Author Topic: What's that Semblery smell coming off of all these election  (Read 1285 times)

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What's that Semblery smell coming off of all these election
« on: November 24, 2005, 05:54:00 PM »
Quote ...

You can reach Jeff at 561 889 2165 cell or 561 865 9548.

His assistants are Al Rogers and Ben Roth.

Here's a brief outline

Jeff has specific evidence of a widespread vote fraud perpetrated through a Juvenile Detention / Rehab facility called Bay Point Schools In South Miami, with connections to Mel Sembler and possibly Joe Klock atty to Katherine Harris.

These connections lead directly to Jeb Bush and of course the White House. By using Juvenile Detention & Drug Rehab facilities and under the guise of criminal computer retraining, we believe Sembler has financed a well tested vote fraud scheme to assure his cronies Jeb & George Bush, among others, guaranteed elections.

Specific evidence includes copies of internal memo's and emails as well as testimony of the MIS Director of one Florida facility where much of the hacking was perpetrated. The work was replicated and limited to one location to avoid easy detection.

The MIS Director is currently in hiding. Jeff can reach him.

By internally tampering with Diebold Optical Scanners as well as Diebold Electronic E voting machines, the hacking, ( done from remote locations under the control of Mel Stembler's facilities ( see below ) , votes were altered, switched , deleted or detroyed in numerous Florida, Ohio and New Mexico counties and then switched from John Kerry to George Bush.

It is very likely that other races have been effected as well such as Georgia, Nevada, North Carolina , etc.

Mel Sembler's Drug Rehab and Juvenile Detention Center's are under investigation and are and have been sued for a huge laundry list of extremely abusive behaviors ( see or search under ) .

The vote fraud system was first tested in 1999. Used in the Florida Presidential Election in 2000. Tested again successfully in Jeb Bush's race against Janet Reno and then Bill Mc Bride and finally in the 2004 Presidential Election. Also Georgia.

The second part of this scheme seems to be that they also cover their tracks by using the names of Felons and others purged falsely onto the Felon voter roles. This I believe allows them to seem to use legitimate numbers by first inflating the roles and them flipping or using them in some places with out drawing to much attention. This also may be why we saw so many overvotes in places where there weren't enough felon votes. This last sentence is my speculation.

The scheme used computers at their facilities, an MIS director who trained juvenile delinquents under custody as well as others to hack into Diebold systems around the country and place software kernels that would raise votes for one candidate while deleting the others.

This would explain both the erratic polls discrepancies reported in especially swing states but also here in North Carolina.

These software fixes are supposed to leave no audit trail. This also would explain the seemingly random gltiches of people voting Kerry and getting Bush on review or the strrange over vote errors. I believe by the seizing of evidence under your FOIA we will be able with the help of experts to discover the audit trail and other evidence of tampering.

Our specific evidence centers around Bay Point School in So Miami as the epicenter facility.

Mel Sembler made his money, hundreds of millions, building Shopping malls. This was not enough as he wants much more power and influence and has been willing to donate millions to the Republican Party over almost 20 years to buy his access and influence.

And now due to his complete disregard for basic civil and human rights ( his abusive facilities are legendary ) he is willing to exploit drug addicted juveniles and others under his companies custody to do his dirty work under threat and penalty of death or semi permanent incarceration. After all who would believe a junkie right ?

Mel has been awarded for his Ranger level contributions to the Republicans and other misdeeds a prime cherry,
the Ambassadorship to Italy by George Bush.

He and his wife have been on Anti Drug Boards going back to the Reagans despite their appaling reputation in the recovery field.

Information being gathered through the investigation launched by 16th Congressional Candidate Jeff Fisher of Florida currently has the attention of the FBI, DNC under Cam Kerry, Ralph Nader, Dennis Kucinich, Al Sharpton, 60 minutes, The Nation & others.

Please contact us as soon as possible

You can reach Jeff at 561 889 2165 cell or 561 865 9548.

Beverly, Bless you and your family for 100 generations. May you travel safe surrounded by light. Thank you for being such a strong warrior and seeker of truth. You will always be remembered in our hearts and dreams.


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They never got to the heart of me because they assumed from the beginning they knew me.' target='_new'>To each her own, Anonymous

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

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What's that Semblery smell coming off of all these election
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2005, 09:15:00 AM »
Please post any more Sembler/vote fraud related stories. Thanks.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Deborah

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What's that Semblery smell coming off of all these election
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2006, 01:48:00 PM »
  The most precious right we have in our democracy is quickly being made a mockery of by the forces behind our electoral process. PLEASE take a moment to read this brief summary of what is happening under our collective national noses as we snooze. We MUST convince the Secretary of State of our awareness of and displeasure with   the current state of affairs or we, like in California, will be forced to sue our own top law enforcement agency to force it to obey its own state election law, which mandates that voting software be secure from hacking and provide a paper audit trail, neither of which are happening currently.

Sent: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 10:36 PM
Subject: [VoteRescue] Please send anti-Diebold testimony to   Secretary ofState by Friday

  If we are to succeed in getting Diebold voting machines out of Texas. the Secretary of State must receive your "I am AGAINST the approval of Diebold" message by this Friday, March   31, 2006!!
  Last Thursday, March 23, 2006, there was a public hearing held by the Elections Division of the Texas Secretary of State's Office for   interested persons to express their views for or against the approval of the Diebold Voting System GEMS Software 1.18.24. Because there was very little notice given prior to the hearing, there were very few people who came to present their oral testimony that day.  But, as most public hearings allow, there is a period of time after the hearing in which written testimony (which is, basically, a statement of a position on a subject) can be submitted. The deadline for your statement is 5:00 p.m. THIS Friday. (See below for more info on this approval process.)
  It is very important that the State Elections Division of the Secretary of State receive a stack of written testimony against the approval of the Diebold voting system, so please drop what you are doing and send it now. (See below for some suggestions about what to write.)
  You can submit your statement by:
  (1) e-mailing your testimony to Ann Mcgeehan's attention at ... old..shtml .
  If you have any questions, please contact either Karen Renick @  496-7408 or
Vickie Karp @ 775-3737.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline mandelduke

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What's that Semblery smell coming off of all these election
« Reply #3 on: April 12, 2006, 12:50:00 PM »
Section One covers the facts in Fahrenheit 9/11 from the 2000 election to George W. Bush's extended visit to Booker Elementary on the morning of September 11th.
FAHRENHEIT 9/11: Fox was the first network to call Florida for Bush. Before that, some other networks had called Florida for Gore, and they changed after Fox called it for Bush.  
?   ?With information provided from the Voter News Service, NBC was the first network to project Gore the winner in Florida at 7:48 pm.  At 7:50 pm ,CNN and CBS project Gore the winner in Florida as well.? By 8:02 pm , all five networks and the Associated Press had called Gore the winner in Florida. Even the VNS called Gore the winner at 7:52 pm. At 2:16 am, Fox calls Florida for Bush, NBC follows at 2:16 am. ABC is the last network to call the Florida for Bush, at 2:20 am, while AP and VNS never call Florida for Bush. CNN:
?   Ten minutes after the top of the hour, network excitement was again beginning to build. At 2:16 a.m., the call was made: Fox News Channel, with Bush's first cousin John Ellis running its election desk, was the first to project Florida -- and the presidency -- for the Texas governor. Within minutes, the other networks followed suit. "George Bush, Governor of Texas will become the 43rd President of the United States," CNN's Bernard Shaw announced atop a graphic montage of a smiling Bush. "At 18 minutes past two o'clock Eastern time, CNN declares that George Walker Bush has won Florida's 25 electoral votes and this should put him over the top."PBS:
FAHRENHEIT 9/11: The man who was in charge of the decision desk at FOX on election night was Bush?s first cousin, John Ellis.
?   ?John Ellis, a first cousin of George W. Bush, ran the network's ?decision desk? during the 2000 election, and Fox was the first to name Bush the winner.  Earlier, Ellis had made six phone calls to Cousin Bush during the vote-counting.?  William O?Rourke, ?Talk Radio Key to GOP Victory,? Chicago Sun-Times, December 3, 2002.  
?   A Fox News consultant, John Ellis, who made judgments about presidential ?calls? on Election Night admits he was in touch with George W. Bush and FL Gov. Jeb Bush by telephone several times during the night, but denies breaking any rules.  CNN, November 14, 2000;
?   John Ellis, the Fox consultant who called Florida early for George Bush, had to stop writing about the campaign for the Boston Globe because of family ?loyalty? to Bush. CBS News,
11/14/politics/main249357.shtml, November 14, 2000.  
FAHRENHEIT 9/11:  ?Make sure the chairman of your campaign is also the vote countin? woman and that her state has hired a company that?s gonna knock voters off the rolls who aren?t likely to vote for you.  You can usually tell them by the color of their skin.?  
?   ?The vote total was certified by Florida's secretary of state, Katherine Harris, head of the Bush campaign in Florida, on behalf of Gov. Jeb Bush, the candidate's brother.? Mark Zoller Seitz, ?Bush Team Conveyed an Air of Legitimacy,? San Diego Union-Tribune, December 16, 2000.
?   The Florida Department of State awarded a $4 million contract to the Boca Raton-based Database Technologies Inc. (subsidiary of ChoicePoint).  They were tasked with finding improperly registered voters in the state?s database, but mistakes were rampant. ?At one point, the list included as felons 8,000 former Texas residents who had been convicted of misdemeanors.? St. Petersburg Times (Florida), December 21, 2003.
?   Database Technologies, a subsidiary of ChoicePoint, ?was responsible for bungling an overhaul of Florida?s voter registration records, with the result that thousands of people, disproportionately black, were disenfranchised in the 2000 election.  Had they been able to vote, they might have swung the state, and thus the presidency, for Al Gore, who lost in Florida. Oliver Burkeman, Jo Tuckman, ?Firm in Florida Election Fiasco Earns Millions from Files on Foreigners,? The Guardian, May 5, 2003,1 ... 09,00.html.  See also, Atlanta-Journal-Constitution, May 28, 2001.
?   In 1997, Rick Rozar, the late head of the company bought by ChoicePoint, donated $100,000 to the Republican National Committee. Melanie Eversley, ?Atlanta-Based Company Says Errors in Felon Purge Not Its Fault,? Atlanta Journal-Constitution, May 28, 2001.  Frank Borman of Database Technologies Inc. has donated extensively to New Mexico Republicans, as well as to the Presidential campaign of George W. Bush., ?Frank Borman.?
FAHRENHEIT 9/11: Gore got the most votes in 2000.
?   [A] consortium [Tribune Co., owner of the Times; Associated Press; CNN; the New York Times; the Palm Beach Post; the St. Petersburg Times; the Wall Street Journal; and the Washington Post] hired the NORC [National Opinion Research Center, a nonpartisan research organization affiliated with the University of Chicago] to view each untallied ballot and gather information about how it was marked. The media organizations then used computers to sort and tabulate votes, based on varying scenarios that had been raised during the post-election scramble in Florida. Under any standard that tabulated all disputed votes statewide, Mr. Gore erased Mr. Bush's advantage and emerged with a tiny lead that ranged from 42 to 171 votes.  Donald Lambro, ?Recount Provides No Firm Answers,? Washington Times, November 12, 2001.
?   ?The review found that the result would have been different if every canvassing board in every county had examined every undervote, a situation that no election or court authority had ordered. Gore had called for such a statewide manual recount if Bush would agree, but Bush rejected the idea and there was no mechanism in place to conduct one.?   Martin Merzer, ?Review of Ballots Finds Bush's Win Would Have Endured Manual Recount,? Miami Herald, April 4, 2001.
?   See also, the following article by one of the Washington Post journalists who ran the consortium recount.  The relevant point is made in Table I of the article.
FAHRENHEIT 9/11: Congressional Black Caucus members tried to object to the election outcome on the floor of the House; no Senator would sign the objections.
?   ?While Vice President Al Gore appeared to have accepted his fate contained in two wooden ballot boxes, Democratic members of the Congressional Black Caucus tried repeatedly to challenge the assignment of Florida's 25 electoral votes to Bush?. More than a dozen Democrats followed suit, seeking to force a debate on the validity of Florida's vote on the grounds that all votes may not have been counted and that some voters were wrongly denied the right to vote.?  Susan Milligan, ?It?s Really Over: Gore Bows Out Gracefully,? Boston Globe, January 7, 2001.
?   The Congressional Black Caucus effort failed for ?lack of the necessary signature by any senator.? Sen. Minority Leader Tom Daschle (D-SD) had previously advised Democratic senators not to cooperate. ?They did not.?? Robert Novak, ?Sweeney Link Won't Help Chao,? Chicago Sun-Times, January 14, 2001.  
FAHRENHEIT 9/11: ?On the day George W. Bush was inaugurated, tens of thousands of Americans poured into the streets of D.C. They pelted Bush?s limo with eggs.?
?   ?Shouting slogans like ?Hail to the Thief? and ?Selected, Not Elected,? tens of thousands of protesters descended on George W. Bush's inaugural parade route yesterday to proclaim that he and Vice President Dick Cheney had ?stolen? the election.? Michael Kranish and Sue Kirchhoff, ?Thousands Protest ?Stolen? Election,? Boston Globe, January 21, 2001.
?   ?Scuffles erupted between radicals and riot police while an egg struck the bullet-proof presidential limousine as it carried Mr. Bush and wife Laura to the White House.?  Damon Johnston, ?Bush Pledges Justice as Critics Throw Eggs,? The Advertisers, January 22, 2001.
?   See also film footage.
FAHRENHEIT 9/11: ?The inauguration parade was brought to a halt and the traditional walk to the White House was scrapped.?
?   Bush made one concession to the weather -- or to security concerns: He stayed in his limousine nearly the entire length of the mile-long inaugural parade, waving through a slightly foggy window. He got out to walk only for a brief distance when his motorcade reached the VIP grandstands in front of the Treasury Department and the White House.  Doyle McManus, et al., ?Bush Vows to Bring Nation Together,? Los Angeles Times, January, 21, 2001.
?   Bush's limo, which traveled most of the route at a slow walking pace, stopped dead just before it reached the corner of 14th St. and Pennsylvania Ave., where most of the protesters had congregated. Then it sped up dramatically, and Secret Service agents protecting the car on foot had to follow at a full run.  When they reached a section of the parade route where the sidewalks were restricted to official ticketholders, Bush and his wife, Laura, who wore a flattering electric turquoise suit, got out of the limo to walk and greet supporters.  Helen Kennedy, ?Bush Pledges a United US,? New York Daily News, January 21, 2001.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »