness.

Sue Scheff's and P.U.R.E.'s dedication and devotion to parents and children are seen through the countless thank-you letters, e-mails, and cards they receive on a regular basis. Please review the testimonials.

Many professionals such as Lawyers, Therapists, Doctors, and others refer to P.U.R.E. and Sue Scheff to help their clients, as they have grown to trust her judgment. Please review their excellent references on the P.U.R.E. website.

Sue Scheff and P.U.R.E. are not about textbook studies, they are based on reality. They deal with real-life situations - parents whose feelings and emotions are tested as their teen is spiraling out of control. She has been there for these parents, letting them know they are not alone and that they do not need to suffer alone.

Sue Scheff and P.U.R.E. work with organizations such as Coalition against Institutionalized Children Abuse (CAICA) in an effort to help bring awareness to a multi-billion dollar industry that continues to grow and that is virtually unknown.

Due to the overwhelming number of requests, Sue Scheff is in the final stage of writing her book - it will be a useful tool for parents and will include what desperate parents are saying today, options and alternatives, as well as real life experiences.

Sue Scheff was contacted by Zadig Production in France in 2002 to assist with a documentary that outlined the alleged abuse of teens today in facilities as well as her publicized trial that she won against WWASPS in 2004. The film aired in Australia in 2006, however is not yet scheduled for release in the United States.

Sue Scheff and P.U.R.E. are promoting the future release of "What Every Parent Needs to Know" coming out in the fall of 2006. This CD will be an introduction to parents just stepping into the arena of the teen help industry.

Sue Scheff was recently interviewed on WNN 1470 AM Health Talk Radio, discussing the need for parent awareness. Sue Scheff encouraged people to take a moment and sign the International Petition to End Child Abuse sponsored by CAICA.

Sue Scheff recognizes there are survivors of programs from many years ago who suffered the ultimate price. Sue feels pain for their experiences, however realizes that their apparent desire to close all programs is not the solution - helping parents find safe and qualified schools that can benefit today's teens is what is needed.

Sue Scheff and P.U.R.E. recognize the need for strong regulations and guidelines for private teen programs and schools. Since currently, there is little to no governmental regulations or oversight, and no method for children in these programs to report abuse, Sue Scheff and P.U.R.E. will continue their research and will continue to find safe alternatives for children.

There are no perfect schools, there are no perfect programs. But making the mistake of choosing the wrong one could be very costly, and not just in terms of money.

Sue Scheff and PURE believe in:

Helping Teens - not Harming Them

Building them up - not Breaking them down

Positive and Nurturing Environments - not Punitive

Family Involvement in Programs - not Isolation from the teen

Protect Children - not Punish them

Copyright © 2001-2006 Sue Scheff, P.U.R.E.
To get Help, CLICK HERE or Call TOLL FREE: 1-866-798-2285
P.U.R.E. does not provide legal advice and does not have an attorney on staff.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2006, 11:03:42 AM »
One sick bitch
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2006, 12:03:20 PM »
it says parent advocate under her name. she sure isnt a child advocate that is for sure.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2006, 01:57:54 PM »
Can't they post this stuff on IZZY's Ca-Ca- site?

Oh, forgot.  No one reads CA-CA.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2006, 03:23:40 PM »
Great, shouldn't be too long until we see a Sue Scheff Rebuttal Dot Com website.  Ain't the Internet grand?  

:rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #5 on: November 04, 2006, 08:49:07 AM »

What about the little detail of Sue Scheff's business partner, Marie Peart?   Marie Peart has at least 2 known CRIMINAL convictions in UTAH for theft and fraud.  

Marie Peart was MARRIED into the WWASP companies.  She admitted in court to taking kids and having them sleep in her basement while parents thought they were paying for a legitimate program---they were really paying about $3,000 a month for Marie Peart's basement.

Sue Scheff may end up with a criminal conviction for perjury.  Move over Martha!

Thanks for bringing this to our attention SUE SCHEFF AND DIZZY IZZY.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #6 on: November 04, 2006, 11:18:08 AM »
Philip Elberg, of Medvin & Elberg of Newark, New Jersey, sharply criticized Scheff and other people who refer parents to programs for troubled teens. ?People in this industry have consistently used their money and their access to lawyers to silence critics of the industry and this may be one of those examples,? Elberg said. ?Sue Scheff is simply another person in the industry of people who make money from the plight of frightened parents.??

Note: It would appear that Ms. Scheff has a selective memory. This statement by Mr. Elberg was published by the news media in a news publication - not a message board or blog.

Second, the "blogsphere" was not represented at the trial ergo this "victory" has an unavoidable "hollow" ring to it. The defendant did not (could not according to her) tell her side of the story.

Third, according to news reports, Ms. Scheff through her attorney David Pollack offered to settle the case for $35,000 pre-trial.

Fourth: According to transcripts from the WWASPS v. PURE trial it was learned that Sue Scheff continued to refer children to WWASPS programs after removing her own daughter from one of their programs claiming it was abusive and after starting PURE.

Source: Court Document: WWASPS v. PURE

Fifth: In a press release issued by ISAC, an acronym for the International Survivors Action Committee, one of the programs to which Scheff makes referrals, Whitmore Academy, was initially charged with multiple counts of child abuse and hazing in connection with four children at the boarding school.

The owner recently pled no contest to four counts of hazing, and was ordered to pay fines and complete community service.

The prosecuting attorney told the Deseret News, ?I believe it effectively shuts them down in the state of Utah.? According to a September 2006 news article by the Deseret News, ?The former operator of a therapeutic school [Whitmore Academy] for troubled youths, who has been kicked out of Mexico and accused of starving horses in Canada, has agreed not to run another rehabilitation school in Juab County.?

The allegations of child abuse did not deter Scheff from enrolling children for a profitable sum of money. In a separate case, the United States Court of Appeals found that defendants PURE and Sue Scheff, "[C]ompete with the schools associated with World Wide. PURE schools pay Ms. Scheff a substantial sum whenever a child enrolls in its program based on her recommendation."

According to the non-profit International Survivors Action Committee (ISAC), Scheff and her company are on the ISAC ?watch list? for questionable practices that may place children at risk for abuse or neglect.

Source: ... ctory.html

Watch List

Sixth: Sue Scheff's friend and colleague Isabelle Zehnder (Caica) has written and published material on her website relevant to a referral agency called Teen Revitalization accusing them of selling potentially abusive programs and sharply criticizing them for failing to provide the names of the programs they promote (see below).

However, Ms. Zehnder fails to point out that PURE (also a referral agency) does not provide the names of the programs they promote either.  Ms. Zehnder also to fails to point out that Marie Peart, a PURE associate who maintains a referral website called Parent and Teen Resources ( also does not disclose the names of the programs she refers to. Both PURE and PAT receive a commission (finder's fee) from the programs they refer parents to that result in a placement.

Isn't this a bit like the pot calling the kettle black?

BUYER BEWARE by Isabelle Zehnder

It is believed Teen Revitalization/Russ Bundy is another referral agency selling potentially abusive programs for children, teens, and young adults

Mr. Bundy fails to provide names of the facilities he promotes. It is our belief these facilities are potentially abusive WWASP/WWASPS/ Lichfield-affiliated programs. Programs with a long history of alleged abuse and neglect inflicted on the children, teens, and young adults entrusted in their care. We urge you to take time to compare the programs.

It is further believed individuals, like Mr. Bundy, who promote these programs receive $1,000 for each child they refer to the program. It has been documented that one referral consultant has earned as much as $50,000 in one month referring children to these programs.

CAICA has been informed by parents whose children were in these programs that they would receive one month free tuition for each child they refer to the program, and $1,000 per child they refer after their own child leaves the program.

Below is a list of the facilities promoted by Teen Revitalization along with a short description provided along with a "Learn More" link (in red) for more information.

Below each program promoted by Teen Revitalization are links (in green) where you can make the comparison for yourself and see if you believe the programs promoted by Teen Revitalization are affiliated to WWASP/WWASPS/Richard Lichfield, programs with a history of alleged and documented abuse and neglect to the children and teens in their care


Seventh:  Isabelle Zehnder apparently supports and promotes wilderness therapy in spite of underscoring (in a song published on her website) the death of one teen named Aaron Bacon who died in a wilderness therapy program.  Perhaps Ms. Zehnder, out of respect for the Bacon family, should reconsider using their son to underscore that children are crying/dying while at the same time promoting (selling) the very kind of "therapy" that killed him.

Excerpt from Song Children Are Crying/Dying by Isabelle Zehnder

Aaron Bacon

I held out my cup, they wouldn?t fill it
I cried out for help, they wouldn?t give it
I was so hungry, could they not see?
All they gave me was some pine-needle tea
For breakfast I foraged for prickly-pear cactus
For me, there in the hills, there was no solace
They forced me to hike when I was weak
There came a point I could no longer speak
If mom and dad had known what I would face
They would never have sent me to this place
No blanket, or a sleeping bag at night
Laying in the night air, at 25 Fahrenheit
They called me a liar, they ridiculed me
They said I was faking for some sympathy
The sky looked purple I saw lights flashing
The next thing I knew my body was thrashing
I lost the fight for my life that day
How many more children must die this way?

Caica page promotion of wilderness therapy:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2006, 09:56:34 PM »
Richard Litchfield?  I've heard of Robert Litchfield (BOB) but this is not a name I recognize.  Who is this guy?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #8 on: November 04, 2006, 10:54:10 PM »
Sue Scheff's own words:

Sue Scheff recognizes there are survivors of programs from many years ago who suffered the ultimate price. Sue feels pain for their experiences, however realizes that their apparent desire to close all programs is not the solution - helping parents find safe and qualified schools that can benefit today's teens is what is needed.

Sue Scheff and P.U.R.E. recognize the need for strong regulations and guidelines for private teen programs and schools. Since currently, there is little to no governmental regulations or oversight, and no method for children in these programs to report abuse, Sue Scheff and P.U.R.E. will continue their research and will continue to find safe alternatives for children.

There are no perfect schools, there are no perfect programs. But making the mistake of choosing the wrong one could be very costly, and not just in terms of money.

MANY YEARS AGO?  What planet does Scheff live on?  Does she even bother to read the stories on CAICA's own website, many of which are recent?  How about Layne Brown?  Pepper sprayed by Randall Hinton who apparently is the same guy who handled Scheff's referrals at WWASPS?  How about the anti-wwasps websites (NOT CAICA)?  Think those stories are from MANY YEARS AGO?  I'm sorry, but I am really sick of what sounds like a lot of spin vs. reality.  This statement by Scheff is just plain wrong, IMO, especially when you factor in the WHITMORE kids and parents, who are currently involved in a civil lawsuit.  This is going ON RIGHT NOW.  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Ever Heard of CONSUMER FRAUD Sue Scheff
« Reply #9 on: November 05, 2006, 06:21:38 PM »
Sue Scheff said:
"Sue Scheff and P.U.R.E. will continue their
research and will continue to find safe alternatives for children."

And tell us again, Sue Scheff, exactly what are your qualifications to "research" and "find safe alternatives for children"?

Let's see:

1.  You have a high school education or GED.
2.  You sold WWASP programs after your daughter was out and she told you of the abuse.
3.  You make money on your referrals of parents to YOUR select programs.  
4.  You disguise your "referrals" and confuse parents by calling them "a resource."
5.  You've been sued for fraud and how many lawsuits have you been in so far?
6.  You had to remove your lie on your web site that you have a college degree.
7.  You had to remove your lies that you had a lawyer "on staff" and other real professionals.

YEA, Sue Scheff is real "qualified" to "research" programs that are "safe" alternatives.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #10 on: November 10, 2006, 07:55:21 PM »
BUYER BEWARE by Isabelle Zehnder

It is believed Teen Revitalization/Russ Bundy is another referral agency selling potentially abusive programs for children, teens, and young adults.

Mr. Bundy fails to provide names of the facilities he promotes. It is our belief these facilities are potentially abusive WWASP/WWASPS/ Lichfield-affiliated programs. Programs with a long history of alleged abuse and neglect inflicted on the children, teens, and young adults entrusted in their care. We urge you to take time to compare the programs.

It is further believed individuals, like Mr. Bundy, who promote these programs receive $1,000 for each child they refer to the program. It has been documented that one referral consultant has earned as much as $50,000 in one month referring children to these programs.

CAICA has been informed by parents whose children were in these programs that they would receive one month free tuition for each child they refer to the program, and $1,000 per child they refer after their own child leaves the program.

Below is a list of the facilities promoted by Teen Revitalization along with a short description provided along with a "Learn More" link (in red) for more information.

Below each program promoted by Teen Revitalization are links (in green) where you can make the comparison for yourself and see if you believe the programs promoted by Teen Revitalization are affiliated to WWASP/WWASPS/Richard Lichfield, programs with a history of alleged and documented abuse and neglect to the children and teens in their care



That link isn't working.   Can someone tell me where to find this article?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #11 on: November 10, 2006, 08:46:49 PM »
Did Isabelle move her article on Teen Revitalization?  That link definitly doesn't work anymore.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #12 on: November 10, 2006, 08:49:07 PM »
Funny how IZZY just moves, or deletes those links isn't it?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »