i'm not sure if she did.i really didn't know kim on her phases....she was a 5th phaser when i came in and became a trainee.....by the time i finally made 2nd phase,she was already 7 stepped.she had a good heart and when she bitched at the group,i didn't take it personally,like anyone normally would....she was no shawna arnow or jim sailor.if she had a sister in the "'gram" it was before my time......somehow i don't think she did.she would've talked about it at some point in my "'gram" and i have a good memorey.....
you know,since we on this post are from the original"'grams",i was wondering about some ppl i've always wondered about....does anyone know Todd Racheal? what happened to him after he was escorted out of straight by Miller?Miller said he had to go to arcadia mental institute....just wondering if its true.....i'd love to see how he's doing and hear his story.....
does anyone know and know what happened to April Deshung{?}Deshong{?}......she and i cliqued in group when i first went in....she escaped and was never brought back....according to Miller,she died in a car wreck.....don't know if its true or not....i'd love to say hi to her....shit,if it hadn't been for her,i would've had an even harder time in there in the begining!
does anyone here know ALDO and BRIDGETTE Bollinger? they were brother and sister in the "'gram".he was my last host brother before i was started over on 5th phase....i was supposed to live at his house after i seven stepped the "'gram",only i got started over.....i only saw him once after i was started over and as hard as i try,i can't find him anywhere....that family was real good to me..i've never forgot them because of that.....oh yeah,they were from another country,switzerland i bekieve,not to sure.
"mom" bollinger spoke with a thick accent,so did his dad.i've been looking for them for years....
AL KUMIC was very cool too....DAVE & LISA BURKE were my first host brother and oldcomer{luckily
i wasn't moved around on my first program}
JOHN HOLGRAM{?......if it hadn't been for him,i would've just said "fuck it all" to my start over
and i can't say i would've made it out of there in one piece or at least in a couple of pieces instead of a billion.if my memorey serves me right,JOHN could've SUED straight way way before FRED COLLINS did!he split from straight and somehow MILLER AND HIS WIFE were involved in getting him back into the "'gram"!although he wasn't allowed to talk about it,{he was my oldcomer on my second "'gram"}i asked him what happened only once,and he winked at me and said if his parents weren't involved in the whole thing,things would've been different....the reason this stands out in my head,is because when he came back,instead of getting the usual crapola,MILLER AND RUTH ANN,wouldn't even ALLOW anyone to confront him!all he got was "hi john,love you john.....".....anyone that was there in the early days,well,the newton days,knows this wasn't standard operating procedure!....i'd love to hear his tale,for real,
for the first time! you know what the funniest part of all that is with john? he was my oldcomer after i got started over....either 2 days before i got started over or 2 days after i got started over,FRED COLLINS was newcomers with me!the irony of this is , john could've sued them and his newcomer FRED did sue them......!
seriously,if anybody reading this out there knows any of these ppl,please tell them I'm looking for them.....they can P.M. me anytime.....just thinking about the past.....hippie