Author Topic: Dear Reagan Youth...  (Read 10578 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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Dear Reagan Youth...
« Reply #75 on: December 13, 2005, 01:20:00 PM »
On 2005-12-13 09:29:00, ex-prisoner wrote:

"I feel ya brother, it jus' ain't right. Fuck Anon Posting!  :skull: "

Kyeah, riiiite...LOL. :smile: Whaddya say we 'fuck and post anon' instead, :lol:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Dear Reagan Youth...
« Reply #76 on: December 13, 2005, 01:21:00 PM »
weakens us as a cohesive crew I mean.

Perhaps it weakens you..........
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Dear Reagan Youth...
« Reply #77 on: December 13, 2005, 01:23:00 PM »
On 2005-12-13 08:42:00, ex-prisoner wrote:


On 2005-12-13 08:12:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I made every anon post on pg 6 excepting the second one. that guy."

i thought the  ::dove::   one was pirate. and the other ones that looked like pirate. you mean to say you were impersonating pirate? i may be missy misdemeanor ex-prisoner, but THAT is REEL CRIME. i sentence you to..."

Only some of the time....

..just sayin'... :wink:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Dear Reagan Youth...
« Reply #78 on: December 13, 2005, 01:35:00 PM »

On 2005-12-13 08:10:00, Anonymous wrote:

"buncnha fukkin' assholes. FUCK all of you. ::bwahaha2::  ::bwahaha::  :wave:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Withdraw

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Dear Reagan Youth...
« Reply #79 on: December 13, 2005, 01:54:00 PM »
I was not sizing up withdraw at all. She provided all her own information and came at me because of my opinion.

Huh? How did I make it into this thread?  I don't think I even posted on this thread.....I came at who fro what opinion? What did I miss?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Dear Reagan Youth...
« Reply #80 on: December 13, 2005, 02:06:00 PM »
sorry withdraw, not meant for you
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Dear Reagan Youth...
« Reply #81 on: December 13, 2005, 06:46:00 PM »
On 2005-12-13 06:31:00, Carmel wrote:


On 2005-12-12 22:21:00, Reagan Youth wrote:

So put on something sexy and go out and get fucked back into reality.  Take Carmel with you.  She needs a new romantic attitude.


Oh baby! I love it when you talk nasty.  :silly:  

I get plenty as it is, but if I seem to be lacking a romantic attitude...well, perhaps its because Fornits just isnt the place to let that romanticism shine, RTP.  Wouldnt you think?

RTP gets all the pussy.  He also has TBPITW.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Dear Reagan Youth...
« Reply #82 on: December 14, 2005, 04:02:00 AM »
On 2005-12-13 06:29:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2005-12-13 06:07:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2005-12-13 04:55:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2005-12-12 22:21:00, Reagan Youth wrote:

"Anonomus, did straight give you the perfect skill of sizing up people and their future behavior?

Since the early 1900's American government has promised the American dream to all.  That dream simply meant having the things Webcrawler mentioned.  Creditors avertise easy payment plans for all the American gadgets sweeping the social psychi.  They promise, bond and then viciously attack comsumers when they flood their debt to stick and sink.  All have been promised luxious survivial in exchange for following the American life PATTERN of college, marriage and children.

Anonomous, I can tell that you are a no worries ,well taken care of housewife with one exception.  Your just not getting fucked good enough to appreatiate the orgasm one grows to expect.

So put on something sexy and go out and get fucked back into reality.  Take Carmel with you.  She needs a new romantic attitude.


Reagan Youth,

You could not be farther from the truth. Not only am I NOT a" well taken care of housewife" I have had more then my share of loss and unhappiness in my life. Out of my entire family the only person I have left is my sister. It is because I have lived through all this that I say what I say. It is my CHOICE how I live my life.

Sure I could be angry that things have not gone the way I had hoped, but what good would that do?

I was not sizing up withdraw at all. She provided all her own information and came at me because of my opinion.She is responsible for the choices she makes in her life as are you.

Don't try and blame the government because they promised you the American dream! Ha! Who signed up for all those credit cards Reagan Youth? Hopefully if you have a college education then you are smart enough not to get into serious debt because of the "things" you see being advertised.

I see from your post that you were in the program from 87-89 which means you are probably still young enough that maybe you haven't learned yet. Your life is truly what you make of it. That means living through all of the shit and making a choice to continue to move forward no matter what."

blah. blah. blah blah blah. "Housewife", that explains it right there.

Reagan, keep on doing what you're doing and don't let this ho waste more of your time. I personally consider you a friend if I had any, and I like the way you think for yourself first. That's not an easy task sometimes.  Peace."

Blah. Blah. this all just a little over your head? Thinking for yourself? Why who thinks for YOU anon? Oh had better run now, your favorite show Barney is on! We know how cranky you get when you miss your show! And you said you didn't have any friends!"

Housewife hard at work here I see.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline linchpin

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Dear Reagan Youth...
« Reply #83 on: December 14, 2005, 04:39:00 AM »
Naw because prison sucks...thats burglary of a hab..and I think they give up to 30 years for that.
 Besides I have everything I want /need right now..and those mansions full of "stuff" dont make people happy..just in debted.
 I own everything I have and dont have to pay on anything ..except for the apartment..
 Which is owned by a fucking terrorist by the name of Nassum..fucking towelhead bastard.

 Oh I have another story about getting fucked over..
by the apartments at which I reside..
 Approx 2 months ago my apt complex hired me as a maintenance person..( big mistake on their part as Im not too good at fixing shit..)
 Well the other maintenance guy that was showing me the ropes was some 50 year old redneck loser that failed his GED test.. :rofl:  ( How the fuck do you fail a GED test?! I scored over 12th grade on everything and dropped out of the 9th grade with no credits...see 8th grade education..Ive since taken college courses ~ but thats beside the point and who gives a fuck anyway) He spent 89 % of the day talking about how he loved to smoke crack cocaine...(even though everytime he mentioned it I went through my spiel about how cocaine is for negros, and costs like $80.00 a minute to smoke to feel scrambled and paranoid and broke)
 Anyways..its about quitting time one Monday and we get called out to vac up some flooded apartments (some negro lady left her sink running full blast with a plastic bowl in it ..and went to work~ so she flooded her apt and 2 downstairs~ go go negro power!) Well this guy has a $150.00 flashlight ( why the fuck would anyone buy a $150.00 flashlight?) That HE takes out of the truck to use ...while I shop vac all the water up..
 Later that night I get a call on my cell phone ~ its him and he says " Did you get the flashlight? Is it in my truck?"
 "Uuuh no I didnt..its YOUR flashlight...why the fuck would I make sure and grab it?!"
  Anyway I get up Tuesday morning for another fun day working for muslim terrorist slumlords for less than fair pay..and walk into the office to a bunch of bitching ( not sure what about I dont really ever listen to people that talk to me anyway) And this guy shows up whining that I "left his flashlight" at the apt and its (GASP) gone!! Dun dun dunnnnnn
 Well I took my apt issued maint man keys off my keyring with a hearty "I cant work with you fucking people" and walk over to my apt for a day off followed by a job hunt...
 Flash forward 6 days and its payday
 I go into the office to pick up my paycheck and the fat greasy haired sasquatch bitch that is the manager says " (Terrorist owner) bought (crackhead maint guy) a new flashlight and they took it out of your check"
 The rest of the convo can be summed up in 2 sentences
 me : "O'RLY?!"
 Sasquatch greasy haired bitch: "YA...RLY"

 me : "Call that fucker now ( terrorist) he cant do that without even asking my side of the story...thats theft of service"
  Sasq : "Im not going to call him its too early" ( it was almost 10 am)
 anyways she wouldnt give me his number and by the time he showed up i realized I was dealing with a fucking muslim ~ and just blew it off..
 OK well I didnt really blow it off..Im just not gonna say what my evil plan is due to incriminating myself....But suffice it to say that that $150.oo flashlight they bought with my paycheck will end up costing both of them four fold...
  Its just too EZ to fuck people over financially in this day and age especially when I live on their property..
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline linchpin

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Dear Reagan Youth...
« Reply #84 on: December 14, 2005, 04:40:00 AM »
that was supposed to be with quote from person who suggested I burglarize mansions for not tipping me...but I fucked it up...and youll get over it
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Dear Reagan Youth...
« Reply #85 on: December 14, 2005, 06:18:00 AM »
Here's some shit for you to analyze.

Now, I'm not discounting midwifery or housewifery or w/e it is anyone has chosen to do. I'm certainly positive that the holes in the knees of your jeans are equal pay for the work your husband does while he's on his knees as the breadwinner or however you two have come to some agreements. I am really not disputing that -- so hear me out before you decide you think I'm insulting you and trying to put you on the defensive.

If your life speaks to you saying you wouldn't rip off a WalMart for some media goods or whatever, that's your own decision based on what you want. Your husband would flip if he came home and you had stolen something; or maybe he wouldn't, I don't know. Not my business.

What Youth is saying is key to survival of the fittest. That is; big shark eats the smaller fish, smaller fish eats the little guppies: everytime.

If you have a deal worked out with your hubby where your 'karma' wouldn't allow you to play with receipts, then its your personal decision ...not some law of god or reciprocity. People make decisions all the time to enter into agreements based on what they think they want or need.

The law of reciprocity or karma is the exact same as what Youth is discussing when he's talking about the short con or a mark. The only difference is that with the karma factor in housewifery or other subjectives, you usually don't allow yourself a measure to gauge how succesful this is working for you.

In complete seriousness, tommorow your husband could come home and have filed for divorce and unless you got yourself a prenup you might be in trouble; that is to say that some women believe before their divorce that love/karma is all there is and that as a minority females are entitled to half of everything and its the law of love or court or something. I have yet to see that law in 100% effect. With the right lawyer, a husband can take you for all you are worth if you want to rely on karma alone. There is more going on in life than love. I've seen may couples get divorced after thirteen, twenty five 1/2, forty two years of marriage with all the trimmings and trappings with no arguing. One person can decide they don't want the relationship anymore.

Reagan Youth gave you a failsafe plan to get what you want for the short con, and it does not have to be applied simply to department stores. It was four easy steps. I liked the part especially about playing the role of whatever con you are deciding on.

How do you measure if what you are doing is working for you or not? Well. Plain and simple, down and dirty. You can tell what you want, by what you've got.

Reagan said be quick about it and don't fuck around when you're in ANY place running a scam or a deal. You fuck around and get caught after the deal goes down, you'll lose your mark and maybe more. So get in and do YOUR thing, get what YOU want and do it quickly and don't hang around with your job hangin out everywhere for the world to congratulate you, don't stop to smell the roses, get out. If you get what you want and decide you don't want it later, after you get it; throw it away. What's that old Gambler song by that drunk? How does it go? Good addages in that one.

Later on, you can apply this advice and formula to the long con. Dawning roles will need some practice.

As for what Youth was stating about these steps to think for YOURself and think Of yourself FIRST, these steps and statements of divine selfishness can very much be applied to the law of Karma and reciprocity. By thinking of Yourself First you truly put into play the manifestation of what comes around goes around back to you.

Hell yes, it makes me feel good when I rip off those corporate bastards. Yet likewise, when I am being greedy and someone takes shit from me or does something to trick me I don't always feel mean about it. I've found myself saying that I shouldn't have been a fuck sometimes and I deserved what I got (sometimes rarely).

Wherefore, in feeling 'good' or 'bad'; there is still a more subtle factor that most people miss when it comes to using measurements of karma, cons, and give/take relationships. Our two physical emotions are the best way to gauge these subtle factors. I'm not discussing poetic emotions here either, only physical emotions as a direct result of muscular and chemical use from our bodies. Humans possess only two physical emotions; if your gut or body is negative or in pain or sick somehow -- don't do it, don't do the mark. If it is positive or warm or w/e you feel as good to you -- it's good to go. Deniro , "When in doubt, there is no doubt". And whether you are into laws of psychology, human physiology, philosophy, these two subtleties are paramount everytime; there are really only two emotions when it comes to getting what you want and it's go/ no go or good/bad. Whatever you want to call polar opposites, I am only applying these to people, and the physical body, who are of generally sound mind and body for the most part & who want to figure out some formula for getting what you really want and letting go of bullshit. Formulas like this can be applied to getting money, jobs, credit, all of it here.

Here is a perfect example of measuring what you want, as well as what you got right now:  

You could really just give ten dollars to a church, or some homeless junky beggin for his next fix, if you thought they would blow it into a fucking hole. The ten dollars you gave would be very charitable of you, but if it made you feel shitty about giving it then you haven't really applied the laws of karma as it applies directly to you. You HAVE applied the laws and definitions of karma where other people like church priests have given you their interpretation of a world outside yourself that does not exist. Or maybe you're just out of your mind and shouldn't read any further here.

I would not expect to give something to someone where it was ill placed. Fuck no; I'm taking my ten hardfucking earned dollars and putting it someplace that is going to make me HAPPIER and better off in some way or another. Fuck everyone else and what I think they should think or how they should feel if I'm telefuckingpathic. I, like you, want to create joy in MY life first.

So, the thing that you are missing or did not state, housewife, is that the law of karma must be done in a joyful capacity. What Reagan is suggesting is done out of love and thus future marks are more fun or can make way for bigger plans and joy. I, again, am not suggesting you are in any way wrong or anything like that in what you are stating about agreements; only that you hadn't broken down, perhaps, or explained yourself completely. Or maybe I just have time to kill here. So call the police on me, sue me or w/e.

Check it out:

If to give IS to receive, then what comes around really does go around. If this is not true, then it does not matter anyway. But. You can actually put this particular fucker of a formula to the test. Instead of giving -- out of the need to fulfill church dogmas about giving as holy sanctification or creating a loving home for your family because it's the right thing to do -- next time when you're sucking off your husband ...I'm not kidding here... if you don't want to do it ... DON'T DO IT because you are somehow obligated to do anything. Do something that brings you joy merely from the pleasure of you wanting to do it not because you have to. Karma can be a real fucker if you aren't having fun.

I rather enjoy and like getting my nut sucked, and personally I like women more who like to do that sort of thing. There are women who do exist who don't really like to give of their mouths (or they do until they get hitched), I mean ...they love men on a thoughtful level and will protect them, but they would never give a smoothie on the way home from a movie. Those kinds of women I would not personally marry. I sincerely hope you are that kind of woman of the smoothie variety, and I hope for your family & yours that your house you've created has smoothies abounding on this most joyous holiday season. Or maybe your husband doesn't like smoothies. None of my business. Either way, you'll find that giving to something that makes you feel only good or happy usually can reap better rewards -- than giving to something you feel obligated to give or where you really don't care so much about the goal or process and the ins and outs of what happens with what you gave.

Personally I like ripping off department stores and any sucker who wants his shit to get took. And that's how you have to look at the world. Oppurtunistically. Every person you meet is an oppurtunity for gain. You learn to keep your eyes, ears and senses for anything that can help you in gain! Is there any other way to be that does not cause pain in all its sickening capacities? You see them all the time, they wear their hearts on their sleeves; take 'em down. They like it and would do the same to you if given the oppurtunity make no mistake.

It is a metaphysical high and I'm not bucking any spiritual laws in the process of short cons. I set the goal first, I'm giving of my thought and time when I'm thinking up ways to get free DvD players to sell - or other kinds of shit, and I take my mark down with respect to caution. I got what I want, I got what I got. Can you get caught and do some time for the short con? Not typically. You'd have to be a really fucking retarded person for getting pinched as a result of receipt laundering, but I covered myself earlier by stating that these laws of give and take generally only apply to people with semi-sound mind and body. Then again, maybe your karma wants you to be in an institution.

Am I giving Reagan Youth more than credit for his survival tips? No, I'm not. Working the short con can be lucrative, get you organized, and out of your fucking self-mutilative pity. Do I have all this shit figured out myself? Fuck no. I wouldn't be here posting this shit if I did trying to reiterate and solidify my own shit right here.

What was suggested simply makes sense in a very subtle and practical manner if read from the housewife and the shortcon and seen with the formula in both manners of survival they are the same. The pattern is already recognized and shit once we organize it or vice versa; but sometimes outdated dogma must first be removed in order to recognize formulas. It's fact that females gernally tend to be more relinquishing and cautious, about taking risks with any capital, than males.

In America (I say America since this is where I am right now) these roles: housewife and breadwinner, survivalist and metaphysical philosophist, are no longer bound by any perceptions or barriers other than what is in our own minds to make up as we see fit and they don't apply to anything other than what you put them to. These names like Con Artist or Frigid Homemaker don't apply to any pre existing altruism except the one where you try to make people feel like they are not as good as you are or that what they do is not as equal to you. Other similar names are as follows: Jew, Nigger, Faggot, I am positive you know some other names to add to this list for people you want to put below you in your schemes. Yeah, my False Appeal to Nationalism and fallacies about America is one sorry method. But I can still use it to further get you to see that we actually do live in a capitalist 'winner takes all' society where the average (mean and median) independent business owner is of middle or higher income in the millions of dollars (fact) by knowing some simple plans they can follow continually.

These aren't skill sets you can find in a Twelve Step Program or from a church either. They come from a deeper desire to want to take care of the one thing and one person that has the most meaning forever in my life on the street, in the house, in the park, after dark, uptown, downtown, outta town, infinite.

ME, motherfucker. ME!

Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me.

All through the day: I, me, mine, I, me, mine, I, me, mine. - Beatles.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Dear Reagan Youth...
« Reply #86 on: December 14, 2005, 06:23:00 AM »
On 2005-12-14 01:39:00, linchpin wrote:

"Naw because prison sucks...thats burglary of a hab..and I think they give up to 30 years for that.

 Besides I have everything I want /need right now..and those mansions full of "stuff" dont make people happy..just in debted.

 I own everything I have and dont have to pay on anything ..except for the apartment..

 Which is owned by a fucking terrorist by the name of Nassum..fucking towelhead bastard.

 Oh I have another story about getting fucked over..

by the apartments at which I reside..

 Approx 2 months ago my apt complex hired me as a maintenance person..( big mistake on their part as Im not too good at fixing shit..)

 Well the other maintenance guy that was showing me the ropes was some 50 year old redneck loser that failed his GED test.. :rofl:  ( How the fuck do you fail a GED test?! I scored over 12th grade on everything and dropped out of the 9th grade with no credits...see 8th grade education..Ive since taken college courses ~ but thats beside the point and who gives a fuck anyway) He spent 89 % of the day talking about how he loved to smoke crack cocaine...(even though everytime he mentioned it I went through my spiel about how cocaine is for negros, and costs like $80.00 a minute to smoke to feel scrambled and paranoid and broke)

 Anyways..its about quitting time one Monday and we get called out to vac up some flooded apartments (some negro lady left her sink running full blast with a plastic bowl in it ..and went to work~ so she flooded her apt and 2 downstairs~ go go negro power!) Well this guy has a $150.00 flashlight ( why the fuck would anyone buy a $150.00 flashlight?) That HE takes out of the truck to use ...while I shop vac all the water up..

 Later that night I get a call on my cell phone ~ its him and he says " Did you get the flashlight? Is it in my truck?"

 "Uuuh no I didnt..its YOUR flashlight...why the fuck would I make sure and grab it?!"

  Anyway I get up Tuesday morning for another fun day working for muslim terrorist slumlords for less than fair pay..and walk into the office to a bunch of bitching ( not sure what about I dont really ever listen to people that talk to me anyway) And this guy shows up whining that I "left his flashlight" at the apt and its (GASP) gone!! Dun dun dunnnnnn

 Well I took my apt issued maint man keys off my keyring with a hearty "I cant work with you fucking people" and walk over to my apt for a day off followed by a job hunt...


 Flash forward 6 days and its payday


 I go into the office to pick up my paycheck and the fat greasy haired sasquatch bitch that is the manager says " (Terrorist owner) bought (crackhead maint guy) a new flashlight and they took it out of your check"

 The rest of the convo can be summed up in 2 sentences

 me : "O'RLY?!"

 Sasquatch greasy haired bitch: "YA...RLY"

 me : "Call that fucker now ( terrorist) he cant do that without even asking my side of the story...thats theft of service"

  Sasq : "Im not going to call him its too early" ( it was almost 10 am)

 anyways she wouldnt give me his number and by the time he showed up i realized I was dealing with a fucking muslim ~ and just blew it off..

 OK well I didnt really blow it off..Im just not gonna say what my evil plan is due to incriminating myself....But suffice it to say that that $150.oo flashlight they bought with my paycheck will end up costing both of them four fold...

  Its just too EZ to fuck people over financially in this day and age especially when I live on their property..


I just wrote a really long fucking dissertation about something to do with formulas on gangking shit alot. But yeah, I hate ragheads too man.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline ex-prisoner

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Dear Reagan Youth...
« Reply #87 on: December 14, 2005, 07:13:00 AM »
I am going to agree with the I, Me, Mine essay inasmuch as where I am coming from is that what matters most to me is that I can play the music I want to play, any time of day, and make whatever jumping sounds I want to make. Meat Puppets II is not real subtle on the housemates at 6:30 in the morning.  

I was in Straight, mutherfukker, nobody is telling me I can't listen to whatever music I want to any time of the day! :skull:

I know you all know what I mean.

Anyone courting a Straight survivor should have the budget for a top-quality, long battery-lasting PLD and so forth. This would mean a lot to a survivor of time torture. Or, you know, the public school system. More free advice for you, here on fornits: in honor of hump day, some free love advice.

wakka wakka
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Dear Reagan Youth...
« Reply #88 on: December 14, 2005, 09:50:00 AM »
On 2005-12-14 03:18:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Here's some shit for you to analyze.

Now, I'm not discounting midwifery or housewifery or w/e it is anyone has chosen to do. I'm certainly positive that the holes in the knees of your jeans are equal pay for the work your husband does while he's on his knees as the breadwinner or however you two have come to some agreements. I am really not disputing that -- so hear me out before you decide you think I'm insulting you and trying to put you on the defensive.

If your life speaks to you saying you wouldn't rip off a WalMart for some media goods or whatever, that's your own decision based on what you want. Your husband would flip if he came home and you had stolen something; or maybe he wouldn't, I don't know. Not my business.

What Youth is saying is key to survival of the fittest. That is; big shark eats the smaller fish, smaller fish eats the little guppies: everytime.

If you have a deal worked out with your hubby where your 'karma' wouldn't allow you to play with receipts, then its your personal decision ...not some law of god or reciprocity. People make decisions all the time to enter into agreements based on what they think they want or need.

The law of reciprocity or karma is the exact same as what Youth is discussing when he's talking about the short con or a mark. The only difference is that with the karma factor in housewifery or other subjectives, you usually don't allow yourself a measure to gauge how succesful this is working for you.

In complete seriousness, tommorow your husband could come home and have filed for divorce and unless you got yourself a prenup you might be in trouble; that is to say that some women believe before their divorce that love/karma is all there is and that as a minority females are entitled to half of everything and its the law of love or court or something. I have yet to see that law in 100% effect. With the right lawyer, a husband can take you for all you are worth if you want to rely on karma alone. There is more going on in life than love. I've seen may couples get divorced after thirteen, twenty five 1/2, forty two years of marriage with all the trimmings and trappings with no arguing. One person can decide they don't want the relationship anymore.

Reagan Youth gave you a failsafe plan to get what you want for the short con, and it does not have to be applied simply to department stores. It was four easy steps. I liked the part especially about playing the role of whatever con you are deciding on.

How do you measure if what you are doing is working for you or not? Well. Plain and simple, down and dirty. You can tell what you want, by what you've got.

Reagan said be quick about it and don't fuck around when you're in ANY place running a scam or a deal. You fuck around and get caught after the deal goes down, you'll lose your mark and maybe more. So get in and do YOUR thing, get what YOU want and do it quickly and don't hang around with your job hangin out everywhere for the world to congratulate you, don't stop to smell the roses, get out. If you get what you want and decide you don't want it later, after you get it; throw it away. What's that old Gambler song by that drunk? How does it go? Good addages in that one.

Later on, you can apply this advice and formula to the long con. Dawning roles will need some practice.

As for what Youth was stating about these steps to think for YOURself and think Of yourself FIRST, these steps and statements of divine selfishness can very much be applied to the law of Karma and reciprocity. By thinking of Yourself First you truly put into play the manifestation of what comes around goes around back to you.

Hell yes, it makes me feel good when I rip off those corporate bastards. Yet likewise, when I am being greedy and someone takes shit from me or does something to trick me I don't always feel mean about it. I've found myself saying that I shouldn't have been a fuck sometimes and I deserved what I got (sometimes rarely).

Wherefore, in feeling 'good' or 'bad'; there is still a more subtle factor that most people miss when it comes to using measurements of karma, cons, and give/take relationships. Our two physical emotions are the best way to gauge these subtle factors. I'm not discussing poetic emotions here either, only physical emotions as a direct result of muscular and chemical use from our bodies. Humans possess only two physical emotions; if your gut or body is negative or in pain or sick somehow -- don't do it, don't do the mark. If it is positive or warm or w/e you feel as good to you -- it's good to go. Deniro , "When in doubt, there is no doubt". And whether you are into laws of psychology, human physiology, philosophy, these two subtleties are paramount everytime; there are really only two emotions when it comes to getting what you want and it's go/ no go or good/bad. Whatever you want to call polar opposites, I am only applying these to people, and the physical body, who are of generally sound mind and body for the most part & who want to figure out some formula for getting what you really want and letting go of bullshit. Formulas like this can be applied to getting money, jobs, credit, all of it here.

Here is a perfect example of measuring what you want, as well as what you got right now:  

You could really just give ten dollars to a church, or some homeless junky beggin for his next fix, if you thought they would blow it into a fucking hole. The ten dollars you gave would be very charitable of you, but if it made you feel shitty about giving it then you haven't really applied the laws of karma as it applies directly to you. You HAVE applied the laws and definitions of karma where other people like church priests have given you their interpretation of a world outside yourself that does not exist. Or maybe you're just out of your mind and shouldn't read any further here.

I would not expect to give something to someone where it was ill placed. Fuck no; I'm taking my ten hardfucking earned dollars and putting it someplace that is going to make me HAPPIER and better off in some way or another. Fuck everyone else and what I think they should think or how they should feel if I'm telefuckingpathic. I, like you, want to create joy in MY life first.

So, the thing that you are missing or did not state, housewife, is that the law of karma must be done in a joyful capacity. What Reagan is suggesting is done out of love and thus future marks are more fun or can make way for bigger plans and joy. I, again, am not suggesting you are in any way wrong or anything like that in what you are stating about agreements; only that you hadn't broken down, perhaps, or explained yourself completely. Or maybe I just have time to kill here. So call the police on me, sue me or w/e.

Check it out:

If to give IS to receive, then what comes around really does go around. If this is not true, then it does not matter anyway. But. You can actually put this particular fucker of a formula to the test. Instead of giving -- out of the need to fulfill church dogmas about giving as holy sanctification or creating a loving home for your family because it's the right thing to do -- next time when you're sucking off your husband ...I'm not kidding here... if you don't want to do it ... DON'T DO IT because you are somehow obligated to do anything. Do something that brings you joy merely from the pleasure of you wanting to do it not because you have to. Karma can be a real fucker if you aren't having fun.

I rather enjoy and like getting my nut sucked, and personally I like women more who like to do that sort of thing. There are women who do exist who don't really like to give of their mouths (or they do until they get hitched), I mean ...they love men on a thoughtful level and will protect them, but they would never give a smoothie on the way home from a movie. Those kinds of women I would not personally marry. I sincerely hope you are that kind of woman of the smoothie variety, and I hope for your family & yours that your house you've created has smoothies abounding on this most joyous holiday season. Or maybe your husband doesn't like smoothies. None of my business. Either way, you'll find that giving to something that makes you feel only good or happy usually can reap better rewards -- than giving to something you feel obligated to give or where you really don't care so much about the goal or process and the ins and outs of what happens with what you gave.

Personally I like ripping off department stores and any sucker who wants his shit to get took. And that's how you have to look at the world. Oppurtunistically. Every person you meet is an oppurtunity for gain. You learn to keep your eyes, ears and senses for anything that can help you in gain! Is there any other way to be that does not cause pain in all its sickening capacities? You see them all the time, they wear their hearts on their sleeves; take 'em down. They like it and would do the same to you if given the oppurtunity make no mistake.

It is a metaphysical high and I'm not bucking any spiritual laws in the process of short cons. I set the goal first, I'm giving of my thought and time when I'm thinking up ways to get free DvD players to sell - or other kinds of shit, and I take my mark down with respect to caution. I got what I want, I got what I got. Can you get caught and do some time for the short con? Not typically. You'd have to be a really fucking retarded person for getting pinched as a result of receipt laundering, but I covered myself earlier by stating that these laws of give and take generally only apply to people with semi-sound mind and body. Then again, maybe your karma wants you to be in an institution.

Am I giving Reagan Youth more than credit for his survival tips? No, I'm not. Working the short con can be lucrative, get you organized, and out of your fucking self-mutilative pity. Do I have all this shit figured out myself? Fuck no. I wouldn't be here posting this shit if I did trying to reiterate and solidify my own shit right here.

What was suggested simply makes sense in a very subtle and practical manner if read from the housewife and the shortcon and seen with the formula in both manners of survival they are the same. The pattern is already recognized and shit once we organize it or vice versa; but sometimes outdated dogma must first be removed in order to recognize formulas. It's fact that females gernally tend to be more relinquishing and cautious, about taking risks with any capital, than males.

In America (I say America since this is where I am right now) these roles: housewife and breadwinner, survivalist and metaphysical philosophist, are no longer bound by any perceptions or barriers other than what is in our own minds to make up as we see fit and they don't apply to anything other than what you put them to. These names like Con Artist or Frigid Homemaker don't apply to any pre existing altruism except the one where you try to make people feel like they are not as good as you are or that what they do is not as equal to you. Other similar names are as follows: Jew, Nigger, Faggot, I am positive you know some other names to add to this list for people you want to put below you in your schemes. Yeah, my False Appeal to Nationalism and fallacies about America is one sorry method. But I can still use it to further get you to see that we actually do live in a capitalist 'winner takes all' society where the average (mean and median) independent business owner is of middle or higher income in the millions of dollars (fact) by knowing some simple plans they can follow continually.

These aren't skill sets you can find in a Twelve Step Program or from a church either. They come from a deeper desire to want to take care of the one thing and one person that has the most meaning forever in my life on the street, in the house, in the park, after dark, uptown, downtown, outta town, infinite.

ME, motherfucker. ME!

Me Me Me Me Me Me Me Me.

All through the day: I, me, mine, I, me, mine, I, me, mine. - Beatles."
Wow... you do have to much time on your hands. What started out as a pretty inicent post has turned into an all out debate. I was only offering my opinion. People can make whatever choices they like regarding how they live their life. It's just that simple.
Not that it matters to you but just so you know, my husband passed way 4 years ago of cancer. I am an RN and have worked as a nurse since I was 18. No one but me has ever payed my bills or my way in life. There are days I wish I had the kind of life you descibe, but that is not how it turned out.Hope that you have a very happy holiday and if that includes ripping off a walmart then, like you said, just enjoy doing it!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Carmel

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Dear Reagan Youth...
« Reply #89 on: December 14, 2005, 11:05:00 AM »
So, what happens if giving to others DOES actually make you happy, truthfully?  What if selflessness DOES bring you joy?  And not because you want a damn thing in return?  The things we do to please ourselves are not always in the realm of materialistic gain.

I dont change my sons shitty diaper out of a sense of obligation or for karmic devotion. I think your survival of the fittest issue is a little idealogical.

Its all very simple, do unto others as you would have done unto you, and when they screw you in the ass anyway, dont pass on the favor.

It takes a helluva lot more balls and gumption not to react like the jackass that just jerked you around.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
...hands went up and people hit the floor, he wasted two kids that ran for the door....."
-Beastie Boys, Paul Revere