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AF Thread: New Attorney General
« on: December 18, 2005, 01:01:00 PM »
Topic: New Attorney General

SHH  posted 2/21/05 2:03 AM    
As the author of memos telling President Bush that it is OK to circumvent the Geneva Convention and OK to torture prisoners under our control however we see fit, how in the HECK do you think you are going to find sympathy with the likes of Gonzales????? PULEEZE....he is not in the least concerned about anyone's safety or rights..and certainly not your children's. I am sure he could care less.  

RobertBruce  posted 2/22/05 4:27 AM    
Uhoh you sound scared. Afraid the big bad attorney general is going to come and close your little school down? We can all hope. I think Mr. Gonzalez might be sympathetic to our cause simply because he unlike you and your sick child abusing friends, is able to make the distinction between children and terrorist.  

SHH  posted 2/23/05 3:56 AM    
The only terrorists I am concerned about are Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Gonzales, and Rice, and a few others who shall remain nameless. They have taken our so-called freedoms and flushed them down the toilet in the name of "national security". National security?? PULEEZE! Bush is more a threat to the American Way than any other president EVER. THATS what I think of that topic.  

RobertBruce  posted 2/23/05 4:48 AM    
The only terrorist I am concerned about are Bucci, Lindsay, Parnham, Witherspoon, and the Greys and a few other who will soon be named. They have took our so called freedoms and flushed them down the toilet in the name of "helping children" PULEEZE! HLA is more of a threat to children in America then other school EVER! Thats what I think of that topic.
Oh and youre an idiot. Or did you not hear about a couple of buildings that fell down a few years back due to terrorist other than the ones you named?  

SHH  posted 2/23/05 6:36 AM    
ID be careful throwing the Grays name around...those are my son's grandparents, and in their 60s and semi retired now, and dont even live in georgia anymore..and NEVER and I do mean NEVER...have they abused you. One was a cook, the other a maintenance employee..and were never in a position to do anything other than fix your air conditioning or make your dinner! If you have a beef with counselors thats one thing...a cook and maintenance worker??? Get back to reality Robert. Stick with your so-called facts.  

RobertBruce  posted 2/23/05 3:45 PM    
Oh I will, just as you will stick to your sick delusions about not abusing children. So you were Bills wife? How is the fat bastard? Let me ask you about these maintance workers you speak of. Since all real maintance was preformed by the slaves the school kept on the property (Im sorry would you prefer I called them students?) What exactly did Bill ever do? Fixed air conditioners? Thats funny I remember a gas leak once occuring in one of the girls dorms that took a week to repair. Man he must have been on the ball huh? Well I guess it was easy to justify letting girls sleep in that kind of envionrnment since your husband blamed it on the students claiming we had somehow caused the gas leak ourselves. As to your former mother in law, well the food speaks for itself.  

SHH  posted 2/23/05 3:51 PM    
Oh geez whatever Robert....there were at least 3 maintenance workers that fixed things....the students didnt fix things but they did help out with some things. And gas leaks usually have to be repaired by a company or the gas company. I dont know anything about the gas leak you are referring to but if it was a danger I am sure they had to leave it off until someone came to fix it. And as far as my mother in law's cooking...the kids loved her cookies and cole you must be thinking of another cook. Anyway, I am getting tired of the personal insults you throw instead of REAL debating. I enjoy a good debate but I havent bashed you personally, only some statements you made. Because of your statements made to me personally about my personality, behavior, etc...they make your argument even less credible. You dont know me. You can be sure of that. You have probably never seen or met me or if you did, dont even know what I look like, so how can you judge me? you cant. Thats the point. Im done with you Robert. I enjoyed the debate. But you got immature with it. Continue without me please.  

RobertBruce  posted 2/24/05 0:26 AM    
students "helped out with some things" try again. The students were made to maintain the upkeep of the entire campus. Helped out with some things would imply we assisted someone else who bore the full respondsibility. As we both know this is untrue. As far as the gas leak goes, the fact remains nothing was done for a week except to tell the girls they could wash there clothes but could not dry them as using the dryer was out of the question. Oh and the girls stayed put in the dorms the entire time per your husbands instructions. Dont pretend you dont remember it, or have you conviently forgotten along with all of your other child abusing crimes? Also dont kid yourself about the food, youre forgetting that we were the ones who had to often prep the food and clean up everything afterwards. Your mother-in-law and every other cook there never made anything, they heated things up or added water to it. Everything was prepackaged and almost all of it was preprepared. You claim youre getting tired of the personal insults? More likely youre getting tired of hearing the truth and not being able to punish anyone for speaking it, and yes the fact remains I do know you and I do remember you, again I was there the same time you worked there. I can judge you because I know who you worked for and I know what you supported and still do to this day, thats sufficent.

SHH  posted 3/2/05 4:07 AM    
All Prepackaged HA!!!!.......she made homemade cole slaw, homemade cookies, homemade brownies, homemade meatloaf...etc etc etc etc....SOME things were premade like some of the pies but MOST like 80% was made there...Robert are you SURE you went to the same school??? Really some of the stuff you are saying is just totally untrue or way exaggerated.  

SHH  posted 3/2/05 4:11 AM    
OH and while we are on the subject...the maintenance people DID hold the responsibility...the students HELPED in kitchen prep and cleaning and in maintenance because that is the make students be responsible and learn something. I worked in the kitchen in my high school AND in my college both. Never hurt me one bit. It was part of the deal. And the maintenance people DID do most of the stuff so don't come on here and paint this picture of slave labor because that is NOT what it was. Students helped out and also on punishment they were made to do chores around campus like clean up the campus and trim bushes and weed flower beds..nothing TRAGIC!! OMG chores!!!! what a concept LMAO  

RobertBruce  posted 3/2/05 7:23 PM    
Never hurt us one bit huh? I can offer you numerous examples of children who were in fact injured due to the slave labor they were forced to participate in. Let me know if youd like to hear about them, Im sure you wont. Furthermore can you briefly explain to me why the school never seemed to employ any janitors? Oh wait never mind stupid question, why would Bucci pay someone to do something he can force the kids to do for free?
Also dont kid yourself the work assingnment slaves never helped any maintance people with anything, we did it all on our own, and if we didnt well then that was cause to have a drill instructor restrain us.
Tell me though, is cleaning a dumpster without tools both theraputic, and safe or is it just a cost cutting measure at what is little more than a forced labor camp?
Oh and if homemade coleslaw is the best defense you can come up with, this is going to be easier than I thought. Again you think because you say something adamently that its the end of it. Its not, we did the food prep work remember, not any of the cooks, well us and Sysco.  

SHH  posted 3/2/05 10:57 PM    
I can say this with complete confidence that several of your statements in your above post are blatant lies. And you KNOW they are Robert, cut the crap will ya? MY mother in law worked in the kitchen and I was in there MANY times and I know what was pre-prepared and not pre-prepared...I know that MOST of the food was all restaurant and large facilities SOME of it was brought in frozen and then cooked at the school BUT most was homemade.and my father in law was one of the main maintenance people at that time, and they DID work their asses off AND,, they did have people who cleaned and were janitors, but the kids were required to help keep their own bathrooms clean just like AT HOME DUH OMG once again Im catching you in a lie OMG what a shock!!! LMAO keep it up Robert....youre looking more and more pathetic the more you rant and rave. Because Robert I WAS there and I DO know what went on while I was there..cant speak about now but I can about when I was there. OH and by the way...Sysco wasnt their food service way back became their food service later..ONCE again..another lie. Geez Robert youre really getting tiring. I CANT lie about what I LIVED remember??? I WAS THERE for 4 years!  

NAMELESS  posted 3/3/05 3:05 AM    
you go shh whoever you are. i am sick and tired of this "robert" and his crap. i read this board because it is amusing to read robert's come backs if that is what you want to call it.  

RobertBruce  posted 3/3/05 5:47 AM    
Nameless youre getting tired of my "crap" or as I prefer to call it "the truth"? Thats interesting I guess now you and the staff of HLA have something in common.
Shhh, your Sysco comments make zero sense whatsoever, since you dont know the exact dates of when I attended the school, you cant know whether I was there before them or after them. As to your maintance comments, well again you know not of which you speak. We did a little more then cleaning the dorm bathrooms, or perhaps youd like to share what the students do every saturday morning. Im sure youll have no problem listing off the cleaning activities since its just cleaning the bathrooms right? Furthermore why not elaborate on what a typical work assingnment entails.
Also since youre claiming that because you lived there, that you KNOW what went on. Yet youve made numerous comments admitting that you didnt know a great deal of went on, and have been proven wrong on a number of issues you claimed you were certian (remember you claimed no students were on restriction for longer than a week, or that any employee who touched a student was automatically fired). Furthermore weve already established that while you may have lived on the property for longer than any student, you did not experience any of what the students went through, thus a student has more credibility when describing what the school was like then you do, accept that. Also you claim because you lived there, you cant lie about it.......I could have sworn I lived there as well, so I guess I cant lie about it either then. Do you not think through your stupid and baseless arguments before you make them? You can and have lied numerous times concerning the school, as you are currently. The students were respondsible for the general upkeep of almost the entire campus, a little more than bathrooms, as well the students were respondsible for much of the food prep as well as the upkeep of the kitchen, again face facts I lived it you didnt. I will admitt that at its inception the food quality may have been different, I cannot speak on the workings of the school prior to my enrollment, however I can and will speak of my the period of my enrollment and onward since I have something to base it on. For that time period I can tell you from my own experiences and the testimony of others, the food was crap, and nothing was anymore home made then you would find at any average resturnate, well with the exception being that generally the food and service is better at a resturante. If it ran at the quality of the HLA cafeteria it would have to close its doors within a matter of weeks, no one chooses to eat that garbage.
Im wondering though also, since you claim that I look pathetic due to my "ranting and raving", yet if this is true why is HLA running scared? I mean going so far as to send ol Marty their lawyer on here to try and shut me up? Looks like ol Bucci would prefer I didnt spill so many in house secrets, to bad for him Im going to keep it up.
Oh and just to keep you in check, youve never caught me in a lie, to add to your issues of promiscuity, child abusing, tunnel vision, narcissim, and ODD, we should now add your need to project your own faults onto others. Youve been caught in numerous lies, not the other way around silly. Keep that in mind and let me know if you need me to post a few examples on here.  

SHH  posted 3/3/05 6:23 AM    
Need I remind you that HLA received a 97 on their last kitchen inspection? That includes quality of food in that inspection Robert. And just how many lies have you been caught in? Ive lost count. Because I speak the truth of what I experienced when I was there and I am NOT lying, regardless of what you hope others believe. I cannot speak of what you experienced with your counselors that is true. Nor can I speak of events after 2001. I speak of life on campus in the years I was there. However, you paint this picture of a slave labor camp where children starve to death and no employees in the kitchen or maintenance areas work,and that the facility was filthy and that Robert, is bullshit and you know it. The kids ASSISTED in those duties, nothing more. And the more you call me promiscuous and a child abuser, the less and less credible your STORIES become. Once again Robert, you dont KNOW me, youve never been in my house, ridden in my car, spoken to me, know my children's names, or even know what kind of car I drove back then or what I look like. How old were you when you were at the school Robert? 13? 15? Im curious. A 15 yr old's perspective of "slave labor" is I BET a far cry from a 39 yr old's. In my house my children have chores. I bet you would call them slave labor too huh? LMAO  

Deborah  posted 3/3/05 2:32 PM    
In regards to an inspection by the HD, it is my understanding that they are concerned with the physical plant and sanitation.
They are not there to determine if:
The meals meet USDA guidelines for calories and variety
If the restriction kids are fed adequately, and/or of food is being used as a form of punishment
If the labor performed by the kids is appropriate, or instead is work that should be performed by paid staff
Those are things the state would monitor were HLA licensed by the state, and if the state were doing their job.
Based on my conversation with the HD, they have no jurisdiction over and do not monitor the meals for quality or quantity- in case that is what you are implying. That is left to the facility, and the HD assumes that the facility is regulated by the state. The only nutritional advice the HD gives is to WIC clients.
What does their last Kitchen inspection score have to do with RB?s comments of how it was when he was there? You have admitted to the fact that some changes have occurred. Why not 100? What violation was found? Or have you seen the actual report?
In terms of chores- It was always important to me that my kids learn to make a contribution to our household. They weren?t paid for chores and chores weren?t used as punishment, which can result in a negative association with an important life skill.
It is quiet different when kids are in residential facilities. A facility under the watch of the state can not require kids to perform regular maintenance, for punishment or otherwise. Kids may not take the place of hired staff.
The state allows for work to be assigned as punishment for behavior, provided it is not excessive or unreasonable. They do not define what constitutes excessive or unreasonable. Who does, the punisher or the recipient?

RobertBruce  posted 3/3/05 8:59 PM    
>>>>>>Need I remind you that HLA received a 97 on their last kitchen inspection? That includes quality of food in that inspection Robert.<<<<<<
And you would know this how? You havent lived at this place in four years yet you are still privy to the scores given by the Health Dept? How is this so? Furthermore during my time there we were warned by the staff not to complain to any visitors about the food or the conditions in the cafeteria because they might be from the health dept, and if there was a single more instance of food poisioning it would be closed down and we were told we would all be eating restriction food indefinitly.
>>>>>>>And just how many lies have you been caught in? Ive lost count.<<<<<<
Oh I havent, the number is zero. But if you disagree by all means post up an example or two of what you believe to be my lies.
>>>>>>>Because I speak the truth of what I experienced when I was there and I am NOT lying, regardless of what you hope others believe.<<<<<<<
Yes you are, I just gave you two shining examples of lies youve told in the above post. Do you need more? Id be happy to provide them. As far as what I hope people believe....well any potential customer who comes on here and does not believe what I and others have to say against the facility will eventually find out we were telling the truth after all. I mean at least this way the intelligent ones will recognize you as nothing more than a propogandist delusional mouth piece who spews out nothing but nonsense and lies to abate her own guilt. Whereas I on the other hand am willing to share the reality of the situation at HLA.
>>>>>>I cannot speak of what you experienced with your counselors that is true. Nor can I speak of events after 2001<<<<<
My goodness Mrs. Grey, Im so proud of you. I had no idea you were capable of making an accurate statement. You cannot speak about things you dont know, which as I have already established is a great deal, espically concerning life at HLA. Remember you were on the periphery you didnt experience or deal with it on a day to day basis, thus once again my testimony about the school has more credibility than yours. Espically since you have an agenda to protect your assests and reputation, and I dont.
>>>>>> speak of life on campus in the years I was there. However, you paint this picture of a slave labor camp where children starve to death and no employees in the kitchen or maintenance areas work,and that the facility was filthy and that Robert, is bullshit and you know it. The kids ASSISTED in those duties, nothing more. <<<<<<<
Yet again you cannot speak on things you dont know. Furthermore you still refuse to describe what a typical work assingnment entailed. Why is that? Oh thats right youre afraid of the truth, typical reaction of an HLA employee. In any case I think I can settle this, I still have some pictures I took of the living conditions in the dorms at HLA, along with the general appearance and quality of the food and cafeteria. Perhaps ill go ahead and scan them and place them on a webpage, then ill go ahead and post a link on here and on other HLA message boards so people can see for themselves and decide just how hard the maintance staff worked or what the conditions really were in the cafeteria. Are you okay with that Shhh?
>>>>>And the more you call me promiscuous and a child abuser, the less and less credible your STORIES become.<<<<<
Oh I see, so you still have a problem with me using the same philosphy on you that was used on us as students? I find that funny, I mean you didnt have a problem with it when it was part of what put food on your table, why do you have a problem with it now? As to whos more credibile than whom, well lets see I have facts on my side which can be backed up with both evidence and testimony. You have what.......what youve been instructed to say?
>>>>> Once again Robert, you dont KNOW me, youve never been in my house, ridden in my car, spoken to me, know my children's names, or even know what kind of car I drove back then or what I look like.<<<<<
How can you be so sure I dont know you?
>>>>> How old were you when you were at the school Robert? 13? 15? Im curious. A 15 yr old's perspective of "slave labor" is I BET a far cry from a 39 yr old's<<<<<
Oh are you all still fishing for clues to my identity so Ol Marty knows where to send that cease and desist letter? Youre going to have be a little more subtle than that Im afraid.
>>>>>In my house my children have chores. I bet you would call them slave labor too huh? LMAO <<<<<
Well that depends, I grew up having to do chores and I wouldnt have called it slave labor or child abuse. But let me ask you Mrs. Grey. Do you make your children preform unsafe and unhealthy task without the benefit of protection? Do you "restrain" them if they step out line? Do you ration their food as punishment? Do you make them perform PT until they pass out or vomit? Do you deny them adaquet medical treatment? Do you emotionally abuse them? (stupid question you used to work there). Do you force them to do the things that you as their mother should be doing? If so then yes it is slave labor and you are a child abuser.  

SHH  posted 3/3/05 11:08 PM    
Once again your response is goofy at best...and you wanna know how to get the HD inspection results??? Its public information it HAS to be posted in the facility AND you can call and get it DUH once again..IM NOT LYING and I just proved it. BY the way, Im not Mrs. Gray. And once again, unless you were a former staff member...YOU DONT KNOW ME.  

SHH  posted 3/3/05 11:11 PM    
PS...I have pictures of my own...lots of them.  

RobertBruce  posted 3/4/05 2:24 AM    
>>>>>>>Once again your response is goofy at best...<<<<<
Really? Why is it then I can respond directly to every comment you make while you have to pick and choose what you will and will not respond to from mine?
>>>>>>...and you wanna know how to get the HD inspection results??? Its public information it HAS to be posted in the facility AND you can call and get it DUH once again<<<<<
So you went all the way to GA just to get the health inspection reports? Or you called up there? Which is it? If you called, who was it you spoke with? Was it someone who had the information right on hand? What was the date of the last inspection? What were the violations that resulted in a three point deduction? Who conducted the test and how can I get ahold of this person? Get back to me on those questions, shouldnt be to hard for you since you were able to get the health inspection score so easily ( I look forward to seeing you avoid answering any of these questions since you are in fact a coward).
>>>>>>>IM NOT LYING and I just proved it. <<<<<<<
No you didnt, youre just insisting something and hoping that if you say it often and loud enough it will make it true. A not uncommon philosphy used by staff members at HLA. I keep telling you Mrs. Grey, outside of those walls you never had any power. Proving your case in this argument would be you providing us with a link to view the certified health certificate, since all youve given us is your word to go on, Im sorry to tell you that is insufficent. Perhaps if you hadnt shown yourself to be so dishonest and manipulative in the past it would be but Im afraid youve burned all your bridges. Maybe you can work hard to build some of that trust back, if you work hard. If you need help though Id be happy to show you some of the more dishonest comments youve made on here and other message boards. Speaking of which, when you will you be coming back to the formits board? You made so many bold comments there and then scampered off when they got thrown back in your face. Why is that?
>>>>>>>BY the way, Im not Mrs. Gray. And once again, unless you were a former staff member...YOU DONT KNOW ME. <<<<<<
Anything you say Mrs. Grey, and again I ask you, how can you be sure I dont know you. You went on and on about how you sledded with the students, how you ate dinner with us, how you partook in the bonfire. Not that the students had any sleds of course but hey Im sure you think it happened. So with all your limited interaction with the students, how can you be so sure I dont know you?
>>>>>>>>>>PS...I have pictures of my own...lots of them. <<<<<<<<
Really? You took pictures of the depolarable living conditions as well? I'll be sure to let our attorney know that so we can suponea them when the time comes. THANKS.  

SHH  posted 3/4/05 2:52 AM    
Call the lumpkin county health department to get that IS public info...just ask for it...and a 3 point reduction is VERY MINOR compared to the restaurants in gainesville that get 80's all the time. and by the way, when I get my pics out of storage I will SHOW you those pics of those sleds you say dont exist that YOU students sledded on with my I said..I have pics. And once again...I DO NOT LIE. Keep it up Robert....Youre getting funnier and funnier as you go. If you know me so well..what is my first name huh? what do I look like huh? LMAO youre a trip Robert.  

RobertBruce  posted 3/4/05 5:28 AM    
>>>>>>Call the lumpkin county health department to get that IS public info...just ask for it...<<<<<<
So youre saying you called them just to get this info then? When was this exactly and whom did you speak with?
>>>>>...and a 3 point reduction is VERY MINOR compared to the restaurants in gainesville that get 80's all the time.<<<<<<<
I see, so you not only called to check on the health rating of the cafeteria at HLA but you called and got the health rating of ALL the resturants in the Gainesville area. My goodness you do have alot of free time dont you. As your son recoperated from his pnemonia already? What about those three disabled family members you claim to take care of?
>>>>>>and by the way, when I get my pics out of storage I will SHOW you those pics of those sleds you say dont exist that YOU students sledded on with my I said..I have pics.<<<<<<
Oh so now youre claiming that your pictures are not of the schools living conditions. Well Ill probably ask our attorney to suponea them anyway just in case theres something we can use. As to your sledding comments, well as I said before I cannot attest to life at HLA before my time there, however at no point during my time there was there any sledding activity with you or anyone else, and trust me not from a lack of snow, furthermore since the students didnt keep sleds lying around and Bucci is not known for his genorosity where did these sleds come from?
>>>>>>> And once again...I DO NOT LIE.<<<<<
Why do we have to keep going through this Mrs. Grey? Ive shown you several times you do in fact lie. Let me give you those same two examples I gave you eariler which you never responded to.
1. You claimed no student was ever on restriction for more than a week.
This is a lie, I had a roommate who was on restriction for seven months consecutivly.
2. You claimed that any staff member who ever touched a student was fired.
This is a lie, I gave you the example of the time Jimsir physically attacked a student named Blake for making a smart comment to him. Jimsir is still an employee there.
If you need further examples of your lies Id be happy to provide them.
>>>>>>Keep it up Robert....Youre getting funnier and funnier as you go. <<<<<<
Really? Thats interesting I was thinking the same thing about you, except you fall into a more pathetic category. Seriously how many questions of mine have you had to avoid in order to save yourself embarresment. Not understanding that you are long past embarresing yourself, lets take a look at a few examples.
1. I asked you to describe a typical work assingnment, you have been unable to do so.
2. I asked you to describe what the students do every saturday morning, you have been unable to do so.
3. You claimed that the students work assingnments were never anything that hurt anyone, yet when I offered you examples of students who were in fact injured due to the negligence of the HLA staff you skirted the issue.
4. I asked you if you believed cleaning a dumpster without tools is both safe and theraputic. You never responded.
5. I asked you to explain your apparent contridiction between stating that you "KNOW what went on" versus your other comments that stated you didnt have a great deal of interaction with the students and thus didnt know a great deal of what went on. Youve never managed to get back to me on that one.
6. Ive asked you to list off what licenses HLA has and with who, you are unwilling to do so.
If you need more examples Id be happy to get them from the formits site. Then tell me again whos the one who looks funny on here, me who shoots down all the nonsense you and the other employees of HLA have to say, or you who has to pick and choose what you will and will not respond to? You know I wonder if Bucci finds me as funny as you do? Why dont you ask him next time you speak with him.
>>>>> If you know me so well..what is my first name huh? what do I look like huh? LMAO youre a trip Robert. <<<<<<
Laughter through the pain huh? No I never claimed to know you well, I simply said I remember you. As to your first name or hair color I neither remember nor care, at least not as much as you all wish you had my name. Irregardless however is the fact that even if I had never met or seen you at HLA (which I did) I can still judge you based on your actions here and while at the school. You profited from and continue to support a greedy, immoral, unethical child abusing institution. For those reasons alone I and every other student who ever attended HLA are justified in making judgement calls on you and every other employee who did nothing to try and make our situation better. If youre having trouble understanding me Id invite you to come to the upcoming trial, since you still live so close to Dahlonega it shouldnt be to hard for you to make it should it?  

SHH  posted 3/4/05 12:41 AM    
You dont know where I live or even what state, the food inspection ratings for restaurants in gainesville are in, yes I called the HD 2 weeks ago, dont remember who I spoke to, it was a woman, and she said the inspection was 97 and it was done 5 months ago. As far as the sleds, my ex purchased them, there were about 5 or 6 of them, I think they were black in color, plastic tobbogan types, and they were stored in the old workshop building that isnt there anymore. So keep calling me a liar Robert..Ill keep proving you wrong. And SEE I told you you didnt know me! LMAO  

X-stdent & graduate & post grad  posted 3/4/05 7:17 PM    
ur all faggots!!!!any HLA student would never spend this much time arguing w/ ppl over this stuff we all try to forget everything but what we learned for our experiences w/ the school . ALL of u get over it becaus eno one really cares. Its a school and i went there i was taught to be a person in everything. SO GET THE HELL OVER it. & foor was made by sisco excpet when teachers doug meade it even then it was part sisco  

RobertBruce  posted 3/5/05 1:38 AM    
>>>>>>You dont know where I live or even what state, the food inspection ratings for restaurants in gainesville are in<<<<<<
I see, so you just randomly picked Gainesville as your comparison then?
>>>>>>yes I called the HD 2 weeks ago, dont remember who I spoke to, it was a woman, and she said the inspection was 97 and it was done 5 months ago. <<<<<
You called them two weeks ago? Why? This wasnt even a major discussion point two weeks ago, but lets examine what you claim to be the truth. I had someone call up the Lumpkin Co health dept today and discovered something rather interesting. You were telling the truth that for its last health code rating the cafeteria at HLA recieved a 97. What you arent telling is that the last inspection was done as a follow up inspection after the scheduled one a month before hand recieved a failing grade, and HLA recieved a warning letter telling them if they didnt get their act together the cafeteria would be shut down. Now why Mrs. Grey would you not have shared that information in the first place?

SHH  posted 3/5/05 3:03 PM    
I didnt answer your jimsir question because not only do I not even know if that story is true, I have never heard of Jim doing anything to any student. So I have no way of answering that question. Also, the accessnorthgeorgia website posts health code ratings just go there and see. I have no problem with my English. And also, once again, you havent proven anything. You are just saying I am lying. You are just typing that you know facts. Thats it. I dont even know if what you said about the july inspection is true you could be making that up too. And I have offered to post pics too havent I. And once again, nobody told me to come here and I am nobodys spokesperson. I am my own spokesperson. And on saturday mornings the students cleaned the dorms. What was so horrible about that??? LMAO  

SHH    posted 3/5/05 6:01 PM    
The link on heal online website to SACS doesnt work. And they are accredited through them I saw the link yesterday on another place, so that portion is incorrect. The other thing I notice off hand that is incorrect is the issue that HLA handles homosexuality as a problem. That is a misconstrued statement and taken way out of context. It IS an issue, that needs to be dealt with on a counseling level because the number 1 cause of teen suicide has to do with emerging sexual feelings that kids either dont understand or dont want to admit to their friends or parents and the counseling helps kids deal with those feelings. So NO its not a problem to be covered up, its a problem in that it needs to be addressed so the kids feel better about themselves and how to deal with those feelings. And NO Dr B does NOT only refer to his programs, nor does he not tell his clients when referring to HLA that he owns it. BECAUSE, Robert, it is all over his own professional website AND the school's website that he owns HLA, and it is no secret. You keep on making up stuff on here that a lot of people know to be lies and assumptions. Most what is on heal online's website is misconstrued and old information. I couldnt get 2 of those links to even work. So be careful where you are pulling your info, Robert. Some of it is BS. You cant prove you are telling the truth any more than you can prove I am lying. How much more do you want to play this game Robert? Because you are turning this into a he said/she said word war and all I am trying to post is the truth about what "I" know about the school and what "I" experienced. For some reason you seem to think I dont know my own life. Robert I know what I saw and experienced. I know what my pictures show. I know what went on while I was there. Whether or not a particular counselor abused you or not, that is not for me to say because I dont know, but they are probably not even at the school anymore if they were that bad of a person. But to blame every single employee, owner, school, and supporter since the school's inception for child abuse and greed for one person's abuse is downright ridiculous. That is like suing a receptionist because the doctor botched a surgery. Or arresting a company president because an employee 1000 miles away embezzled money. Robert no matter what you think about me, the fact remains I came on this site because I wanted to, not because anybody is paying me or telling me what to say or how to say it. I am speaking for myself and my experiences. (Those lies you claim I am telling) I dont even know who at HLA knows that I come on here because I dont talk to Dr B or the school attorneys and havent for years. And I speak to my ex about matters that have to do with our son or family issues. This board is not that important to make anybody "run scared" as you say LOL. You still think that M. Quirk is the attorney dont you? LOL Fact is you dont even know who that might have been posting. You know anybody can post with any name on this format Robert. That is your own paranoia. These are your opinions and I have mine. And others have theirs. Place blame on where ever it belongs, Robert. And think about just how bizarre some of your statements are.

SHH    posted 3/5/05 6:21 PM    
I cut and pasted this section to answer those questions you keep saying I wont answer LOL
1. Why is HLA lying to the state about their pourpose?
2. Why is HLA unlicensed?
3. Why did you claim that any staff member who touches a student is fired, when you know full well when Jimsir one of the deans attacked a student named Blake he was never punished and still to this date remains an employee?
4. Why did you claim that no student ever stayed on restriction longer than a week, when you know full well that many students were on for much longer than that, often months at a time.
5. Why did you lie about the conditions of the cafeteria when you knew full well they had recently failed their health inspection?
6. Why did you claim that the students had access to sleds every winter for several years running, when you knew this was untrue?
See if you cant get back to me on these Mrs. Grey. I doubt you will but Ill just keep asking anyway.
1. Answer: HLA is not LYING to the state about their purpose the state knows full well what their purpose is and even gave them a commendation for their 10 yr anniversary. Want the link?
2. Regarding licensing and accredation and how a school operates legally, I know the school operates legally. AS far as who they are licenced with, I need to look that one up as I dont know but I do know they are operating legally. There are a ton of organzations that recommend the school and that HLA is associated with. That part I did find on the net along with other links that I will post later on tonight. A school such as theirs would not operate illegally for 11 yrs and they do get inspected by several different entities on a regular basis. There is no secrecy in their operations no matter much you stomp your feet and claim otherwise.
3. I never heard about an incident with JimSir nor do I even know the story that you are telling is true. So this one I cant answer because I dont even know about it. For all I know Jim didnt attack anybody. All you are doing is saying that something like that happened. And I am telling you that bad employees were fired. A school would not operate knowing they had bad employees, there were plenty other candidates available to take their place.
4. I never said restrictions were only for only for a week, I said for a week or a few weeks at one time. Maybe if a student kept on getting put BACK on restrictions for 7 months they need to look into themselves on why they cant follow rules. Nobody was on SOLID restriction for 7 months as far as I know and I never heard anything of the sort.
5. As far as the kitchen inspection all I did was ask what the last inspection was. That was it. And that is what they gave me. If you had someone call and verify that the last inspection was a 97, then you know I am telling the truth abuot that one. DUH. We dont even know if what you stated about the failing grade is true or not Robert. All I know is the last one was a 97, which is damn good.
6. I dont have to CLAIM the students had access to sleds, I already told you I have pics of a sledding day we had with the students, and I know those sleds were used more than once. If they have or dont have sleds now I have no idea, but in those years between winter of 98 and 99 they did exist no matter how much you claim they didnt. Not sure why it matters so much to you about the sleds, but I am telling you with complete confidence and proof with pics, that those sleds existed and were stored next door to me. We sledded with the students, and with Rusty and his kids at the same time.

Go ahead and start bashing my answers. I know you think I am incapable of stating the memories of my own life, even with pics as proof! LOL

RobertBruce  posted 3/6/05 3:43 AM    
Mrs. Grey I am proud of you. I didnt think you had it in you. Another poster and I had a running debate as to how long it would take you to actually work up the courage. Sooner than I expected but you still proved my point.
But lets get straight to the issues then.
"1. Answer: HLA is not LYING to the state about their purpose the state knows full well what their purpose
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