Hahaha. Sorry. It's just all really funny. All this seriousness about "nothing worth everything". I mean, ha, the fact that people get so angry and worked up over these little things. It's great to be passionate. Pat yourselves on the back. But jesus, please pick better battles. Direct that passion into bettering things, OFF A BLOG SITE. Hahhahaha. Sorry once more, just thought I'd BLOG myself and hope maybe someone will sit back and say, "What the fuck am I doing?" and laugh at the world. Gotta love those differences in others. It makes life fun. I'd be so much more bored if everyone was like me. I already feel I know myself pretty well. Hmmm. Or maybe ya'll are just a tad bit more narcisistic than I. Give yourself a hug from yourself from me. Thanks. Buccelato Out.