Author Topic: Finally talked to my other friend who was sent to wildnernes  (Read 30462 times)

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Offline gr8ful2aarc

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Finally talked to my other friend who was sent to wildnernes
« Reply #60 on: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM »
The thing I find the funniest is you all assume that only aarc staff are the only ones posting.It is not true I know of graduates that post here because we believe aarc helped us. No we are not all staff.

I also wanted to point out how different AARC is from KIDS. At AARC there is about 30 clients at KIDS there was 300. AARC does not belt loop or "motivate" to get up in raps.AARC does not "regress" clients for listening to old music,seeing old friends or having an impure thought.The graduates are not required to work on staff it is a choice.AARC is certified by social services KIDS was not.Dr.V does have a degree you are not looking in the right place (obviously because I found it)(( l.o.l))Just thought I'd throw my thoughts in.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline velvet2000

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« Reply #61 on: December 01, 2001, 05:59:01 PM »
Sticks and stones - very mature.
I'll say it agin (I don't know why I bother) but Vause does not have a degree in psychology which he has claimed too, he didn't have it anywhere before and he doesn't have it now. Even if his story was true that he obtained it in another province and just didn't get around to registering in Alberta, why would someone do that? Because they knew that either for some reason they couldn't register, or that they didn't want to have to abide by the rules of a registered psychologist. Either way that's not his case.

AARC does not belt loop, motivate or have 300 kids because SS wouldn't allow it. Kids and The Straights recieved government money as well. AARC does use the exact same "theraputic program" which is what a cult is made out of. Straight based programs aren't cults because someone held on to someone's belt loop.

Oh, and they don't regress kids for listening to music or talking to old friends! Once again, I don't know what AARC you're talking about, but the one I was in did!

And please, there are only two people which are staff, and I believe that one other person posted here on my site! Have you ever heard of "tracking"?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline ramprato

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« Reply #62 on: December 01, 2001, 06:10:21 PM »
you're the one lost.........
I don't care about the 30/300 racial, It doesn't matter if AARC uses beltlooping or not, those kids are still surround (at all times) and discouraged from leaving by there peers, so obviously AARC is still making the kids do their dirty work. Crowding a person into submission still gives the recipient (the one being mind raped) a dog-on-a-leash mentality. You trying to put off AARC as a kinder and gentler "Kids Center" doesn't work, try again. Are they still telling 13 year old little girls if they don't "confess" their sex life and talk about the "sluts" they were???, hell yes they are and don't lie about it, Vause is one sick bastard making those kids in there "confess" their sexual situations.

Do you know what public "confession" does to someone's LONG TERM esteem when you first tell it to the group and then the parent in order to "progress"? Makes you feel about an inch high if your lucky and lower than whale @#%$ for a long time if you don't seek real help from a good therapist. I know plenty of people that have gone out and lived some sad lives because that was due to the worse self esteem these kinds of mind rape mills gave them..that is so sick.

They can't be set back for "listening to old music,seeing old friends or having an "impure thought?"" What do you construe to be an "Impure thought"? Who the hell made you God? How wonderful, listening to old music or seeing old friends won't get them set back, I'm for Missouri (The show-me state) on that one sure, I'll believe it when I see it. I bet they still can't just get up and leave the very minute they want, I bet they all think (because they are still told) that their parents and family want nothing to do with them and in fact encouraged to tell them that whenever possible, abandonment always makes one feel soooooo much more confident about themselves, don't you agree?

"The graduates are not required to work on staff it is a choice.AARC is certified by social services KIDS was not.Dr.V does have a degree you are not looking in the right place (obviously because I found it)(( l.o.l))Just thought I'd throw my thoughts in."

Whatever, I know this without even walking in that place, Vause will do anything in his power to keep his meal ticket running, if he obviously doesn't care about turning a mind to mush, if things got desperate, why would he care about somebody's "choice" to be on staff or not? You still don't specify where, when, and how Vause obtained this "degree", that was a simple request, most people don't have any problem saying what there educational background is, what seems to be the problem here?, why do I feel like we have to pull teeth with you?

Big deal, AARC is "certified" by social services. In America, KIDS was certified by Blue Cross and CIGNA because we don't have socialized medicine, so what's your point? So glad you threw your thoughts in, can't wait for your next batch of limp buisquits to shingle the roof with! lol

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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« Reply #63 on: December 01, 2001, 06:58:35 PM »
What have I lost?
"The thing I find the funniest is you all assume that only aarc staff are the only ones posting."

I find it funny that you would say that. I never thought it was only Vause posting. I keep mentioning "Vause and his groupies". Actually, I'm surprised and rather pleased that Miller Light is posting at all. In his hay-day, Father Cashin had people to do that sort of thing for him. Ya'll must be getting a little low on staff and moral for him to stoop to dialoging with druggielosers like us, huh?

"At AARC there is about 30 clients at KIDS there was 300."

Not when we shut them down. By the time we got done with them (for the time being) the group size was down around 30. The Sarasota Straight group dwindled down to around 40 or 50 after the state attorney started investigating. That seems to be a threshhold of some kind. SAFE is experiencing a similar crisis. SAFE, btw, is certified by all of the proper state and county licensing agencies too. Of course, it helps to have cult members installed in all the right places within those oversight agencies.

But I'm not so interested in the trivial differences between the various branches. I'm more concerned about some disconcerting similarities.

There's the warped implimentation of the 72 hour law. Who needs the hand of a child on another child's beltloop when you can bring force of law to bear, eh? Look, we all know where Miller Light learned his craft. Anyone going to try and deny the historic public record?

But, most disconcerting of all is a story recounted by one young lady on the first of this month. You can re-read it by clicking on the following link: Sleepless In Canada

As I recall, none of you Program devoute have refuted the factuality of what this young lady is saying. And, based on my own extensive experience with the Program, I don't doubt it. I've seen the same sort of thing happen over and over again; you just couldn't make this s.h.i.t up. Sure, if you get an invitation to join staff, you have a choice. I remember how demoralized I was when I got tapped for staff trainee 20 years ago. I'd planned on never darkening the doorway of that warehouse ever again once I seventh stepped. But then I was faced with this choice; stick around and be a good little Straightling and pretend I'm just pleased and honored beyond all measure over the chance to 'give back' by moving 'up' to staff or risk getting set back or started over if I refused. Some damned choice!

See, these fallacious arguments and personal attacks don't work so well outside of a strictly controled environment. If you want to engage in dialog out in the real world, you'll have to do better than that.

-If there's a worse idea going than locking kids up for victimless crimes, it's probably locking them in close proximity to some tyrannical altruist bent on helping them even if it kills them.'>Anonymity Anonymous

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline gr8ful2aarc

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« Reply #64 on: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM »
When you guys have been to AARC and made your own observations then I would maybe listen to your views.AARC was started as KIDS but is not KIDS.You think you know but you don't.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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« Reply #65 on: December 02, 2001, 12:20:46 AM »
72 Hour Law
If AARC is such a pleasant place where clients enjoy respect and dignity (not to mention legally required human rights), then why are you lobbying for legislation that would allow you to employ force of law to compel people to stay?

And why are you here posting? I went to a pretty good school. It was pretty strict by some people's standards; generally 2 hrs a night of homework, 4 on weekends. Boys hair couldn't touch their (mandatory) colars, girls could not wear jeans. Don't even THINK about talking back to a teacher! If the teacher was wrong, you do your punishment and then take it up with the principal. But the principal was fair, the teachers were almost all decent people. The few who were mean spirited or incompetent didn't last long. All in all, it was a good school in my view.

I've run into my old schoolmates from time to time. Some of them hated the school and everything about it. But I don't feel compelled to hound them and convert them over to my way of thinking. Of course, my highschool was not a cult. The required adherance to the rules and a high level of accademic achievement during school hours, but not blind devotion for life. And they never once tried to physically prevent me from leaving or from contacting my family or law enforcement. How come kids on the lower levels at AARC are not allowed a day off to go shopping or bike riding? How come you never, ever leave them alone for a minute? Are you afraid they'll have time to think?

Several of your best advocates have already conceded that AARC brainwashed them. Do you have any idea what that means? Even the US Federal government (theoretically) draws the line at brainwashing and will not knowingly fund it.

-If there's a worse idea going than locking kids up for victimless crimes, it's probably locking them in close proximity to some tyrannical altruist bent on helping them even if it kills them.'>Anonymity Anonymous

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline velvet2000

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« Reply #66 on: December 01, 2001, 10:22:07 AM »
In your head
About not leaving kids alone for one minute...I don't think that there is a better tool for brain washing than "In your head", which is where you are not allowed to be silent, sit off form other people, or not be active doing some AARC type thing. On the "breaks" you have to have one on ones with oldcomers or you'll be blasted, have to have one on ones with your peer's regularily, have to clean the building (bathrooms to carpets, cement floors and all) three times per day, have to work on your work book, do your readings, give back, take moral inventories, yadayadayada. Good treatment facilities aren't afraid of what will happen if their youth take some time to think about something, meditate, or have some peace and quiet. They maybe let them sit outside and enjoy the fresh air.

Not allowing youth to have privacy with outside people in a "secure" center doesn't allow youth to report mistreatment or abuse. Obviously that is benificial to some.  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline velvet2000

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« Reply #67 on: November 01, 2001, 12:17:19 PM »
Surviving AARC
I just wanted to advertise my new EZ board for those who have been through the Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre! Hope you can all come and check it out, and maybe bring some survivors with you!

go to:'>

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline velvet2000

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« Reply #68 on: November 01, 2001, 12:17:19 PM »
latest posts
Someone posted a very proffesional letter at my site stating how fabulous AARC is. My guess is that it's the man himself. And to think it only took a couple of weeks to get their attention : P

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Kathy

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« Reply #69 on: December 01, 2001, 12:31:38 PM »
Re: latest posts
YOU GO!!!!  


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."    ~Plato

Offline velvet2000

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« Reply #70 on: December 02, 2001, 12:00:44 AM »
Re: latest posts
Thanks! You should see the email I got last night...Oh man, this is gonna be interesting. They are very poor liars...They really are.  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline bannedbillw

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« Reply #71 on: December 01, 2001, 04:56:31 AM »

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline bannedbillw

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« Reply #72 on: December 01, 2001, 05:10:19 AM »
Relax and remember resentment is the # 1 killer
    It's amazing how some people can go from singing, playing guitar at graduations and expressing tears of gratitude to having such radical and irrational beliefs. It's surprising how phony some people can be. Why did you ban my user name Bill.W? It makes me wonder why you guys are so afraid to have both sides of the story told. I find myself wondering if the issue is aarc or if it is just a bunch of relapsed graduates trying to find someone to  justify and blame there actions on. As for the whole PROGRAMMED issue maybe some psychologist brainwashed you into believing you were programmed. What frustrates me the most is that the other side of the story is not allowed to be told. If you are going to write of your deep rooted opinions than let others express there's as well.  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Another older AARC gradua

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« Reply #73 on: December 01, 2001, 07:07:20 PM »
Not in denial.
I like what banned bill W has to say reguarding your previous posting and also find it interesting that he/she was banned from this site.  I have watched this site a bit over the past couple of days now and must say that I've read a lot of angry statements and false facts.  I do believe it is told in A.A. that resentments are the number one killer of alcoholics.  I think it's sad that so much time is spent resenting a place that has helped so many people.  I gratuated AARC many years ago and have been sober  for many years as well.  I have been able to witness many young people go through AARC and improve their lives in some way.  I have NO resentment to AARC and I have always been able to sleep at night.  I do not have crazy thoughts any more, and I haven't really had any since I graduated AARC almost seven years ago.  I DO function well in society and am doing well in life.  I have a good job, people & family in my life, and am recieving a post-secondary education.  I had none of these things seven years ago.  I have absolutely no regrets and many friends in my life I know feel the same way.  I agree with Banned Bill W. when he/she stated how strange it is that someone can go from being my grateful peer cousellor, singing songs and playing guitar at my graduation and preaching how much AARC has changed her life to me, to bashing them on a secret "hate aarc" website.  Sad.  I also wonder how you can speak on behalf of AARC staff so well when you're not sure who's even working there anymore.  So far I've seen 3, maybe 4 people on this site who have something to complain about AARC, there's over 170 AARC graduates.  Might as well let all of us come on.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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« Reply #74 on: December 01, 2001, 07:47:25 PM »
Jumping to confusions
Another popular AA term, eh? First, I doubt SERIOUSLY that Kathy's banned anyone from the board. It's just not her style at all.

You can say whatever you like here. The difference is that we don't have to bob our heads and pretend you're making sense when you're not like some places we all know about. The "other" side of the story gets plenty of air play. Turn on Sally Jesse Raphael, Opra, a soap opera and there it is. Go to any public school campus and you'll see the same outlandish Program B.U.L.L.S.H.I.T. wrapped in the red and black DARE logo just about everywhere you turn.

This is the other side of the story; the truth. And no matter how you may try to shout us down, we'll still be here providing the truth to anyone who's interested. Ain't the First Amendment cool?

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes