On 2005-06-11 11:23:00, Anonymous wrote:
"Ineresting how the pepper spray thing hasn't happened in a lot of years and it was only used on a violent kid or two instead of restraint. Didn't they decide real fast that it wasn't a good thing? Mistakes happen - apparently they learned from the mistake.
Wasn't pepper spray being used in other programs and juvenile detention around that time as well?
Again, another thoughtless and obtuse comment from PHX.
Listen, dummy, there's such a thing as "reasonable expectation." Any normal, fully functioning adult can reasonably expect that pepper-spraying a child repeatedly, daily and chronically can't be a "good thing." They shouldn't need to "try it out and see what happens."
Acccording to your "logic" I could beat you about the head and neck horribly and to a bloody pulp because I am unhappy with your commentary. And, as long as I realized AFTER your terrible beating that it was not a "good thing" to do, as you say, well, then that's just dandy.
Your pain, suffering and disfigurement wouldn't matter as long as I have an epiphany aftwerward in which I realize I've done "a bad thing."
So, let's use your "logic" on you, shall we?
I'll bust your fucking teeth down your throat, choke you until you nearly fall unconscious, then give you a wake-up kick to the temple and send you on your merry way.
I PROMISE I'll ultimately realize the error of my ways and won't do it to anyone else after you, ok?
So that squares the deal, right? I didn't think so.