On 2006-03-28 19:24:00, BarnardlyB wrote:
I have said many times that those of us who like MMS can understand and even agree with those who don't.
how can you like MMS and agree with our anger at being mistreated?
I don't ever see any justification for the use of terror in the way MMS used it, period. If some girls didn't get it as bad as other and or weren't really effected by it they should be honest to then say what they end up indirectly saying about MMS when they say they 'like' it (as you put it), that they approve of mistreamtent under certain circumstances... or they should not attempt to redifine MMS and only talk about what they 'took' from the program (as if they had a chose in the matter) and not what they felt was harmful.
I have said countless of times that i knew I needed help...that I welcomed help and that MMS, given it's fear & shaming driven incetive based approach, harmed us all at some level. If its changed, then great, but that doesn't change the fact that Mercer, who heads the school is responsible for such mistreatmenta and may return to the school at any point at any time...this is frightening to me and is part of why being honest about the negative and not protecting the school by negating it is so important. These are the lives of kids we're talking about and thye have a right to not feel as many of us did, even if you only witnessed if, or are only even now hearing about it...whatever
...to blanket say MMS saved me and totally being uncritical about it, not examining why so many others are stating the opposite and the significance of that... as if your success is even worth our own trauma...it is it is so easy to so quickly make this into a 'fight' and convince yourself that what we say is totally incomprehensibly and invalid when up against your assesment-
If you say you agree with MMS then you have to be clear what poinst you agree with- my life there or yours... we have to compare them- and then, given that perhaps you have witnessed or in hearing the numerous account of the damage done- do you agree with that, and just simply being fully honest... i think MMS critics can concede to certain 'benefits' but i have yet to hear an honest assesment from anyone pro of what the problems were...or at least, if at all, from maybe only one.
what keeps this stupid fire burning it seems is that lack of clarity on what we're talking about
with a real understanding of what those who take issue with the program are really saying and a true effort made to understand the urgency when we say John & the program has hurt girl and probably will and has continued to hurt girls--
it's as if you truly beleive that the dozens of MMS girls with the same anger at the school are completely f-d and that's why they feel this way, when many are actually successful adults now.
John always used that stupid phrase--- if it quacks like a duck... And we all know that John Mercer does a hell of a lot of quacking. A hell of a lot...