Author Topic: Any HYDE STAFFERS willing to post?  (Read 7227 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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Any HYDE STAFFERS willing to post?
« Reply #15 on: November 27, 2005, 09:12:00 AM »
When I was at Hyde the only staff/administrators who lasted more than a couple of years were those who were very troubled themselves. It seemed as though the good teachers/staff left as soon as they saw what Hyde was all about.

I went to Hyde 4 years ago and when looking at the current roaster online there are VERY FEW teachers who are still there from my year. I know this high percentage is not as common at other boarding schools, and is due to the odd abuses that occur at Hyde. They can't keep good teachers because the good ones move on to schools where the academics are stronger or at least this is what some of them have told me.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #16 on: January 08, 2006, 05:26:00 PM »
I am both a Hyde graduate and former faculty member, having finished my teaching stint at Bath nearly ten years ago.  I agree with many of your reactions about the "round peg in a square hole" syndrome.  I often felt misunderstood and tortured both mentally and physically as a student.  Nonetheless, I did believe that the school made me confront many of my insecurities and fears.  Compared to Hyde, college was a breeze and after going to graduate school I accepted a teaching position at Hyde.  Essentially, I did so hoping that I could make a difference in the lives of kids (and learn proper teaching techniques in the process).  

In terms of the quality of academic instruction at Hyde, no one can claim that the school puts academics first.  Although I did work alongside a few excellent educators, most were not well versed in their subject areas.  Sadly, this did not make much of a difference since the schedule at Hyde was so "seminar" and "sports-centered" that there was little time to teach.  Moreover, many of my colleagues looked forward to these scenarios so that they would not have to teach.  

Hyde truly is not for everyone.  Unfortunately, kids do not often get to make the decisions as to where they will attend school.  Parents often put their sons or daughters in a place like Hyde because they want them "fixed".  My recommendation for all prospective families is for you to do your  homework.  Ask good questions.  If you want a strenuous academic environment, then Hyde may not be the place for you.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #17 on: January 08, 2006, 06:17:00 PM »
On 2006-01-08 14:26:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I am both a Hyde graduate and former faculty member, having finished my teaching stint at Bath nearly ten years ago.  I agree with many of your reactions about the "round peg in a square hole" syndrome.  I often felt misunderstood and tortured both mentally and physically as a student.  Nonetheless, I did believe that the school made me confront many of my insecurities and fears.  Compared to Hyde, college was a breeze and after going to graduate school I accepted a teaching position at Hyde.  Essentially, I did so hoping that I could make a difference in the lives of kids (and learn proper teaching techniques in the process).  

In terms of the quality of academic instruction at Hyde, no one can claim that the school puts academics first.  Although I did work alongside a few excellent educators, most were not well versed in their subject areas.  Sadly, this did not make much of a difference since the schedule at Hyde was so "seminar" and "sports-centered" that there was little time to teach.  Moreover, many of my colleagues looked forward to these scenarios so that they would not have to teach.  

Hyde truly is not for everyone.  Unfortunately, kids do not often get to make the decisions as to where they will attend school.  Parents often put their sons or daughters in a place like Hyde because they want them "fixed".  My recommendation for all prospective families is for you to do your  homework.  Ask good questions.  If you want a strenuous academic environment, then Hyde may not be the place for you.


Thank you for your honest Hyde impressions and experiences.  What you've said is very helpful.  My impression is that Hyde is not very strong academically overall, although I'm sure there are some good teachers.

My main concern is with all the comments I read on this website about Hyde's use of intimidation and confrontation.  Many people have said that their kids have been humiliated and confronted in ways that aren't helpful.  Also, many people have said that Hyde is not a good place for kids whose behavior is primarily a result of their mental health issues.  May I ask you what you think about these issues?  

One other issue, if you don't mind:  Is it true that faculty handle these seminars but aren't trained in mental health techniques or issues?  The seminars sound a lot like therapy sessions where some pretty big issues come out.  What was your experience with that?  Do the faculty have the training to deal with the issues?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #18 on: January 08, 2006, 10:37:00 PM »
There simply is no training for seminars.  The teachers are simply told to learn from others and trust your "gut" instincts.  In no instance are APA (American Psychological Association) guidelines followed.  This simply would be too much of an academic approach for Hyde - one where professional training would be required.  There simply is no time for this to happen.

The main context of counseling at Hyde is getting to the truth of the matter.  The goal is to get the kid and or parent to look at what is hindering their progress (usually referred to as attitude(s)).  Typically, as many have alluded to in their comments, a one-size-fits-all approach is commonly utilized.  Unfortunately, this does not work in the real world and it certainly does not work at Hyde.  Yet this is too often the designed format.  

 I would definitely state that a utilitarian approach is the most common paradigm utilized at Hyde - individuality is vanquished in favor of the group.  This might be why so many folks have responded w/dismay in regards to their experiences in seminars, regional meetings, etc.

I do think the majority (if not all) of the teachers and administrators at the school mean well.  Unfortunately, most live, work, eat, and socialize with one another.  As a result, they are limited by what they experience in such a small school environment (in such a small town, etc.).  Quite simply, it is easier for those who work at Hyde to just eat up the prevailing acronyms or slogans (and they change faster than some people change their underwear) rather than seeking out the most capable, professionally recommended counseling practices.

I should conclude by stating that I do love Hyde in many ways.  I guess I am like a grateful dieter.  I lost fifty pounds on a rigorous diet, i.e., Hyde - one that made me so miserable that I would never again put back on the weight (never again teach there).  Nonetheless, I am healthier for it.  This might be the experience of some.  I suspect others, unfortunately, only had poor experiences.  If I contributed to these in any way during my tenure at Hyde, my sincerest and deepest regrets.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #19 on: January 09, 2006, 05:15:00 PM »
On 2006-01-08 19:37:00, Anonymous wrote:

"There simply is no training for seminars.  The teachers are simply told to learn from others and trust your "gut" instincts.  In no instance are APA (American Psychological Association) guidelines followed.  This simply would be too much of an academic approach for Hyde - one where professional training would be required.  There simply is no time for this to happen.

The main context of counseling at Hyde is getting to the truth of the matter.  The goal is to get the kid and or parent to look at what is hindering their progress (usually referred to as attitude(s)).  Typically, as many have alluded to in their comments, a one-size-fits-all approach is commonly utilized.  Unfortunately, this does not work in the real world and it certainly does not work at Hyde.  Yet this is too often the designed format.  

 I would definitely state that a utilitarian approach is the most common paradigm utilized at Hyde - individuality is vanquished in favor of the group.  This might be why so many folks have responded w/dismay in regards to their experiences in seminars, regional meetings, etc.

I do think the majority (if not all) of the teachers and administrators at the school mean well.  Unfortunately, most live, work, eat, and socialize with one another.  As a result, they are limited by what they experience in such a small school environment (in such a small town, etc.).  Quite simply, it is easier for those who work at Hyde to just eat up the prevailing acronyms or slogans (and they change faster than some people change their underwear) rather than seeking out the most capable, professionally recommended counseling practices.

I should conclude by stating that I do love Hyde in many ways.  I guess I am like a grateful dieter.  I lost fifty pounds on a rigorous diet, i.e., Hyde - one that made me so miserable that I would never again put back on the weight (never again teach there).  Nonetheless, I am healthier for it.  This might be the experience of some.  I suspect others, unfortunately, only had poor experiences.  If I contributed to these in any way during my tenure at Hyde, my sincerest and deepest regrets."

Your comments are extremely helpful to me and my family.  We have really struggled with our Hyde experience.  I agree that some of the staff mean well.  But ever since we arrived at Hyde we have had an uneasy feeling about aspects of the school we didn't know much about until we got there.  Every time I sit in a seminar or FLC I get more and more uncomfortable with the kinds of issues people talk about.  Some of the discussion is fine and helpful, but so much of what I've witnessed sounds a lot like group therapy.  I've overheard some incredibly painful conversations and witnessed some really horrible incidents involving parents, students, and staff.  What you said about  Hyde staff getting no training to run seminars now helps me understand my discomfort.  I find it very hard to believe that Hyde is allowed to run these seminars run by staff who have no background in the sorts of mental health issues that come up.  That seems very unprofessional to me, and I think some of what happens in these groups is very harmful and hurtful.  I can no longer recommend to anyone that they send their child to Hyde; I think it's too risky.

I'm also concerned about the issue you raised that students' behavior problems are always viewed as an attitude problem.  Now that I know that so many Hyde students have psychiatric problems I really question how appropriate the school's approach is. So many of these kids have trouble at Hyde because of their mental health issues.  Maybe some don't, but many do.  I really believe in addressing attitude issues when they're relevant.  But at Hyde, as you said, it's "one size fits all."  That seems to be a terrible way to run a school for struggling kids.  Now I know why so many people leave the school or are unhappy with Hyde.  Thanks for your insights.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline tommyfromhyde1

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Any HYDE STAFFERS willing to post?
« Reply #20 on: January 10, 2006, 03:19:00 PM »
On 2006-01-08 14:26:00, Anonymous wrote:

"I am both a Hyde graduate and former faculty member, having finished my teaching stint at Bath nearly ten years ago.  I agree with many of your reactions about the "round peg in a square hole" syndrome.  I often felt misunderstood and tortured both mentally and physically as a student.  Nonetheless, I did believe that the school made me confront many of my insecurities and fears.  Compared to Hyde, college was a breeze and after going to graduate school I accepted a teaching position at Hyde.  Essentially, I did so hoping that I could make a difference in the lives of kids (and learn proper teaching techniques in the process).  

In terms of the quality of academic instruction at Hyde, no one can claim that the school puts academics first.  Although I did work alongside a few excellent educators, most were not well versed in their subject areas.  Sadly, this did not make much of a difference since the schedule at Hyde was so "seminar" and "sports-centered" that there was little time to teach.  Moreover, many of my colleagues looked forward to these scenarios so that they would not have to teach.  

Hyde truly is not for everyone.  Unfortunately, kids do not often get to make the decisions as to where they will attend school.  Parents often put their sons or daughters in a place like Hyde because they want them "fixed".  My recommendation for all prospective families is for you to do your  homework.  Ask good questions.  If you want a strenuous academic environment, then Hyde may not be the place for you.


The academics might be weak but I actually had trouble keeping up with my schoolwork because I was so tired all the time because of sports practices. Did anyone else have the same problem at Hyde? Before I get dismissed for griping about mandatory sports, Hyde's attitude was "it wasn't a good practice if nobody puked".

There is something feeble and contemptible about a man who cannot face life without the help of comfortable myths.
--Bertrand Russell, British philosopher, educator, mathemetician, and social critic

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline FHS

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« Reply #21 on: March 03, 2006, 07:34:00 PM »
On 2005-09-21 12:08:00, Anonymous wrote:

"If they are present staffers, they wouldn't post.  If they are former ones, they want to put the ugly mess behind them!  Most staffers who leave Hyde want to forget they were ever there!!"

Well said.  

While I understand and appreciate that many people -- including people whom I love and respect -- feel good about their life experience with Hyde, my own feelings about that experience are not pleasant. It's not pleasant to reflect on my own participation in activities that harmed, or might have harmed, others, particularly former students.

When I see that present and former students and parents are still reporting on this website the types of abusive and harmful behavior that I witnessed, experienced, and participated in many years ago as a staff member, I feel remorse for my own part in those activities. I also feel a need to assure those of you who were harmed by this behavior that, no, you're not crazy, there's not something wrong with you, it's not a personal character flaw on your part: you lived through a traumatic experience, your life experience is valid, your feelings have merit, and, in many cases, we adults did not serve you well.

I thank Lars, tommyfromhyde1, and the other unnamed intrepid souls who have created a forum here that gives people the opportunity to address these issues.

To those unnamed ones who mock people like Lars and tommyfromhyde1 for their "inability to put the past behind them," I ask that you take notice of the vehemence and force behind your reaction, and consider what exactly it is about their testimony that's making you so uncomfortable.  Is it possible that, when you watch other people address this issue in their lives, it raises some scary questions within you about your own life? There's nothing wrong with that, because, after all, it _is_ scary, and I don't particularly like thinking about it; but don't take it out on them.

In the long run, this type of personal inquiry may prove to be of benefit to us all. Consider this article from

Clarke wants terrorists treated like victims of cult brainwashing
(Filed: 02/10/2005)

Charles Clarke is studying proposals to combat Islamic terrorist groups by treating them as religious cults.

The Home Secretary has told colleagues that anti-brainwashing techniques used to "deprogramme" cult members could be employed to fight the sort of fanaticism behind the July 7 bombings.

"What we know about other religious cults may offer some insight into how these men ended up behaving in this appalling way," he said last night.

He believes that there is no point in seeing extreme Islamists in the "classic" mould of revolutionaries fighting for a political cause. A closer parallel is with recruits to cults, who often come from educated backgrounds and are "brainwashed" into renouncing society.

One example, he said, was Mohammed Atta, the leader of the September 11 hijackers, who was an architecture graduate. Mohammed Sidique Khan, one of the London bombers, was a classroom assistant in Leeds and was married with a baby daughter.

The Home Secretary cited the work of Inform, an organisation specialising in cults, which emphasises the need to perceive how victims of brainwashing see their circumstances."

Former Hyde Staffer
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #22 on: March 03, 2006, 11:12:00 PM »

 I would like to hear from some staffers involved in the Ed vs Joe war and the Stalinist purge apon Joes re enstatement.

Sid Smith

PS Sid Smith is not my real name
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #23 on: March 03, 2006, 11:27:00 PM »
On 2006-03-03 16:34:00, FHS wrote:


On 2005-09-21 12:08:00, Anonymous wrote:

"If they are present staffers, they wouldn't post.  If they are former ones, they want to put the ugly mess behind them!  Most staffers who leave Hyde want to forget they were ever there!!"

Well said.  

While I understand and appreciate that many people -- including people whom I love and respect -- feel good about their life experience with Hyde, my own feelings about that experience are not pleasant. It's not pleasant to reflect on my own participation in activities that harmed, or might have harmed, others, particularly former students.

When I see that present and former students and parents are still reporting on this website the types of abusive and harmful behavior that I witnessed, experienced, and participated in many years ago as a staff member, I feel remorse for my own part in those activities. I also feel a need to assure those of you who were harmed by this behavior that, no, you're not crazy, there's not something wrong with you, it's not a personal character flaw on your part: you lived through a traumatic experience, your life experience is valid, your feelings have merit, and, in many cases, we adults did not serve you well.

I thank Lars, tommyfromhyde1, and the other unnamed intrepid souls who have created a forum here that gives people the opportunity to address these issues.

To those unnamed ones who mock people like Lars and tommyfromhyde1 for their "inability to put the past behind them," I ask that you take notice of the vehemence and force behind your reaction, and consider what exactly it is about their testimony that's making you so uncomfortable.  Is it possible that, when you watch other people address this issue in their lives, it raises some scary questions within you about your own life? There's nothing wrong with that, because, after all, it _is_ scary, and I don't particularly like thinking about it; but don't take it out on them.

In the long run, this type of personal inquiry may prove to be of benefit to us all. Consider this article from

Clarke wants terrorists treated like victims of cult brainwashing

(Filed: 02/10/2005)

Charles Clarke is studying proposals to combat Islamic terrorist groups by treating them as religious cults.

The Home Secretary has told colleagues that anti-brainwashing techniques used to "deprogramme" cult members could be employed to fight the sort of fanaticism behind the July 7 bombings.

"What we know about other religious cults may offer some insight into how these men ended up behaving in this appalling way," he said last night.

He believes that there is no point in seeing extreme Islamists in the "classic" mould of revolutionaries fighting for a political cause. A closer parallel is with recruits to cults, who often come from educated backgrounds and are "brainwashed" into renouncing society.

One example, he said, was Mohammed Atta, the leader of the September 11 hijackers, who was an architecture graduate. Mohammed Sidique Khan, one of the London bombers, was a classroom assistant in Leeds and was married with a baby daughter.

The Home Secretary cited the work of Inform, an organisation specialising in cults, which emphasises the need to perceive how victims of brainwashing see their circumstances."

Former Hyde Staffer"

I want to truly thank Former Hyde Staffer for helping to validate the traumatic time I had at Hyde.  You helped me more than you know by getting an acknowlegement from someone who worked there. I appreciate your honesty and understand how easy it is to fall into the Hyde trap even as an adult staffer.

Would you mind telling us the reason you left Hyde?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline FHS

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« Reply #24 on: March 04, 2006, 01:12:00 AM »

Thanks for the question; it's really made me think about this in a way I never had before.

I left my job at Hyde because, due to a combination of personal circumstances and the school's circumstances, it was a good time to move on.  

The distance between Hyde and me has been growing ever
since. I have a gut feeling that something's fundamentally not right about the place, and, while that visceral reaction was quite faint while I was at Hyde, it has grown over time. It took me time to process what I experienced at Hyde.  It also took life experience as a parent and school trustee to see that, when a school governing body hands too much power for too long to an entrenched school administration that is too convinced of its  own wisdom, then some of the students in that school will likely encounter some soul crushing experiences in the course of their schooling.

Former Hyde Staffer
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #25 on: March 04, 2006, 05:51:00 AM »
Hey FHS,

when were you there?

Sid Smith
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #26 on: March 04, 2006, 02:51:00 PM »
On 2006-03-03 22:12:00, FHS wrote:


Thanks for the question; it's really made me think about this in a way I never had before.

I left my job at Hyde because, due to a combination of personal circumstances and the school's circumstances, it was a good time to move on.  

The distance between Hyde and me has been growing ever

since. I have a gut feeling that something's fundamentally not right about the place, and, while that visceral reaction was quite faint while I was at Hyde, it has grown over time. It took me time to process what I experienced at Hyde.  It also took life experience as a parent and school trustee to see that, when a school governing body hands too much power for too long to an entrenched school administration that is too convinced of its  own wisdom, then some of the students in that school will likely encounter some soul crushing experiences in the course of their schooling.

Former Hyde Staffer"

Thank you FHS for sharing your experiences. It is obvious that you are sincere.  To me Hyde is a program dedicated to making as much money as possible.  It is a closely held family corporation whose only interest is the bottom line.  I challenge every one of you to check out Hyde's financial statements.  If you don't come to the same conclusion I would truly be shocked.

The website to find this information on is,  You can sign up without cost and then look at the IRS forms which gives a lot of info.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #27 on: March 04, 2006, 06:02:00 PM »
170K a year with a bs in math from BU.  Old Malcolm is doing pretty good.  School provides housing in a nice place on High Street.  Pretty sweet.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #28 on: March 05, 2006, 07:12:00 AM »
Mal's degree is from Bowdoin and a MA from Harvard
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #29 on: March 05, 2006, 07:19:00 AM »
On 2006-03-04 15:02:00, Anonymous wrote:


  170K a year with a bs in math from BU.  Old Malcolm is doing pretty good.  School provides housing in a nice place on High Street.  Pretty sweet.


Hey Sid, the $170,000 is only for Malcolms role as head administrator.  You then need to factor in his wife Laura's salary plus income from the books that each family is forced to purchase, income from renting the property to the school, as well as other income. Tack onto that all housing, food, transportation, etc for the entire family and I want to apply for the job. Only thing the Gauld's have to pay for is the clothing on their back.  I bet even the old man's golfing is paid for by Hyde.

Did you take a look at the combined Travel and Entertainment expenses at both Bath and Woodstock?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »