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Shame To Reality TV
« on: June 21, 2005, 04:25:00 AM »
From the ABC Family Brat Camp Forum on RedCliff Ascent:


Shame To Reality TV

Posted: Jan 08, 2005 04:04 PM reply

2 Posts
Registered: Jan 08, 2005 03:42 PM

I have to agree with RCAH8TR who previously posted his/her statement on the shame which you at ABC family have put on yourself. I too have been placed in multiple programs, including RCA. First I was placed in the actual original ASCENT program in Idaho, I was there for 3 months. Followed by another wilderness program in Montana for 2 more months. Parents thought the third time was the charm and sent me to RCA, the sister to the more severe ASCENT program in Idaho. I was in RCA for 2 more months. Im not going to say that I was right and my parents were wrong. Im not going to justify any actions or defend myself to say that these programs are worthless, because all in all, I did gain a lot of knowledge and self awareness from these programs. But what I got out of them, as well as others might or might not get out of them is their own private accomplishments, or lack there of. A lot of teens in this world have issues, some can be worked with to help prevent, others are there for the rest of their lives. But for you to exploit them for a measly profit is disrespectful and inhumane. If these teens have issues, it's their parents responsibility to seek their own help in a private matter, and thats if a teen can't find help for him/herself. Being a parent now, I understand what I had put my parents and myself through, and I thank them for their choices to send me away. I just hope I dont have to do that to my own kids. But if I choose to, its my own private decission to make, not yours or any producers, and you wouldnt be able to buy my kids problems either.
If anything you're only antagonizing these kids even more. But if angrier kids mean more ratings and more cash in your pockets, then I guess you succeeded and brought yourself to an all-time low in reality TV. Id love to see all of you at corrporate ABC go through the same programs RCAH8TR and I and many others have been through, on film, unedited. Maybe then you could see that these kids abd there families emotional stress and relationship issues are not to be solved by TV, but their own private attempts. If those attempts lead to Wilderness camps, they shold not be exploited, rather left alone so these kids can understand for themselves and go back to living new lives. But what does my commnet mean? probably nothing, just as long as you make more money, the general public, or even those who relate to your reality tv victims (not just brat camp)dont even matter.


Re: Re: Shame To Reality TV

Posted: Jan 08, 2005 10:12 PM reply

11 Posts
Registered: Jan 01, 2005 04:06 PM

I too went to RedCliff and agree that we should not be exploited. Seeing the previews has definitley brought back alot of emotions, especially when they decide to name the show Brat Camp. Well, just thought that you should know that someone agrees with you.


Re: Re: Shame To Reality TV

Posted: Jan 09, 2005 09:35 PM reply

4 Posts
Registered: Jan 06, 2005 10:44 PM

Where did you go in Montana? i'd like to know because i was up there when i was sent away.


Re: Re: Shame To Reality TV

Posted: Jan 11, 2005 08:59 PM reply

2 Posts
Registered: Jan 08, 2005 03:42 PM

It was a place called Explorations in trout creek montana. Where did you go?


Re: Re: Shame To Reality TV

Posted: Jan 11, 2005 08:49 AM reply

13 Posts
Registered: Jan 11, 2005 08:13 AM

itz not reality...itz all fake 2 me.....they all act...cuz no other camp filmz watz going on and they do on brat camp....itz fake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
stay punk rock 4 life


Re: Re: Shame To Reality TV

Posted: Jan 11, 2005 09:03 AM reply

58 Posts
Registered: Jan 01, 2005 05:56 PM

Sorry to burst your bubble...but the experience was not fake. My child was there while the Brits were there. She was there for 73 days. Don't disrespect their time, emotional growth or accomplishments there. It is not a joke. It is unfortunate that the British Producers named the program "Brat Camp", but guess they wouldn't have gotten as many people to watch it otherwise.


Re: Re: Shame To Reality TV

Posted: Jan 11, 2005 10:04 AM reply

19 Posts
Registered: Jan 11, 2005 09:49 AM

All everyone wants to do to this program is diss it! Think about the people. They are all out of control! I am sorry you had to go through that, but why did you not get it the first time? (I say that not sarcastically) I know you all think it is just for profit, but maybe they wanted to help other parents know that there is hope for their own teens. I know you all think I must be really nieve, but think about it, they are there to help you all! Ephesians 6:1-3 "Children obey your parents in the the Lord, for THIS is right! Honor your father and mother that it may be well with thee and that thou mayest live long on the earth." If you had obeyed you parents, then you would'nt have had problems! If you want to talk to me more, [email protected] will get you to me!

Message was edited by: legolashorse


Re: Re: Shame To Reality TV

Posted: Jan 11, 2005 10:25 AM reply

6 Posts
Registered: Jan 11, 2005 09:08 AM

Parents are human. We make mistakes. And sometimes, unfortunately, our kids are the ones who suffer because of them.

Should a program like this be televised?

I can see where doing a special on it might be good, to let parents know that this choice is available to them, if they decide they need it. But to make a series out of it? To show the details of these kids' lives and issues? No. I think the kids would have been better off at home, working on their issues with their parents and private therapists. The issues have to worked out with the parents eventually anyway. But I can see where having a camp like this can help that process get off to a better start, especially if drugs are involved, or tempers are out of control.
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