Author Topic: This has gone too far.  (Read 4929 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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This has gone too far.
« on: November 01, 2006, 10:51:44 AM »
I don't eat much anymore. I go day after day hoping that something I do will change things here, wondering how all of this is supposed to play out when I am in darkness, when I am tormented by people repeating to me things I thought were said in private, when events have become so eerie I cry and cry: this is a nightmare. I am beyond pissed, I am beyond tired. I am not responsible for you, but I am responsible for right action in accordance with right teaching.  

When I go to an adjunct sort of medical appointment, I believe I have the right to expect a professional setting wherein someone is not yet another person fucking with my head by pretending not to know something they know for sure. When I then hear words I said to them coming out of someone else's mouth, to let me know that this person was in fact an informant, I am drawn even closer to certain philosophies.

Here is some of what has entered into my consciousness. I hold it up to current events. I see that we are a web of resonating energies. Where crime, torture, and guilt are concerned, every person is a player, every person affects the outcome. Silence plays as big a role as action.

I long for a different way. How can there be any true resolution when all voices are not allowed to speak around the campfire? When there is scapegoating, we have exited the human race. We don't understand the seasons anymore, hell, we hardly need them anymore. How can we think our way is right, when all of our ways contribute to the suffering that cloaks the earth now? It starts with what we eat, it starts with how we get it, it starts with our inexcusable ignorance. Where have we come from? Why are we on the road together, here?

And why, why is there so much silence, not sweet and peaceful silence, but the silence that comes from games, schemes, and plots, the silence that comes from the incorrect use of power. Information gets passed back and forth. No one speaks plainly. If people have truly enjoyed this, I can only ask why. If people have enjoyed the lie, have enjoyed knowing something I don't know, I think to myself, what a hateful culture I live in. What a truly indecent and hateful culture. What a culture of deception. If there is any reason I have been the target of such indecency and hatred, let me be in the company of saints and sages in my hours of darkness, for my role on earth is certainly not to prove I am less stained by ignorance than anyone else.

I needed the truth and you would not give it to me. I needed company, and you sat with me with false intentions. I know now this crime started a long time ago, and I wonder how many people have failed to truly and humanly help me, and why. How blind. How unkind. How very very indecently unkind. Now I am supposed to know who on earth to count on? People here knew months ago. You and anybody else who has known for months have endangered me, you are complicit in the torment I have been living in, and you are complicit in the crimes you observe. But so are the cops who watched this thing go down. They are not real men, they are predators anticipating a kill and a meal. They do not protect and serve me, they serve their own appetites. Read it and weep, USAmerica. Your ways must end.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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This has gone too far.
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2006, 10:55:56 AM »
[Excerpted from The Way of the Human Being by Calvin Luther Martin]

Visualize a simple physics exercise: imagine an opaque screen with two holes in it, one above the other. Electrons are fired at the screen from an electron source. Some of the electrons pass through the top hole and some through the bottom hole, and on passing through the holes their pattern is registered on an electron detector, similar to a television screen, set up behind the screen.

"Now , when the top hole in the shade [screen] is covered," continues MIT professor Alan Lightman, "a certain pattern of light is seen on the television screen, and when the bottom hole is covered another pattern is seen. We may interpret the first pattern of light as that produced by electrons traveling through the bottom hole, and the second pattern as that produced by electrons traveling through the top." Simple enough. "When we uncover both holes, however, the pattern of light is not the sum of the first two patterns, but a completely different pattern. In fact, the new pattern is what we would expect if each electron could divide itself into many pieces and simultaneously pass through both holes."

The metaphysical bomb begins to tick.

We now install an electron counter behind each hole, a device that merely clicks when an electron passes through the hole but does not obstruct the passage of the electron on its journey. We are now able to see where electrons land on the television screen and can tell which hole they pass through on the way there. The result is unnerving. "What we in fact find is that the two new detectors [counters] never click at the same time. One clicks, then the other clicks, but never two clicks together with the same electron, None of the electrons passes through both holes at once." What's more, "when the two new detectors are in place, the pattern of light on the television screen changes to the sum of two one-hole patterns, as we would expect from a situation in which some electrons travel through the top hole and some through the bottom."

"To sum up, when we don't measure which hole each electron goes through, each electron behaves as if it subdivides on the way to the shade and passes through both holes at once; when we do measure, each electron behaves as if it stayed whole and passed through only one opening."

There are variations on this experiment, which has been repeated many times in laboratories all over the world. In fact, pick up just about any introductory physics textbook and it's there. Sometimes it is described as the double-slit experiment, as here; at others, the beam is split using mirrors. But the results are essentially the same. The point is that what we choose to measure somehow determines the performance of the electron. "Somehow," says Lightman, "the properties of the electron depend on the mind asking the questions." At extreme conditions of reality and matter -- the microcosmic (the subatomic world) and the macrocosmic (the universe itself) -- objectivity seems to vanish and the observer becomes, literally, a part of the experiment, determining the outcome. "The observer," in the words of Princeton physicist John Archibald Wheeler, "is inescapably promoted to participator. In some strange sense, this is a participatory universe."

Mankind, it seems, has an unavoidable role in creating the reality of the universe. There was a time, continued Wheeler, when scientists imagined the universe as something outside them, amenable to inspection "without personal involvement," as though one were looking at it through a glass window. "The truth, quantum theory tells us, is quite different. Even when we want to observe, not a galaxy, not a star, but something so miniscule as an electron, we have, in effect, to smash the glass, to reach in, and install measuring equipment." And when we do we inevitably change the reality of what we are observing."

Hence the chief stumbling block of quantum mechanics is measurement. For whenever one measures the performance, or the nature, of elementary particles, one inevitably changes their behavior in generally unpredictable ways. This poses a serious philosophical challenges for physics, whose whole thrust has been to predict with certainty.

[end excerpt]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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This has gone too far.
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2006, 11:08:13 AM »
"I've been afraid. But everyone is frightened, everywhere. And the sweet Lord soothes our tears, our many tears. You have big things. You know big things. But you don't look into each other's eyes. And you're hungry for quietness."

-from Nell (translated by a dear friend)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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This has gone too far.
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2006, 11:16:44 AM »
Your suffering grew and grew. No one soothed it. I saw you in pain. Everyone saw you in pain. But we are all alone now. I am sorry I could not touch it. I am sorry I could not soothe your suffering. My love for you is endless. May my love be more informed and strengthened. May I be less frightened, may I be less blind. When orphans turn to crime, may we find only our own families guilty of being too small.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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This has gone too far.
« Reply #4 on: November 02, 2006, 02:10:23 AM »
"'re equipped with a 100 billion neuron brain that's internal linkwired and fired and is a internal linkreality generating device... but YOU'VE got to do it... free yourself."--Timothy Leary

"Psychedelics often produce psychotic and even violent behavior in those who have never used them."
--Timothy Leary

Hmm, and this caught in passing:
"Re: boywonder (11:23am EST Sat Oct 30 2004)
Yes, I guess that you could call the rat neurons in a petri dish a brain. Please remember that a 100 billion neuron brain is created on this planet about every six seconds. Each one of these brains has intelligence, intuition, huge recall capability and full control over several biomechanical components. Over the course of twenty-five years each of these brains will have been programmed to do many complex things like advanced mathematics, control flight simulators, control flying machines, perform surgeries and even make more of themselves -)

This is life. It can be scary, but it is still marvelous. The point is still: can a computer with enough power, enough speed, and the right algorithms think like a human being, or will it still just be a machine." -- A Biology Geek
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Anonymous

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This has gone too far.
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2006, 04:38:21 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2006, 10:50:06 AM »
You're on the right track, if what you think is what you are, and what we all are, then we need to think differently for things to be different right? But it is very hard to think clearly when you can't hear your own thoughts over the television the stereo and the endless drone of cars and engines all around you, and it's really hard to think when someone else is telling you what they think and why you should think that way too. And we all can see clearly at this point that just because we really need all these suit wearing greedy piece of shit idiots to shut up right now, so the real people of the world can make things right, doesn't mean their going to, huh? And their poisonous ideas are like a shitty brown haze clouding up the sky and making it hard for the light of God (The Sun) to reach our hearts and minds. But there is a way to silence their lying useless tongues, cut their fucking heads off.
Many times throughout history, entire ideaologies have been silenced forever, by destroying all the minds that held it. Many millions of bones lay beneath us right now; the bones of people that thought another way, and thereby lived in a different world. And were the people that killed them punished by God for murder, like the hypocritical Christians would have us believe? No. Because the simple truth is, that God doesn't care, and even Jesus himself said that when He returned, it would be as a Lion. Does a Lion fear going to Hel because he took the life of a weaker creature? No, because there is no Hell, except living another way than you know to be right. In fact, Hel is actually a Norse word for the place that people who died of old age and disease went after they died and were tortured for being weak and fearful, and everyone else who had the courage to do battle went to Valhalla, because God really only respects courage and tenacity, and even if a warrior is crushed by a stronger foe, at least he or she stood up for what he or she wanted, and put their blade in line with their tongue. Everything else is just words. A verbal and thereby mental construct of people who were weak, who used it to trick the strong into not laying them in the dirt. Just think of how many cultures have embraced killing, not just for religious purposes, but as a way of life. Seriously, dig a little for yourself, don't take my word for it. Resentment and passive aggressivism are two of the worst emotions or mind sets that a person can have; false attachments to the past which keep the future from looking bright. And there are only two things a person can do about resentments, either mentally let them go by talking it out with someone who really cares while you are far away from the source of said resentment, and then eventually forgetting about it (of course, this is entirely dependent on the fact that new offenses are not being commited against a person, especially by the same party as commited the original one(s), which really won't work in America, will it? I'm offended everyday, how bout you?), OR do something about it. Oh yeah baby, sweet revenge. And I am being totally serious. Nothing will make you feel as good about what was done to you, as knowing that the transgressors paid it all in full, and won't be able to do that again. If you know what I am talking about, and are as serious as I am, then message me. I live in St. Pete, and we all know who is at the top of the list. Anyone else in? Things WILL be different, money will be paid back to EVERYONE, and demands will be met, or the sharks will eat good under the Skyway, got me?  :flame:   Have a good day.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Bluechair666

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PM button
« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2006, 11:06:06 AM »
Did that do it? Is there a button now? Don't message me if you are weak or stupid, please. I can't help you. Or maybe I can actually, so go ahead. :flame:
Free your mind and your ass will follow, kill the body and the head will die.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
ree your mind, and your ass will follow. George Clinton

Kill the body, and the head will die. Hunter S. Thompson

Cast not thy Pearls before the Swine. Jesus

Offline teachback

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Re: PM button
« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2006, 11:31:00 AM »
Quote from: ""DoddStraight87""
Free your mind and your ass will follow, kill the body and the head will die.

The kingdom of heaven is within!
The evil is owned by those who proclaim the greatest good.
Do what keepeth thou from wilting shall be the loophole in the law.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: Yes!!!!!
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2006, 04:29:09 PM »
Quote from: ""DoddStraight87""
But there is a way to silence their lying useless tongues, cut their fucking heads off.
Many times throughout history, entire ideaologies have been silenced forever, by destroying all the minds that held it. Many millions of bones lay beneath us right now; the bones of people that thought another way, and thereby lived in a different world. And were the people that killed them punished by God for murder, like the hypocritical Christians would have us believe? No. Because the simple truth is, that God doesn't care,

In fact, Hel is actually a Norse word for the place that people who died of old age and disease went after they died and were tortured for being weak and fearful, and everyone else who had the courage to do battle went to Valhalla, because God really only respects courage and tenacity, and even if a warrior is crushed by a stronger foe, at least he or she stood up for what he or she wanted, and put their blade in line with their tongue. Everything else is just words. A verbal and thereby mental construct of people who were weak, who used it to trick the strong into not laying them in the dirt. Just think of how many cultures have embraced killing, not just for religious purposes, but as a way of life.

Intellectuals are the shoeshine boys of the ruling elite!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Bluechair666

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This has gone too far.
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2006, 05:28:16 PM »
You better not be calling me an intellectual.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
ree your mind, and your ass will follow. George Clinton

Kill the body, and the head will die. Hunter S. Thompson

Cast not thy Pearls before the Swine. Jesus

Offline Anonymous

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This has gone too far.
« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2006, 06:06:33 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Re: This has gone too far.
« Reply #12 on: December 27, 2006, 05:26:13 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
I don't eat much anymore. I go day after day hoping that something I do will change things here, wondering how all of this is supposed to play out when I am in darkness, when I am tormented by people repeating to me things I thought were said in private, when events have become so eerie I cry and cry: this is a nightmare. I am beyond pissed, I am beyond tired. I am not responsible for you, but I am responsible for right action in accordance with right teaching.  

When I go to an adjunct sort of medical appointment, I believe I have the right to expect a professional setting wherein someone is not yet another person fucking with my head by pretending not to know something they know for sure. When I then hear words I said to them coming out of someone else's mouth, to let me know that this person was in fact an informant, I am drawn even closer to certain philosophies.

Here is some of what has entered into my consciousness. I hold it up to current events. I see that we are a web of resonating energies. Where crime, torture, and guilt are concerned, every person is a player, every person affects the outcome. Silence plays as big a role as action.

I long for a different way. How can there be any true resolution when all voices are not allowed to speak around the campfire? When there is scapegoating, we have exited the human race. We don't understand the seasons anymore, hell, we hardly need them anymore. How can we think our way is right, when all of our ways contribute to the suffering that cloaks the earth now? It starts with what we eat, it starts with how we get it, it starts with our inexcusable ignorance. Where have we come from? Why are we on the road together, here?

And why, why is there so much silence, not sweet and peaceful silence, but the silence that comes from games, schemes, and plots, the silence that comes from the incorrect use of power. Information gets passed back and forth. No one speaks plainly. If people have truly enjoyed this, I can only ask why. If people have enjoyed the lie, have enjoyed knowing something I don't know, I think to myself, what a hateful culture I live in. What a truly indecent and hateful culture. What a culture of deception. If there is any reason I have been the target of such indecency and hatred, let me be in the company of saints and sages in my hours of darkness, for my role on earth is certainly not to prove I am less stained by ignorance than anyone else.

I needed the truth and you would not give it to me. I needed company, and you sat with me with false intentions. I know now this crime started a long time ago, and I wonder how many people have failed to truly and humanly help me, and why. How blind. How unkind. How very very indecently unkind. Now I am supposed to know who on earth to count on? People here knew months ago. You and anybody else who has known for months have endangered me, you are complicit in the torment I have been living in, and you are complicit in the crimes you observe. But so are the cops who watched this thing go down. They are not real men, they are predators anticipating a kill and a meal. They do not protect and serve me, they serve their own appetites. Read it and weep, USAmerica. Your ways must end.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Dr. Frank'nFurter

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Free Your Sphincter, Turds Will Follow
« Reply #13 on: December 27, 2006, 10:04:08 PM »
Hmmm, lessee here folks, (by the way sorry for being away for so long, but I do live in the galaxy of Transylvania) we got someone signing in as Brian Dodd, yet they spout religious gibberish.  Sorta makes me wanna grab up my trusty ole Mossberg and do me a little "coon-or-is-that-Kune-hunting?"  That "Dodly" post really "Pierced" my heart with it's flowing intensity.  Ya know, posts like that may seem to come from a "Powerful Attitude" but I think its more like those charming, strapping young lads on your wonderful old show called Jack Ass.  If your gonna be dumb, you gotta be tough.

I surely hope that this is not the case, that a mentally duranged ex-Tampa boy with a daddy boy Camaro is actually masquerading as Brian Dodd.

Captain Willard-  It says here "destruction of municipal property" now where did you think that would get you?

Lucas Jackson-  I guess you could say I was'nt thinking cap'n.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline 001010

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Re: This has gone too far.
« Reply #14 on: December 29, 2006, 10:06:36 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
I long for a different way...

First you have to realize that this is up to you.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
[size=79]EST (Landmark/Lifespring/Discovery) \'83
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