Author Topic: Peninsula Village  (Read 435786 times)

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Offline ZenAgent

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« Reply #30 on: April 07, 2007, 01:50:14 PM »
Quote from: ""Guest""
Well, what I dont get is that her publishers describe her as barely can someone who is barely literate write a book?

Abigail suffers from Dyslexia, and she's perfectly capable of telling a story, she needs help getting it to paper.  However, the book was ghostwritten by a grad student.  I've wondered how much of the book was toned down by the publisher's lawyers, since in the end the book has a positive spin for PV.  Peninsula Village did consider suing, but backed off because the attention didn't seem to be doing harm.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
\"Allah does not love the public utterance of hurtful speech, unless it be by one to whom injustice has been done; and Allah is Hearing, Knowing\" - The Qur\'an

A PV counselor\'s description of his job:

\"I\'m there to handle kids that are psychotic, suicidal, homicidal, or have commited felonies. Oh yeah, I am also there to take them down when they are rowdy so the nurse can give them the booty juice.\"

Offline sick of child torture girl

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Peninsula Village
« Reply #31 on: April 07, 2007, 11:11:54 PM »
I have dyslexia and dyslexia does not mean you can't read or write..thats illiteracy,a different issue

When something is ghostwritten it means that someone other than the "figurehead" on the book jacket does the writing (Im sure you know that)- like whencelebrities or politicians have  novels,"autobiographies" or books of "life lessons" ghostwritten. It sounds like pubisher is trying to capatilize off of a "personality" -a "bad girl" as they capatilze off the "personality"
 of politicians or clebrities. The books has a catchy hook- I was a hoodlum now Im good. Even though the "author" didnt acutaly write it can still be sold

This Abby person isnt even doing the actual writing. That PV or the publishers would try to capatilize on producing an "author" who hasnt actually written a book is gross

Consdidering that , the veracity of the experiences related is dubious
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline ZenAgent

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« Reply #32 on: April 07, 2007, 11:40:24 PM »
Quote from: ""sick of child torture girl""
I have dyslexia and dyslexia does not mean you can't read or write..thats illiteracy,a different issue

When something is ghostwritten it means that someone other than the "figurehead" on the book jacket does the writing (Im sure you know that)- like whencelebrities or politicians have  novels,"autobiographies" or books of "life lessons" ghostwritten. It sounds like pubisher is trying to capatilize off of a "personality" -a "bad girl" as they capatilze off the "personality"
 of politicians or clebrities. The books has a catchy hook- I was a hoodlum now Im good. Even though the "author" didnt acutaly write it can still be sold

This Abby person isnt even doing the actual writing. That PV or the publishers would try to capatilize on producing an "author" who hasnt actually written a book is gross

Consdidering that , the veracity of the experiences related is dubious

Former Peninsula Village counselors have verified the story of the counselor being beaten for his car keys by two male patients who eloped in the guy's ride.  I found the story in the archives of a local Blount County newspaper in the Police briefs.

It is a sleazy exploitation book, and the "now I'm good" ending does not match up with Abigail's recent activities.  Abby is attractive, and her looks were used as a marketing tool.  "Bad Girl" is a misleading title, since she wasn't really that bad, in comparison to Andrew Klepper, Abigail's fellow PV alumnus, who sodomized a prostitute with a baseball bat and other items, then stole her cash and threatened her if she reported them.  No success story for Klepper after PV, he was arrested recently in Maryland for "pandering" in the company of another prostitute.  This second call girl probably doesn't know how close she came to being seriously harmed.  Klepper's book would be called "Warped, Fucked Up Boy"
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
\"Allah does not love the public utterance of hurtful speech, unless it be by one to whom injustice has been done; and Allah is Hearing, Knowing\" - The Qur\'an

A PV counselor\'s description of his job:

\"I\'m there to handle kids that are psychotic, suicidal, homicidal, or have commited felonies. Oh yeah, I am also there to take them down when they are rowdy so the nurse can give them the booty juice.\"

Offline Anonymous

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Peninsula Village
« Reply #33 on: April 08, 2007, 01:05:54 AM »
Quote from: ""Milk Gargling Death Penal""
I searched everywhere for a copy and found it at Borders in the children's section

Hell fucking no.

last year for my holocuast studies class, i did a report on joeseph mengele. One of the nooks for it came from the childrens section.

It seemed to be written for 8 year olds. It was oversized, very short, large print, had basic wording and a simplistic structure, adn lots of pictures....oh and it talked  about the medical experiemnts he conducted on children alot.
Like the "hunchbacked" boy whose curve was sawed off and then whom was sown to his little brother. Then the two boys lived like that sown together, crying, whimpering, their flesh stinking as it began to get infected and slough off......It went into great detail
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #34 on: April 08, 2007, 01:51:39 AM »
Quote from: ""ZenAgent""
Quote from: ""sick of child torture girl""
I have dyslexia and dyslexia does not mean you can't read or write..thats illiteracy,a different issue

When something is ghostwritten it means that someone other than the "figurehead" on the book jacket does the writing (Im sure you know that)- like whencelebrities or politicians have  novels,"autobiographies" or books of "life lessons" ghostwritten. It sounds like pubisher is trying to capatilize off of a "personality" -a "bad girl" as they capatilze off the "personality"
 of politicians or clebrities. The books has a catchy hook- I was a hoodlum now Im good. Even though the "author" didnt acutaly write it can still be sold

This Abby person isnt even doing the actual writing. That PV or the publishers would try to capatilize on producing an "author" who hasnt actually written a book is gross

Consdidering that , the veracity of the experiences related is dubious

Former Peninsula Village counselors have verified the story of the counselor being beaten for his car keys by two male patients who eloped in the guy's ride.  I found the story in the archives of a local Blount County newspaper in the Police briefs.

It is a sleazy exploitation book, and the "now I'm good" ending does not match up with Abigail's recent activities.  Abby is attractive, and her looks were used as a marketing tool.  "Bad Girl" is a misleading title, since she wasn't really that bad, in comparison to Andrew Klepper, Abigail's fellow PV alumnus, who sodomized a prostitute with a baseball bat and other items, then stole her cash and threatened her if she reported them.  No success story for Klepper after PV, he was arrested recently in Maryland for "pandering" in the company of another prostitute.  This second call girl probably doesn't know how close she came to being seriously harmed.  Klepper's book would be called "Warped, Fucked Up Boy"

Exactly, its an exploitation book and everyone gets exploited. The woman isnt literate. She didnt write the book.The book is not really her "voice" its a voice given to her by her ghostwriter and packaging firm meant to maximize earnings by reducing the story to the most palaptable cliche possible. The experiences are relayed without meaning or context for maximum sensationalism

She isnt literate and more importantly has been robbed of the thinking skills and nuance necessary to view her experience with sensitivity. She cannot provide insight into her experience and if she was deleted by the packaging firm
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline stoodoodog

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Peninsula Village
« Reply #35 on: April 08, 2007, 12:54:17 PM »
Quote from: ""sick of child torture girl""
I have dyslexia and dyslexia does not mean you can't read or write..thats illiteracy,a different issue

When something is ghostwritten it means that someone other than the "figurehead" on the book jacket does the writing (Im sure you know that)- like whencelebrities or politicians have  novels,"autobiographies" or books of "life lessons" ghostwritten. It sounds like pubisher is trying to capatilize off of a "personality" -a "bad girl" as they capatilze off the "personality"
 of politicians or clebrities. The books has a catchy hook- I was a hoodlum now Im good. Even though the "author" didnt acutaly write it can still be sold

This Abby person isnt even doing the actual writing. That PV or the publishers would try to capatilize on producing an "author" who hasnt actually written a book is gross

Consdidering that , the veracity of the experiences related is dubious

During a meeting with several PV family therapists last July I inquired about Abby's book. There was a general concensus that they had "never heard of the book" and "knew nothing about it"
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Are we really that free
« Reply #36 on: April 10, 2007, 02:49:47 AM »
I am amazed at all of this, I lived it and I'm still amazed.  I just can't believe places like PV are allowed to exist.  I'm reading about the Civil Rights movement again and it reminds me of how the police acted.  There is no legal recourse, the legal recourse is the problem.  Also the parents of kids at PV are so often abusive.  As an adult I realize just how over the top my family is.  They are horribly abusive, no joke, they are very extreme and so abusive, to this day they are horrible people, I am not being mean, I love them, although I am starting to distance myself from having any feelings toward them other than those of an adult toward abusive people who have had and still do have far to much power over me.  they are very very abusive, and places like the village just allow very abusive parents to not only put you in a prison camp, like some third world country, but to discredit you for the future, so they can continue to abuse you and you will always be the one the law is against, this was very hard for me after leaving the Village at eighteen, practically, it is important, if your parent kicks you out and you try to get help from the authorities, you are the one at fault, my mother to this day threatens me with the police, even though I am a A B college student, who doesn't even drink.  My mother is very abusive and not all together rational, It is such an odd situation but I moved back home as an adult because I was  assaulted by a stranger in my apartment complex,  true I swear, and not unrealistic, I filed a police report, but nobody believes me anyway, so I moved home to finish college I have a year left, and to work in retail, so I make very little money and work very hard.  I don't do anything, I am very polite to my parents and I don't even drink much less do any drugs.  I work all the time.  My parents are very abusive, and i was put in PV for being molested at fourteen by a stalker. I was there for two years and my horrible parents were ok with this, my mother is very negative about me, last week she said i was a cat in heat, and at twelve i was asking for it, yes twelve because I bought a workout outfit and went out jogging in the morning with my friend, at twelve and i was catting and slinking along looking for a gangster? At twelve.  She is nuts and very abusive, she lacks all empathy and compassion.  She threatens me all the time with calling the police, I don't say or do anything, because i'm afraid of her, because she will, she will yell for days about nothing.  I don't say anything to her except perhaps this is abusive and out of proportion.  I say nothing to her at all, she will yell for a week the most horrible things you could say to me, often in the same line as the above, twelve year old cat and such.   Yesterday she threatened to call the police because I was moving a cage for my cats out onto the porch so they could enjoy the sun.  She didn't want me to argue with her about it. I wasn't but it was a preemptive threat.  The week before she screamed at me for a week again with horrible bizarre things, my grandmother wore a nightgown you could see her*&^ through.  My herb sachet in the bathroom was a &^%.  And if I say anything back to her, she threatens me with calling the police, she says the village said you were bi polar so we can have you committed. I'm not bi polar, I'm never manic, and I don't feel depressed in fits, or depressed at all, chemically I think I'm really sane otherwise this would be far too much.  I feel almost happy most the time, which is saying a lot considering where I am living. Of course she has all the power, I got angry once, once, and this situation is all the time, because my father would not help me move out and i don't make enough to otherwise, of course my parents are well off and driving around in a brand new Mercedes, and I threw a cloth and paper mache doll at the floor so my mother called the police.  I had to go to work and the cops told my parents that the could take me away right then, because I threw a cloth doll at the floor. Last week all the yelling, on her part, I was to scared to say anything, was because i used up all the cleaner for her steam cleaner, in the  upstairs closet, there was more downstairs and she yelled for a week, the most horrible abusive things she could think to say, and if I would so much as say stop, please don't empty my drawer on the floor, or that's horrible mom.  Please stop, this is abusive.  She'll be in the house five minutes and I'm crying.  Then the next day she'll buy you something be happy and fine, but again anything sets her off, and she polices everything I do.  Things like don't eat all of that, I don't want to have to hide it from you, and then she'll actually hide the chicken salad even though I am not eating an odd amount of chicken salad. She will correct me, and I'm a responsible adult, I was counting like seven times on one trip to the kitchen, put this here, don't put that there, there's no need to move that cup, even though the cup is just on the counter?   But they won't help me move out even though I could pay for most of it, they discourage it even.  It's like living under the Taliban, or in China.  Or a hundred years ago.  The sexual prejudice is amazing here, It's like all the bad examples from a Women’s Studies class except they believe them.   I haven't been on a date sense I moved home and I’m nice looking, I don't know any body in the area where my parents live, I'm completely isolated, I live of campus and I can't talk about this work for sure, i work in a book store. I'm trapped in some other horrible century and my parents are rich and very abusive and I have no recourse and they can do whatever within some reason they want to me.  Things can be sort of normal for periods of time and I'm so busy outside of home I can avoid but I very afraid and I am a ordinary person, and my life is terribly abusive and it should not be like this in this country today. I have post traumatic stress too, from being in the village for almost two years and being stalked and molest and my abusive family.  I shake when I talk about anything personal or sometimes just at all, and I have nightmares and I have trouble talking to people which leads me to be more isolated.  I know I have to move out, I'm looking for roommates, but from a sociological perspective the villages effects on the victims, and yes victims,  young girls, are as all encompassing as they would be under the Taliban, and there should be laws, lawyers something, I don't want to disappear again.  And when you read this I know you are not believing me you are thinking oh she must be nuts so they have a right, but I'm not and I’m desperately fighting for my life like someone in China by not pissing off the communist party or in South, where I live, not long ago, don't make that KKK guy mad. I read a lot about history and dictatorships and sexism and all sorts of interesting things.  I don't think we are really all that free and i think many aspects of this reality are abusive I know the Village and this situation is.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Peninsula Village
« Reply #37 on: April 10, 2007, 03:24:47 AM »
I just re-read what I wrote and it sounds horrible.  I don't swear, I don't like gross nasty things.  I don't call things a &^%&^ I'm not nuts My mother really says stuff like the above, I don't say anything I don't swear also I'm pretty sensitive you all on this website say ugly things as well.  Abigail Vonn is young and she has no sane family, that has helped her grow up in a safe, ordinary and supportive way.  I think she is trying to replace that uncarring uninvolved jerk or a father of hers, we don't need any writings about bj's, see and again I have had to repeat other people's uglyness, to define what I see as a problem.  I think Abigail craves acceptance from her family so she wants to have drunk the koolaid.  Abigails situation ties into what I was saying about abusive families and girls out of the Village having no where to live really.  Some young women do have a father complex, after a place like the Village maybe he made her feel safe, until she figured out what he was about, gee lets think, how old was the bastard ugh.  Poor abigail, the Village is all about people who are older than you having power over you, perhaps sleeping, or more acuratlly replacing her family with an older guy, made her feel like the power was in the hands of someone who wouldn't put her in a prison camp, or maybe as in society throughout history, the power is in the hands of the old men and abigail, with desperation mentality really just need a place to live, historically there is much precident for this.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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nature of abuse in families
« Reply #38 on: April 10, 2007, 02:19:55 PM »
The odd thing about my family is they are not abusive all the time or even with any real reason.  I have found this to be the case with abusive people overall and something often overlooked. They are not green faced fanged hairy monsters, they are people and they have many different sides, With my mother something you would expect to set her off does nothing but some other little thing and she'll go completely nuts, and her behavior is pretty nuts.  The difficult aspect of abusive people is they are not abusive all the time.  The abusive husband had to be nice long enough for someone to marry him.  I get so sick of this psycho babble crap that says the women is in essence asking for it.  That is so backwards.  I have found that abusive people can be very nice for long periods of time and them wham you have the episode from hell on your hands.  You know you have to leave, but often resource issues come into play, and dr. jekle comes back with flowers. Families it is harder even because they are in fact your family and often there is so much denial.  No one wants to deal with such a serious problem as abuse so it gets ignored.  And the abusers of course do everything to make themselves feel better and like you disserved the abuse, no it wasn't out of proportion at all, and so on.  Abusive people do not introduce themselves as high I am bob the abusive husband, they if anything try extremely hard to hide their abuse behavior and justify their actions.  The village allows abusive parents to justify their actions completely, it preaches to the choir so totally, that my mother still is completely indoctrinated into their party line, although I have shown her accounts and tried to tell her what PV was really like, she is so determined not to have her comfy world view challenged she will literally stick her fingers in her ears and go lah lah lah i'm not listening if I try to tell her what the village was really like, she also immediately starts threatening.  But the days without abuse are the strangest and lull you into a false sense of security, or at least thinking you can handle it so you can take a full course load and actually finish college.  I try to give them no reason to be abusive but little things set them off, like using all the steam cleaner in the upstairs closet, or moving a cup.  Abusive people will never just let you be, my mother will not allow me to lock my door, and will scream and growl, yes she actually grows, about not having locked doors in her house if I do, this allows her to barge in and yell about random things whenever she pleases.  Again a few hours later she's sweetness and light, honey I bought you this, or look at this email hah hah, isn't that just cute, look what your dog did, two hours earlier she was threatening to give him away.  Which is horrible I love the dog and I got him because I was living in a not that great  neighborhood  where i was eventually assaulted.   I could mover out if I could convince my father to give me 400$ a month.  I plan to move out this summer as soon as my semester is over, and I am praying that he will help me, I am trying to look for a room mate but no one in the immediate vicinity is looking, I need to look harder.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Peninsula Village
« Reply #39 on: April 10, 2007, 02:43:41 PM »
The funny thing about the calling the police thing is my mother uses it all the time, twice a week at least, and over nothing.  No you can't put the cat cage on the porch, you used up all the steam cleaner, don't lock this door, help me carry in groceries, don't talk back to me. I'm in my twenties, I don't talk back to her?  I would prefer not to talk to her at all, but she requires I eat dinner with them, and she like I said polices everything I do, I can't have an opinion, but she always asks for one, she loves to argue about politics, and will beat you up if you say you don't like george Bush.  She's always three steps from abuse.  She questions everything I do, why were you in the attic, what are you doing with that, in my house I'm going to make sure you don't ruin this house?  I'm very neat, I clean all the time, although she won't let me use the vacuum cleaner because she says I might break it? I have never broken any appliances?  My room is small so I have to clean or it gets too messy to move, if I don't put away one outfit that's it I can't walk.  She went through my things and threw away my herbs and essential oils?  She called a neighbor and told her I was going to poison her with them?  I was out walking my dog and I was being so careful with her we hadn't had an argument in a while, although she certainly said some unpleasant things.  I am frightened to go out because it will be a ordinary day and then I come home and she's on a rampage and then it's all just ordinary again.  But the police thing is horrible, she uses it all the time, and it never gets old because it's real and i have post traumatic stress and every time she says it I flinch and cry and she may as well have hit me,  It's a abusers dream, How horrible is that?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Shakespeares sister
« Reply #40 on: April 10, 2007, 03:01:56 PM »
sometimes it seems so many people are abusive and stupid, I read the blogs here and I am amazed by some of them. Misogynist porn, I don't feel I should be writting on this blog anymore.  It is always good though to see what really is behind the faces of random folks, some are sane and rational and some it's just so ugly what they come up with, not to mention warped?  I was in the village, you need to do more research on the foster care system.  In reality, where the daughters of abusive crackheads live, when you get of the bus at the bus station god knows where, the first guy you meet is going to try to exploit you.  As a young women without any money or support base a very high percentage of men you meet are going to try and exploit you, non extreme, not the guy at the bus station, ordinary men will try to get you to have sex with them, by any means, usually coercion and alcohol or other drugs.  I am tired of these tabloid lurid accounts of prostitutes and drugs and go to hell.  Do you know the story by virginia woolf or Shakespears Sister?  It goes something like this, Shakespeare ran away as a teen to join the theater, it worked out well for him, he became Shakespeare, Shakespeares sister, of equal intelligence and merit, also ran away as a teen to join the theater, it did not work out as well for her, she was molested by the door man of the theater and died in childbirth and is now buried under the corner of too major London intersections.  No more sexist crap please the whole world isn't a gym locker room, sexual harassment is horrible people, I know I've had to deal with enough of it.  Have some empathy and higher thought you monkey minded sexist idiot.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Peninsula Village
« Reply #41 on: April 10, 2007, 03:11:18 PM »
many men are molested too, so many people in social work and such are ignorant I have seen, History is the best way to learn about human nature, depressingly enough, look up 19th century boys schools in England and lets see how intelligent turning your child over to other people really is. Not to mention sexual harrassment.  Not to mention how well the education system has worked in the past. and how Shakespeare's sister isn't the only one molested by the door man.   I see so many things in this world in the media people that are so completly illogical or ignorant, A does not add up to B and = C.  It's like trying to reason with a ferret, or a pig, maybe a chicken, you explain something in a rational manner and you get beady little eyes and sexism or irrationality that only thinks to protest it's own neck, it is frightening.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline ZenAgent

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Re: Shakespeares sister
« Reply #42 on: April 10, 2007, 04:20:31 PM »
Quote from: ""are we really that free""
Have some empathy and higher thought you monkey minded sexist idiot.

Who are you talking about?  You've really, really overshot the mark.  What "blogs" have offended you?  Men get molested, ask Jimmy Roy Bean's man-love friend "Keester" who says he dodges dicks all day...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
\"Allah does not love the public utterance of hurtful speech, unless it be by one to whom injustice has been done; and Allah is Hearing, Knowing\" - The Qur\'an

A PV counselor\'s description of his job:

\"I\'m there to handle kids that are psychotic, suicidal, homicidal, or have commited felonies. Oh yeah, I am also there to take them down when they are rowdy so the nurse can give them the booty juice.\"

Offline stoodoodog

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Re: Shake spear es ist er
« Reply #43 on: April 10, 2007, 07:18:50 PM »
Quote from: ""are we really that free""
sometimes it seems so many people are abusive and stupid, I read the blogs here and I am amazed by some of them. Misogynist porn, I don't feel I should be writting on this blog anymore.  It is always good though to see what really is behind the faces of random folks, some are sane and rational and some it's just so ugly what they come up with, not to mention warped?  I was in the village, I want you to do more research on the foster care system.  In reality, where the daughters of abusive crackheads live, when you get of the bus at the bus station god knows where, the first guy you meet is going to try to exploit you.  As a young women without any money or support base a very high percentage of men you meet are going to try and exploit you, non extreme, not the guy at the bus station, ordinary men will try to get you to have sex with them, by any means, usually coercion and alcohol or other drugs.  I am tired of these tabloid lurid accounts of prostitutes and drugs and go to hell.  Do you know the story by virginia woolf or Shakespears Sister?  It goes something like this, Shakespeare ran away as a teen to join the theater, it worked out well for him, he became Shakespeare, Shakespeares sister, of equal intelligence and merit, also ran away as a teen to join the theater, it did not work out as well for her, she was molested by the door man of the theater and died in childbirth and is now buried under the corner of too major London intersections.  No more sexist crap please the whole world isn't a gym locker room, sexual harassment is horrible people, I know I've had to deal with enough of it.  Have some empathy and higher thought you monkey minded sexist idiot.

Again, borderline illucid, but thank you for this... whatever THIS is...

Is the above yet another sampling of PV's version of the MLA Formatting and Style Guide?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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please don't read the before post,fomat got chopped up?
« Reply #44 on: April 11, 2007, 03:08:13 PM »
I think I was responding to the Abbie trading BJ's for something, I assume your male?  It's amazing how little many men seem to know about sexism or the prevalence of rape culture? Or to just accept it as ok.  What are your thoughts on the current media, do you know what a Misogynist is?  Also as for men being molested, many are, in one of the blogs on this website a man mentions he was.  After getting out of PV I had the same problem one of the gentle men on this site had, It was hard to get into colleges, I ended up getting into a small backwoods private liberal arts school, There was an active pederastic culture, look it up again please. some creepy college professor was forever trying to get you to go to a party with him or her and get you drunk.  I felt bad for the gay kids they were severely stalked, Believe it or not it's the complete truth, Just because you are ignorant of a situation does not mean it is not the case.  As children many men are molested, in college they were over eighteen, and usually too embarrassed to say anything, but you had to seriously watch your drink, and never take anything anyone gave you.  It also took a while for kids to figure out what the hell was up?  They were college professors after all you are supposed to be able to trust them and pederastic professors are not something one hears addressed much these days.    I am also very tired of having the people in the village described in a such a ridiculously lurid light.  Prostitutes and god knows what else?  When I was there, there were 2, two girls, in the entire eighteen months I was there that were foster kids with horrible parents who had gotten off at the wrong bus station, and had at some point traded sex for a place to stay. What was marriage until recently really, are you sure you aren't a PV plant?  It's a blog you know, sentence structure is not a big requirement and you call me crazy , which I have made clear is something of a pet peeve and therefore rather ironic, idiot, because I take offence at your locker room talk and then you go on to talk about, fighting off man dick, or something, and you say that all men who are molested are "man love Friends" and therefore gay?  How old are you, did you go to college, are you sure you are not a PV undereducated community college counselor, you sound a bit like one?  How you talk proves my point!  Many, most men are molested as children or as adolescents and they are at no way at fault.  But anyway I wanted to say the girls I was in the Village with were not some lurid "Bad Girls"  There were two that were foster kids that had had sex for money, but they were runaways.  All the rest did not have such tabloid problems, most were not on hard drugs,  another three or so I think had done more serious drugs, now this was in 1996-1998 so I don't know what now is like, but many were anorexics, thirteen year old who had eaten a bottle of aspirin, actually about ten aspirin because she was angry with her parents, one thirteen year old had written in her notebook she wished the school would blow up, her parents were getting a divorce, another her cousins had been molesting her and she told her aunt, who she lived with this was the case, and she threw her out so she move this neighbor guy who was a jerk so she went home and her aunt turned her over to the Village, the cousins had molested her for sure, and she was fifteen.  One or two ran off with boyfriends, one was smoking pot and told Christian parents she was gay, one she had told her family her grandfather had molested her.   One had slept with two boys at school and the who school was calling her a slut so she cut her wrist.  a handful of foster kids.   Cry for help girls too of course, cut wrists and such, that crossed into cutting.    I actually have not read abbie’s book “Bad Girl” yet because I am very busy with school and work and the last thing I need are flashbacks but I keep hearing  reference to prostitutes and some girl molesting someone, and I believe this is a misrepresentation, probably for lurid tabloid headline value.  I was there I remember, and what I say is true.  No one, when I was there, had molested anybody, but many of them had been molested and as a adult I have read and taken classes and children who are molested often molest other children, especially when they are young, it’s in the profile completely.  I think this is just another example of what happens when you put general uneducated “counselors”  in charge of  the psychology/ therapy of sexual abuse victims.  In the Village too much emphasis is placed on the girls fault, it’s the only emphasis and the girls act in context of their worlds.  And to turn “therapy”  into a group denouncement session, with community college graduates and other abused kids is insane and criminal.  There are many people in this world, good and bad and to turn such vulnerable girls over to the random hoard, you may as well turn them over to the Taliban.  There are many good people in this world and many horrible one’s.  Minors need to be protected from the horrible ones because they too young yet, and naive, I like to refer to teenagers as the toddlers of the adult world, to protect themselves.   But the Village like to play into stupid peoples prejudices toward the weak and ugly, like lurid hookers and such, but this is a lie.  The girls I was in with were not lurid they were just people.   As for the guy who was in PV that did something to a prostitute, like I said any group has all kinds in it, and that aspect is another problem with the teen behavior modification industry, it too often turns over the “therapy” to abuse by the other teens you are in with.  At the Village this manifests in the denouncement group therapy sessions, in other places the abuse is allowed to be more physical.   But I have to go do my homework now, and I am sorry about my lack punctuation  and such if my MLA format bothers you I am sorry but this is not a graded paper and I am busy, I get A’s and I am a senior, often I write late at night because I can’t sleep sorry, PV plant.  Be nice dear. WOmen don't like to be sexually harassed, fighting off dick and man love bob, is horrible and rude to the poor guy who was molested as a kid, empathy commpassion, walk in anothers shoes, think before you open your mouth if what you say sounds like rape, it does too, man love dick fighting, what is that, grow up.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »