Waygookin, instead of Hydra, why not draw on another (I propose) more apropos allegory? How about the Magician's Apprentice?
You must admit that the naughty apprentice, in over his little head, is a lot closer in line w/ WWASPS' Mormon accountability doctrine than the rather more Methodist idea of an evil demon.
If you've tried everything, up throught the TOUGHLOVE circles of inferno and it's still not working, quit mucking around in affairs with which you have no business. You failed. You fucked up. It's too late. There are no do overs. It's the kid's rightful turn to try their own hand at it. You get the results that you intend by your actions. Forget even aspiring to godhood. Be a man and suck it up!
My mom was the quintessential TOUGHLOVE hate monger. At some point prior to my first and only marriage, she started harping on how I should manage my romantic life. It occured to me that she had been divorced twice and never happy, married or not. I told her that if I wanted marital advice, I'd ask a priest. It was a beautiful moment.
If you think about why you hate me, you might find that it's not me.
Ginger Warbis ~ Antigen
Drug war POW
Seed Chicklett `71 - `80
Straight, Sarasota
10/80 - 10/82
Anonymity Anonymousreturn undef() if /coercion/i;