I think there's a valid comparison to be made here, but it's not a direct, point by point parallel. History never repeats itself, but it always rhymes. The best book I've ever read about rank-n-file Nazis is
My books pageMilton Mayer was a curious man. He was an American journalist of Jewish German heritage who converted to Quakerism then moved to Germany for the express purpose of getting to know some Nazis. He then wrote about them w/ eloquence, sincere respect, true affection and a gentle cautionary empathy. If you want to understand, so it doesn't happen again, I don't know of a better book than this one. If you want to understand all the spooky, crazy seeming behavior of the American government and their close friends, read this book. You don't have to buy it to read it. Almost any library will be happy to get a copy of it for you. But read it. I came away w/ a profoundly clarified understanding of the idea that Germany lost WWII, but the Nazi's won.
I think you can compare the drug war in tandem with the general pathologization of everything to the way the Nazis fixated on all but this mytical race of super humans from some remote mountain range in Central Europe. Even the level of pandering to the illiterates is strikingly similar. Somehow, the rabbal got the idea that Arian was a good thing, even though Arian means roughly the same thing as Semetic. And so they went about calling themselves Aryans while trying to wipe out the Semitic races and culture and calling it saving the world.
There's a difference in that one can cross over from drug free amarica believing drug war supporter to the other side w/ just a thought or even a nasty, unfounded rumor while you can't cross over from being German or Austrian to being Jewish or African. But you can cross over to being a Jew lover or a nigger lover, and by the same means; just a thought or even a nasty unfounded rumor. How do you suppose a bunch of Hitler Youth boys might treat a suspected or proven Jew lover?
That's what we were and are who land up in these programs. We somehow became The Enemy® in our own parents' eyes and in the eyes of our communities. Or, I suppose it might be closer to say that they believed we had become posessed of the enemy and they had to go to extraordinary lenghts to save us from ourselves.
I suppose you could make a closer comparison between programs like DARE and Citizens On Patrol police assisted block monitoring programs and the way the Nazi party went about garnering influence. But in our case, they're not enjoying anywhere near as much success. The troubling teen programs only ever snag about 1% - 2% of the potential market. And I suppose those would represent most of the true believers. Americans, besotted and bedazzled by tv gurus and distraction as we may be, still don't quite cotton to fascist ideas so readily as the long stratified Prussian cultures.
When cryptography is outlawed, bayl bhgynjf jvyy unir cevinpl.
Anonymous . . . for obvious reasons