Author Topic: Running - Cop Out Story - whats yours?  (Read 973 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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Running - Cop Out Story - whats yours?
« on: October 09, 2006, 11:22:08 PM »
I was on 4th phase. I had been set up to go to school - it was set up where I called in on the phone and watched a TV show on some public access channel. Up to that point my program had been pretty uneventful - i complied with the program pretty quickly when first brought in and made it up to 4th pretty quickly. It was a Wednesday and I was taking these classes and started to think about running and devising a plan - I didn't think much more about it but I thought I should tell the group about my thoughts but was scared that if I did I would get in trouble so I didn;t. A few days passed and on Sunday I was at home with no newcomers or fosterbrothers. My mom and Dad were asleep and I was in my room and all those plans that I had thought about that previous Wednesday cropped up - I didn;t know where to go but I knew that it would probably be best to get real far away - so when my parents were asleep I went downstairs -grabbed my moms purse for money, credit cards, keys to the car and a screwdriver - more on that later - I remember feeling completely petrified as I turned the key to unlock the door - as I was stepping outside my little sister who was about 9 - said where you going - I just bolted -  as I closed the door to my moms car all I could hear was my sister crying and telling me not to go. I got in the car and drove a mile or so. GOt out of the car and got the screwdriver. My parents had left an old license plate in my room - I changed the license plates and was off . My plan was to head out of state. I had gone a few miles and noticed that the gas tank was on Empty. I pulled over at gas station and pumped the gas. I look in my moms purse, no money. She did have a credit card so I went inside and tried to use one, it didn;t go through - they had already called in the credit card in less than 10 minutes - so I told the cash register guy that I was going to make a phone call and bring some money. I went outside and jumped in the car and just took off. I headed north up I-75 got to Tallahasse but I was running out of gas. It was dark by then and I pulled into a truck stop -called my parents to let them know I was ok - they begged me to come home - but I just said I couldn;t do that- I called some people at FSU that I knew but it was the week of SPring Break and none of the students were there. I fell asleep in the car and woke up to a Sheriff;s officer banging on my window. He asked me if I was so and so and he had my name correct. I couldn;t believe it. How the heck did they find me so quickly. He put me in the back of his squad car and took me to a homeless shelter for kids- they guarded me till my parents came to get me - not sure how long that was - they arrived and picked me up they put me in the back along with my minister from church - I asked them if they were going to put me back and they said yes I was going stragiht back. That was an awful trip home. I was enraged. The car was a two door and since I was in the back there was no way to get out. I pulled up on my dads seat adjustment lever put my legs on the top of the headrest and pushed as hard as I could, my dad was swerving all over the road, he begged me to stop the minister was freaking out my mom was crying it was awful. We eventually got back to the program they brought me in and I got my tongue lashing. I sat on 1st phase for about 40 days or so and did not even speak that entire time, I had to goto the doctor to remove a pin from my finger from a preprogram surgery - when i was in the parking lot I tried to take off again- it was just like the movies - running down the garage- sliding over moving cars with Staff chasing me- I got to the bottom and one of those security guards chased me down - I got started over- Ihadn;t move my legs like that in so long that I was so sore I couldn;t even stand up for a week just from the soreness - sat some more on 1st didn;t speak for another 50 60 days. I got sat out of group, all I thought about was how to run or kill myself - then my mom went off on me in Open Meeting - I mean she went off- after she sat down the whole parent side stood up and cheered - it was awful- the next sunday I just told myself I had to get out of here and I started motivating again - and got out in about 10 months - never thought about the program since- sorry for the long story i was reminded about this the other night cause my dad called and said that the minister who helped come and get me was celebrating his 25th anniversary at the church - when my dad approached him that evening- the minister said that he had been through alot, seen alot of stuff during his ministry but he said the one thing he remembers most is that car ride back from Tallahasse to put my back int he program -

I hadn;t thought about this in years


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Running - Cop Out Story - whats yours?
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2006, 11:33:20 PM »
I'll read yours when I'm less drunk; in the meantime I'll cut & paste mine in..
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Running - Cop Out Story - whats yours?
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2006, 11:39:18 PM »
In November of 1984, I had decided that had been there for long enough - over a year on 5th phase. I was working right down the street from the building washing dishes in some restaurant...I had a paycheck on me. My only bank account was a joint account w/ my parents (all we were allowed) so I didn't think I could cash it. Naive, I know. I had my ticket to freedom on me the whole time and didn't even realize it! Hindsight's 20/20.

I remember that day riding into "the building" from my host home in Silver Spring or somewhere around DC. It was like early afternoon when I would walk down to the dishing job. That was when I did it. There was a bridge over some railroad tracks. Down the embankment I went to the turning back now. That was it. I was gone. I followed the tracks in the direction that I thought Baltimore might be. I don't know how far I went before deciding to venture away from the tracks. Probably at least a mile. I went into a gas station and walked up to a few people and asked them for rides. Finally this black guy agreed to let me ride with him. He got me as far as Arlington. I remember walking for a while there before getting to the bridge that went into DC. It was getting dark by then. I had nowhere to go, so just hung around watching all the people on the 'strip' in Georgetown there...

I started walking. I walked and walked thinking about how I was going to get to Baltimore. I ended up in a bad neighborhood. Some guy about my age and this little punk that was with him approached me. The guy was smiling at me. It didn't seem right. It wasn't. He caught me with a right to my lip. Being scared of getting my ass kicked or being killed, I reached in my pocket for the check which I intended to hand over and they ran off. I heard the punk say something about a knife. They had thought that I was trying to pull a knife on them. I saw an older, more respectable looking guy out on the street. I told him what had just happened, that I had split from a rehab and needed somewhere to stay. Just to get off the street. He said that he was having his girl over so he couldn't put me up, and that I ought to consider going back to my family if I had any. Little did he know about the brainwashing job Straight had done on my parents. I saw a homeless shelter and went in. They didn't want to take me because of what hour it was. I managed to talk them into letting me spend the night. Not a good experience. Before going to bed they made you take a shower. Creepy. The snoring was terrible. I didn't sleep that night but at least I was off the street...

So I got up & ate the paste-like oatmeal & drank the coffee and started walking around DC. It was overcast and colder that day. I wandered onto a college campus somewhere and looked around for anyone who I thought I could approach and ask if they knew anyone headed to Baltimore...If I had it to do over, I would have just been persistant and bummed enough money for a bus ticket outta there (or cashed that check somewhere and used that) Anyway, I remember going into the Hirschorn museum and killing like 2-3 hours in there walking around and sleeping on a bench. I stayed until it closed. I approached people on the street and asked them if they knew of somewhere that I could stay for a night or if they knew of anyone going to Baltimore that I could ride with. Shots in the dark.

Why did I cop-out when I was 18 and could have just withdrawn myself? I had already tried that. My sister talked me into staying because I would have had no ride home that night. I don't recall what she said to me. So now I had decided to cop out. All I had to do was to get to Baltimore and let the chips fall where they may. I'd find my old friends in a heartbeat. I walked around some more. I walked to the Wilson center (an old all-ages club) It was closed or shut down. Any money I got my hands on I spent on food. I ended up kind of pairing up with this homeless guy on the street and he told me that he was headed back to a good shelter. I walked with him. When we got near the place, I was hesitant about going in. The bums were threatening him saying that they were going to roll him for his money. I remember him telling me that he had been trying to save up so he could get off the street. I decided to bail. I had had enough of homeless shelters anyway. It had begun to rain. I was cold. At that point I decided to give up. I called my mom. I told her I was at the greyhound station. She showed up a while later crying as if she were relieved to see me alive. We rode up to Baltimore. What we talked about during that ride I don't know. I can't remember if I tried to ask her if I could just stay home and to hell with the program, or what?In any case, ultimately I resolved to go back in. I knew I'd be started over. But it's like I had gotten used to being there and the people there that I didn't really know what else to do after so much time away. So I went back to str8 & ended up finishing in about 6 weeks. They 'pushed me through' the program. About time...

It wasn't long after that that my mom kicked me out of the house for hanging out with my "druggie" friends, even though I wasn't getting high with them. I didn't leave because I wanted to get high...I just wanted my freedom again.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline starry-eyed pirate

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Re: Running - Cop Out Story - whats yours?
« Reply #3 on: October 10, 2006, 02:01:30 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
I was on 4th phase. I had been set up to go to school - it was set up where I called in on the phone and watched a TV show on some public access channel. Up to that point my program had been pretty uneventful - i complied with the program pretty quickly when first brought in and made it up to 4th pretty quickly. It was a Wednesday and I was taking these classes and started to think about running and devising a plan - I didn't think much more about it but I thought I should tell the group about my thoughts but was scared that if I did I would get in trouble so I didn;t. A few days passed and on Sunday I was at home with no newcomers or fosterbrothers. My mom and Dad were asleep and I was in my room and all those plans that I had thought about that previous Wednesday cropped up - I didn;t know where to go but I knew that it would probably be best to get real far away - so when my parents were asleep I went downstairs -grabbed my moms purse for money, credit cards, keys to the car and a screwdriver - more on that later - I remember feeling completely petrified as I turned the key to unlock the door - as I was stepping outside my little sister who was about 9 - said where you going - I just bolted -  as I closed the door to my moms car all I could hear was my sister crying and telling me not to go. I got in the car and drove a mile or so. GOt out of the car and got the screwdriver. My parents had left an old license plate in my room - I changed the license plates and was off . My plan was to head out of state. I had gone a few miles and noticed that the gas tank was on Empty. I pulled over at gas station and pumped the gas. I look in my moms purse, no money. She did have a credit card so I went inside and tried to use one, it didn;t go through - they had already called in the credit card in less than 10 minutes - so I told the cash register guy that I was going to make a phone call and bring some money. I went outside and jumped in the car and just took off. I headed north up I-75 got to Tallahasse but I was running out of gas. It was dark by then and I pulled into a truck stop -called my parents to let them know I was ok - they begged me to come home - but I just said I couldn;t do that- I called some people at FSU that I knew but it was the week of SPring Break and none of the students were there. I fell asleep in the car and woke up to a Sheriff;s officer banging on my window. He asked me if I was so and so and he had my name correct. I couldn;t believe it. How the heck did they find me so quickly. He put me in the back of his squad car and took me to a homeless shelter for kids- they guarded me till my parents came to get me - not sure how long that was - they arrived and picked me up they put me in the back along with my minister from church - I asked them if they were going to put me back and they said yes I was going stragiht back. That was an awful trip home. I was enraged. The car was a two door and since I was in the back there was no way to get out. I pulled up on my dads seat adjustment lever put my legs on the top of the headrest and pushed as hard as I could, my dad was swerving all over the road, he begged me to stop the minister was freaking out my mom was crying it was awful. We eventually got back to the program they brought me in and I got my tongue lashing. I sat on 1st phase for about 40 days or so and did not even speak that entire time, I had to goto the doctor to remove a pin from my finger from a preprogram surgery - when i was in the parking lot I tried to take off again- it was just like the movies - running down the garage- sliding over moving cars with Staff chasing me- I got to the bottom and one of those security guards chased me down - I got started over- Ihadn;t move my legs like that in so long that I was so sore I couldn;t even stand up for a week just from the soreness - sat some more on 1st didn;t speak for another 50 60 days. I got sat out of group, all I thought about was how to run or kill myself - then my mom went off on me in Open Meeting - I mean she went off- after she sat down the whole parent side stood up and cheered - it was awful- the next sunday I just told myself I had to get out of here and I started motivating again - and got out in about 10 months - never thought about the program since- sorry for the long story i was reminded about this the other night cause my dad called and said that the minister who helped come and get me was celebrating his 25th anniversary at the church - when my dad approached him that evening- the minister said that he had been through alot, seen alot of stuff during his ministry but he said the one thing he remembers most is that car ride back from Tallahasse to put my back int he program -

I hadn;t thought about this in years



Killer story. I could "relate".  Those first actions after the decision has been made...


Was wonderin' where you were an' such...when n' all...  I mean which program were you in ??

Fuck $tr8!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
If you would have justice in this world, then begin to see that a human being is not a means to some end.  People are not commodities.  When human beings are just to one another government becomes obsolete and real freedom is born; SPIRITUAL ANARCHY.

Offline Anonymous

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Running - Cop Out Story - whats yours?
« Reply #4 on: October 10, 2006, 03:22:53 AM »
I was in a place called STEP  

It was made up of families from Tampa that were all from LIFE - (89 - 91) about 20 total months
Our program can not compare to what you guys (straight) clients went through

They were pretty much identical as far the structure, phases, confrontations, setbacks for minor infractions so forth, fear of group, all the rules were exactly the same etc.  but it differed as far as restraining- no forced sleep deprivation,  only saw it a couple of times

 They say that LIFE was toned down from Straight, it was started by Peterman i think, - I would say that Step was toned down a notch below LIFE - but I won;t claim to know what you guys went through or the people at LIFE cause I only went to LIFE two or three times -  I think I actually went on a permission with an original LIFER to visit his old buddies at LIFE- how funny is that,  take one of my days off to "enjoy" another program
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Running - Cop Out Story - whats yours?
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2006, 10:22:08 PM »
Anyone else know about LIFE? Why did Peterman start LIFE - I thought she was in like flynn at Straight - Not alot of people post on the LIFE forum and Step - I can't find anything about that place -
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Running - Cop Out Story - whats yours?
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2006, 10:44:48 PM »
Peterman fondled my junk liberally.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Running - Cop Out Story - whats yours?
« Reply #7 on: October 12, 2006, 10:45:01 PM »
Helen Peterman fondled my junk liberally.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »