Author Topic: A tip for all the young people out there  (Read 4905 times)

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Offline dniceo7

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A tip for all the young people out there
« Reply #15 on: June 19, 2006, 11:41:00 AM »
Dude, we are talking about 2 completely different situations. The hell kind of place are you talking about people being sent? I mean yeah, if they're gonna get kidnapped and sent to some place where they're gonna get raped in the ass, of course I'd say run. Sleep on the streets. Fuck man, I was homeless, bouncing from friend to friend and girl to girl for a bed or a couch or a floor to sleep on, for 8 months when I ran away from CEDU. But I woke up one day and decided the prospect of living like that for the rest of my life was a worse option than going back and finishing that piece of shit program.

I guess I just didn't make my original point clear enough. I'm not saying that you should, no matter what, stick around and get kidnapped. All I'm saying is you should think of a better course of action than just running away and sleeping on the streets.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
I don\'t look at myself in the mirror because I\'m a narcissist, I simply like to watch myself exist...

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #16 on: June 19, 2006, 11:46:00 AM »
yeah of course they should think it over and it depends on what program you are being sent to.. etc... thats a given. yes there are programs where kids get sexually abused, physically abused for years with no recourse... im not talking about running away from some easy ass program im talking about kids running away for a reason.. the ones who actually STAY on the street.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline dniceo7

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« Reply #17 on: June 19, 2006, 11:51:00 AM »
Well, I guess that settles it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
I don\'t look at myself in the mirror because I\'m a narcissist, I simply like to watch myself exist...

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #18 on: June 19, 2006, 02:19:00 PM »
hahaha of course you fucking fornits losers wouldn't care about finishing high school! of course you'd rather be a homeless fucking piece of shit on the streets because it's oh so much easier than actually trying to accomplish anything in life
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #19 on: June 19, 2006, 02:26:00 PM »
I didn't finish high school because I was yanked out and stuck in a mindrape mill.  I've got an amazing life now though.  Travel, kids' educations paid for, comfortable house that's almost paid for, Ok we went into a little debt buying the new boat but hey, we needed something to get us back and forth to the Bahamas.

Try pulling the stick outta yer ass. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Carmel

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« Reply #20 on: June 19, 2006, 02:44:00 PM »
On 2006-06-19 08:41:00, dniceo7 wrote:

"Dude, we are talking about 2 completely different situations. The hell kind of place are you talking about people being sent? I mean yeah, if they're gonna get kidnapped and sent to some place where they're gonna get raped in the ass, of course I'd say run. Sleep on the streets. Fuck man, I was homeless, bouncing from friend to friend and girl to girl for a bed or a couch or a floor to sleep on, for 8 months when I ran away from CEDU. But I woke up one day and decided the prospect of living like that for the rest of my life was a worse option than going back and finishing that piece of shit program.

I guess I just didn't make my original point clear enough. I'm not saying that you should, no matter what, stick around and get kidnapped. All I'm saying is you should think of a better course of action than just running away and sleeping on the streets.  "

In my situation, running out into the street was a preferable alternative to my program. In short, it was no longer about quality of life....I was ready to die.  I was, I was ready to be free or die trying.  I had no fear.  It was that bad.  I walked out into the streets of a city where I had no friends, knew NO ONE.  Not a soul.  I didnt know where I was going to end up in the next few hours after that, but it was preferable to being in the program.  I would not call anyone I knew or tell them where I was from, I had learned this was the only fool proof way to avoid capture.

I got lucky. I met nice lady who helped me and gave me a couch in exchange for part time babysitting.  She fed me and became my friend.  I spent the next 31 days hiding out, waiting. We were told they woudlnt take you back after 30 days, so I made it to 31 before I even picked up a a phone and called my parents.  I never expected to live that long.

I just think its important that you know that sometimes there is no other course of action.  Its a matter of survival.  When you are 15 and female and in an unfamiliar city, your choices are limited.  Add the need to remain undercover and unseen, and you have even slimmer chances.

I literally became fully aware that I had accepted death as a viable option if the world brought it my way.  But I wasnt going to go down without a fight.  

You are correct in that not every situation is black and white, but in some of them, for the individual it is very much black and white.  Live or die trying, thats what it can come down to.  And I defy anyone in this life to say such experience isnt a viable educational alternative to high school or the like. There is no class in high school that can teach these sort of life lessons.

Ive met countless people who have every designation imaginable on paper, but they lack so much humanity, so much knowledge of reality....its amazing.  Id trade a high school diploma any day of the week for real life experience, and I would encourge others to do the same.  I technically never finished the 9th grade. Partly because of being tossed into a program, partly because I was neglected by my mother, even after coming home from Straight...I was on my own trying to make a living at 17.  

Now, I dont find it necessary to explain my current situation in life.  But suffice it to say that I encounter people every day in my work and otherwise who have all the proper registration, and are completely useless. Id trade even more of my so-called limited education if it meant not having to be so utterly clueless.

Law School does not a Lawyer make, my friend.

[ This Message was edited by: Carmel on 2006-06-19 11:57 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
...hands went up and people hit the floor, he wasted two kids that ran for the door....."
-Beastie Boys, Paul Revere

Offline StellerJay

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« Reply #21 on: June 19, 2006, 03:27:00 PM »
:tup: Well said Carmel!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline dniceo7

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« Reply #22 on: June 19, 2006, 03:50:00 PM »
On 2006-06-19 12:27:00, StellerJay wrote:

" :tup: Well said Carmel!"

Nonetheless, I'm happy with the choice I made.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
I don\'t look at myself in the mirror because I\'m a narcissist, I simply like to watch myself exist...

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #23 on: June 19, 2006, 04:31:00 PM »
On 2006-06-19 08:41:00, dniceo7 wrote:

"Dude, we are talking about 2 completely different situations. The hell kind of place are you talking about people being sent? I mean yeah, if they're gonna get kidnapped and sent to some place where they're gonna get raped in the ass, of course I'd say run. Sleep on the streets. Fuck man, I was homeless, bouncing from friend to friend and girl to girl for a bed or a couch or a floor to sleep on, for 8 months when I ran away from CEDU. But I woke up one day and decided the prospect of living like that for the rest of my life was a worse option than going back and finishing that piece of shit program.

I guess I just didn't make my original point clear enough. I'm not saying that you should, no matter what, stick around and get kidnapped. All I'm saying is you should think of a better course of action than just running away and sleeping on the streets.  "


Some of us here actually GET what it is you're sayin
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #24 on: June 19, 2006, 05:43:00 PM »
What about the "kids" who abuse themselves, thier siblings, thier parents and everyone around them?

Theres some people in here with a very lose grip on reality.. if they have any grip at all..

Are there really people in this world who think any kid who is considered for a "program" is a victim waiting to happen?

Kids are fucking rotten, criminal, abusive beings.

No fuckin free rides. People under the age of 18 know very well that there is consequences for thier actions. If they are in need of constant supervision what are the fucking options?
Adolescent jails?
Better parenting? (Fucking HAA!)
Psychiatric facilities?
Band camp?

The OP of this thread needs to be forcefed a large soggy bowl of reality.
children at or below the "poverty line" have no medical insurance to pay for medical treatment of depresion, anxiety, etc etc...
I guess that eliminates ongoing effective medical help to treat whatever conditions they may have that lead them to doing drugs, getting pregnant at 15, assaulting people, stealing anything they can get thier hands on, truency, running away, prostitution, name it, kids do it.
A large percentage of the children who are being considered for placement in a TC are being offered it as an option to jail. Is jail a better place for them? There are many TCS that at least offer some potential for a child to re-enter society with oportunities and a clean slate. Does Jail?
Do any of the few "activists" in here confront judges or lobby local goverment in an effort to convince the CJS that TCs are NOT a reasonable option to jail when putting a criminal childs future in the balance?

This whole fucking site and everyone in it is a farce. A bunch of disgruntled fucking former TC "victims" who have some dilusions of grandure that if TCs go away whatever "kid industry" that remains is going to suddenly become effective.
Hey, wake the fuck up.

Most of you think that no matter what, a fucked up kid is the result of a fucked up parent. Get it through your god-damned heads this idea is DILUSIONAL AND INNACURATE.


Quit wasting your fucking time with these stupid fucking posts, and the idea that the TCS of america are going to someday disappear... find a way to make the exsisting TCS more effective,  or youre simply here to vent about your own experience while USING the current residents of TCs to get the attention you think YOU deserve.

Heres some advice for the kids out there that are being considered for a TC. GROW THE FUCK UP and take your medicine. YOU are responsible for your own actions. Mom and Dad are sick and fucking tired of you destroying your life and thiers.
See ya in 24 months.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #25 on: June 19, 2006, 05:50:00 PM »
damn I hope youre just trolling otherwise you are one sick fuck.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Fake Parent Troll

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« Reply #26 on: June 19, 2006, 05:55:00 PM »
On 2006-06-19 14:43:00, Anonymous wrote:

"What about the "kids" who abuse themselves, thier siblings, thier parents and everyone around them?

Theres some people in here with a very lose grip on reality.. if they have any grip at all..

Are there really people in this world who think any kid who is considered for a "program" is a victim waiting to happen?

Kids are fucking rotten, criminal, abusive beings.

No fuckin free rides. People under the age of 18 know very well that there is consequences for thier actions. If they are in need of constant supervision what are the fucking options?

Adolescent jails?

Better parenting? (Fucking HAA!)

Psychiatric facilities?


Band camp?

The OP of this thread needs to be forcefed a large soggy bowl of reality.

children at or below the "poverty line" have no medical insurance to pay for medical treatment of depresion, anxiety, etc etc...

I guess that eliminates ongoing effective medical help to treat whatever conditions they may have that lead them to doing drugs, getting pregnant at 15, assaulting people, stealing anything they can get thier hands on, truency, running away, prostitution, name it, kids do it.

A large percentage of the children who are being considered for placement in a TC are being offered it as an option to jail. Is jail a better place for them? There are many TCS that at least offer some potential for a child to re-enter society with oportunities and a clean slate. Does Jail?


Do any of the few "activists" in here confront judges or lobby local goverment in an effort to convince the CJS that TCs are NOT a reasonable option to jail when putting a criminal childs future in the balance?

This whole fucking site and everyone in it is a farce. A bunch of disgruntled fucking former TC "victims" who have some dilusions of grandure that if TCs go away whatever "kid industry" that remains is going to suddenly become effective.

Hey, wake the fuck up.

Most of you think that no matter what, a fucked up kid is the result of a fucked up parent. Get it through your god-damned heads this idea is DILUSIONAL AND INNACURATE.


Quit wasting your fucking time with these stupid fucking posts, and the idea that the TCS of america are going to someday disappear... find a way to make the exsisting TCS more effective,  or youre simply here to vent about your own experience while USING the current residents of TCs to get the attention you think YOU deserve.

Heres some advice for the kids out there that are being considered for a TC. GROW THE FUCK UP and take your medicine. YOU are responsible for your own actions. Mom and Dad are sick and fucking tired of you destroying your life and thiers.

See ya in 24 months."

Woops -- forgot to sign in, post was mine.  :wave:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #27 on: June 19, 2006, 05:59:00 PM »
::bigsmilebounce::  ::bigsmilebounce::  :nworthy:  :nworthy:  :nworthy:  :tup:  :tup:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #28 on: June 19, 2006, 06:00:00 PM »
TCs didnt exsist before the onset of effect from the womens liberation movement. Hmmm.
When whoopin a kids ass became a crime, TC stocks went through the roof. Hmmm

Ladies, put your fucking bras back on, get your ass outta bed, and raise your fucking kids. If they get out of line, spank the fuckers with a leather belt.

TCs will go away. So will fornits.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Carmel

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« Reply #29 on: June 19, 2006, 06:15:00 PM »
That may be so Karen, that may be so...but what about all the kids who were put in there who had never even touched drugs?  Or ones that had merely experimented? Kids who were A students and sometimes 11-12 years old....might have seen pot once or twice but never smoked it?

There were lots and lots of kids in my program that fell under this category, more than the ones who were anywhere near going to jail or worse.  That would be me included. I WAS a victim waiting to happen. I am NOT a victim now.  But you have to wade through a whole sea of bullshit to be able to come back and make the choice not to be so.

I dont blame my parents for my choices, they were mine and I had to own them....I do however blame my parents for creating a sick environment where sick choices practically became a necessity.  When a part of the body is injured or in pain, other parts of the body abandon their normal functions in order to compensate for the lack of functionality coming from the injury.  Over time, the compensation becomes permanent and will twist the effected areas into something wholly different that what they were originally intended to be.  

Its the same when you are in a unhealthy home environment, you begin to make choices that seem unwise to the average bear, however they can very simply be coping mechanisms making an attempt to protect the bigger functionality of the persons mind.  Throw in a fraudulent modality of behavior modification based on a whole network of guilt and self-deprication....well you can imagine.

Every behavior is a learned one Karen, Id really like to understand where it is you think these rotten useless children learned theirs?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
...hands went up and people hit the floor, he wasted two kids that ran for the door....."
-Beastie Boys, Paul Revere