Author Topic: Lichfield/Dundee in the News  (Read 14497 times)

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Offline BuzzKill

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Lichfield/Dundee in the News
« Reply #60 on: June 26, 2007, 02:24:57 PM »
Quote from: ""Narvin Lichfield""
Obviously you are not my son and quite obviously the rumor mongers that try to create a "so called life" here electronically had nothing more to say when the facts and the truth of the Dundee Ranch Fiasco didn’t quite turn out to be what they thought or believed. No one has posted here for months and of course no one has posted the fact that I, Narvin Lichfield was innocent and acquitted of any charges like I had been saying from the start...even though this was made publicly evident more than 4 months ago in the press this is the first posting of it to my knowledge and it is sad I had to be the one to do it. You would think the people here so ready to "bravely" slander others trying to look like the latest savior of the children would have the courage to admit when they have rushed to judgment and destroyed another’s persons name. Obviously no such honor among thieves exists for the persons who post here over the last 5 years in my opinion are just that “thieves” as defined by the bard they …steals trash; ’tis something, nothing. ‘Twas mine, ’tis his, and has been slave to thousands; But he that filches from me my good name Robs me of that which not enriches him And makes me poor indeed. Iago, Othello The Moore Of Venice, Act III Scene iii. is my sincere hope that others do not treat you all with the same level of hypocrisy and poison I’ve experienced here at your hands and keyboards.. that you will never have this forced upon you over false allegations made by such needy people as Amberly Knight whose story changes every time it is told (just go check her testimony in the court documents in Colorado when she was advocating the virtues of the program against what she said in the Utah sue sheff case both were under oath) or by a now convicted pedophile in the form of Bruce Harris (Bruce was convicted of having sex with an under age boy for 3 years in central America) and as a result of a defunct pseudo-child caring organization like what we saw in Casa Alilanza that he was the director of that closed weeks after his arrest.. Karma has a way of coming around so be careful and try to treat the next guy with a little more kindness you might need it yourself some day.

Hello Narvin.

I thought I'd make a comment or two about your post trumpeting your acquittal. You do understand this is a forum where thought and opinions and possibilities are freely discussed? I assume you understand this, and so I will tell you what I think about your acquittal. Naturally, you would present a differing POV.

If comment has been sparse up to now - do not think it because there isn't plenty that could be said. It is really more a matter of frustration and depression, that once again a perpetrator of  evil was able to grease the right palms and slip free of justice.

Of corse - I can not *prove* you paid people off. But I believe in my heart of hearts, this is what happened, and why you had the result you did in court. After all, you freely admitted to Tim Rogers of the Tico Times you had contributed generously to the Costa Rican President's campaign fund - and you had asked him for "help", but that you feared that the allegations against you would make him not want to touch you with a ten foot pole.

November 28, 2003
Dundee Case Still Worries U.S. Parents
By Tim Rogers
Tico Times Staff

a quote:

"CHILD Welfare Minister Rosalía Gil has told The Tico Times she will not allow Dundee to reopen here.
Lichfield, however, said he will use the $2 million in estimated damages to Dundee as leverage to convince authorities to allow him to reopen an appropriate facility that the "Costa Rican government is comfortable with."  

[note: It was suggested by some witness to the raid and "riot" that staff encouraged the trashing of the facility so as to provide a cover for the destruction of evidence]

Lichfield, who said he donated $10,000 to campaign of President Abel Pacheco, claims he has appealed to the President for help, but added Pacheco probably "doesn’t want to touch us with a 10-foot poll."  end quote

[ note: I was told by Tim Rogers that this was an illegal contribution; but that no evidence it took place could be found]

Looks like you found the leverage to re-open, as you are now operating under the name Pillars of Hope. And, you managed [or it was somehow managed ] to get the one man who understood the case against you; the one man who was speaking with the student and parent witness about giving evidence;  taken off the case. His replacement, for some reason, had no interest in prosecuting you, and did nothing what so ever to gather evidence and witness. They would not take a call from a Dundee student, or parent - nor would they respond to email. So naturally, they had no evidence to present; despite the fact there were indeed witnesses willing and able to come give testimony.

 I would imagine, if one were to do some digging in the right places, one would find fatter bank accounts, or new cars, or what ever it is that buys such favors and considerations in places like Costa Rica.

Its all very depressing and frustrating. Still, just as I believe in my heart of hearts you bought your way out of this; I also believe there is a judge who can not be bought, and you will stand before Him one day. I take some comfort in that.

Now - can I ask you something about Pillars of Hope?
It was my understanding this was to be a program for the over 18 program kids - who wanted to be there, instead of abandoned to the streets by the "exit plan"; so as to comply with the Costa Rican law concerning not keeping minors against their will. So - Narvin - do you have any minors at Pillars of Hope, who would rather be somewhere else - who would leave if they could?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline CCM girl 1989

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Lichfield/Dundee in the News
« Reply #61 on: June 26, 2007, 02:36:34 PM »
Quote from: ""Narvin Lichfield""
Obviously you are not my son and quite obviously the rumor mongers that try to create a "so called life" here electronically had nothing more to say when the facts and the truth of the Dundee Ranch Fiasco didn’t quite turn out to be what they thought or believed. No one has posted here for months and of course no one has posted the fact that I, Narvin Lichfield was innocent and acquitted of any charges like I had been saying from the start...even though this was made publicly evident more than 4 months ago in the press this is the first posting of it to my knowledge and it is sad I had to be the one to do it. You would think the people here so ready to "bravely" slander others trying to look like the latest savior of the children would have the courage to admit when they have rushed to judgment and destroyed another’s persons name. Obviously no such honor among thieves exists for the persons who post here over the last 5 years in my opinion are just that “thieves” as defined by the bard they …steals trash; ’tis something, nothing. ‘Twas mine, ’tis his, and has been slave to thousands; But he that filches from me my good name Robs me of that which not enriches him And makes me poor indeed. Iago, Othello The Moore Of Venice, Act III Scene iii. is my sincere hope that others do not treat you all with the same level of hypocrisy and poison I’ve experienced here at your hands and keyboards.. that you will never have this forced upon you over false allegations made by such needy people as Amberly Knight whose story changes every time it is told (just go check her testimony in the court documents in Colorado when she was advocating the virtues of the program against what she said in the Utah sue sheff case both were under oath) or by a now convicted pedophile in the form of Bruce Harris (Bruce was convicted of having sex with an under age boy for 3 years in central America) and as a result of a defunct pseudo-child caring organization like what we saw in Casa Alilanza that he was the director of that closed weeks after his arrest.. Karma has a way of coming around so be careful and try to treat the next guy with a little more kindness you might need it yourself some day.


I cannot speak for everyone here, but I for one did not set out to slander your name. I am guilty of watching the news, and reading articles on your school, and then discussing it openly. Your beef my friend, is with the media, and your former employees.

Nobody here knows you personally (I don't think??? If so then speak up). I think if you tried putting yourself in someone elses shoes besides your own, someone that did suffer abuse whether it be mentally, physically, or sexually from schools or placements similiar to yours then you could understand the anger and disgust pointed in your direction. You'd be able to empathize with them.

I'm not sure if posting this newspaper article will do much to change peoples opinion of you here on Fornits, or not? But, it's pretty much a guarantee that by saying what you said in your post, and the way you said it, people here are not going to like you even more.

I'm not even really sure why you decided to post? I am assuming that you did to basically rub everyones nose in the fact that you were found "Not Guilty". Not sure that was a good idea? Basically, in doing so you've disturbed the hive.

My advice, if you're truelly innocent........and your school, and staff are innocent........just let it go. The more you bring things up, the more you give people here something to talk about.

CCM girl 1989
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
f you were never in a program, or a parent of a child in a program, then you have no business posting here.

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Lichfield/Dundee in the News
« Reply #62 on: June 26, 2007, 02:53:44 PM »
Quote from: ""CCM girl 1989""
Basically, in doing so you've disturbed the hive.

A handful of WWASPS victim's post here, I'd hardly call that "a hive".

The true "hive" is a hundred million dollar corporation lying to parents about their kid to keep them imprisoned as long as possible. Their hive has lawyers and money behind it. This is just a discussion forum.

To use WWASPS terminology, throw your "pity party" somewhere else, Narvin.  :roll:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Lichfield/Dundee in the News
« Reply #63 on: June 26, 2007, 03:31:13 PM »
Don't WWASPS live in hives, or is that just bees?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline CCM girl 1989

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Lichfield/Dundee in the News
« Reply #64 on: June 26, 2007, 03:41:05 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""CCM girl 1989""
Basically, in doing so you've disturbed the hive.

A handful of WWASPS victim's post here, I'd hardly call that "a hive".

The true "hive" is a hundred million dollar corporation lying to parents about their kid to keep them imprisoned as long as possible. Their hive has lawyers and money behind it. This is just a discussion forum.

To use WWASPS terminology, throw your "pity party" somewhere else, Narvin.  :roll:

I wasn't just talking about WWASPS victims Guest. I'm talking about everyone who posts here.

Obviously, people here on Fornits have made a big enough stink about all this to get N.L.'s attention to where he feels like he needs to post his Not Guilty verdict on this forum.

I agree that there is a Judge that exists, that none of us can buy off. In the end we will all be held accountible for what we have done during our lifetime, and to others. We won't be able to escape it.

I just hope that if he was aware of any abuse going on there, that he addressed it, and got rid of any employee responsible doing it. If he was too far removed not to know the daily operations of his own school, then let's hope this is a wake up call for him that he needs to be. Or he puts someone in charge who will be.

I'd like to believe that most people out there are good people, with good intentions. I know a lot of people don't think, or feel the same way I do around these parts. Because, I get slammed for it all the time!!!! Maybe I am too nice? Maybe I am too forgiving? But, when it comes to emotional baggage, I am packing an overnight bag, while others are driving a Uhaul.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
f you were never in a program, or a parent of a child in a program, then you have no business posting here.

Offline Anonymous

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Lichfield/Dundee in the News
« Reply #65 on: June 26, 2007, 03:52:15 PM »
It's good you are moving on, you are also one of the oldest survivors, keep that in mind. You might not mean it to, but it sounds like you are putting down people who are , rightfully, hurt because of what WWASPS and ti's employees did to them and their families. It's good that you are getting over it, but you don't need to compare yourself to others in order to make that point. If your child was in trouble, and you were lied to by one of these program owners you might not be so forgiving, watching them grow and see the long term effects program abuse has, you should know full well.. and most survivors are not in their 30's.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline CCM girl 1989

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Lichfield/Dundee in the News
« Reply #66 on: June 26, 2007, 04:07:23 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
It's good you are moving on, you are also one of the oldest survivors, keep that in mind. You might not mean it to, but it sounds like you are putting down people who are , rightfully, hurt because of what WWASPS and ti's employees did to them and their families. It's good that you are getting over it, but you don't need to compare yourself to others in order to make that point. If your child was in trouble, and you were lied to by one of these program owners you might not be so forgiving, watching them grow and see the long term effects program abuse has, you should know full well.. and most survivors are not in their 30's.

I'm sorry if it came across that I was putting people down. I did not mean for it to.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
f you were never in a program, or a parent of a child in a program, then you have no business posting here.

Offline Anonymous

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Lichfield/Dundee in the News
« Reply #67 on: June 26, 2007, 04:46:34 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Don't WWASPS live in hives, or is that just bees?

wasps live in nests not hives, duh.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Joyce Harris

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Lichfield/Dundee in the News
« Reply #68 on: June 26, 2007, 04:52:26 PM »
Many people emphasize with the profound frustration and depression felt by the families with this verdict.  The Whtimore families felt the same frustrations/depressions when County Attorney Jared Eldridge gave Cheryl Sudweeks a TAP on the wrist by giving her a plea bargain in the Whitmore Academy criminal case.  
I sincerely hope it is not discovered that WWASP is holding any children under the age of 18 at Pillars of Hope.

CCM Girl: you may want to give  your well-meaning advice and seemingly support to  Mr. Litchfield in private communication to him. It does come across as rather offensive to parents of abused children, in my opinion. Most of us have not reached "your level of forgiveness."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Lichfield/Dundee in the News
« Reply #69 on: June 26, 2007, 05:01:54 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Quote from: ""Guest""
Don't WWASPS live in hives, or is that just bees?

wasps live in nests not hives, duh.

Sure wasps might, but WWASPS live in:

Royal Gorge Academy, Colorado
Red River Academy, Louisiana
Sky View Christian Academy, Nevada.
Horizon Academy, Nevada
Respect Camp, Mississippi
Woodland Hills Maternity Home, Utah
Darrington Academy, Georgia
Majestic Ranch Academy, LLC, Utah
Cross Creek Manor/Center/Academy LLC, Utah
Carolina Springs Academy, South Carolina
Tranquility Bay, Jamaica
Academy at Ivy Ridge, New York
Midwest Academy, Iowa
Spring Creek Lodge Academy, Montana
Pillars of Hope, Costa Rica - Narvin Lichield
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline CCM girl 1989

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Lichfield/Dundee in the News
« Reply #70 on: June 26, 2007, 05:44:32 PM »
Quote from: ""Joyce Harris""
Many people emphasize with the profound frustration and depression felt by the families with this verdict.  The Whtimore families felt the same frustrations/depressions when County Attorney Jared Eldridge gave Cheryl Sudweeks a TAP on the wrist by giving her a plea bargain in the Whitmore Academy criminal case.  
I sincerely hope it is not discovered that WWASP is holding any children under the age of 18 at Pillars of Hope.

CCM Girl: you may want to give  your well-meaning advice and seemingly support to  Mr. Litchfield in private communication to him. It does come across as rather offensive to parents of abused children, in my opinion. Most of us have not reached "your level of forgiveness."

I figure if he's posting here, he's reading this. Therefore, I don't have to contact him. BTW Joyce, this isn't the first time I've offended you is it? Talk about pity parties.......Joyce is throwing one right now as we sit here reading this stuff!

I personally could care less about your guilt, and sensitivity on this matter Joyce. You were the one that made the decision to send your kid away. Whitmore didn't come knocking on your door, you came knocking at theirs. Please take some responsibility, and stop putting your crap on me!

BTW, any form of abuse I may have had, during my 4 1/2 years, spent in 3 different placements, pales in comparison to the abandonment issues that I suffered with for years due to my parents decision to outsource their parental responsibilities. I wonder if your child deep down inside feels the same way as I do?

I find it interesting how you try to control the means by which I communicate with people on here. Do you think I have God on speed dial too?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
f you were never in a program, or a parent of a child in a program, then you have no business posting here.

Offline Joyce Harris

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Lichfield/Dundee in the News
« Reply #71 on: June 26, 2007, 10:18:40 PM »
No "pity party" at all; and I have no guilt from being conned, CCM GIRL.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Joyce Harris

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« Reply #72 on: June 26, 2007, 10:23:32 PM »
CCM Girl:
I wanted to add;  My daughter was enrolled at Whitmore for 7 weeks.  It is to her great disadvantage that it took me THAT LONG to figure things out and remove her.
I do accept my own responsibility for her placement, along with her father.  I blame no one else for allowing us to be conned by the best.

I am deeply sorry that your family abandoned you for over 4 years.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline CCM girl 1989

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Lichfield/Dundee in the News
« Reply #73 on: June 27, 2007, 01:32:49 PM »
I think it was the word "support" that got underneath my skin. I do not support anyone who abuses children.  

Here's the facts, there are schools that are good, there are schools that are bad. I have had my own experiences that I know to be true, but there were also some things I outright lied about to my parents to try to get them to take me home (didn't quite work!). I also witnessed other girls do the same thing as me. I was so desperate that one time when I ran away from one of the schools, I was picked up by the police. I told them my therapist was making sexual advances towards me in an effort to not return. It didn't work, I returned. CCM immediately switched out my therapist, and investigated. I was too young, and too proud to admit I lied. Poor guy, he hadn't done anything wrong.

I agree that we should aire on the side of caution rather then chalking it up to these kids are just liars, and manipulators. However, you have to remember these people that run these schools are human too. BTW, there are people in this business that are in it to help families, not to just pick up a paycheck. This is not by any means an "easy" business. There's a hundred different avenues someone could take to generate the kind of income a school like Dundee produced with half the headaches.

I just see a pattern repeating itself around here of attacking people before all the facts are presented, that's all. That, and the fact that the majority here feel all schools, and programs are bad!!! Well, they are not.

There is also quite a few people here that make it known that they believe no programs such as these should exist. That parents should be forced to deal with their pain in the butt son/daughter. But, people don't stop to think that maybe the parents are just as screwed up as the kids?!! Another thing that really gets to me is when some of you have told me in the past that no kid should be forced to go into treatment if they don't want to! So, my response was great let them roam free! Let them end up hurting themselves, or killing an innocent bystander because they are on drugs or drinking and stole Mom and Dad's car, and got into an accident!

I'm not well liked around here, and I really don't care. I hardly ever post here anymore anyways because I have a different opinion that most people are not interested in hearing. I've already spent way too much time on this. If anyone wants to PM me go ahead, I will read it. Otherwise, I will catch up with you all in about a months time.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
f you were never in a program, or a parent of a child in a program, then you have no business posting here.

Offline Rude Intrusion

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Lichfield/Dundee in the News
« Reply #74 on: June 27, 2007, 02:04:52 PM »
CCM - I don't think it is that people don't like you. I think it is that you confuse people. You do often come across as sympathetic to the abusers. On the other hand, you will also sometime speak out against the abuse in very strong terms. Even when speaking of the same person, and the same acts of abuse.

You have often written here, and elsewhere, about the sexual abuse you endured at the hands of Robert Litchfield. Sometimes you seem to understand it was criminal abuse; and other times it seems you think it harmless and normal and no big deal. You will complain about it on a forum board - you sometimes seem to understand that an adult who has power and authority over a child, is committing abuse of that child, when he makes sexual advances; but you refuse to talk about it to anyone that matters - to hold him in any way accountable. And then you'll flip back to its no big deal - everyone does it - who cares; and you seem to be very sympathetic towards this man who took egregious advantage of you when you were the most vulnerable.  It is frustrating for those who read your conflicting posts.

As for Narvin knowing what was going on at Dundee - I wonder how you can have the least doubt he knew the intimate details of everything that happen at Dundee?  He lived on the grounds. If the "students" could hear their friends screaming from the pain of a restraint from across the grounds - do you think he couldn't? When he looked in on the OP room - do you think he went suddenly blind? Do you think he was unaware of the consequences of shutting off the city water and putting a "school" full of Gringos on Costa Rican well water? Do you think he failed to notice the flesh melting off the boys as they were fed starvation rations for weeks and months on end?  Do you think he failed to notice they had 12 cots jammed into room meant to hold 2 ?

Oh but poor Narvin. . . He is only trying to help. He could become a millionaire any number of other less difficult ways, you say.  That's the kind of thing people find offensive.

But I don't think most people who know you dislike you. I think most wish you would find a good PTSD therapist and come to grips with the damage done to your mental health by these bastards.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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