Author Topic: Regarding the Protest  (Read 4174 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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Regarding the Protest
« on: March 03, 2006, 04:06:00 AM »
Call it a breakdown, call it paranoia:

I was watching the Straight Protest videos, the new ones. I hear Sammie saying things like, "you children, you're all vulnerable. No food, no choice, etc..."

While I'm an against everything that Sembler has done, would be a counterproductive measure to actually show people about 'concentration camp-like' behaviors for a Straight holocaust during a Jewish Holocaust Museum event?

I mean, it just kinda seems like maybe a different approach could be done? Umm, what about, umm, bashing their children's cars in or throwing rocks at their house windows? What about passing out flyers to people who do real estate business with Sembler and other businesses of Loebenberg? I don't know what other methods there are out there.

I guess I'm maybe also just wondering if anyone doesn't see the correlation between free advertising of Straight and Jewish "Holocaust". Are we certain that the mental picture people aren't getting is to further fund the Holocaust Museum? That's all I was asking.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline starry-eyed pirate

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Regarding the Protest
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2006, 04:13:00 AM »
I think you're making some kind of an interesting and important observation but I'm not quite sure exactly what you're sayin. Could you clarify please ??
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Anonymous

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Regarding the Protest
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2006, 10:23:00 AM »
they were living, breathing holocaust victims passing out flyers. they might as well have been hired by the semblers. that protest was dumb as shit. it was a "sammie parade" and was disgusting. i heard her asking "did you see me on montel?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Woof-a-Doof

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Regarding the Protest
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2006, 07:49:00 PM »
On 2006-03-03 07:23:00, Anonymous wrote:

"they were living, breathing holocaust victims passing out flyers. they might as well have been hired by the semblers. that protest was dumb as shit. it was a "sammie parade" and was disgusting. i heard her asking "did you see me on montel?"

Ok, thanks for your opinion. I, for one, am up for hearing an alternative to the "protest" idea. Seriously, I would like to hear an effective method of explaining how enraged we are, to a group of people who justify the actions of the Semblers by implying that they were "doing whats right for the kids".

How do you suggest we relay this message to folks that have no clue as to the damage created by "tough love" bullshit. Yet they feel strongly justified in hidding behind this thin veil of delusion. How do we vent our rage at the abuses without sounding/looking like lunatics?

Can we set aside our personalities, our individual disagreements. Could we go beyond our general intolerance of each other and set our sights on a plan of action?

We have our work cut out for us to achieve this (admittedly) lofty ideal. During such time as we find the answers to these questions and many others similar to them, doing nothing just further buries the history/past. We become passivistic and their arrogance only grows and strengthens.

Aside from numbers (there are many of us)a clear, consistant approach is required to obtain and maintan the public or targets interest. Shock and Awe techinques for what they are worth are ok, but the message is forgotten. The eyes will go to the body of the messanger and thier words fall on the wayside.

Yeah, I think alot can and could/should be different in efforts made to educate the public of the Semblers behavior. Perhaps if you were there, you too could have been a contributing factor during the evenings event. But alas, you weren't there, only here to besmirch the efforts of those there.

Perhaps thats a bit harsh, but seriously, what would you suggest, that would improve our efforts. What words of encouragement can you add that will help?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline starry-eyed pirate

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Regarding the Protest
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2006, 08:13:00 PM »
On 2006-03-03 16:49:00, Woof-a-Doof wrote:

 What words of encouragement can you add that will help? "

I feel your frustration Woof.  

I think the question asked by the anon does have some merit though, even though it was sorta rude.

I mean what is the publics' perception of the straight survivors who picket and protest ??  

I'm glad that the Holocaust Museum protest was low key.  I think in that way, we still managed to communicate the charges and at the same time sorta accidently, showed respect for human dignity. I think a loud protest with lots of signs would have been innapropriate anyway, at this particular event.  I'm glad KPickle( I think it was) and Sammie and Woof went an' did what they done. And the footage is important documentation.  

.[ This Message was edited by: starry-eyed pirate on 2006-03-03 17:21 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
If you would have justice in this world, then begin to see that a human being is not a means to some end.  People are not commodities.  When human beings are just to one another government becomes obsolete and real freedom is born; SPIRITUAL ANARCHY.

Offline Anonymous

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Regarding the Protest
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2006, 10:17:00 PM »
to anon: i think what they were trying to achieve was to show all those jewish ppl the hipocracy of melvin.....a jew himself! how in the hell can he justify his actions about straight when his ppl were crusified by the germans in such horrible ways? the same kind of ways his "tough love" programs do to kids all accross the country! it was a very good place for a protest!it's just too bad no one there really got the gist of what they were really trying to show everyone about the "host" of the memorial!to all of us that got an ungreased totum pole shoved up our asses in that place,he and his "hench men" were like adolf and his "henchmen"! the crazy part of it all is that hitler was crushed for his crimes,melvin is still smiling for the camera!....thats my take on the protest anyways,maybe woof can elaborate more on this.....hippie
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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Regarding the Protest
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2006, 01:24:00 AM »
I am ambivalent as hell on this. Anon, you do have a point. And there's been some fairly decent discussion along these lines in the Seed forum and probably elsewhere that I've missed.

On the one hand, the point of the protest is valid and the target is right on the mark. You want to know, really, how the Program is like the Third Reich? Where to begin. I could give you a good many examples, but I'll only give you the one that is nearly uniquely mine.

My parents joined the Seed when I was about 6. That was years before any formal, named toughlove hategroups or meetings or such like. But the philosophy, the lingo, the heart breaking, soul killing words like "Well your brain needed a good washing!" that was all part of the Program right from it's inception. I've read some about Nazi Germany. I think I have a fairly good idea what it must have been like to come up Jewish in Germany. Not identical experience, but significantly similar.

I won't say the Program was or is the Holocaust. I will, however, say that it's a small but significant part of it.

Just connect some dots, it's hard to miss. Brown & Root are, once again, on the public dole (while NOLA still has refrigerators in their trees) building very large internment camps. From the day Mel Sembler's buddy's bombastic retarded kid took office, they have been going into the national archive and reclassifying our fucking history!

Then came the Reichstagh Fire, which changed everything, then while Congress was out sick w/ the jitters over direct correspondence w/ their constituency (remember anthrax?) they passed the fucking Enabling Act. Look! They just did it again! Just yesterday!

But what the fuck do you expect when those same lunatics who held us captive and tortured us, their own flesh and blood, now hold the highest offices and control the black budgets?

Indeed, there are valid comparisons to make. But it takes some `splainin! That couple of paragraphs above don't even come close to properly framing the issue. And it's an awful lot to put on a poster board.

They never got to the heart of me because they assumed from the beginning they knew me.' target='_new'>To each her own, Anonymous

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Anonymous

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Regarding the Protest
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2006, 07:48:00 AM »
since i feel i was asked i will think on this and come up with an answer.................(waiting to be called a sissy fag)...............................................................ok now that that is over. the first step is any kind of unity. what all survivors lack is togetherness before personality. so many people are mad and have never had any sort of venue to deal with the odd feelings that straight created, and they are odd feelings. as hard as it may seem, we all have to not be anonymous(iknow first man). reagan youth and withdraw need to hold hands and sing cum bai yah. the first part of any protest is led by living an example, and is at the very heart of how strong it will be in influencing the way people think. strength erupts from unity, it is not created, it just happens. i think that evryone who can should go to matts concert(with no firearms) and laugh and cry and have A GOOD TIME. a good time is what creates unity and brotherhood, not having been through a bad time. seeing survivors who have created things and had families and been in jail and still can laugh out loud and sing and dance in the streets. we are not getting any younger and these petty angry small things will blow away in the wind and people will not remember them.  the first part of any successful protest is to have a good time, this is what is attractive about people. strength comes from smiles, not cries. the very people we mock on this site that imprisoned us laugh at our unorganized pathetic attempts at closure. the talents and smarts that lie with in our brotherhood far outweigh those of our enemies but we do not look with in ourselves because we are too busy "reporting others". if we looked amongst us there is someone who can write a book about straight, there is someone who could create a broadway play about straight, and there is someone who could create a comic strip about straight. these things are amusing to people and are expression for us. expression is education for others and selfishly lets the bad times of the expressors go away. so, since asked i would say that the musically inclined should write a song for gigaroo, the literary should write a poem, and the thespians should perform some theater. the only way to upend a seesaw with a big fat ugly bad demon sitting on one side of it is to get together and catapult that motherfucker out of existense. what are you left with? a weapon. a powerful, unionized, heartfelt, compassionate weapon derived from human emotion and experience. then we start making bumper stickers.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Regarding the Protest
« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2006, 08:57:00 AM »
i agree with you totally.....even though i have said this kind of stuff myself,last night i was feeling very angry about what happened to me in there and said a "left hand compliment" to someone on another post.....i had just finished reading about lulu couter in the book"help at any cost"
and it got me really pissed off.....after my start over had been 5 months gone,i found out that by a staff member that it was a mistake....
they admitted to me that it was.that i should've never been started over,but since it had already happened,they couldn't "apply" the first step thenselves and corrected thier mistake!...i wound up being there another 10-11 months and didn't get out till i had been involved for 28 1/2 months!....the person i gave the left handed compliment to had only had to be in there for a year....i don't know why,but a flash of anger came over me....i personally only knew of 2 people that had "programs" like that...mark newton{millers son} and someone that came in the same day as me,tim mantooth...........i just automatically got pissed off at this anon poster on another posting site and threw a left handed compliment at them!....i didn't mean to be an asshole towards them,i just got angry or jelous ,i don't know....i hope if they're browsing around,they read this and forgive me....
since they're anon,i can't send them this myself,so i hope they see this and write me privatly....hippie
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Regarding the Protest
« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2006, 11:41:00 AM »
Umm, what about, umm, bashing their children's cars in

 :???:  :???:  :???:  :???:  :???:  :???:  :???:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Regarding the Protest
« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2006, 11:52:00 AM »
shut the fuck up all of you all you do is sit on the internet. hot air. go breath on a freezing homeless person.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline teachback

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Regarding the Protest
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2006, 12:03:00 PM »
How do you suggest we relay this message to folks that have no clue as to the damage created by "tough love" bullshit. Yet they feel strongly justified in hidding behind this thin veil of delusion. How do we vent our rage at the abuses without sounding/looking like lunatics?

A damned good question. For starters, maybe we could stop harping so much on political affiliations tied to the program. Yeah, we know about them. What good is it gonna do to keep throwing that up in ppl's faces all the time? Probably more harm than good if anything. I'm not referring to this holocaust museum thing at all. I'm talking about the 'republican' thing. Now before any of you get yer panties in a twist, I'm not saying that those ties don't exist...I never said that. My point is that it would be better to focus on the abusive aspects of the program(s) and leave it at that. Then we might not sound so much like "kooks" to John Q. Public.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Regarding the Protest
« Reply #12 on: March 04, 2006, 03:36:00 PM »
On 2006-03-03 16:49:00, Woof-a-Doof wrote:


On 2006-03-03 07:23:00, Anonymous wrote:

"they were living, breathing holocaust victims passing out flyers. they might as well have been hired by the semblers. that protest was dumb as shit. it was a "sammie parade" and was disgusting. i heard her asking "did you see me on montel?"

Ok, thanks for your opinion. I, for one, am up for hearing an alternative to the "protest" idea. Seriously, I would like to hear an effective method of explaining how enraged we are, to a group of people who justify the actions of the Semblers by implying that they were "doing whats right for the kids".

How do you suggest we relay this message to folks that have no clue as to the damage created by "tough love" bullshit. Yet they feel strongly justified in hidding behind this thin veil of delusion. How do we vent our rage at the abuses without sounding/looking like lunatics?

Can we set aside our personalities, our individual disagreements. Could we go beyond our general intolerance of each other and set our sights on a plan of action?

We have our work cut out for us to achieve this (admittedly) lofty ideal. During such time as we find the answers to these questions and many others similar to them, doing nothing just further buries the history/past. We become passivistic and their arrogance only grows and strengthens.

Aside from numbers (there are many of us)a clear, consistant approach is required to obtain and maintan the public or targets interest. Shock and Awe techinques for what they are worth are ok, but the message is forgotten. The eyes will go to the body of the messanger and thier words fall on the wayside.

Yeah, I think alot can and could/should be different in efforts made to educate the public of the Semblers behavior. Perhaps if you were there, you too could have been a contributing factor during the evenings event. But alas, you weren't there, only here to besmirch the efforts of those there.

Perhaps thats a bit harsh, but seriously, what would you suggest, that would improve our efforts. What words of encouragement can you add that will help? "

block traffic, dumbass.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Woof-a-Doof

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Regarding the Protest
« Reply #13 on: March 05, 2006, 10:32:00 AM »
Starry P--- Not really frustrated. I am doing what I can to have less and less expectations of people, especially when in groups. As a result my frustration level has dropped significantly.

I am not sure which Anon you are making reference to. The Anon I responded to, only repeated a question asked by Sammie; ?i heard her asking "did you see me on montel?"

The other Anon that posted prior to that asked many good questions and seemed genuine. The Holocaust, as an issue, is a most sensitive topic for the Jewish community, but certainly not limited to them. Combine the lack of a clear message; due to its enormity and emotional charge behind the message, the effort is probably less effective.

The fact that the protest takes place surrounding the holocaust museum as an entity is unfortunate. It is also unfortunate to have Mel Sembler in the position he is in. If I had a preference, I would indeed rather approach the protest at a different venue.  But that has not been the case thus far. Perhaps that will change, I dunno, will see.

As much as I wish more people had been there, I also am glad our numbers were few. I think that subtlety has a huge impact?although we were less than subtle.

Perhaps a ?Silent? protest could be our next approach?More people, with signs or whatever, but maintaining a ?Respectful Silence?.

People, I think want to hear the story. People, if educated in a calm respectful manner are very receptive to our plight. I think it?s important to understand that although they are receptive to the story and the sensationalistic image they develop in their minds eye, the difficulty would be to penetrate the long-standing ?tough love? mentality. That this fantastic story is coming to them from some punk/thug/druggy and they probably deserved what they went thru. This is a pervasive attitude amongst folks in my parents age bracket. And there were a lot of blue haired old women, one with flamboyant orange hair as well and of course the older/elder men?simply put, it?s a hard sell. A little class goes along way when communicating with some folks.

Hippie---I am not sure I can elaborate more on the Nazi/Straight comparison. Those are not my words and so I cannot lay claim to them. In fact I am not sure that a comparison is necessary. I think that doing so opens up a can of worms that we couldn?t successfully find our way out of. Our story is compelling on its own merits. Our story is complicated enuff as it is, without dragging the holocaust and the Third Reich into it. It to me, sounds like a weak attempt to claim attention to our cause.

Once we explain what happened in Straight, our audience will want to see the correlation tween Straight and the Nazi. Here I suspect we will be floundering because none of us were there to witness it directly. People I think will see thru that and see it for what it is. A poor comparison. Why should we continue to insult their intelligence by drawing this comparison? Especially when we are all experts regarding Straight Inc?as we were their captives. We may know no other story, but we know our story about Straight Inc and what happened to us and to others.

Quite simply, it blurs our story. Perhaps there are comparisons to the Nazi Third Reich and the Holocaust. As I said, I am no expert on the topic. Even if that is the case?Comparing Straight (our story) to the Nazi and the Jewish Holocaust (their story) is most certainly a complicated comparison?and as Eudora mentioned, ?It is an awful lot to put on a poster board.? Simplicity is lost in the comparisons.

Also Hippie---Rather than waiting/hoping the person you replied to in a less than loving manner will stumble across this thread, why not go back to that post in question and explain to them how ya felt?It?s much more direct?just a thought.

The 3rd or 4th Anon whose post began ?since i feel i was asked i will think on this and come up with an answer.................(waiting to be called a sissy fag)?

Incidentally, it?s a shame that you wrote such a powerful post and did so with such hesitancy because you feared an attack from us.

Expecting complete ?unity? from us, as a group is a noble idea and ideals like that are all to often disappointing. You are right in the sense that most of us have never had a place where we could effectively deal with the anger, rage and hostility towards Straight and to what happened to us there.  Unfortunately as I mentioned in a pervious post somewhere, we are doing what we were trained to do towards each other. We were not taught ?unity?, we were taught separation and to focus on the differences between us then to harp endlessly on those differences. It would take a lot of work, as a group and as individuals to reach a state where publicly, we can put our disagreements to rest long enuff and be unified in our thoughts and actions.

I am not trying to be fatalistic, but those are realities that we cannot deny. I personally applaud you for your optimistic post and the encouragement you bring to the discussion.

Frank Discussion--- Yeah, I agree. Same as with the Nazi comparisons, it would probably be in our best interest to negate the political component, regarding Straight, at least in the very beginning. The focus again becomes blurred, and attention is taken away from the ?story? and focus comes to the political crap?which in and of itself can go on for ever?leaving our story in the dust.

Anon who suggested that we block traffic at the event. Pughleeze! I am a grown ass man, and fortunately most of us here are also grown ass adults. To simply taunt the cops by blocking traffic, so maybe three cars can read the signs before we would be carted off to jail?that is just plain foolish.  It would be at that time the police show up in force and it becomes a ?story?. Think about it?that kinda story is counterproductive, especially at that particular venue, with that particular audience. The spin on that would be footage of one of use being thrown into a wagon a taken to Orient Road.

Meanwhile the News Desk at channels 8,9,10 & 13 or the editors of the Tampa Tribune and the Saint Petersburg Times rake us over the coals and make us look like mindless, thoughtless idiots with the audacity to protest the Holocaust Museum. And that means we lost our focus, so our audience and target miss the point and we followed some inane drone?s idea to block traffic. It?s truly tragic to see someone so unencumbered with insight as to suggest blocking traffic.

Maybe it?s just ?Dark Humor??I hope so. Maybe it?s just a compulsive need to attack at some perceived threat?I hope not.

Saturday morning, yesterday, I saw a Walgreens store beginning it?s construction. There was a rather large sign on the corner, in a conspicuous place, that said something to the effect of ?Another quality build of the Sembler Group?

A simple boycott of Walgreens is only one small attempt at bringing attention to Mel Sembler and his exploits.  Walgreens is a commercial endeavor (an unfortunate target some will say) The Holocaust Museum is a humanitarian endeavor (a most unfortunate target to hit Sembler). I would almost betcha that some of those old cronies have money invested in Walgreens and probably most have financial ties to Sembler. The fact that Mel Sembler has intimate ties with the Holocaust Museum is a secondary issue?collateral damage.

Interrupt the financial status quo. It?s another attention getter, then allow knowledge of Sembler?s past discretions (at best) unfurl naturally.

Mel is the target; the jewish community is not.

When I previously said, ?what would you suggest, that would improve our efforts. What words of encouragement can you add that will help?  

I was genuinely asking.

Not unlike the Anon who wrote in hesitation in fear of being assaulted with insults. I believe they are written with the expressed intent of hurting someone. Sadly, they are effective. The end result is pain.

I know how to do that, I suspect 100% of us know how to strike and counter strike against each other. I was hoping that there was an outside chance that this idea would not deteriorate into a squabble. I apologize for my involvement into that very same thing?Strike & Counter Strike.

At the heart of it all, I want to say again, publicly, my experience with Straight Inc. I want to say it clearly, respectfully and with as much surgical precision as I am capable of. What was done to us was wrong, and should never have happened, or happened since.

Yet, it still does. Mel Sembler, well, he is the one who gladly takes responsibility for this experiment, this abusive debacle he called/calls ?treatment?. In the name of that ?treatment? he destroyed thousands of lives and families. He exploited the tendency of some to farm out their children to Military School or some other Boarding School?who never had a drug problem to begin with?He endorsed the scare tactic into parents who also had their vulnerability exploited.

But as has been said, that?s a lot to put on a poster board?Perhaps a dedicated web site to Mel Sembler, exclusively to Mel Sembler.

Then the sign only need is one with a dot COM address. But again, simplicity I believe is and will prove to be the key in maintaining public interest.

Thanks for reading this far?I began writing last night but was too pissed off to concentrate (shitty day at work and all) I had hoped much of my agitation would have subsided this morning after sleeping on it.  But as I re-read everything?the beast can still be seen?maybe a day of creating will do me some good?maybe a xanax and a hootie whilst creating will do me even more good?let this rest for a while.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Regarding the Protest
« Reply #14 on: March 05, 2006, 10:48:00 AM »
It to me, sounds like a weak attempt to claim attention to our cause.

I agree. I'm not saying to not protest at that event, but you're right about the potential result of drawing comparisons like that. While this sort of comparison might fly with us, it probably ain't gonna fly all that well with the average joe. Most likely, talkin' that stuff will just get ya a :roll:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »