Author Topic: i'm an incoming parents interested  (Read 11911 times)

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Offline Ursus

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i'm an incoming parents interested
« Reply #60 on: March 25, 2007, 08:09:38 AM »
Quote from: ""bill(y) pro""'s hard to take seriously those that bash hyde on the internet under anonymous names because they are not proud of what they say here. i've heard people say on here "you don't want others to be able to find what you say on here" well then don't post it. be proud of what you say. raise your hand high or not at all. raise it like you're proud of it. and if you're not, don't say it.
I beg to differ.  I'm proud of what I say, and I stand behind my words.  And if I find that I am wrong about something, I will acknowledge that and apologize for it.  Billy, you're not even 20 years old and you are expounding on pride and accountability like you are some world-weary sage who actually has some idea about potential consequences.  Who are you to judge?  Are you financially responsible for a family's welfare and continued existence?  Moreover, it isn't always employment that some people are concerned about.  Some of us have been through circumstances that are so traumatic it is difficult to even see it in print, let alone have our names associated with our experience.

You have thus far lived a very spoiled and protected existence with any and all significant concerns taken care of you by your parents.  People have reasons for their desire for privacy and it is not up to them to have to prove them to you.  It's supposed to be a free world.  We all know it isn't, really, but we'll take the freedoms that we can get.  I hate to bash you too hard, after all, you're still such a young guy, but growing up has a lot more to do with developing a capacity for empathy than it does with the spelling of your name.  If you want to raise your hand that high, why don't you take on an avatar?  God knows, you'll find it a lot easier to negotiate your posts.

And I have to say this:   There is absolutely no equating the life-altering soul-denigrating DISRESPECT, not to mention horrendous ABUSE, that Hyde has shoved down the throats of countless individuals over the years, with some penny ante venting on some website.  For shame, to even consider said sins in the same sentence!

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Ursus

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« Reply #61 on: March 25, 2007, 08:15:14 AM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
I posted quite a bit about a year ago and pretty much got everything off my chest that I wanted to.
Did I misspeak in my earlier post?  If so, I apologize!   :lol:   -Urs
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #62 on: March 25, 2007, 10:21:44 AM »
Quote from: ""Ursus""
Quote from: ""Guest""
I posted quite a bit about a year ago and pretty much got everything off my chest that I wanted to.
Did I misspeak in my earlier post?  If so, I apologize!   :lol:   -Urs

No, I'm a different guy, I used to post under the name "Lars."  I tried signing on and the site wouldn't take my old password, so it's just under the heading of "guest."  I'm a Hyde grad who let loose here a while back and now just check things out on occassion.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #63 on: March 25, 2007, 12:24:26 PM »
Quote from: ""Ursus""
Quote from: ""bill(y) pro""'s hard to take seriously those that bash hyde on the internet under anonymous names because they are not proud of what they say here. i've heard people say on here "you don't want others to be able to find what you say on here" well then don't post it. be proud of what you say. raise your hand high or not at all. raise it like you're proud of it. and if you're not, don't say it.
I beg to differ.  I'm proud of what I say, and I stand behind my words.  And if I find that I am wrong about something, I will acknowledge that and apologize for it.  Billy, you're not even 20 years old and you are expounding on pride and accountability like you are some world-weary sage who actually has some idea about potential consequences.  Who are you to judge?  Are you financially responsible for a family's welfare and continued existence?  Moreover, it isn't always employment that some people are concerned about.  Some of us have been through circumstances that are so traumatic it is difficult to even see it in print, let alone have our names associated with our experience.

You have thus far lived a very spoiled and protected existence with any and all significant concerns taken care of you by your parents.  People have reasons for their desire for privacy and it is not up to them to have to prove them to you.  It's supposed to be a free world.  We all know it isn't, really, but we'll take the freedoms that we can get.  I hate to bash you too hard, after all, you're still such a young guy, but growing up has a lot more to do with developing a capacity for empathy than it does with the spelling of your name.  If you want to raise your hand that high, why don't you take on an avatar?  God knows, you'll find it a lot easier to negotiate your posts.

And I have to say this:   There is absolutely no equating the life-altering soul-denigrating DISRESPECT, not to mention horrendous ABUSE, that Hyde has shoved down the throats of countless individuals over the years, with some penny ante venting on some website.  For shame, to even consider said sins in the same sentence!


I don't doubt that Billy makes some valid points about positive changes at Hyde.  But the changes he describes strike me as changes on the margins and at the edges.  The kind of change that is required in order for Hyde to be a place worth sending a kid goes FAR beyond what Billy is describing.  The destructive and abusive roots at Hyde run very deep, indeed, and they travel across decades.  Until Hyde scraps arrogant administrators like Joe Gauld, rids itself of the school's inexperienced and unskilled teachers, abandons the emotional head trips that staff lay on students and parents in those ineptly run seminars and FLC's, and toss out that silly Hyde doublespeak that's completely empty when uttered by hypocritical staff (Hyde's principles and ideals), NO one should enroll at the school.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #64 on: March 25, 2007, 01:05:41 PM »
Quote from: ""bill(y) pro""
trying the optional (y) because apparantly it might be good for me to try going by bill to grow up. i'm giving it a trial run.
ursus, i know it's hard to believe, but i've gone through a similar over-the-summer change. i went from not going out at all, still feeling awkward around new people, and not getting a taste of  "regular-outside-of-hyde teenage experiences". but last spring break and this summer, i did turn it around. i got out of myself, got over my fear of meeting new people, and ended up being able to walk into any new group and usually get an extremely positive reaction. i went to american university for an overnight visit with a friend of mine who graduated here my freshman year. her sorority was hosting their crush party of the semester the night i was there. i went, and they loved me.
so has hyde WOODSTOCK(i can not attest for bath whatsoever) made this kind of change. laura gauld, although i may hate her being as conservative as she is (she killed halloween, isn't big on letting us chest paint at basketball games, and no limos at prom this year), she has changed things for this campus for the better, things dunc just couldn't do. between strategical moves such as changing the energy of campus pattern by switching the dorms and the student-run store locations, as well as changing faculty spots (like Kevin folan being the new dean from bath), and the way things like Senior Evals are being done. there's much more of a positive vibe on campus now-a-days. part of that has to do with the Hyde @ 40 campaign. since we recieved moeny from that, there was less of a pressure to have a bunch acceptances by accpeting some kids that definitely weren't ready for hyde yet or kids that needed somethign different. because let's face it, logistically, I want you to have kids to have the school, and when you're a young school, exceptions are made to start yourself. so now we have the same amount of kids at this point in the year, even tough we started with a less-than-usual number. and that was fine. we've had more willing participants. as a matter of fact, we have had the least amount of withdrawls at this point in the year out of my four years here. i believe the number's 15 or under. it's great. and so the campus has changed, as hard as it is to believe.
a fellow senior the other night, while talking to a few about my frustration of other people seeing me the way i used to be, said "you can't pull an Amy Farkas change overnight and expect people to believe you right away." (an amy farkas change means making a drastic change in a positive way with yourself in a very short period of time, such as a summer, and in her case, in terms of self-respect and acting more like an independent woman.) i think that's valid here. it is understandable that it's hard to believe that woodstock's changed that much in a summer, but it has. but i can see why people would be skeptical. on top of that, i feel we've had less (not none, just less) of those incidents that are GROSSLY mishandled. it happens (here and any other school where human beings are in charge), but it's been less this year. any other questions i'll answer, but please be patient with time. i've only just gotten on since coming back from break.

also, laura gauld said "bill...i heard you're fighting the good fight on the fornits website." she probably heard from warnick, who i was talking to about my frustrations about some of the posters onthe site. i have a problem with this. because i'm not trying to fight anyone, but rather, to educate and inform. because i'm the one that's here right now. i know the changes that have been made. i know what's different from the other 3 years. i know the GOOD and the BAD.  and i'm not afraid to say the bad, but i will not hesitate to say what's good. i am someone who has finally come up with his own principles and has altered the tools(the words, principles, philosophies of hyde) hyde as given me into what i personally believe. not all of it corresponds with hyde. and that's okay. i feel i take a pretty objective view. and that's why i post. not to fight. and i will be telling her the same thing i'm telling ya'll. because i dont' want to be thought of as hyde's foot soldier. but i am a supporter of what a STUDENT can do (not what the school can do, b/c without a somewhat willing participant, there's only so much we can do) here for themselves. ahhh....i'm glad i got that off my chest. that's been bugging me the last few days.

asides from this, i'm really hyped. i got into my number one school: New York University!!!!!!@!@!@! so i've been excited about that. trying to find time for it, i've read about a page and a half to 2 pages of gary eskow's paper. i'm working on it.
- Bill(y) Procida '07 NYU class of '11!!!

First of all Billy, congrats on getting accepted to NYU.  You seem to be a very sincere and well meaning young guy. I live in NY and it is a great place especially for young people around the NYU campus.

Although I understand where you are coming from, I disagree (strongly) with the kinds of changes you think have been made around Hyde.  What struck me was the comment about many of the grossly mishandled incidences. The Gauld family are at the helm and as long as they are there, "grossly mishandled incidences" WILL continue as "grossly mishandled incidences."  Come on Billy, who do you think makes the final decisions at Hyde?  It is someone from the Gauld family and if they were mishandled by them previously, then they will continue to be because the Gauld family has not changed their mind set.

You say that they read the site and are not concerned.  If they read this site then why will they not answer some of the questions posed to them?  I tried to have a conversation with them by phone and tried to get them to apologize for the "grossly mishandled incident" concerning someone and guess what?  They weren't interested in talking about it.  Only the typical "hyde speak" as though they are on some kind of drug that makes them talk this way.

I don't want to have to tell you that you are naive Billy, but you are naive.  You are going through changes in your life that have nothing to do with Hyde.  Your self discovery would have happened whether you were at Hyde or not and for that you should be proud.  Only time and experiences mature us, not a Cult Leader who preaches as though he is the eternal God.   You might be a big fan of Laura Gauld, but believe me she is from the same batch of koolaide only a different flavor.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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« Reply #65 on: March 25, 2007, 03:13:05 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Ursus""
Quote from: ""Guest""
I posted quite a bit about a year ago and pretty much got everything off my chest that I wanted to.
Did I misspeak in my earlier post?  If so, I apologize!   :lol:   -Urs

No, I'm a different guy, I used to post under the name "Lars."  I tried signing on and the site wouldn't take my old password, so it's just under the heading of "guest."  I'm a Hyde grad who let loose here a while back and now just check things out on occassion.

Hi Lars, I'm SO glad you are still around!  I've admired so very much that you have said in your earlier posts!   :tup:

Try chucking your cookies first and then retry.  There have been a series of changes here regarding the system and the server and old cookies won't work.  Alternatively, try contacting admin via email:  [email protected] and they can reopen your account so you can reset your password.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #66 on: March 25, 2007, 03:50:55 PM »
Quote from: ""Ursus""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Ursus""
Quote from: ""Guest""
I posted quite a bit about a year ago and pretty much got everything off my chest that I wanted to.
Did I misspeak in my earlier post?  If so, I apologize!   :lol:   -Urs

No, I'm a different guy, I used to post under the name "Lars."  I tried signing on and the site wouldn't take my old password, so it's just under the heading of "guest."  I'm a Hyde grad who let loose here a while back and now just check things out on occassion.

Hi Lars, I'm SO glad you are still around!  I've admired so very much that you have said in your earlier posts!   :tup:

Try chucking your cookies first and then retry.  There have been a series of changes here regarding the system and the server and old cookies won't work.  Alternatively, try contacting admin via email:  [email protected] and they can reopen your account so you can reset your password.

I too have had trouble on the site but find that when I use Internet Explorer it goes through fine.  I have already contacted Ginger and Kelly about this problem.

I too welcome you back Lars.  Please don't disappear again. Your posts help others who have been wounded by Hyde even if that is not your priority. Many times someone will research Hyde before sending their kids there.  I think it is important to make sure others don't go through what we did!  We can help by continuing to post
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ursus

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« Reply #67 on: March 29, 2007, 12:30:01 AM »
Billy, Someone has posted a list of questions for Hyde on the "my expereince" thread.  Please take a look at them if you haven't already.  Thanks.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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