Author Topic: NOTICE TO POTENTIAL PARENTS  (Read 27908 times)

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Offline Antigen

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« Reply #105 on: November 08, 2005, 10:39:00 PM »
On 2005-11-08 17:48:00, Anonymous wrote:

Antigen, I have read about how the Seeds program worked, and because everyone here is posting about the bad, I think it would be easy for you to think they were the same. I don't think they were.

No, that's exactly how they worked. They'd break you down through various physical, mental and emotional stress techniques till you came to believe what they wanted you to believe about yourself. They'd keep you guessing till you figured it out then give you all sorts of stokes and priviledges for coming to their realization.

Same shit, slightly different wrapper. At least you got to play sports w/ other schools.

Bigot: One fanatically devoted to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and intolerant of those who differ.' target='_new'>Webster's

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #106 on: November 09, 2005, 01:31:00 AM »
On 2005-11-08 19:24:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2005-11-08 13:26:00, tommyfromhyde1 wrote:

"I think that the faculty had to be threatened with arrest before they agreed to bring us into shore."

How authorative.  (And how beautiful the web where you can put something out there without really being sure, but close enough to make it look bad.)

Well when I was at Hyde I *think* they made sure to tell the Coast Guard about their trips so they would be on the radar should something happen.

Gee, maybe that's why the Coast Guard came over to alert the "faculty" on one of "Mr. Warren's" trips.

Nah, couldn't be.  Its the wild west up there, where kids (and presumably their own) lives are disposable.  

What was I thinking."

To the Anonymous who wrote the above.  I REALLY wouldn't "go there."  For every one time that Hyde might have done something responsible, there are five times they did something irresponsible and down right dangerous!! That is an argument you DONT want to have!  You are looking for negatives to come out on this board when you open that can of worms!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #107 on: November 09, 2005, 02:58:00 AM »
Same shit, slightly different wrapper. At least you got to play sports w/ other schools.

Too funny.  That one actually made me laugh.  I'm glad that you have a sense of humor, Antigen. :smile:

Anyway, I get most of your points.  Personally, I think I needed some breaking down.  I think a lot of people need some breaking down.  Nothing was going to get through to me without that happening first, so it just worked for me in a lot of ways.

That said, I have seen enough in my life to know it doesn't work and/or isn't appropriate for everyone.

I can also be accomplished with varying degrees of compassion and conscious intention, and I think I attracted more of those types to my life.  Without these mentors, I can guess that my experience would have been completely different.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #108 on: November 09, 2005, 03:30:00 AM »
To the Anonymous who wrote the above.  I REALLY wouldn't "go there."  For every one time that Hyde might have done something responsible, there are five times they did something irresponsible and down right dangerous!! That is an argument you DONT want to have!  You are looking for negatives to come out on this board when you open that can of worms!!"

Its not about what happened or didn't Anonymous, its about people posting on stuff they don't know about that irks me. Some recent examples include (and I paraphrase):

The Gaulds are rich and funnelling money from the school, just do a "dunn" and bradstreet.

Hyde had a legal obligation to report a rape and didn't.

Hyde uses LGATs and those have been proven invalid by a NIH study.

Students in private schools in Maine have free speech rights.

And then there are a lot of "I think" as in, "I think" the faculty had to be threatened with arrest before they would turn their dory around, or do something that the Coast Guard was telling the to do.

My guess on this last one?  It was VERY scary for the students in the boats to learn a storm was coming, and so everyone's anxiety spiked.  And more than likely the faculty responded promptly and professionally, if for no other reason that to save their own damn life.

But if he didn't do that, then tell us what you witnessed first hand, not what you heard five monkeys down the high-school-whispering line, in a situation where everyone's anxiety was already spiking.

Look y'all, I don't challenge you because I doubt that there were situations where students were put at greater risk than was appropriate.  I lived through one where a student came within inches of his death through the recklessness of the faculty.

What I am a stickler for, however, is the truth, and yes, I dissect the written word because while I am a supporter of Hyde, I also won't quibble with real facts.....but will definitely jump all over gossip, innuendo and provable mistruths, because use of the internet is a great tool for causing damage to peoples lives and reputations all anonymously and sometimes even telling the "truth", even if that truth is slippery.  (Not to mention that it also pretty much kills any credibility a poster has and since everyone here pretty much goes by anonymous even if they could have an anonymous alias so as to track who said what and have real conversations, it thus also damages the credibility of the site as well.)

Let me give you an example of what all this means for me.  I am card-carrying liberal.  A Democrat for most of my life.  And I was outraged in the last 8 years at all the emails I got from Republicans which I could prove wrong, invalid or dishonest with a very simple websearch.

One day it dawned on me that I was partaking in forwarding a lot of democratic information that validity of which I hadn't checked.  And so I started checking, and I found the dems were just as bad (well, not entirely, but of course that my bias!), and I left the democratic party as a result.

I realized that there were these two machines out there that lived to smear each other....and they could do that extremely well with gossip, innuendo and lies that played into what people already believed and/or wanted to hear.

I think this site suffers from a lot of the same problem.  There's a lot of back-slapping and praise for the most outrageous stories, and somehow it looks like people get off on being validated for that.  But really, how many of you are critical of the others on here you think have the same views?

I have to say, I've seen nary a challenge among the ranks.  Instead, I am the lightning rod and the backslapping goes on.

I would think that should make at least some of you suspicious about the quality of information that gets posted here.

And the fact that I don't see it invokes notions of everything from Lord of the Flies to To Kill a Mockingbird.

Where is the critical thought folks?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #109 on: November 09, 2005, 07:17:00 AM »
On 2005-11-09 00:30:00, Anonymous wrote:

To the Anonymous who wrote the above.  I REALLY wouldn't "go there."  For every one time that Hyde might have done something responsible, there are five times they did something irresponsible and down right dangerous!! That is an argument you DONT want to have!  You are looking for negatives to come out on this board when you open that can of worms!!"

Its not about what happened or didn't Anonymous, its about people posting on stuff they don't know about that irks me. Some recent examples include (and I paraphrase):

The Gaulds are rich and funnelling money from the school, just do a "dunn" and bradstreet.

Hyde had a legal obligation to report a rape and didn't.

Hyde uses LGATs and those have been proven invalid by a NIH study.

Students in private schools in Maine have free speech rights.

And then there are a lot of "I think" as in, "I think" the faculty had to be threatened with arrest before they would turn their dory around, or do something that the Coast Guard was telling the to do.

My guess on this last one?  It was VERY scary for the students in the boats to learn a storm was coming, and so everyone's anxiety spiked.  And more than likely the faculty responded promptly and professionally, if for no other reason that to save their own damn life.

But if he didn't do that, then tell us what you witnessed first hand, not what you heard five monkeys down the high-school-whispering line, in a situation where everyone's anxiety was already spiking.

Look y'all, I don't challenge you because I doubt that there were situations where students were put at greater risk than was appropriate.  I lived through one where a student came within inches of his death through the recklessness of the faculty.

What I am a stickler for, however, is the truth, and yes, I dissect the written word because while I am a supporter of Hyde, I also won't quibble with real facts.....but will definitely jump all over gossip, innuendo and provable mistruths, because use of the internet is a great tool for causing damage to peoples lives and reputations all anonymously and sometimes even telling the "truth", even if that truth is slippery.  (Not to mention that it also pretty much kills any credibility a poster has and since everyone here pretty much goes by anonymous even if they could have an anonymous alias so as to track who said what and have real conversations, it thus also damages the credibility of the site as well.)

Let me give you an example of what all this means for me.  I am card-carrying liberal.  A Democrat for most of my life.  And I was outraged in the last 8 years at all the emails I got from Republicans which I could prove wrong, invalid or dishonest with a very simple websearch.

One day it dawned on me that I was partaking in forwarding a lot of democratic information that validity of which I hadn't checked.  And so I started checking, and I found the dems were just as bad (well, not entirely, but of course that my bias!), and I left the democratic party as a result.

I realized that there were these two machines out there that lived to smear each other....and they could do that extremely well with gossip, innuendo and lies that played into what people already believed and/or wanted to hear.

I think this site suffers from a lot of the same problem.  There's a lot of back-slapping and praise for the most outrageous stories, and somehow it looks like people get off on being validated for that.  But really, how many of you are critical of the others on here you think have the same views?

I have to say, I've seen nary a challenge among the ranks.  Instead, I am the lightning rod and the backslapping goes on.

I would think that should make at least some of you suspicious about the quality of information that gets posted here.

And the fact that I don't see it invokes notions of everything from Lord of the Flies to To Kill a Mockingbird.

Where is the critical thought folks?"

Here's the plain, unvarnished truth, as I see it:

1.  Some Hyde students and parents (current and former) appreciate their Hyde experience and feel as if they've gained from the experience (see HydeFan comments).

2.  Some Hyde faculty and staff are earnest, caring, and dedicated.

3.  Many Hyde students, parents, and alumni (students and parents) have encountered some Hyde faculty and staff who are abusive, unskilled, unprepared, and ill equipped to provide quality education, constructive supervision, and skillful handling of students' and parents' emotional issues.  

4.  Some of Hyde's practices are unethical and abusive.  Some Hyde faculty and staff behavior is very destructive and hypocritical.

5.  Hyde has not been sufficiently forthcoming about these inappropriate, unethical, and hypocritical practices.  Hyde has kept some of these serious problems very quiet.

6.  There is more ill will expressed about Hyde than about nearly all other boarding schools. Some of the criticism is unwarranted and not thoughtful.  Most of the criticism is warranted and thoughtful. This is noteworthy and evidence of serious problems at Hyde.

7.  Parents who are considering Hyde should consider all of the postings on this and other websites and decide for themselves whether Hyde is a constructive environment.

8.  In my opinion, the negatives at Hyde far outweigh the positives.  Parents and educational consultants should not refer kids to Hyde.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Lars

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« Reply #110 on: November 09, 2005, 10:17:00 AM »
I could go into extensive detail and I have in other posts, but I'll sum it up this way:  I gradutated from Hyde, I've done quite well for myself (with a great career & family), and I would NEVER send my kids there.  And I'd advise propesctive parents to look elsewhere.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #111 on: November 09, 2005, 10:36:00 AM »
On 2005-11-09 07:17:00, Lars wrote:

"I could go into extensive detail and I have in other posts, but I'll sum it up this way:  I gradutated from Hyde, I've done quite well for myself (with a great career & family), and I would NEVER send my kids there.  And I'd advise propesctive parents to look elsewhere."

Amen!  I concur completely.  Any parent who feels the need for a humane, principled, conscientious, fair, and firm setting for his/her child should drive right past Hyde, so to speak, and look at a number of other very impressive schools that are MUCH more appropriate.  Parents must look beyond Hyde's glossy public relations material, hype, and glibness.  Parents who feel the need to at least check out Hyde should look behind the scenes, under Hyde's rocks, and talk to Hyde veterans and alumni who are willing to be candid and frank.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #112 on: November 09, 2005, 12:30:00 PM »
Here's the plain, unvarnished truth, as I see it:

1.  Some Hyde students and parents (current and former) appreciate their Hyde experience and feel as if they've gained from the experience (see HydeFan comments).

2.  Some Hyde faculty and staff are earnest, caring, and dedicated.

3.  Many Hyde students, parents, and alumni (students and parents) have encountered some Hyde faculty and staff who are abusive, unskilled, unprepared, and ill equipped to provide quality education, constructive supervision, and skillful handling of students' and parents' emotional issues.  

4.  Some of Hyde's practices are unethical and abusive.  Some Hyde faculty and staff behavior is very destructive and hypocritical.

5.  Hyde has not been sufficiently forthcoming about these inappropriate, unethical, and hypocritical practices.  Hyde has kept some of these serious problems very quiet.

6.  There is more ill will expressed about Hyde than about nearly all other boarding schools. Some of the criticism is unwarranted and not thoughtful.  Most of the criticism is warranted and thoughtful. This is noteworthy and evidence of serious problems at Hyde.

7.  Parents who are considering Hyde should consider all of the postings on this and other websites and decide for themselves whether Hyde is a constructive environment.

8.  In my opinion, the negatives at Hyde far outweigh the positives.  Parents and educational consultants should not refer kids to Hyde.  


While my experience was positive and so much of this falls outside of what I know, I sincerely appreciate the reasoned and thoughtful nature of this post.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #113 on: November 10, 2005, 02:07:00 AM »
On 2005-11-08 19:39:00, Antigen wrote:

Bigot: One fanatically devoted to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and intolerant of those who differ."

This actually dove-tails with my last question, which I want to ask a different way......

Did any of you experience any good, important, powerful or transformative things at Hyde--or was it all bad all the time?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #114 on: November 10, 2005, 06:38:00 PM »
So there was nothing good there?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Lars

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« Reply #115 on: November 10, 2005, 07:10:00 PM »
On 2005-11-10 15:38:00, Anonymous wrote:

"So there was nothing good there?"

Leaving for college was good.   :lol:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #116 on: November 10, 2005, 09:55:00 PM »
Yes, there is plenty of good with the Hyde "Concept."  The problem is the wrong people are trying to teach this concept.  Get rid of Joe Gauld and his entire sick family, and get some good teachers and psychologists at the school!  Then and only then can Hyde truly be a character building school.  Right now it is simply a great living for the Gauld family!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #117 on: November 11, 2005, 02:28:00 AM »
On 2005-11-10 18:55:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Yes, there is plenty of good with the Hyde "Concept."  The problem is the wrong people are trying to teach this concept.  Get rid of Joe Gauld and his entire sick family, and get some good teachers and psychologists at the school!  Then and only then can Hyde truly be a character building school.  Right now it is simply a great living for the Gauld family!"

So what is good about the concept to you?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #118 on: November 16, 2005, 04:53:00 PM »
My son was at Hyde for one year - last year 2003/2004 - we withdrew him as we finally realized that the "Hyde Ethics" on paper and in Joe Gauld's books were theory - the reality was basically a punitive/unskilled/abusive/cult-like atmosphere - my biggest fear for ANY knew Hyde parents is to understand that the school is "practicing psychotherapy without a license" - the only med staff person on site is an RN who dispenses meds and takes temps, etc. - If there is a calamity, Hyde has no resources to deal with it.

Witness - so horribly tragically - Spring Family Weekend at Woodstock - a father collapsed outside the gym near the girls' dorm - Hyde had NO doctor, Hyde had NO defibrilator - Hyde was NOT there in any way to help this dear father - who died.....

Ambulance from Day-Kimball hospital miles down the road eventually arrived - the kids were distressed - many of these are vulnerable kids - did Hyde have ANYONE to help them?? - NO

After hours of parents arriving for Family Weekend and learning of this death, many parents reached out to help struggling kids.  But there was really
no expert, just a lot of common sense.

At the end of the day, the School (Gauld et al) brought Gigi GAULD MacMillan's husband out of his space to talk to some kids.  A tragedy!!

Every public school system these days has a strategy to deal with a loss/catastrophe - HYDE had NOTHING in place that day - nor do they on any normal day.

My child suffered through a few years of a catastrophic illness when he was 4-6 years old.  ALL the medical paper-work was received/date-stamped by Hyde on his admittance.  Yet when he became seriously ill again last January (2005), the "school nurse" didn't have his records/didn't have the emergency advice from our pediatrician, etc. - I drove to Woodstock to take my son to their off-campus doctor, etc. - I got an "apology later"........too late for me. And we ended up in the hospital to sort out necessary medical intervention...........

My son got a phone call last evening from a friend from Hyde who is still there.  He called to tell my son that he had just run away again from Hyde, but that Hyde has a new "policy" - If you tell them that you are going to run away, Hyde gives you $50.....- HELLO?????

Enough for now - know that Hyde is a place to put your beloved child if you want to lose their respect - It's an easy placement as they welcome just about anybody and prey on the rich parents who can foot the entire year's bill instantly -

At the end of the day, if you love your kid and can muster the patience to stagger through their sometimes awful behavior, do it close to home - don't send them to this weird place...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #119 on: November 16, 2005, 07:38:00 PM »
On 2005-11-16 13:53:00, Anonymous wrote:

"My son was at Hyde for one year - last year 2003/2004 - we withdrew him as we finally realized that the "Hyde Ethics" on paper and in Joe Gauld's books were theory - the reality was basically a punitive/unskilled/abusive/cult-like atmosphere - my biggest fear for ANY knew Hyde parents is to understand that the school is "practicing psychotherapy without a license" - the only med staff person on site is an RN who dispenses meds and takes temps, etc. - If there is a calamity, Hyde has no resources to deal with it.

Witness - so horribly tragically - Spring Family Weekend at Woodstock - a father collapsed outside the gym near the girls' dorm - Hyde had NO doctor, Hyde had NO defibrilator - Hyde was NOT there in any way to help this dear father - who died.....

Ambulance from Day-Kimball hospital miles down the road eventually arrived - the kids were distressed - many of these are vulnerable kids - did Hyde have ANYONE to help them?? - NO

After hours of parents arriving for Family Weekend and learning of this death, many parents reached out to help struggling kids.  But there was really

no expert, just a lot of common sense.

At the end of the day, the School (Gauld et al) brought Gigi GAULD MacMillan's husband out of his space to talk to some kids.  A tragedy!!

Every public school system these days has a strategy to deal with a loss/catastrophe - HYDE had NOTHING in place that day - nor do they on any normal day.

My child suffered through a few years of a catastrophic illness when he was 4-6 years old.  ALL the medical paper-work was received/date-stamped by Hyde on his admittance.  Yet when he became seriously ill again last January (2005), the "school nurse" didn't have his records/didn't have the emergency advice from our pediatrician, etc. - I drove to Woodstock to take my son to their off-campus doctor, etc. - I got an "apology later"........too late for me. And we ended up in the hospital to sort out necessary medical intervention...........

My son got a phone call last evening from a friend from Hyde who is still there.  He called to tell my son that he had just run away again from Hyde, but that Hyde has a new "policy" - If you tell them that you are going to run away, Hyde gives you $50.....- HELLO?????

Enough for now - know that Hyde is a place to put your beloved child if you want to lose their respect - It's an easy placement as they welcome just about anybody and prey on the rich parents who can foot the entire year's bill instantly -

At the end of the day, if you love your kid and can muster the patience to stagger through their sometimes awful behavior, do it close to home - don't send them to this weird place..."

I'm very distressed to hear about your dreadful Hyde experience.  Distressed, yes.  Surprised, no.  The scenario you describe, where Hyde seemed to be practicing psychotherapy without a license; has no adequate crisis intervention protocol; has no mental health staff to respond to kids' crises and trauma; mishandles health records and information; has kids who run away and mishandles this challenge . . . all of this sounds horribly familiar.  Our family now has its own 3-year collection of Hyde horror stories that are in the same ballpark.  It amazes us that Hyde remains in business given all of the scary anecdotes that are flying around this and other websites.  The steady diet of unskilled, arrogant, and misguided Hyde strategies should scare off ANY parent who considers Hyde for the their child.  Our family can't get away from Hyde fast enough.  It has taken us a while to learn about the Gauld cult techniques and hypocrisy, but we have finally learned.  We are doing our best to spread the word about Hyde (and the now-famous Gauld poison) among educational consultants, therapists, and schools that might refer to Hyde.  These postings are fueling our passionate determination to keep people as far from Hyde as possible.  We had no idea so many people feel about Hyde the same way we do -- disgusted, angry, resentful, and full of regret.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »