Author Topic: Breaking Point: The Andrea Yates Story  (Read 2349 times)

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Breaking Point: The Andrea Yates Story
« on: February 10, 2006, 04:28:00 PM »

Book Description
One day, Andrea Yates was a loving mother. The next, the nation was shocked by the death of her five innocent children...

The 911 call that shocked the country. "I just killed my children." Why were they killed?

On June 20, 2001, in a middle-class Houston suburb, Andrea Yates and her husband Russell, a NASA engineer, prepared for the routine week-day ahead. But before the morning was over, tragedy would strike the quiet family and turn the day into a nightmare. Shortly before 10 a.m., Andrea calmly summoned the police with a grim confession...

One by one, Andrea Yates' children, ages 6 months to 7 years, had been drowned in their bathtub. No one who knew Andrea could picture the devoted mother capable of such an unbelievable crime or imagine the terror in the eyes of her trusting children. As their father struggled between overwhelming grief and loyalty to his imprisoned wife, an outraged nation struggled with an unfathomable question...

Breaking Point provides a harrowing portrait of the suffocating darkness at the heart of one all-American family, and exposes the private demons that pushed a mother over the edge.

With 8 pages of photographs.

About the Author
New York Times bestselling author Suzy Spencer wrote the controversial true crime book Wasted, a 1999 Violet Crown Book Award finalist, as well as Wages of Sin. Spencer is the recipient of two Chilton Editorial Awards and a three-time semi-finalist in the Pirate's Alley Faulkner Awards. She holds a Masters of Professional Writing and a Masters of Business Administration, both from the University of Southern California. She lives in Texas.
Product Details

    * Paperback: 320 pages
    * Publisher: St. Martin's Paperbacks; St. Martin edition (February 18, 2002)
    * Language: English
    * ISBN: 0312983093
    * Product Dimensions: 6.7 x 4.2 x 0.9 inches
    * Shipping Weight: 5.8 ounces. (View shipping rates and policies)
    * Average Customer Review: based on 13 reviews.

This woman never had a chance - NONE!, October 19, 2005
Reviewer: Terry M. Callen (Gloucester City, NJ United States) - See all my reviews
Suzy Spencer did a great job in telling a story that left me furious at the end of the book.

I do not know who I want to strangle first: Andrea's self-centered and emotionally distant husband Rusty who kept the poor woman pregnant and isolated; that idiot of a preacher, the sexist (and bedbug crazy) Michael Woroniecki; the DA that was determined to have this obviously insane woman put to death; or the incompetent psychiatrist at Devereux.

What IS it with the state of Texas and its zeal for executing women? Darlie Lynn Routier was railroaded onto death row, where she remains to this day. They were all too glad to execute Karla Faye Tucker, even though they had no problem with commuting Henry Lee Lucas' death sentence.

Andrea Yates was mentally ill, and yet they wanted to stick a needle in her arm. Appalling.

There are some women who should not have children; I think Andrea Pia Kennedy Yates was one of them.

The poor woman didn't have a life. There was no "ME time" for her. She was constantly pregnant, even though she suffered postpartum depression from Day One. She had to homeschool her kids and at one point was made to live on a bus!

Abuse doesn't have to be physical to be abuse - I believe Andrea Yates was abused by her husband -- and the mental health system let her down.

I couldn't believe it when I read how Rusty Yates alienated the women he worked with at NASA, asking them why they were working and why they weren't "at home where they belong"? (I would have asked the domineering Mr. Yates, "And WHY are YOU getting in MY business?" Right before dumping a cup of coffee in his lap.)

I also couldn't believe how he stated his "main objective as a parent" was to make his boys "stay quiet for longer periods of time."

Excuse me? Children are not automatons or robots! What a control freak!

I was beside myself with anger when I heard Rusty Yates now seeks a divorce from Andrea. Excuse me? What's he going to do.....find ANOTHER woman with little or no self-esteem and keep HER pregnant and a virtual prisoner until SHE snaps, too?

Good job of story-telling by Suzy Spencer of how far women STILL have to go and how fundamentalist beliefs continue to screw up people's heads and lives!


good crime backgrounder, December 11, 2003
Reviewer: A reader
Being from Houston where this crime took place I liked the behind the scenes info on TV cameraman John Treadgold and the first police officers reaction to being first on the scene of this tragedy. The background into the families life was very detailed. Some reviewers question the book not covering the trial: but it was mainly a P.S. to the actual act anyway.


Decent book on a baffling case., June 10, 2003

Funkee Monkee (atlanta, ga, usa)

This book would have been much, much better if they had A) stayed on topic and B)Waited until the trial was over.

Why A)? I don't even get the connection between the Worrenikis or whoever, and then the fact that the 2 photos of the girls could have been used for family pictures that proved that Andrea is not some sadisitic child-murderer.

B) What is the point on profiling a case when you can only speculate the end result?

On to the case. How is it that Susan Smith was, at first, only given 30 years at the minimum for the cold-hearted, greedy murder of little Michael and Alex? Yet Andrea Yates, an obviously sick woman, was given life w/ no chance of parole for the murders of Noah, John, Paul, Luke and Mary? Andrea did it out of love; Susan did it to get back at David and get with Tom. I don't think that there are any exceptions to the murdering of kids, it's all horrible, however I think there should be different sentancing. The fact that Belinda Hill rejected Andrea's insane plea blows my mind and it's obvious that Belinda Hill did not research Andrea's history.

The jury that day not only took away any chance of Andrea getting better, yet they took away Rusty's only remaining family, and Andrea's family's dreams.

If only doctors had realized how serious Andrea's sicknesses really were, those five children would be alive and well today, Andrea would be in treatment, and June 20, 2001 would not be a day that Americans remembered. THe day that five children were tragically taken away-not only by their mother's hands, but by the Texas doctors.


What a let down..................., August 6, 2002
Reviewer: A reader

The first half of this book was interesting. The second half was good, but it seemed they wrapped the whole book up in the last chapter and it left you craving for more info. What happened????????????? Also, there were booking photos of some women who were only breifly mentioned in the book and it never expanded on why in the world they were booked for anything. I felt excited at first, but just let down at the end.


Finished too soon, but well written, May 27, 2002
Reviewer: A reader

Excellent book, but in my opinion, the author should have waited for the verdict before publishing it.

It is a very well researched book and very well written. I look forward to more books by Suzy Spencer.

And, as for Mrs. Yates, as a depression survivor, I can really empathize with her. Although my depression was major, fortunately is was not so severe that I couldn't separate my thoughts from reality.

Maybe this will open more resarch and understanding for this illness. It is not an emotional state -- it is a physical, biological illness.

Yes, Rusty Yates contributed to his wife's problems -- how could he not realize that living with 5 children and in a small bus was just plain unhealthy even if his wife didn't complain or say no? So much for the old saying "It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that out." Rusty IS a rocket scientist -- a NASA engineer.

But, he did try to get her help and fought for her treatment that the embicile doctor wouldn't give her. Still, he should have taken her to another facility -- another doctor, whether or not insurance would cover it. This was his WIFE who needed treatment, not his car!

Personally, I think Dr. Saeed should have been on trial. What a mope! I am an EMT and don't have much use for doctors. I have rarely met any who are worth a hoot. But, that takes the cake!


Great Book!, April 29, 2002
Roxanne Inabinett (SC)

I don't review alot of books or read alot of books published before the trial,But the shock and horror of Andrea Yates killing those 5 children just stayed with me. I seen the book and bought it. It was a good book about a horrible crime. When I first saw this awful Tradgedy on the news I wanted Andrea Yates Hung from the nearest tree. After reading the book , I see now how very troubled she was.She should be punished , but so should her husband and the mental health community. I am glad Ms. Spencer spared us some of the gory details.The book was very informative and gave me a much better understanding on what was/wasnt going on in Andrea Yates head! ...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Breaking Point: The Andrea Yates Story
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2006, 12:49:00 AM »
I wouldn't pay a penny for it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Breaking Point: The Andrea Yates Story
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2006, 01:58:00 AM »
Anon, I am not certain I believe in the death penalty; and I certainly do think Andrea Yates WAS right where she belonged: serving a life sentence for killing her children.

But: Karla Fay Tucker was not some sweet young thing that just got put to death by mean ole Texas. That gal stuck an axe so deep in her victim's head, she didn't have the strength to dislodge it to stike him AGAIN.  I do believe this gal also stated she had an organism in the process.

As for Mrs. Routier, she killed her children for the worse reason there is: MONEY.

I want you to find a new soap box lady. Some people are just bad bad bad.

And some, like Andrea Yeats are just pitiful.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Breaking Point: The Andrea Yates Story
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2006, 10:32:00 PM »
the woman is obviously mentally ill. Truly driven mad by her surroundings. She she shouldnt be in jail. the people that run these programs for kids should though - they have no excuse, just their desire for power and $
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »