Author Topic: Growing Together of Lake Worth, Florida  (Read 27932 times)

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Offline ramprato

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Growing Together of Lake Worth, Florida
« Reply #60 on: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM »
You just don't get it do ya??.......
Those people that run GT prey on people like you. It's not because you're such a nice guy, it's not because they have a genuine concern for your kid, You have a couple of dollars in the bank and that' all they want, MONEY plain and simple. Look around the room at GT, and what do you see, you don't see kids from the SLUMS do you??

The majority of us that post here and on the other sites came from upper middle income backgrounds, that's who these Straight-like places target people with MONEY.

Here's a quote from you I found particularly special:

"I think that some sort of serious re-programming of the mind (aka brain washing) would have to take place to make such a radical change in someoneâ??s concepts, thinking process, feeling process, etc."

That to me that is plain disgusting, to read such garbage. Oh yes, it's OK as long as it's happening to somebody else and not yourself, hell, for that matter, it's OK even if it's your own kid, just throw him into the hands of complete strangers you've never met before and walk away??,well think again ace. Your child is your most precious resource and YOU have been given a RARE opportunity, an opportunity that most of our parents 20 years ago would of begged to have if it were available to them, a chance to talk to 20 year survivors of MIND RAPE MILLS such as GT who have given their very heart and sole to you about the aftereffects of untold pain caused by brainwashing. People like us who have had time to research these sickos, know their game, and all the steps they took along the way for some 30 years to perfect their scam on people like you, it amazes the @#%$ right out of me that you would trust them over us, I'm shaking my head right now in complete disbelief. I know guys, I shouldn't be, I realize we've only been exposing these bastards for a year or so now.

Just taking a stab here, did you ever read up on communist re-education camps?? They use the same sick MIND RAPING tactics in those camps, where do you think the brainwashing kids concept was "barrowed" from. I'm sure were also soon going to find out that this is how the kids in poor middle eastern families are recruited and "educated" to hate Americans, it's just a matter of time before this all comes out and makes the headlines, I'm sure then that you won't mind being the poster-dad advocating brainwashing centers for anything YOU perceive wrong with kids. Did YOU ever go through adolescence, were you ever defiant to your parents, EVER?? How did they correct you? Did they entrust you to strangers?, careful now, your halo is slipping.

Here's a good one from you:

"Worse case, if he survives this treatment and will take him (as you say) 15 years to get â??rightâ?? again, that implies that we will be alive 15 years from now, and that is good news. It certainly beats the alternative."

I think if I were able to turn back the clock, I would of rather find another way of dealing with whatever issues there were at the time concerning my adolescence. Sure, to the outside world, I am a "success", but why the hell is it that when the internet was introduced to this world did I find myself on it advocating the humane treatment of kids and exposing sick MIND RAPE MILLS such as YOUR kid is in??? hmmm? Must be for my health, my emotional health.

Now try to remember these next words I ought to send a recommendation to the AD Council for a public service announcement:


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Blopa

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Growing Together of Lake Worth, Florida
« Reply #61 on: October 01, 2001, 04:23:21 PM »
Re: You just don't get it do ya??.......
Ken, I do not doubt that what you describe is true to the program you 'attended' (Straight), but I clearly established some differences between what you and others describe as taking place in Straight that DOES NOT match what goes on on GT.

Do you know what goes on on GT?

You keep insisting (and you are right) of how horrible the practices of the place you know, are.  But I am not talking about that place, since I have no direct knowledge of anything they did there.  I am not talking about Straight.

I do see similarities.  I also see fundamental differences precisely about the things I see you 'complaint' the most. Again, they do not lock people in isolation (alone or in groups), they do not sit on people hurting them, do do not deny anyone the use of the phone to call for help, they do not put them in ridiculous diets, they do not deprive them of food or sleep.  All this differences I know first hand and that is why I can talk about it. They don't mean anything to you?

BTW you still do not offer an alternative treatement.

Ken, I am not interested in winning any argument with you, prove you wrong, etc. as I understand you are only trying to help me and my kid.  It just surprises me that you refer to GT as if was a copy of Straight.  You know Straight, you do not not GT and you ignore the differences I point out to you.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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Growing Together of Lake Worth, Florida
« Reply #62 on: October 01, 2001, 05:05:04 PM »
Psychic murder
That's how the thought reform process is described by some scholars. And that's what it feels like. Your previous post said it all and I was horrified by the implications of it.

You know they're brainwashing your son. Did you know they're brainwashing you more? Think for a minute. All of the behaviors you describe as suicidal are, though troubleing, within the range of normal teen rebellion. Driving fast? That's a thrill for some kids, especially boys. Using illicit drugs? 70% of the adult population, dear, including your medical care professionals, your legal people, teachers, bus drivers, cops... you name it. Are they all suicidal? Do they all need to be thought reformed?

Deliberately carving on one's skin is NOT typical teen rebellion. Psyche guidelines usually associate sexual trauma with self mutilation.

Again, was he carving before you put him in the Program?

You keep asking for absolute proof of certain specific methods of abuse, otherwise you will not act to protect your son. If I found out that a neighbor might be a child abuser, I would FIRST eliminate any chance of their having access to my kids and then further investigate.  Mr., your response is just really bizarre for a parent. I'm not surprised, though. My own parents and plenty of others walked the same path.

Once again, let me remind you that in the State of Florida, if you suspect child abuse you have a legal obligation to report it or at least to intervene on behalf of the child. A few years ago, a mother went to prison on a homocide charge because she forced her teenaged daughter to work in a strip club. The girl was so humiliated by the experience that she killed herself. At this point, you probably don't care enough about your son to intervene on his behalf. But you might want to think carefully about any criminal investigations that might arise should it turn out that they are hurting children there at GT.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline ramprato

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Growing Together of Lake Worth, Florida
« Reply #63 on: October 01, 2001, 05:15:47 PM »
Still don't get it...
"BTW you still do not offer an alternative treatment."

My God, everything you have been told by all of us, and you still refer to that place as "treatment".

Why don't you try NOT locking him away from you, and talk to him instead of entrusting him to complete strangers for starts, sounds like he has had a smorgasbord of places to help "fix" him in his short 17 years of life, what the hell about you?, has he had YOU to talk to yet? or did that go to off to the side while you were piling up all the money? Go into family counseling, study the end affects of brainwashing and what survivors of brainwashing go through day to day because you're going to need the information to deal with you own kid's Post Traumatic Stress Disorder that you and GT have introduced to him. You might find a good therapist for him and you for that matter, one that is familiar with Synanon based MIND RAPING methods because that's the new thing you got to add to the list on top of all the rest of juniors "ailments" boss.

Level with me, when you first started lurking our websites and posted your first message (listing off all these things he did), did you list your son's "problems" off the 20 questions pamphlet they gave you? Do you honestly think that the 20 questions thing started in GT, lol.

"Ken, I am not interested in winning any argument with you, prove you wrong, etc. as I understand you are only trying to help me and my kid. It just surprises me that you refer to GT as if was a copy of Straight. You know Straight, you do not not GT and you ignore the differences I point out to you."

Well you right there, I am actually genuinely concerned amazingly for someone I never even met that I know is being tortured up in his mind, this is getting real personal, I am speaking for somebody that can NOT speak for himself, YOUR son. Pay close attention now.......GT was born out of Straight and uses the same mind raping methods that straight used on all us all those years ago, savvy?

"You know Straight, you do not not GT and you ignore the differences I point out to you."

I think your saying I don't know GT, only Straight, wrong, I know the methods GT uses, I know that there were homosexual abuse charges brought up against GT in a police report that I bet they didn't tell you upon you admitting you child, and entrusting him to. I know that you yourself have said that he has NO privacy and I know that this is a main brainwashing tactic right there not to mention the sheer humiliation of it, (bathroom ect...)

You are fixed in your beliefs, there is NO stopping you, they have you "convinced" another dollar in the pot for them, another ruined human being. I would NEVER put my kid in a place like that under ANY circumstances, those people who run places like that ought to be jailed. Don't worry though, I, like everybody here will do what they can to expose these sickos with or without your help.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Growing Together of Lake Worth, Florida
« Reply #64 on: January 01, 2002, 03:09:00 PM »
"You know Straight, you do not not GT and you ignore the differences I point out to you."

Would a dog by an other name still be a dog, and would a dog that has had a bath still be a dog, and would a dog that got itself a good set of lawyers and a good PR team still be a dog? Of course it would, and anyone who suggested otherwise would be called a fool. You are not a fool Blopa but you are certainly being played like one.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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Growing Together of Lake Worth, Florida
« Reply #65 on: January 01, 2002, 06:59:00 PM »
The salient info:

Parents Back Program
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline kaydeejaded

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Growing Together of Lake Worth, Florida
« Reply #66 on: January 02, 2002, 02:01:00 AM »
I don't really know what to say to this dude. His son is going to hate him he will be lucky if he ever has a civil relationship with him again. My family relationship is still strained even though my life is good now. Trust is gone freedom was lost. When I was in Straight we had a camera crew come and film a video of group and air it on a show called "Youthquake" every misbehavor was removed from group and if you could scream and no one would hear you. Blopa the program your son is in is BASED ON STRAIGHT and unless you are retarted you realize that it will BE LIKE STRAIGHT and regardless if Staight was so humane and wonderful that all this shit is based on it, why is Straight closed???? Your kid just like me will say anything the staff tells him to OR you will not be talking to him. Everyone tells on everyone else there to climb up a level and maybe get out. I feels sorry for your son like getting high is ever going to look or feel worse than being locked up. Makes getting high seem like the best time of your life. You are screwing up. Your son will never trust you again. Not when he is 40 and dropping off the grandkids not when you sit together and laugh never it is always there trust me. I love my parents now 13 years later but I was NOT HELPED BY STRAIGHT I was diagnosed with PTSD and many others have been too. Along with those who have killed themselves and left there familes hating them. Why would you let a stranger have your child sounds like the only person here who has a problem is you. You are being selfish and you will I am sure feel you error in the end. I really hope you don't loose your son for good, he could run away, kill himself, have psych. problems, hate you, or be cured. You gamble on it. Good luck. :cry:

[ This Message was edited by: kaydeejaded on 2002-01-01 23:17 ]

[ This Message was edited by: kaydeejaded on 2002-01-01 23:19 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
or those who understand, no explanation is necessary; for those who don\'t, none will do

Offline debi

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Growing Together of Lake Worth, Florida
« Reply #67 on: April 30, 2002, 07:46:00 PM »
"Sorry to ask, but, do we hear in this forum just the voices of people that failed in the program and are resentful as a result? I read hear some truly hear drenching stories that I am sure are legitimate and honest experiences of many; are there success stories to? "

I am a "successful" graduate of the Seed. I completed my 3 month program in 10 months after starting over 3 times because of things my parents did (ie keeping alcohol in home w/newcomers there, stopping at a liqour store w/newcomers in the car..)(1971-72 or maybe it was 72-73 oh so long ago, yet it seems like yesterday sometimes.)

I submit that you should do everything in your power to keep your child at home with you.

Find a counselor, spend time, seek out his thoughts and feelings about his life, try to find out what pain he is escaping from with his use of drugs...

I too am a parent of a teen (born '84), and I have worked his entire life to ensure that I always validated his feelings, supported his choices (friends, haircuts...), and as a result he speaks to me about things that he is feeling, about his friends and the choices they are making etc.

The anger and rage I felt toward my parents and the life they selected for me was with me for a very long time. Please do everything in your power to reach your son with your own feelings.

I have been sober for almost 22 years now,and raised my son in the rooms, I have no secrets from him.....he has certainly made better choices than I did at his age. Hopefully a counselor would help you to because a "person" vs a "parent" to your son's that he can learn from your mistakes too.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
...every five years I look back on my life and have a good laugh...\" (The Watershed, by the Indigo Girls\"