thats right,, you too can be a member of the ShitEatind Artophiles,,all you need is the intelligence of a 12 year old, a penchant for fecal matter,, and the wonton need to try to bring others down to your miserable,, shiteating level..just send 20 dollars to the law firm of Jamie E Eisman and jersey... that fee will entitle you to be shit on by my wife, we must test your eating habits,as well as a intelligence test administerd by our son,hes feeble minded ,, hence the 12 yr old part...just trik him into thinking the tranvestite on the corner is a real women,,is easy,, he falls for it all the time,,,at the request of our newest , and might i add generous member,, male applicants will all have to watch said member have intercourse with a chicken, special consideration goes to those applicants that will actually eat an egg from 1 of these raped chickens,then shit on daves chest,,,we know the response will be huge, daves been getting a head start in the egg procces,