Author Topic: Young Womens Achievement Center, Manti, UT  (Read 2052 times)

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Offline ProtectRkids

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Young Womens Achievement Center, Manti, UT
« on: March 03, 2006, 12:06:00 AM »
A young girl that is very close to our family was recently transported to this facility from Las Vegas.  A Salt Lake attorney informs me that she's heard "horrid" things, such as the girls being drugged.  If anyone has been there, I would very much appreciate your perceptions or information on your experience.  The facility has only been open since April of 2005, but since it is run by Diane Robbins, the woman who licensed Wardle even after the death of a child in his care, I'd have to really question the standards of operation.  If any persons have had success getting someone out of one of these facilties that is not related to them, I'd love to know how you managed to succeed - I've hit every road block imagineable.

Thanks for your assistance and information.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
ctive volunteer for and concerned about the kids who have been, are in or may go to these facilities.

Offline nite owl

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Young Womens Achievement Center, Manti, UT
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2006, 12:49:00 AM »
I wasn't able to find anything on the net. Are you aware that the Mormon Church has a program for Young Women ( similar to girl scouts) It's called the Young Women's organization for girls age 12 to 17. They also have an award called

The Young Women's Achievement Award. Are you sure that this is a RTC?

There are a great many questions concerning The Seed that need to be answered. Both the methods of "obtaining" Seedlings and the method of indoctrination need to be aired so that all can see how close 1984 really is.' target='_new'>John Henninger Attorneys and Counselor at Law, Clearwater, FL

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline ProtectRkids

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Young Womens Achievement Center, Manti, UT
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2006, 12:53:00 AM »
Here's the link to the program.

The license is held under Young Womens Achievement Center.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
ctive volunteer for and concerned about the kids who have been, are in or may go to these facilities.

Offline nite owl

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Young Womens Achievement Center, Manti, UT
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2006, 01:00:00 AM »
There's at least one danger sign - they have a program with levels - not good. It looks like the program is in a house - so probably there are only 12 girls or less in the program. Problem is anyone can open up a group home in Utah for only $300. Property is cheap - a house like that could be bought for about $200,000 on several acres. I'm sure they charge at least $5000 per student. There are about 1000 similar programs in Utah - houses that are converted into some type of a program for troubled youth. Group homes....

It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are 20 gods, or no God. It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.
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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline ProtectRkids

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Young Womens Achievement Center, Manti, UT
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2006, 01:16:00 AM »
Generally speaking, do they restrict all outside contact?  I've gotten some very conflicting information about the constituional rights of minors and it appears that they are unable to have legal representation, and despite the lack of any evidence to support their arrival in this kind of a place, if the parents choose to send them, they are stuck.  This kid works, never misses school, abides by an 8:00 pm curfew, and has no juvenile or substance abuse history.  I can't fathom how it's possible the parents (really the mom) can just call a transport company and have her sent away - no questions asked.  Just seems like a Lifetime movie and not real life.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
ctive volunteer for and concerned about the kids who have been, are in or may go to these facilities.

Offline Anonymous

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Young Womens Achievement Center, Manti, UT
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2006, 01:19:00 AM »
Lord, have mercy! How many programs are out there! Every time you turn around there's a new one.

It looks like a small facility, for 16 girls, I believe. I'm not sure if you have this info yet, but here's their website:

They say they are licensed through the Northwest Association of Accredited Schools. From what I understand, that's not much more than homeschooling. Kids get a book, a workbook, and work at their own pace. At least that's what I've heard about some programs, I can't speak for this one.

Their staff is led by "experienced passionate directors", doesn't say credentialed staff or licensed staff. I wonder if they have any legitimate therapists on board, any legitimate teachers??

Hmmm.... cheap labor? Maybe it's a good thing, I'm just a bit skeptical because of what's been revealed in so many programs:
As a part of our program the girls will participate with a non-profit organization in day camps for mentally and physically handicapped youth by organizing and running the day camps, and mentoring participants. This gives the young women an opportunity to learn compassion and empathy while enhancing their own self-esteem and self worth.

They provide photos of the center - mostly photos of farm animals. Interesting...

They provide a video, which takes a while to load. It looks good, for the most part, but they always do. It's so hard to tell! The place is sparkling clean, then again the girls are the ones you see washing windows and cleaning up. It looks like someone is standing up teaching in the classroom, but who knows if what they portray is what really goes on.

"The program is provisionally accredited through the Northwest Association of Accredited Schools and Colleges" meaning it is provided temporarily, pending permanent arrangements.

Here's what they provide for "service projects":
Our Focus

Check out what the Young Women will be involved with when helping Palisade Pals !!!



Pals Video

(Under Construction)
Six different ?Day Camps? each year for children with disabilities and their families (Palisade Pals). We mentor the children, plan, and assist in all of the activities.

Making balls, dolls, dresses, hats, and hygiene kits, etc. that are sent the third world countries.

Participating in sub-for-Santa in our rural/local  area.

Co-sponsoring  a Blue Grass Festival to raise money for the Day Camps.

Providing  Foster Care and training for the local animal shelter.

Making quilts for the local Women?s shelter.

Participate in State Litter Control on Utah Highways

Here's their daily schedule:
"The girls are kept to a fairly strict schedule, as to ensure their time is well spent while here. They are very busy working on their school, personal projects, therapy, etc."

7:10   Wake up
7:30   Showers and personal time
8:00   Breakfast, Clean up
8:30   School
10:00  Break
10:30  School
12:00  Lunch
12:30  School
3:00   School is out?Snack
3:15   Household Chores
4:00   Personal Achievements, Laundry Time,      Counseling
6:00   Dinner Time
7:00-8:30  Evening Activities/Various Groups suck as independent Living skills, substance Abuse, Community Awareness,Values, etc.
8:30   Story (Reading) Time
9:00   Snack, Journal Time, Personal Time
9:30   Lights Out

Monday--Values Group, Education, Substance Abuse
Education, etc.
Tuesday--Independent Living Skills Group
Wednesday--Group Therapy
Thursday--Community Awareness, Guest Speakers
Friday--Reward Night
Saturday--Video Night
Sunday--Planned by Girls

7:30         Wake up
7:45         Showers and Personal Time
8:30         Morning Devotional, Gratitude Circle, Goal Setting
8:45         Breakfast, Clean up
9:15         Deep Cleaning Assignments, Yard Work, Laundry Time
11:30       Free Time
12:00       Lunch, Clean up
1:00-4:00 Service Project
3:00          Snack
4:00-6:00 Personal Achievement Time
6:00         Dinner
7:00         Reward Time
10:00        Journals
11:00        Lights Out

7:30           Wake up
7:45           Showers and Personal Time
8:30           Morning Devotional, Gratitude Circle, Goal Setting
8:45           Breakfast, Clean up
9:15           Deep Cleaning Assignments, Yard Work, Laundry Time
11:30         Free Time
12:00         Lunch, Clean up
1:00-4:00   Service Project
3:00           Snack
4:00-6:00   Personal Achievement Time
6:00           Dinner
7:00           Reward Time
9:30           Journals
11:00         Lights Out

For the most part, WE STICK TO THE SCHEDULE !!!

The Achievement Center for Young Women is designed to serve Young
Women between the ages of thirteen and eighteen.

More tidbits:
The most common reasons parents send their daughters to the Achievement Center for Young Women are:
Trouble in school
Drugs and/or Alcohol Abuse
Sexually acting out (promiscuous)
Oppositional                                     Runaway behavior
Legal Problems
Negative Peer Influence                         Mood Swings                 Depression                                      Poor Relationships
Anxiety                                          Credit Recovery (School)
Aggression                                       Lying
Anger                                            Poor Self-Esteem
Attention Deficit
Out of Control
Disrespectful                                    Abuse and/or Neglect
Trauma                                           Argumentative
Those in need of Counseling and an Individualized Education Plan (IEP)

The Achievement Center for Young Women uses behavior modification and positive reinforcement to facilitation positive change in the Young Women in our program.

*The program is not designed to deal with youth who have serious mental illness. The program does not admit youth who are in need of medical
detoxification services, or who have major medical issues.

And fees:
The Achievement Center for Young Women is a twelve month, fee for service program.

Parents/Guardians are responsible to pay all educational consultant fees if applicable. Parents/guardians are responsible for all medical, dental, vision, and travel expenses.

We do not provide escort services but may assist in transportation needs.

The Achievement Center staff are able to assist you in securing financing through your financial institution, school district, insurance company, or other means.

Don?t Hesitate! Call us for Financial Assistance!!!

(435) 835-GIRL (4475)

And a link right to our old friend:

Check this out, now they have parents taking tests as though they are the kids - what a crock of shit! (excuse the language)

Let's face it. Boarding schools aren't cheap. They can range from $3,500.00/month to $6,000.00/month. In some cases this cost is unavoidable, to get your child the help that they need. However in many cases the solution is right in front of you but you will never know it until you have spent $50,000.00 for a year at a boarding school or military boot camp just to find out that you still have to do the work at home when the child returns to you. There are a wide variety of resources available in many different forms and most are inexpensive and can be done right at home.

With some of the amazing tests that are available today we can cut the guess work out and get right to the problem. The most widely used test is a Temperament Analysis test. This test gets right to the heart of the problem by showing the exact mental health and behavior patterns of the subject and even has an unbeatable BS detector, so even if your child lies on the test it will bear out the same results as if they were 100% honest. This test shows where your child has the ability to function in society and at home, and where your child needs help. We can send the test to you and you administer the test to your child. Then, send the test sheet back to our licensed therapists for scoring, evaluation and then consultation with you. Often times you can provide exactly what is needed in a very short time at home without the huge expense of a school. On the other hand it will also tell us if a school or out-of-the-home-environment is necessary to solve your Child's problem. This test is one of the very few tests that are accepted and used in juvenile courts across the country, because of its time tested and proven extreme accuracy.

This Test Can Be Used Without The Child's Participation

One of the amazing functions of this test is that it can be taken by the parent, as if you were the child and still have extremely high accuracy. The accuracy is almost perfect if both parents take the test as if they were each the child, and then merge the two together. The test consists of 180 questions that are answered with "yes", "undecided", or "no".

There are a wide variety of tests that we can run for minor problems, however the Temperament Analysis test is the most frequently used and best suited for troubled teens. This is by far the best place to start, and can save thousands of dollars and time searching for the right solution.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline ProtectRkids

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Young Womens Achievement Center, Manti, UT
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2006, 01:57:00 AM »
Fortunately, I know this child and she is a well rounded, intelligent girl.  Unfortunately for her, the mother has some fairly unrealistic beliefs where teens are concerned.  They do grow up, they do develop opinions and they do speak those opinions from time-to-time.  If you view this as  threat to your authority or breeding ground for future problems, you may have the inclination to "nip it in the bud" by taking all the control away......this is the ultimate control mechanism - all freedoms restrained.  What I fear for the victim, her daughter, is that the environment, exposure and experience in general (starting with two burly idiots kidnapping her and taking her out-of-state) will leave her with scars that may take years to heal and accept.  Isn't life tough enough already?

Thanks for all your information!

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
ctive volunteer for and concerned about the kids who have been, are in or may go to these facilities.