Author Topic: NOTICE TO POTENTIAL PARENTS  (Read 27885 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #75 on: November 04, 2005, 09:21:00 PM »
On 2005-11-04 10:11:00, tommyfromhyde1 wrote:

" :smokin:  :smokin:  :smokin:  :smokin:  :smokin:  :smokin:  :smokin:  :smokin:  :smokin:  :smokin:  

Not a place upon earth might be so happy as America. Her situation is remote from all the wrangling world, and she has nothing to do but to trade with them.
--Thomas Paine


Classic example of someone who never got it!  TommydudespadedoutatHyde, smiling zero is none of the above.

Smiling zero is for people who walk around being somewhere between "nice" and invisible, skating by on talent that makes them passable to mediocre, when in fact they have potential to be 10x more.  Kind of like many rich parents kids.  They do enough to get by but nothing more.  Certainly their life is not about excellence.  

And in general, a smiling zero had NO association with drugs, since by definition the druggies were doing something that called negative attention to themselves, where the whole life's motive of a smiling zero was to stay just inside the rules and just inside the minimal level of performance.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #76 on: November 04, 2005, 09:39:00 PM »
Nice questions?  You are sympathetic?  I don't think calling someone a fraud is being sympathetic!  You my dear friend are the one who should be questioned about your motives!!  What Lars is saying is true and this is probably why you have nothing to say!!"

Ok, you have trouble reading.  What I said was, I was "trying" to be sympathetic.  My post was at ... =60#139743

When she failed to respond directly as before (want me to get the posts?), then I can only conclude her failure to explain why she has relevance on this board when she didn't go to Hyde....but posts here like she has knowledge of fraudulent.

Why don't I respond to Lars?  First, it was off-topic to my post, second, his questions were mostly rhetorical, and third, I don't disagree with much of what he says.  So what is there to respond to?  Ok, I suppose I will, just for you. :smile:

To Hydefan,

You should have some understanding for the kids who have had mental health issues treated as character problems by the know-it-alls at Hyde. Do you have any idea how terrible that is? Clinical depression is a horrible, debilitating illness and to have it labled "laziness" or "attitude" is just ignorant and cruel.

Couldn't agree more.

Or, how about highly intelligent students whose college prospects get screwed because of the grading system that brings down their average because they aren't considered "leaders" in class?

Well, that wasn't my experience.  I got a GED and am very successful. Did I have to claw my way to the top?  You betcha!  But that's what Hyde taught me to do.  They were the original Outwit, Outlast, Outplay.  If you think you were screwed in life by the time you got to college and Hyde fucked you over, you are a sad-pathetic victim and no ivy league college was every going to save you from your own sorry fate.  

The WORST possible case that should have ever happened from the Hyde grading system (which I can make plenty of strong arguments for) is that you go to a crap college for a year, work your ass off, transfer, and if need be, do that again.  Then go to grad school.  Study in the summers.  Be tenacious.  Make something of your life.  Stop blaming others.

Try to have some understanding of why people on this board are so angry. It's not just a bunch of malcontents. The place was, and from the comments of some of the posters whose experience was more recent, still is deeply and fundamentally flawed (and even dangerous).

I have previously posted that I support the venting of people's personal stories as a way to grieve their childhood.  I think the greatest chance for living a more positive future is to accept one will not have a more positive past.

I do take issues, however, with people who (a) lie (which I've previously documented), (b) spout about the school but not themselves, and (c) toss around words like "cult" and "LGATs" etc. and who were otherwise never associated with Hyde.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Lars

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« Reply #77 on: November 04, 2005, 10:35:00 PM »
To the Anonymous guy who thinks I'm blaming others,

I appreciate that you're not really trying to rip me or pull the Hyde "you just don't get it" business as to my post.  But I do feel compelled to address a few things you said.

Punishing a bright student because they aren't a "leader" in class is downright disgaceful.  I never said I was screwed in life by the time I got to college, I was merely pointing that due to an unconscionable grading system, I had fewer options at that time than if they had graded my work simply on its merits.  And I have a right to take them to task for it.

Also, my post may have appeared rhetorical in form, but in substance, it wasn't.  I was there. These things actually happened.

Of course, the typical Hyde approach is to have  the student always blame him or herself.  In the real world, that isn't always the case.  We have the right to vent our anger when others wrong us, when an institution wrongs us.  Hey, I moved on.  I worked hard AND played hard in college (a much healthier approach than the grim, all "work" approach that is central to the Hyde experience), got into law school and made a life for myself.  I make good money and enjoy kicking the government's butt in court. I have a beautiful wife and two beautiful kids.  Life is good.  Believe me, I'm not blaming them for anything in my life now.

Those of use who endured that place have a right to vent, and, I believe, a moral duty to warn prospective parents.  My parents bought into their bulls*&^ and it was three years of my life that I'll never get back.  If anything good came of that, it's that I now thank god for every day I have on this earth that I can live my life the way I should - without having to share my intimate secrets with strangers, without know-it-alls trying to mold me into something I'm not.

What I'm seeing in these discussions is a lot of people like me who had terrible experiences there.  And a few of the pro-Hyde folks who respond to our anger by responding the way the school did:  you don't get it.   It's a free country and as a lawyer who fights every day to uphold the constitution, I think you've got the right to say what you want on these boards.  But understand that if you're coming on here to defend the school and in doing so, telling folks that they just don't get it, that they, not Hyde School failed, well, I have to say that you really ought to consider keeping your $.02 to yourself.  It's just not appropriate in a forum where people are clearing some of the bile from their souls.

Life is not a Hyde seminar.  And neither are these discussions.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #78 on: November 05, 2005, 12:13:00 PM »
On 2005-11-04 19:35:00, Lars wrote:

"To the Anonymous guy who thinks I'm blaming others,

I appreciate that you're not really trying to rip me or pull the Hyde "you just don't get it" business as to my post.  But I do feel compelled to address a few things you said.

Punishing a bright student because they aren't a "leader" in class is downright disgaceful.  I never said I was screwed in life by the time I got to college, I was merely pointing that due to an unconscionable grading system, I had fewer options at that time than if they had graded my work simply on its merits.  And I have a right to take them to task for it.

Also, my post may have appeared rhetorical in form, but in substance, it wasn't.  I was there. These things actually happened.

Of course, the typical Hyde approach is to have  the student always blame him or herself.  In the real world, that isn't always the case.  We have the right to vent our anger when others wrong us, when an institution wrongs us.  Hey, I moved on.  I worked hard AND played hard in college (a much healthier approach than the grim, all "work" approach that is central to the Hyde experience), got into law school and made a life for myself.  I make good money and enjoy kicking the government's butt in court. I have a beautiful wife and two beautiful kids.  Life is good.  Believe me, I'm not blaming them for anything in my life now.

Those of use who endured that place have a right to vent, and, I believe, a moral duty to warn prospective parents.  My parents bought into their bulls*&^ and it was three years of my life that I'll never get back.  If anything good came of that, it's that I now thank god for every day I have on this earth that I can live my life the way I should - without having to share my intimate secrets with strangers, without know-it-alls trying to mold me into something I'm not.

What I'm seeing in these discussions is a lot of people like me who had terrible experiences there.  And a few of the pro-Hyde folks who respond to our anger by responding the way the school did:  you don't get it.   It's a free country and as a lawyer who fights every day to uphold the constitution, I think you've got the right to say what you want on these boards.  But understand that if you're coming on here to defend the school and in doing so, telling folks that they just don't get it, that they, not Hyde School failed, well, I have to say that you really ought to consider keeping your $.02 to yourself.  It's just not appropriate in a forum where people are clearing some of the bile from their souls.

Life is not a Hyde seminar.  And neither are these discussions."

Thanks for sharing your experience with us Lars. It does help to vent after all these years!  I think many people have said this on the board, but I will repeat Hyde you are intimidated into censorship because the consequences are so severe that you learn early on to keep you mouth shut and play the game!  Not only do kids have to do this, the parents do as well.  

For those of you who don't know how Hyde operates, there are regional meetings that parents are required to attend each month.  The indoctorination continues, and when the kids are home on break, they too are required to attend. I saw undo pressure being applied with the parents.  I would say that half of the time spent at meetings, and the required family weekends, is all about fundraising.  Each region assigns 2 people to lead the fundraising.  One for the Bath Campus and one for the Woodstock Campus.  This person is suppose to get 100% participation and if someone does not "donate" then psychological pressure is put on in different ways.  The entire region WILL know that you did not donate.  You cannot imagine the looks and comments one gets for not participating.  This of course is expected from you even after paying $35,000 to attend Hyde, plus all the expenses for travel back and forth and other required activities.  Basically one has to be very rich to attend this "program."  You would think Hyde would have some professional staff on hand for all this money, but guess what folks?????  These are very low paid young teachers and staff, other than the "family circle" of Gaulds, etc.

I think what many people are trying to get across on this board is the following:

1.  Hyde is not a school!  Hyde is a "program" which does not have professional staff on board to deal with psychological problems.

2.  Hyde has a lousy education system.  Most teachers do not have good qualifications, only stay for a couple of years at most, are young and inexperienced, and many are Hyde "graduates" who come back to the school because they cannot make it in the real world.  The "successes" at Hyde are ones who buy into the program and want to stay in the program!

3.  The marketing materials are deceiving.  Hyde is NOT a boarding prep school!  There are some very bright kids who have gone through Hyde but will not be accepted into a good college because of Hyde's grading system which is not acceptable at most schools.  Hyde markets themselves as a school where 99% of graduates are accepted to college.  There are a very small percentage of kids who start senior year and graduate at the end of senior year.  Of those who do graduate most are accepted into community colleges and other four year institutions that are not the top in the country.  Of those who do graduate and do go to college, there is a high dropout rate and some never step foot on campus!  If you are impressed by this then by all means, go ahead and attend Hyde.

4.  Both parents and kids WILL be expected to tell all the dirty details of your life. If a parent has ever smoked pot, cheated on a wife, stole candy, slept with several partners, you will be pressured to bring it up in front of not only your child who attends Hyde, but your other kids who are with you in seminar as well as a room full of perfect strangers.  These same strangers will give you the advice THEY feel you need!!

5. Parents are NOT allowed to miss regional meetings each month.  Should you miss one, you are reported to the school.  Also, the group leaders in your region send a report to the school about the meetings, participation, concerns about certain parents, etc.  Nothing is regarded as private at Hyde.  Their saying, "what's said in the room, stays in the room" only applies to parents who do not hold a post at the school.  The regional leader many times discusses your private conversations with the school under the guise of being "concerned."  There are also "concern meetings" if you are considered "off track."  If you don't buy into the program, you are "offtrack."

6.  If you are smart enough to see that you have joined a Cult rather than a school, forget about getting your money back.  Consider your $35,000 plus, plus, gone!!

7.  The reason you will not see many posters here or hear about the school from people who leave, is that there is a big sense of embarassment.  I see parents who become very close during the school year yet when away from that environment they are too ashamed to be friends with someone who knows EVERYTHIHG aboutthem.  Seldom do any parents stay in touch with each other after leaving Hyde other than the "inner circle" who never leaves Hyde. I am one of those who is not in touch with anyone through Hyde even though I liked many of the students.  When I myself was a "hyde fan" I would preach about the school to my friends.  My friends would tell me it sounded like a cult and I would dispute this.  I now say NOTHING about my experience at Hyde because I am too ashamed to admit they were right and I was caught up in a Cult.

As far as Hydefan.  It is obvious that he is a member of the school or should I say a member of the Cult at Hyde.  It truly amazes me how anyone who "buys into Hyde" talks EXACTLY the same way.  The lingo is all the same!  This is certainly signs of a Cult and I don't think even THEY realize how deeply involved they are in the indoctorination! If you read these posts, go to and look at the "reviews" for the school book, you will see that the "Hydettes" all talk the same!  You might think some of it is all the same person, but it isn't.  All Hyde people who "buy into the program" are programmed to speak the same!

I think it is important for parents considering Hyde to read through ALL these posts and see that former Hyde parents and students are all saying the same thing!  Think twice before signing up for Hyde.  There are a few statisfied people, but all in all a higher percentage left Hyde unhappy!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #79 on: November 06, 2005, 04:36:00 AM »
As far as Hydefan. It is obvious that he is a member of the school or should I say a member of the Cult at Hyde. It truly amazes me how anyone who "buys into Hyde" talks EXACTLY the same way. The lingo is all the same! This is certainly signs of a Cult and I don't think even THEY realize how deeply involved they are in the indoctorination! If you read these posts, go to and look at the "reviews" for the school book, you will see that the "Hydettes" all talk the same! You might think some of it is all the same person, but it isn't. All Hyde people who "buy into the program" are programmed to speak the same!

As far as Lars and Antigen and TommyFromHyde, it truly amazes me how anyone who didn't buy into Hyde talks EXACTLY the same way. The lingo is all the same. They use words like Cult and indoctorination. If you read these posts, you will see that the "non-Hydettes" all talk the same! You might think some of it is all the same person--and it just might be!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Lars

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« Reply #80 on: November 06, 2005, 11:14:00 AM »
On 2005-11-06 01:36:00, Anonymous wrote:

As far as Hydefan. It is obvious that he is a member of the school or should I say a member of the Cult at Hyde. It truly amazes me how anyone who "buys into Hyde" talks EXACTLY the same way. The lingo is all the same! This is certainly signs of a Cult and I don't think even THEY realize how deeply involved they are in the indoctorination! If you read these posts, go to and look at the "reviews" for the school book, you will see that the "Hydettes" all talk the same! You might think some of it is all the same person, but it isn't. All Hyde people who "buy into the program" are programmed to speak the same!

As far as Lars and Antigen and TommyFromHyde, it truly amazes me how anyone who didn't buy into Hyde talks EXACTLY the same way. The lingo is all the same. They use words like Cult and indoctorination. If you read these posts, you will see that the "non-Hydettes" all talk the same! You might think some of it is all the same person--and it just might be!"

Hey Hydefan,

Did you see the words cult or indoctrination in any of my posts?  No you didn't, although you're too dense to see that in many ways, these terms are not inappropriate.  I'd use words like like overzealous, self-righteous, insensitive, close-minded & sadistic.

Actually, I'd say some of the folks up there meant well and really thought they were helping people.  But you know what they say about good intentions.  Again, you're being completely insensitive as to why folks on this board are venting and concerned that incoming families aren't getting the real picture.

So I'll say it again in terms that even you can understand:  Get lost, Troll!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #81 on: November 06, 2005, 03:22:00 PM »
As far as people like Lars, it truly amazes me how anyone who didn't buy into Hyde talks EXACTLY the same way. The lingo is all the same. They use words like overzealous, self-righteous, insensitive, close-minded & sadistic. If you read these posts, you will see that the "non-Hydettes" all talk the same! You might think some of it is all the same person--and it just might be!"
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Lars

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« Reply #82 on: November 06, 2005, 04:15:00 PM »
On 2005-11-06 12:22:00, Anonymous wrote:

"As far as people like Lars, it truly amazes me how anyone who didn't buy into Hyde talks EXACTLY the same way. The lingo is all the same. They use words like overzealous, self-righteous, insensitive, close-minded & sadistic. If you read these posts, you will see that the "non-Hydettes" all talk the same! You might think some of it is all the same person--and it just might be!"



You're a sick motherf^%$#$.  You truly belong up in Bath.  Go away.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #83 on: November 06, 2005, 04:39:00 PM »
I "ditto" that Lars!  BTW, does that term, (ditto) sound familiar?  This "Hydefan" is definitely arrogant enough to be one of the Gauld family if not one of the Gaulds!!  Wonder if Hydefan swings a golf club as well as Joey!  Remember those days of him "preaching" and swinging in the air?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #84 on: November 06, 2005, 05:37:00 PM »
On 2005-11-06 13:39:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I "ditto" that Lars!  BTW, does that term, (ditto) sound familiar?  This "Hydefan" is definitely arrogant enough to be one of the Gauld family if not one of the Gaulds!!  Wonder if Hydefan swings a golf club as well as Joey!  Remember those days of him "preaching" and swinging in the air?"

The first time I attended one of Joe Gauld's presentations (sermon from the mount with a virtual golf swing?) I realized our family was in for a difficult ride.  I stared at the man in amazement.  Out of one side of his mouth he spoke of Hyde's core virtues.  Out of the other side of his mouth he patronized, shamed, and spoke down to parents who were doing their best to get their lives in order.  It was so pathetic to see this man spew his arrogant cliches with virtually no insight into the cynicism and skepticism that surrounded him in that room (with the exception of the Hyde fans who lapped it up, so eager were they for wisdom and direction from someone who was willing to tell them how to live their lives -- one of the most unadorned presentations I've seen of cult-like behavior).
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #85 on: November 06, 2005, 07:33:00 PM »
On 2005-11-06 13:15:00, Lars wrote:


On 2005-11-06 12:22:00, Anonymous wrote:

"As far as people like Lars, it truly amazes me how anyone who didn't buy into Hyde talks EXACTLY the same way. The lingo is all the same. They use words like overzealous, self-righteous, insensitive, close-minded & sadistic. If you read these posts, you will see that the "non-Hydettes" all talk the same! You might think some of it is all the same person--and it just might be!"



You're a sick motherf^%$#$.  You truly belong up in Bath.  Go away."

Kind of funny that I am a sick MotherF***** for saying the EXACT same thing as one of your friends here, but just changed the words to show how absurd so many of your statements are.

Go away?  Not while there is still a chance to save your soul.  I will prey for you Lars.  There is still hope.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #86 on: November 06, 2005, 07:40:00 PM »
On 2005-11-06 16:33:00, Anonymous wrote:

 I will prey for you Lars.  

Prey, not pray???  Freudian slip?  :eek:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #87 on: November 06, 2005, 08:14:00 PM »
I swear this guy, Hydefan is so arrogant that it has to be one of the "higher ups" at Bath.  Maybe even the God himself, Joe Gauld!

Many of us are here to vent about our bad experiences.  It was impossible to speak out while at the Hyde Program.  The kids would suffer the consequences for whatever negative words the parents had to say so we just kept quiet till our kids were out of that hell hole.  I can only speak for myself, but I find this board very therapeutic and am glad it exists.  This board is not meant for people to fight over right and wrong, these are people expressing their experiences at Hyde.  I find most every poster sincere in their expressions and am annoyed at the one person who is trying to invalidate someone's feelings about what they went through.

If Hydefan "got it" he would have some empathy for the people on this board who are hurt and damaged by what happened to them at Hyde.  I think it says something about Hydefans character by the way he is behaving and if this is what a "success" is at Hyde, then I sure don't want to be one of the "successes."  He is so determined to invalidate what others are saying here, that he spends his entire time disecting every post to find words he can then twist around.  I feel more sorry for Hydefan then for the other posters.  Why?  Because all of the other posters are cleansing their souls on this board and Hydefan seems to be a completely frustrated and arrogant man who needs more help than any of us ever will!  We got out of Hyde!  Hydefan is still stuck there!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Lars

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« Reply #88 on: November 06, 2005, 08:47:00 PM »
My soul's just fine, thank you.  I couldn't care less what a bitter, jealous loser like yourself thinks - my wife & kids' opinions are what's important to me.  People are here to vent and tell their stories - you just want to bait people.

In my profession (criminal defense litigation including 5 years as public defender and two in private practice), I've learned that you can't simply judge others and presume to know what's best for their lives and their souls. My clients are some of the biggest knuckleheads you'll ever meet.  But I've learned to be understanding, to be a problem solver, to see the light, however small it may be, along with the darkness in people's souls.  Hyde didn't teach that - I learned it in the real world.  That's what you Hyde fanatics don't understand, that there are greater and deeper truths and values than the drivel preached by the Gaulds.

But I suppose you can keep telling me I don't get it, if it makes you feel better. :lol:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #89 on: November 07, 2005, 09:10:00 AM »
On 2005-11-06 17:47:00, Lars wrote:

"I couldn't care less what a bitter, jealous loser like yourself thinks ...

I've learned to be understanding, to be a problem solver, to see the light, however small it may be, along with the darkness in people's souls."

Damn!  Would that there was even a little light in my soul, I might not be the bitter, jealous, loser that I am.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »