Author Topic: CSA  (Read 1642 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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« on: November 20, 2005, 12:05:00 AM »
Hmmm, looks like people are bitter over what? A BOARDING SCHOOL! :idea: . And those who want to complain, this is coming from an AIR kid, YOU HAVE IT EASY! I transfered and I just want to let you know that it is harder else where. It's open, it's beautiful. Ok so staff took their issues out on us. Guess what? We have the tools to grow and move on! Come on guys! Is it really worth all this bitterness? I stayed past 18...i know what I'm talking about here. SO the dorms are gross and you can't look at boys; but I dont depend on pot to make my day good and I am a beautiful respecting and tenacious young woman! I know that... and WWASP assisted in that. Refusers need to get a life, get out of victim mode and just say "hey, I set this up now how do I grow from it?" Keep growing
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2005, 08:14:00 AM »
If you are "over it" then why are you searching the web about the schools? why are you posting dont You have better things to do? Guess not
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2005, 12:15:00 PM »

On 2005-11-19 21:05:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Hmmm, looks like people are bitter over what? A BOARDING SCHOOL!"

These are NOT boarding schools, not the way boarding schools are and were intended to be. These are behavior modification programs. These programs try to change the very core of a person, their psyche, and that's wrong. They work on the parents as well by forcing them to attend similar brainwashing seminars the kids attend. There's tons of info out there on this, seek it out. Wake up.

QUOTE: "Come on? did it really jack up your life THAT much?"

I'd say, after reading hundreds and hundreds of posts, after talking to hundreds of kids who have been there, ya, I'd say their lives were jacked up that much as a result of attending these programs!

QUOTE: "People who are there already have jacked up lives that's why we are there."

Guess what - some of these kids' lives were not already jacked up. Some of these kids have parents who were jacked up and who didn't properly parent them, who did not give them the tools and the love they needed, parents who were wrapped up in their own lives to miss their chilrens' pleas for love, and there were some parents who just wanted to get rid of their kids. That includes step-parents and adoptive parents. Some of the kids in these programs have nothing wrong with them at all, nothing more than a broken heart, when they arrive. But they do have problems by the time they leave, from what I hear. Then there are kids who have issues like ADHD, Oppositional Behavior Disorder, and other disorders that CAN be helped at home with some help from medical professionals. Some parents don't want to deal with them and send them away instead...the easy fix. I'm not trying to bad-mouth all parents because I do know some parents are at their wits end and truly don't know what to do. But if they reflected on their own actions, or inactions, in their child's life, perhaps they could see where things went wrong and they could dig deep within themselves to figure out how to fix it. Many parents, especially after making a call to these programs and getting fed the line that if they don't do something NOW their child is headed down a long, dark path that leads to death, underestimate their abilities to help their teens. They feel helpless when things get out of hand and think that the only way to make things right is to send their child away. Well, if that had been the case when I was growing up I'd say a ton of kids would have been sent away. Those kids weren't and they did just fine. Looking for help close to home is always a better idea then sending your child away to tin-buck-two.

QUOTE: "And those who want to complain, this is coming from an AIR kid, YOU HAVE IT EASY!"

AIR? Sorry, don't know that one. And anyone complaining has a right to complain. Don't diminist their experiences. Now that's just wrong.

QUOTE: "I transfered and I just want to let you know that it is harder else where."

Transfered from where, to where?

QUOTE: "It's open, it's beautiful."

What the hell? What's open, what's beautiful?

QUOTE: "Ok so staff took their issues out on us."

That's not what staff is supposed to do when they are working with teens and children. Staff should be trained, staff should be professionals, staff should not be people hired off the street with barely a high school education. Staff should be caring individuals who have the childrens' best interest at heart.

QUOTE: "Guess what? We have the tools to grow and move on!"

Hmmmm.....where did you all get those tools? From the program? I'm not hearing much of that here, or elsewhere for that matter.

QUOTE: "Come on guys!"

Oh, they'll come, they'll talk, you can be sure of that.

QUOTE: "Is it really worth all this bitterness?"

You better believe it is, when kids have been abused and continue to be abused. You bet it is!

QUOTE: "I stayed past 18...i know what I'm talking about here."

Was that by choice, staying past 18? If you know so much then you would know it's wrong to try to discredit what others are saying about their experiences there. How long have you been out? If not that long, give yourself time and you'll see the light. Seems to be the case most of the time.

QUOTE: "SO the dorms are gross and you can't look at boys"

I don't think the major issue for most kids is that they can't look at someone of the opposite sex and that the dorms are gross. And in reality it's stupid that they can't look at boys. They don't do that in public school, so why do they think it's such a great idea. It seems to me that keeping kids away from even looking at someone of the other sex would only strengthen their desire and will. And if parents are paying all that money, why are the dorms gross?? It is a whole lot deeper than that, read away, there are tons of stories here. I for one believe them.

QUOTE: "I dont depend on pot to make my day good and I am a beautiful respecting and tenacious young woman!"

I'm glad you don't depend on pot. You probably didn't have to be sent away to learn that, you would have probably figured it all out on your own at some point. Where did you learn that you are a "beautiful respecting and tenacious young woman!" From the program? Listen to how that sounds - programmed! We've heard it all before, trust me. And I think it's safe to say that the phrase you just used sounds like it came from a programmed person. Most people don't go around saying "Hi there, I'm a beautiful respecting and tenacious young woman." Most of us would look at them and wonder what they're smoking!

QUOTE: "I know that... and WWASP assisted in that."

Assisted in what? Making you believe you are this beautiful respecting and tenacious young woman? You might be all of that, it's just strange you'd have to tell us that.

QUOTE: "Refusers need to get a life, get out of victim mode and just say "hey, I set this up now how do I grow from it?"

Get out of victim mode? Why do you think they have to say that? Do you know what a victim is? A victim is someone who is victimized, meaning someone who has been harmed by another. So, I wonder who harmed these kids and why they're in "victim mode" to begin with? Sure, some of them will arrive with some real problems and some real issues. But those problems and issues are often normal teenage behavior that could easily be dealt with at home, and that has been dealt with at home for generations. But now, it's easier to just send the kid away. It's wrong, you know, sending your kid away to be "fixed and reprogrammed." It's just plain wrong! Parents need to start stepping up to the plate and realizing that they may have a role in their child's issues, that their child's issues could be part of normal teen behavior, and that there is help close to home if they would just seek it out.

QUOTE: "Keep growing"

Kids who are posting here, from what I can gather, are growing, are moving forward with their lives, and are trying to make the best of their bad situations. That's why they're here, sharing their stories. HOping that others will understand what they have gone through so that others won't have to go through the same thing.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2005, 01:32:00 PM »
QUOTE: Some parents don't want to deal with them and send them away instead...the easy fix.  . .  But if they reflected on their own actions, or inactions, in their child's life, perhaps they could see where things went wrong and they could dig deep within themselves to figure out how to fix it.

And that is a nice description of why parents work WITH the boarding schools to become better parents and build better families: figuring out where things went wrong, and digging deep to figure out how to fix it (although I question your assumption that the fix is always inside the parents, or that kids can even be "fixed," like robots) You haven't been there, I can tell, or you'd stop contradicting yourself.

QUOTE: Those kids weren't and they did just fine. Looking for help close to home is always a better idea then sending your child away to tin-buck-two.

Assuming your other skills are better than your spelling or geography, will you share your credentials for making such a sweeping generalization about child rearing?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2005, 01:41:00 PM »
"I stayed past 18...i know what I'm talking about here."

 :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :rofl:  :lol:  :lol:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #5 on: November 20, 2005, 02:03:00 PM »
To the crazy who's glad she stayed at a WWASP program past 18....what the heck are you talking about?  

tenacious:  persistent in maintaining or adhering to something valued or habitual

Many of us WWASP graduates have difficulty realizing that the seminars were implemented to promote compliance and sameness.  Fortunately you're hooked up with people on this site who can support you when you release your tenacious hold on your fantasy of what you think WWASP did for you.  My wish for you is that you'll deprogram eventually and get a tenacious hold on who you really are.

P.S.  WWASP's independent study educational program is a bitch!  It took me years of college to reeducate myself on writing sentences with proper punctuation, grammar, and tense.  Be tenacious- stay in school- and may your English improve more than your twisted memory of living in a WWASP program.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #6 on: November 20, 2005, 10:24:00 PM »
On 2005-11-20 09:15:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2005-11-19 21:05:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Hmmm, looks like people are bitter over what? A BOARDING SCHOOL!"

These are NOT boarding schools, not the way boarding schools are and were intended to be. These are behavior modification programs. These programs try to change the very core of a person, their psyche, and that's wrong. They work on the parents as well by forcing them to attend similar brainwashing seminars the kids attend. There's tons of info out there on this, seek it out. Wake up.

QUOTE: "Come on? did it really jack up your life THAT much?"

I'd say, after reading hundreds and hundreds of posts, after talking to hundreds of kids who have been there, ya, I'd say their lives were jacked up that much as a result of attending these programs!

QUOTE: "People who are there already have jacked up lives that's why we are there."

Guess what - some of these kids' lives were not already jacked up. Some of these kids have parents who were jacked up and who didn't properly parent them, who did not give them the tools and the love they needed, parents who were wrapped up in their own lives to miss their chilrens' pleas for love, and there were some parents who just wanted to get rid of their kids. That includes step-parents and adoptive parents. Some of the kids in these programs have nothing wrong with them at all, nothing more than a broken heart, when they arrive. But they do have problems by the time they leave, from what I hear. Then there are kids who have issues like ADHD, Oppositional Behavior Disorder, and other disorders that CAN be helped at home with some help from medical professionals. Some parents don't want to deal with them and send them away instead...the easy fix. I'm not trying to bad-mouth all parents because I do know some parents are at their wits end and truly don't know what to do. But if they reflected on their own actions, or inactions, in their child's life, perhaps they could see where things went wrong and they could dig deep within themselves to figure out how to fix it. Many parents, especially after making a call to these programs and getting fed the line that if they don't do something NOW their child is headed down a long, dark path that leads to death, underestimate their abilities to help their teens. They feel helpless when things get out of hand and think that the only way to make things right is to send their child away. Well, if that had been the case when I was growing up I'd say a ton of kids would have been sent away. Those kids weren't and they did just fine. Looking for help close to home is always a better idea then sending your child away to tin-buck-two.

QUOTE: "And those who want to complain, this is coming from an AIR kid, YOU HAVE IT EASY!"

AIR? Sorry, don't know that one. And anyone complaining has a right to complain. Don't diminist their experiences. Now that's just wrong.

QUOTE: "I transfered and I just want to let you know that it is harder else where."

Transfered from where, to where?

QUOTE: "It's open, it's beautiful."

What the hell? What's open, what's beautiful?

QUOTE: "Ok so staff took their issues out on us."

That's not what staff is supposed to do when they are working with teens and children. Staff should be trained, staff should be professionals, staff should not be people hired off the street with barely a high school education. Staff should be caring individuals who have the childrens' best interest at heart.

QUOTE: "Guess what? We have the tools to grow and move on!"

Hmmmm.....where did you all get those tools? From the program? I'm not hearing much of that here, or elsewhere for that matter.

QUOTE: "Come on guys!"

Oh, they'll come, they'll talk, you can be sure of that.

QUOTE: "Is it really worth all this bitterness?"

You better believe it is, when kids have been abused and continue to be abused. You bet it is!

QUOTE: "I stayed past 18...i know what I'm talking about here."

Was that by choice, staying past 18? If you know so much then you would know it's wrong to try to discredit what others are saying about their experiences there. How long have you been out? If not that long, give yourself time and you'll see the light. Seems to be the case most of the time.

QUOTE: "SO the dorms are gross and you can't look at boys"

I don't think the major issue for most kids is that they can't look at someone of the opposite sex and that the dorms are gross. And in reality it's stupid that they can't look at boys. They don't do that in public school, so why do they think it's such a great idea. It seems to me that keeping kids away from even looking at someone of the other sex would only strengthen their desire and will. And if parents are paying all that money, why are the dorms gross?? It is a whole lot deeper than that, read away, there are tons of stories here. I for one believe them.

QUOTE: "I dont depend on pot to make my day good and I am a beautiful respecting and tenacious young woman!"

I'm glad you don't depend on pot. You probably didn't have to be sent away to learn that, you would have probably figured it all out on your own at some point. Where did you learn that you are a "beautiful respecting and tenacious young woman!" From the program? Listen to how that sounds - programmed! We've heard it all before, trust me. And I think it's safe to say that the phrase you just used sounds like it came from a programmed person. Most people don't go around saying "Hi there, I'm a beautiful respecting and tenacious young woman." Most of us would look at them and wonder what they're smoking!

QUOTE: "I know that... and WWASP assisted in that."

Assisted in what? Making you believe you are this beautiful respecting and tenacious young woman? You might be all of that, it's just strange you'd have to tell us that.

QUOTE: "Refusers need to get a life, get out of victim mode and just say "hey, I set this up now how do I grow from it?"

Get out of victim mode? Why do you think they have to say that? Do you know what a victim is? A victim is someone who is victimized, meaning someone who has been harmed by another. So, I wonder who harmed these kids and why they're in "victim mode" to begin with? Sure, some of them will arrive with some real problems and some real issues. But those problems and issues are often normal teenage behavior that could easily be dealt with at home, and that has been dealt with at home for generations. But now, it's easier to just send the kid away. It's wrong, you know, sending your kid away to be "fixed and reprogrammed." It's just plain wrong! Parents need to start stepping up to the plate and realizing that they may have a role in their child's issues, that their child's issues could be part of normal teen behavior, and that there is help close to home if they would just seek it out.

QUOTE: "Keep growing"

Kids who are posting here, from what I can gather, are growing, are moving forward with their lives, and are trying to make the best of their bad situations. That's why they're here, sharing their stories. HOping that others will understand what they have gone through so that others won't have to go through the same thing. "

Most excellent post!  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #7 on: November 20, 2005, 10:46:00 PM »
On 2005-11-19 21:05:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Hmmm, looks like people are bitter over what? A BOARDING SCHOOL! :idea: . And those who want to complain, this is coming from an AIR kid, YOU HAVE IT EASY! I transfered and I just want to let you know that it is harder else where. It's open, it's beautiful. Ok so staff took their issues out on us. Guess what? We have the tools to grow and move on! Come on guys! Is it really worth all this bitterness? I stayed past 18...i know what I'm talking about here. SO the dorms are gross and you can't look at boys; but I dont depend on pot to make my day good and I am a beautiful respecting and tenacious young woman! I know that... and WWASP assisted in that. Refusers need to get a life, get out of victim mode and just say "hey, I set this up now how do I grow from it?" Keep growing"

You might not depend on pot to make your day tolerable, but everyone else has to depend on it just to tolerate you, bitch.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #8 on: November 20, 2005, 10:47:00 PM »
what the fuck is AIR anyways?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #9 on: November 21, 2005, 12:56:00 AM »
QUOTE: Most excellent post!

Thanks! Wow, this girl has a lot to learn. I sure hope she can deprogram, as suggested. There will be plenty of people here for her if and when she does. She wants to know my credentials -hell, I don't have to justify anything to anyone. I'm just speaking my mind and sharing my opinions, that's what we're all doing. The people who know me know that I have knowledge enough to make the statements that I've made. Again, this is my OPINION. And she wants to criticize my spelling - how petty - check out everyone's spelling around here. there are plenty of mistakes!  :silly:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #10 on: November 21, 2005, 03:17:00 AM »
On 2005-11-20 19:47:00, Anonymous wrote:

"what the fuck is AIR anyways?"

Academy at Ivy Ridge. A WWASPS facility in New York.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #11 on: November 21, 2005, 01:21:00 PM »
I'd never seen it abbreviated like that before. Thanks.

Well, now that's stranger even still. With all of the complaints and problems coming out of Ivy Ridge, one would wonder how this girl could sound so convinced they did her and others any good. Bad staff and bad living conditions - I wouldn't be thrilled finding that out if I'd paid over $40k a year to send my child to a program that was supposed to help her. There are a lot of stories coming out of Ivy Ridge from kids who have been there and from parents. I hope that the person who attended and posted will read them and realize that not this many people would be lying about their experiences there.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2005, 09:34:00 PM »
Whoever posted the original message-  did you go to AIR and if so, when were you there?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #13 on: December 13, 2005, 05:49:00 PM »
bumpity bump bump BUMP!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »