Author Topic: Against My Better Judgement  (Read 20554 times)

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Offline Stripe

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Against My Better Judgement
« Reply #90 on: August 20, 2005, 08:07:00 PM »
On 2005-08-18 20:48:00, SummerOf72 wrote:


Can you expand on your term "emotional cripples"?


1. What is meant by term "emotional cripple" as a result of being in the Seed.

2. How was the process of reintegration into the world outside handled by the Seed (or was it)?"

Stripe here, replying to you.
What I meant by emotional cripple ? Teachings I took away from the seed showed me that when it was time for something to end - a friendship, a job, school, whatever, when I made a determination that something was over (or the peer group determined it for me) it was over. Period.  (Greg, I guess my participation here today proves what I am about to follow with).

When I was running the seed steps (cutting ties with old druggies friends) it was expected that the ties would be cut in no uncertain terms.  If there was an emotional vacillation on my part about having to speak the words "I don't want to talk to you" I never could have or would have acknowledged that.  Why ? Beacuse of fear - fear of being ratted out and started over, sent back, yelled at, stood up. You get the drift.  

What that taught me, and this is perhaps the biggest failure on my part, is to ignore and bury that emotion, that vacillation.  In hindsight I guess I was a chicken, too. Emotion was only acceptable at the seed if it fit into specifc perameters.  You have read for yourself on this thread, what the result was for kids who expressed, rightly or wrongly, all emotion that passed through them.

Even after I quit going to the seed on a regular basis, I still hug out with seed kids, so we still had our own mini-seed going complete with confrontations, soul-bearing and come downs. To avoid the very neagitve reinforcements of my peer group (large and small), I simply buried all emotion that was not acceptable. Pretty much all we were allowed to feel at theseed was "happiness..."  For a couple of years afterwards, all my folks had to say to me was a sentence with the word "attitude" in it and it was like some kind of buzz/control word. I simply choked it down, accepted it and lock-stepped as expected. On to college, on to a career, on to life. But all the while, I was still choking it down, controlling it all, towing the line  and checking my attitude and ultimately, ending all kinds of realtionships as a result of using the "tool" and because of the "tools."

Never once were we allowed to grieve the losses the program imposed. And unfortunately, that's a lesson that was burned into my heart.  
Maybe some people had program friends they felt safe enough to confide in, and God bless them if they did. They are probably better adjusted people than I am.  I just wasn't so lucky.  

I lived that way for years, at least until I had some pretty bad stuff happen to me and my son and my husband. Then, somehow, I realized the old, indelibly etched patterns really did not work any more. At least not for me, not in my life.  

Now, I have come to realize that the pendulum has swung to the other side and I need some time and moderation, both in what I say and in what I hear.  

As for the second question, I think the plain answer is there was no psychological plan, but there was a support system. Although in hindsight and from my viewpoint now, it looks more like continued brainwashing.  

You said you never finished, but do you remember enough of the program to remember the "process"?

Minimum 2 weeks away from home, or longer.

Get to go home, but must still come in 10 to 10,  7 days per week.

Get to go to school or work, but remainder of time not in school or work must be spent on a daily ? to 10,including weekends.

Oldcomer status, what was it a  2 or 3   7-10pm    raps per week and one full weekend day.

Finally, graduation. Don't recall if there was any mandatory attendance at that point.

So maybe there was some PROCESS, but I don't think there was any intergration of old life/new life.  

I'm not sure theseed actually knew "what" (emphasis added) they  were turning out.  They apparently figured that what they taught, if the program was worked properly, would stick and there would not be any long term, negative effects, provided of course, you worked the program (and kept up with your own brainwashing).  

Perhaps what I see in myself is not necessaruly long term bad effects, but delayed effects.  Why?  Because if I never acknowledged that the program or the parts of it that did not work for me, then I would NEVER have to deal with the effects.  Therefore, everything could remain status quo, unchallegened and I'd be the eternally happy seed person.  Alas, that did not happen for me.

So now my pendulum has swung to the other side and instead of working hard to maintain the old status quo, I work diligently to overturn it and its effects in my life and in the lives of others. Up till now, that been a case of whether they want it or not adn I've realized I'm still obnoxious, I'm just on the other side of the view.  

My ass is probably going to get kicked about for this reply, but all I can say is that I've come to realize that acknowledging my own shortcommings (some noted above) and moderation - not such a bad thing.  I ask for nothing.  Others can come to their own conclusions and will continue to live as they lived before my input here.  They won't die for not "hearing me" any more than I will die if I "don't speak" and just "shut my mouth". I plan to look for a lot more gray in the future and a lot less black and white.  

[ This Message was edited by: Stripe on 2005-08-20 17:09 ][ This Message was edited by: Stripe on 2005-08-20 17:11 ][ This Message was edited by: Stripe on 2005-08-20 17:15 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
The person who stands up and says, ``This is stupid,\'\' either is asked to `behave\' or, worse, is greeted with a cheerful ``Yes, we know! Isn\'t it terrific ?\'\' -- Frank Zappa

Offline SMiamiPimp

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Against My Better Judgement
« Reply #91 on: August 21, 2005, 02:15:00 AM »
Thanks that very helpful, good response.

Let me take some time and think about it. In particular what I got from the Seed that did not work...also what did work. Those were crazy times and that was a crazy place.

The process of terminating relationships that I deem negative is definitely there and I am currently looking at that as a problem for me. It became a easy solution...but it overlooked the idea of negotating and tolerance in relationships. Also it presents the idea of the world is as black and white, good or bad which is not realistic. It doesnt present, everyone has has thier own thing going (including me) and it is a regalar part of life to learn to deal with it. All peaple including myself have good and bad traits. Also the way I handle my side of the relationship (which I am responsible for) can encourage or discourage others good and bad traits. And that is simple human relations.

Also drug users were demonized, made to look evil. And all the stories we heard in the Seed amplifeid that message. That view certainly had a benefit of breaking the cycle of peaple, places and things. But to convince someone thier peers and prior friends were evil was damaging and has a lasting negative impact. The impact is I have a unrealistically negative stereotype emotionally charged and created in my mind while I was in the Seed and if someone hit a few of those data points they still get put into that category. I do believe drug users would probably have pulled me down since in many cases misery loves company and that people unconciously adopt group standard. I dont know, maybe a more balanced view would have been separating the individual from the addiction understanding the whole addictive mindset better vs. demonizing druggies.  

The idea of having friends with the idea of keeping each other on the straight and narrow is a concept in AA as well as Seed followup and is easy to fall into. It can degrade into, "I only hang out with program peaples....they are the only ones that are real ect...". In reality IMO, having a few trusted peaple for reality testing and healthy behavior sounding boards is positive. But the idea that the whole world should conform to some recovery group model everyone helping each other work through their issues is a huge distortion of reality that creates a mess.  

This is all very good "grist for the mill...".
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline SMiamiPimp

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Against My Better Judgement
« Reply #92 on: August 21, 2005, 02:54:00 AM »
Here is what I felt I missed by not graduating from the Seed. In reading this thread, I have the opinion if I had completed the program, I would have had a stamp of approval/completion from the Seed but not what I intuitively recognised I did not have and I think I got in AA. Before I get flamed, I am only saying this applies to me, not everyone.

I got alot from the Seed but what I got was not complete. The Seed did not really provide a understanding the process of addiction and recovery long term. I stead I was told the Seed was the only solution. "Get it at the Seed, our way or return to addiction hell". Addiction is so cunning and relapse can be working in the background if the proper maintence work is not done.

This last time in AA I spent alot of time reading AA an other literature, talking to those who I felt really intellectaully understood the of the disease and the solution. Then the issue only becomes doing the upfront work then keeping maintence in place to overt a relapse. Also there is a community in AA that makes basically no requirments on members and you cant get thrown out.

When I came out of the Seed I was able to break the cycle of addiction, and I had alot of tools but no real depth of understanding. This could be because I never completed the program. But still, in AA I feel I have that, but it would not be complete without the literature and there was not literature in the Seed nor was any reference made to the AA literature that the Seed program was bootleged from.  

I knew I was missing something when I left the Seed. The Seed said they were the only ones that had it. No one explained even remotely why that was said. This was truth and falsehood mixed, untreated addiction often does return. Spending more time in treatment at the Seed would help. But not becuase the Seed was magic or the only source of help with addition. I wish they had referred me to AA since IMO they were bootleg AA. This "we are the only way mentality" was cultish and a distortion.

All said and done, I am still grateful for the Seed but I some negative stuff did stick with me as a result of my being there. This forum is helping me root that out.

This Form is awesome.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Against My Better Judgement
« Reply #93 on: August 21, 2005, 02:51:00 PM »
How are you doing?  Believe it or not this is Maggie and I don't know how I found this today.  But I did a search this morning and found this strange site.  But I saw your name and thought wow, I wonder how he is.  We are doing great.  I have a wonderful family and have moved on.  Is there really any point of reliving those days unless it is to help others.  I am leaving this anonymously just because this was a bit strange.  But there were alot of people I became very close to and I often wonder how they are.  I have kept in touch with a few and those will remain nameless.  I did not appreciate my name (first and last) being put on this as I am sure you didn't like it either.  But what are you going to do?  Anyway I wish you and all the others the best.  God Bless You, Maggie
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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Against My Better Judgement
« Reply #94 on: August 21, 2005, 03:26:00 PM »
On 2005-08-20 23:54:00, SummerOf72 wrote:

"Here is what I felt I missed by not graduating from the Seed. In reading this thread, I have the opinion if I had completed the program, I would have had a stamp of approval/completion from the Seed but not what I intuitively recognised I did not have and I think I got in AA. Before I get flamed, I am only saying this applies to me, not everyone.

Well, I'm of the opinion that AA can be and often is quite the high demand, destructive cult. But it's not always like that. I draw the line at voluntary participation; truely voluntary, not under any coercion of any kind. Isn't it strange that, in this country, America, true autonomy, liberty and personal responsibility has become such a foreign concept?

I do think this has quite a bit to do w/ the Program. But it's not as I initially thought when I first discovered so many program people occupying the halls of power. It's the other way around. They got where they are by essentially the same path that my grandfather, the "professional alcoholic", rode on the coat tails of his fellow steppers to get out of the fix he was in after the stock market crash and retire comfortably to Hillsborough Cove. It's not that Program people have taken over anything. It's that Program and a pledge to always fight and never question the drug war seems to be a prerequisite to political success.

But your other point, that seal of approval, I think you're quite correct about that. I think the Program "works" for those who honestly wanted intervention in much the same way as that chit hangin outa your pocket (anybody but Thom remember that?) You know, the AA chip that you might have on a keychain or in a pocket just to remind you and reenforce the notion that you are now a non-drinker. It would work just the same and just as effectively if you happened to believe in the power of some shaman to exorcise the "demon" of addiction. Whatever ritual and cerimony he may do, whatever talisman he may give you, so long as you believe it works, then it works.

From my pov, I didn't want the intervention. Didn't need it. But completing the program and acquiring that stamp of approval was the only way to get my mother off my friggen back! And I was perfectly willing to do that, even to go on staff till I could find a way to escape to school or something.

It was a terrible catch 22. I couldn't let on that I wanted to get away because that would be seen as an indication that I needed more "treatment". But things went weird toward the end of `82. Weird even for that place. I just couldn't concinece going along with it any more. After 2 years of dedicated effort toward acquiring that much needed stamp of approval, I had to cut my losses and walk away. Fuck college, fuck being welcome in my mother's home. It was just not worth it to me. Your milage may vary.

Religion is all bunk.
--Thomas Edison, American inventor

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline GregFL

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Against My Better Judgement
« Reply #95 on: August 21, 2005, 04:09:00 PM »
On 2005-08-21 11:51:00, Anonymous wrote:


How are you doing?  Believe it or not this is Maggie and I don't know how I found this today.  But I did a search this morning and found this strange site.  But I saw your name and thought wow, I wonder how he is.  We are doing great.  I have a wonderful family and have moved on.  Is there really any point of reliving those days unless it is to help others.  I am leaving this anonymously just because this was a bit strange.  But there were alot of people I became very close to and I often wonder how they are.  I have kept in touch with a few and those will remain nameless.  I did not appreciate my name (first and last) being put on this as I am sure you didn't like it either.  But what are you going to do?  Anyway I wish you and all the others the best.  God Bless You, Maggie"

If you can direct me to the threads where  your name is, I will be glad to remove it for you. No problem. You can post the names of the threads here or send me a private message. Either way I will be happy to oblige you with that request.

Maggie, welcome. appreciate your posting here. I wish you the best as well.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline GregFL

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Against My Better Judgement
« Reply #96 on: August 21, 2005, 04:16:00 PM »
BTW, Maggie, I know you were on staff, but why were you placed in the seed again?

Surely you weren't heading for death, insanity or jail...I remember you as a sweet kind child/person that only had what, smoked a little somthing once or twice?

Am I wrong here?

Welcome once again.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Against My Better Judgement
« Reply #97 on: August 21, 2005, 04:23:00 PM »
Actually, I asked to be put in because I couldn't seem to get straight on my own.  I was and still am very much into making the best life possible for myself and my family.  When I was younger I had alot of problems with my family and no guidance.  So I got straight and yes I worked there, but I never witnessed anyone getting hurt physically, maybe they got chewed out, but sometimes they needed it.  I am sure that some people needed more help that we were qualified to give, because I sure wasn't qualified to do what I was doing.  Anyway, I am doing great and not angry.  I miss some people and hope they are doing well.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline GregFL

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Against My Better Judgement
« Reply #98 on: August 21, 2005, 04:28:00 PM »
Maggie, the last time I saw you I was walking in the mall in Ft Lauderdale, and the time before that was bowling in St Pete. I had blonde hair and my sister was F.

Do you know who I am?  Great hearing from you!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Against My Better Judgement
« Reply #99 on: August 21, 2005, 04:36:00 PM »
No idea.  But if I saw your face I am sure I would remember.  I haven't lived in FL for over 20 years and have a very bad memory.  Sorry.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline GregFL

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Against My Better Judgement
« Reply #100 on: August 21, 2005, 04:47:00 PM »
Wow. Unreal As I remember you clear as day. We  and we hung around a bit outside the seed, went and got ice cream a couple times, went bowling.This occured over a short period of time I am one year younger than you. When I saw you in the mall in lauderdale, I was living with my mom and was a seed grad but was on the "don't talk to him" list. I was real glad to see you but all you would say was "are you straight" and really didn't much talk to me.

You said you had a hard time getting straight outside the seed. I seem to remember you only having smoked a couple this not accurate?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline GregFL

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Against My Better Judgement
« Reply #101 on: August 21, 2005, 04:49:00 PM »
Also, what occured that caused you to leave the seed? Did you stay on good terms with Art and Libby after that?

Thanks again.

Greg (blond, Thin (used to be :grin:)) from Lakewood and from the seed st pete 73.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ft. Lauderdale

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Against My Better Judgement
« Reply #102 on: August 21, 2005, 04:52:00 PM »
Hey Maggie,
I remember you.  I lived at Cranbrook the same time you did. I'm glad life has been good to you.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Ft. Lauderdale

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Against My Better Judgement
« Reply #103 on: August 21, 2005, 05:01:00 PM »
Actually a platinum blonde if I remember correctly.
I was once blond now grey and some blond and alot of skin tone showing through too. :grin:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline GregFL

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Against My Better Judgement
« Reply #104 on: August 21, 2005, 05:27:00 PM »
Also, Maggie...what makes this website so "strange".

Imagine, a place where everyone can talk about the seed and tell exactly what they thought, felt and saw..without any repercution.

I think this website is "groovy" babe!

hehe...I thought that appropriate since we are a bunch of 70s old farts.

Except me of course!

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »