I wonder how many people still dream about the Seed? I used to quite a bit, but I thought it had stopped. However, just the other day I woke up with a Seed dream fresh on my mind. Here it is:
I was at the Seed on SR 84. Out in the back, where we did the Hokey Pokey, was a landing strip. Art was teaching me how to fly in a small plane. This was great - he was kind, patient and a great teacher. However, the next time I was supposed to fly, the plane was gone and Art was not around, so I waited alone in the small office. Finally, after what seemed like hours, the plane lands, and John P. gets out. He is totally unconcerned that I have been kept waiting. I am sort of pissed off, but he is junior staff, so I hold my tongue. As I head out to the plane I suddenly recall that my flying lessons with Art did not include either taking off or landing, so I can't fly anyway. Dejected, I walk back to the Seed. Then I woke up.
I think this dream is funny, because it shows the type of relationship I wanted from Art - the kind, patient teacher - and instead what I got - someone who wasn't there for me. Also, my jealousy for those more priveleged. Finally, the fact that the Seed taught me to fly, but not on my own, and not how to 'land' or 'take off.' Pretty straight forward metaphors.
Any body else have vivid Seed dreams? And I mean for real...