Author Topic: Peninsula Village  (Read 432797 times)

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Offline Nihilanthic

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« Reply #1455 on: October 17, 2007, 11:05:04 PM »
I meant the way you say everything you say, not just that part of what you said, is hard to read. You don't use punctuation, sentences, or paragraphs.


I'm sorry its just difficult to read you.

To the guy who got raged at me.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

CCMGirl on program restraints: "DON\'T TAZ ME BRO!!!!!"

TheWho on program survivors: "From where I sit I see all the anit-program[sic] people doing all the complaining and crying."

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #1456 on: October 17, 2007, 11:10:02 PM »
nihilanthic your a teenage stupid little shit but your quotes good
sorry i read a lot, i'll try to tone it down for you
put big spaces in for you and all that
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Peninsula Village
« Reply #1457 on: October 17, 2007, 11:10:30 PM »
nihilanthic your a teenage stupid little shit but your quotes good
sorry i read a lot, i'll try to tone it down for you
put big spaces in for you and all that
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline SettleForNothingLess

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« Reply #1458 on: October 17, 2007, 11:30:03 PM »
Quote from: ""reposting jersey girls st""
Money making ignoramouses is what PV staff is. Obviously they are so oblivious and ignorant as to what professionalism is. They try to speak so highly of themselves, yet their actions are sabotaging them. I wish a psychiatric evaluation could be done on them. The facades they try to put up about being this big shot, immaculate treatment facility, is so obvious to those who can read between the lines, are completely false.
They are immature as well and in a way demented. I mean where do people get off snickering and cackling at those in need of real medical and therapeutic attention. Are their patients just their entertainment? how could any of the staff there "love their job"? unless of course they are sick in their own ways.
Maybe the snickering and crude remarks about their patients is really them transferring their own feelings onto innocent victims of their abuses.
The restraints are how they get out their anger. I mean come on, at the drop of a hat for no reason, boom... their goes a patient onto the floor. The pressure applied is very strong. Its almost as if they are trying to squeeze out their issues going on in their unstable and sick minds. Kind of transference again except on a physical level.
Like the opposite of self mutilation. self mutilation is a way of escaping from dealing with negative emotions. Staff on the other hand, basically in a way, each restraint is like another cut onto their arm.
I know for myself, if I worked one day at Peninsula, or any of these horrid RTCs, I wouldnt be able to live with myself. These people who are the staff there, claim to love their job. What person in their RIGHT mind would love the job they have? I dont know... something just doesnt seem right with that whole issue.
are their lives simply that pathetic? or is their a much deeper issue here?
Like i mentioned briefly before, what ever happened to Personell Psychology?
Personell Psychology for those that do not know, is:
a subfield of industrial organiztional psych. that focuses on employee recruitment, selection, placement, training, appraisal, and development.

sounds like this "psychiatric treatment facility" should work on their own "psychological issues, first starting in their "professinal work enviroment" and second maybe with themselves

just a thought.

I found it.. in the introduction handbook

" Many times parents feel angry, anxious, sad, and even guilty, not sure if they have made the right decision. be prepared that your adolescent is aware of these feelings and either consciously or unconsciously may attempt to arouse feelings of guilt and anxiety. there are some typical ways that adolescents attempt to do this.
The most obvious example of this attempt is the full frontal guilt attack. ""why did you put me here? you do not care about me. If you take me out of here I will do anything, I have realized I was wrong, please give me one more chance. Ill Kill myself if you dont take me out of here"" these attempts directly attack your feelings of guilt, uncertainty, and fear for your child.
The second attempt is more subtle and involves your adolescent misinforming, lying, or telling half truths to raise feelings of guilt and anxiety. Typical examples include: "" My therapist told me it was your fault I am here. The staff does not know what they are doing.""
The third example is an attempt to exploit normal parental concerns regarding an adolescents safety. Examples include;"" they are not feeding me. Staff makes fun of me. My peer is a violent psycho. Compared to other kids here my problems are not that serious""
Do not let these attempts to make you feel guilty work. As long as your child believes that he/she might escape responsibility he or she will not change. Often adolescents are actually terrified of change and their oppositional and defiant behavior is a way of avoiding dealing with the painful aspects of their lives. So of course they are going to continue to try to avoid responsibility and introspection. "

that came straight from the introduction to PV guide given to parents.
sounds to me like a desperate attempt to trun parents against their own children in order to rake in the money for them to wipe their sorry excuse for lifes asses.
Those are pretty powerful lines of manipulation dont you think? sounds like Peninsula themselves are trying to make their pathetic attempts to convince you work for THEIR advantage.
Sounds like uh..what they used to call "Splitting" telling you one thing and them the other.
Staff ridicules you constantly, yet they are telling parents right there in black and white that if their adolescent is telling them this, that it is just an " attempt to directly ATTACK the parents feelings of guilt, uncertainty, and fear for their child."
PV should have learned that they should get their story straight and quit the lies because lies always come back to bite you in the fuckin ass.

PV also states that they cannot admit anyone with an IQ below 85
Sorry but most staff dont seem to be much over that themselves.

They cannot admit anyone who is diagnosed with psychosis.
They are Psychotic for thinking they can get away with this shit

They seem to prey on the vulnerable teens who have issues such as:

---Depression or mood disorder

The approach on this issue seems to be HIGHLY increasing it, also gives staff a reason to laugh if you cry or try to talk about it

---Drug or alcohol abuse

Pudgeboy Pegler fiends these types of issues. I think he gets off on it. The pound by pound perv

---Oppositional beahvior or conduct problems

Defy their bullshit, theyll tie you to a bed

---Effects of traumatic experiences

Ah, this one, they do a great job of making your trauma disappear and bring on a new one. Trauma=PV

---Self endangering or self injurious behavior

They have a great rating of helping increase such behavior

---Out of control behavior and the ability to accept adult authority

Open your mouth, your done.

Yours Truly

Jersey Gurl

My admission day to the village, from the beginning i knew i was in for a wild ride. It started with being escorted to the Village. I arrived in Knoxville and had one of those bad gut instinction feelings. I knew before I walked in this was not going to be pleasant. I was taken to the nurses station where I met with a nurse and then was brought up to STU now known as GAAU ((girls admission and assessment unit)). the place in itself is depressing. You walk through the doorways of hell. I was shoved into a metal chair in front of the staffs desk. I signed my life away. when i went to ask a question, i was shut down. then they said that I needed to be strip searched. my immediate reaction was fuck you you pervs. They led me into the bathroom where I had to strip all of my clothing except my underwear. Then they told me to pull my underwear to the side, bend over and cough to see if i was hiding anything in a territory that was private. I was crying and was told to quit being dramatic. I sat my practically naked ass on the cold floor when they told me to stand up, strip completley and take a shower in which the shower stall had half of a shower curtain. they told me it was to moniter me. this shocked me. i had never had anyone monitor my shower time. so i told them to go fuck themselves. with that i guess it infuriated them and two of the staff grabbed me by the arms and led me straight into the time out room. the room was bare. i had seen this shit in the movies but never actually experienced one. little did i know that that would become very familiar. I was told to sit with my back against the wall and not to talk. i needed to think about my actions. i was panic sticken. my anxiety was going through the roof. I threw up all over the floor in there which i was later made to clean up. then they asked me awhile later if i was willing to cooperate. i shrugged my shoulders and they showed me to my cubicle aka my bed. I was told once again to sit up straight with my legs crossed and not to look at anyone. If i could not follow this i would be escorted back to time out.
Well I was exhausted, so i leaned over onto my elbow. Some fat chick who was a patient and apparently one of the "trusted" saw me do this. she asked for permission to confront the new girl for laying down. I was like uh so what?! she was granted permission and she called a group. everyone stood. i was shocked i didnt know these robot patients were able to move. everyone was like a zombie. I didnt stand, for lack of this phenomenon not being explained to me. i was barked at the stand whenever group is called.
she confronted me and said thats all. everyone sat back down simultaneously. Drones i tell you.
Later on, i didnt give a shit so i laid down. fuck that fat bitch.
Staff came over and grabbed me by the arms and escorted me to the time out cubicle this time instead of the room because apparently the room was occupied. I was told to sit there not move and not talk and to stare at the wall of the cubicle. Well after awhile of sitting there, they gave me my meal which i ate on the floor. when i finished eating i stood up to go back to my coffin of a bed. Next thing I knew, I was grabbed, kicked in the back of the knees and fell to the floor. an extremely loud, obnoxious alarm went off. I was panic sticken worse than ever. what the hell is happening??? down on the ground I lay, face down with people sitting on me holding me down. one or two holding my legs, one on each arm, one sitting on my lower back, and one holding my head down when i tried to lift it up to breathe. I thought i was going to die. Felt my lungs collapsing. Still in shock, I vommitted once again. my face shoved back into it. ugh. What seemed like forever, they then picked me up, about 10 people. they carried me like some animal back into the forbidden time out room. i was stripped of my clothes by the staff and then dressed into hospital gowns with old blood stains on them. this is all while still being held down. later on, i was released and sent back to my bed. then there was group. i had to introduce myself and tell why i was in gowns. i had no idea why i was so i made some shit up.
later on there were showers and then some other sort of groups. i was told to make my bed just like every one elses. i didnt know what the standards for intricate bed making were so i made it like i did at home. i was yelled and criticised for that by some 23 year old counselor. finally after other bullshit, we went to sleep. if only i had been aware that bed time was the only semi peaceful time i would experience for the next 6 months.

what a day what a day

Jersey Gurl

Mind control.. its how these fuckers get away with what they do.. first, breaking the barrier of the parents who are worried sick about their troubled teen.. I dream about being able to do something like hacking in to find out when admit request information is made and then quickly send out a packet of info of my own thats not bullshit... Corruption is what is killing this world. Everything is so corrupt now a days... I live in Jersey, so you dont have to explain corruption to me. The whole state and its government here is totally corrupt. All of our tax dollars and homeland security money go to the mafia. The real Tony Sopranos.
Im getting off subject here dont get me started on corruption here either.
Saying right in the handbook sent to parents it says that dont fall into your childs manipulation trap. They are going to tell you how horrible it is here at the Village. They might tell you that other patients are much worse off then they are and that this place is terrible....HMM i find that interesting to put in the Welcome to PV Hell handbook. Take it and shove it farther than anything has ever gone.
People who dont believe in the corruption and manipulation in facilities like this and others, are blind to reality. Of course when they have you speak to former patients parents, they are only going to tell you great things about PV. How much it helped and how it completely turned their childs life around. Im sure those "actors" are paid off well by Covenant Health. All they see in potential victims...cough...i mean patients, are $$$$ dollar signs $$$$
lets see how long we can pull this off they are saying to themselves I am sure.
Like they truly give a shit about the kids there. THey could care less. Its just another 9-5 job. Like look at one counselor whos name I wont mention. She is a counselor at PV and had websites with highly disturbing images on them that she calls her art and expression with photography.
i dont know but if this is someones hobby who is one of the counselors supposed to be helping societys "troubled" youth, then my god.
real smart also to post it up on the internet... it was not hard to find at all.
im not saying that people cant have their own weird fantasies and shit, god knows i do in other ways, but for a PV counselor to post it on the internet is first of all stupid to do for her own sake, proves lack of maturity, shows how well PV looks into who they hire. what ever happened to personell psychology when considering someone for a position? how unprofessinal on their part and also its not like we are talking about hiring someone to work the day shift at a 7-11.
This is supposedly a highly accredited treatment center.
I mean when I was employed at a local medical center, the screening proccess was very specific and difficult to get in to be able to work there. I went through lots of interviews and background checks and personality tests, drug screenings, etc before I was hired. I was just a patient transporter. These people are the ones "caring for" your troubled teens.
Maybe Im old fashioned and believe in carefully screening an individual before hiring them.

Also no one ever seems to want to answer any questions that you may have. It was told to me when I was at PV that every time I was restrained or my medication changed, that my father would be informed about it. I asked him about that and he said they would call once in a blue moon to relay the message.
Like I said before I also requested to report a grievance that I had, which was about my bruises and physical pain. Some lady who I have no idea who she was came and met with me awhile later.
there is no such word in PVs vocabulary such as privacy. It is completely invaded and is taken away from you. For instance and I know this is a nasty subject but it seems important, when you had your period, and you used the bathroom, you had to wrap up your used feminine product and then show it out the stall door before you could flush your toilet. That is just fuckin wrong man.
Our bathroom times were on their terms to and timed. Before you went into the bathroom you had to hold up either one finger for urinating, two fingers for shitting, and some weird hand gesture if you needed to also change your feminie hygiene product. Jeez I dont know but being timed on your time to piss or whatever you needed to do, thats just flat out fucking ridiculous.
you had 1 minute to pee, 2 minutes for #2 and an extra 30 seconds if you needed to change.
god damn.
haha i dont know it just makes me laugh when i think about some of this bullshit because thats what it truly is. BULLSHIT

I think this is enough for the minute, I have to go to the bathroom and I now am so thankful to have the priveledge of not being timed. hahaha

sorry for the grossness but it is important

Post edited by: jerseychick, at: 2007/07/13 00:25

Jersey Gurl
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Organized Malcontent

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 Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:16 pm    Post subject: more of my postings  

former PV patients will get this sarcasm:

((raises hand waiting to be called upon))
((Everyone Stands))
Group I would like to confront Peninsula Village of being the scum of the earth
Thats all
((Everyone sits back down on their beds)))
((Leader records the confront later to be discussed in consequence group))

Leader: ((raises hand waits to be called upon)
may I have permission to ask the group to come to the day room for consequence group?

Horrid staff member:
You may

the group is informed to go to the dayroom for consequence group
sitting with their heads down, staff member enters the circle of chairs and leader asks to begin consequence group.
Consequence group begins.
heads rise from staring at the floor and Leader reads off the confronts and group is to decide an appropriate consequence for each confront.
When PVs confront is brought up the consequence has been decided after a vote. the results are:


Jersey Gurlthe amount of damage this place has caused is unbelieveable.
GED or High school graduates working as counselors, must be a good gig for them. Undereducated to understand the "troubled ones" issues. Bunch of horse shit.
malpractice issues.. scum
abuse and cruelty... intolerable
breaking the rules of clients rights... who would pay 100.000 to be made to be more fucked up than ever?
Sounds like great therapy to me.
meal restrictions are rediculous... the low cholestorol diet, the finger food diet... haha that one always made me laugh espcially since this one chick who was on finger food restriction, cut her arm with a broken chicken bone. that was a classic.
I have to admit that being tied down to a bed all day and into the hours of the night.. i think that was the worst case of boredom I ever had... what is a chick to do when you cant even change seating positions or get a drink or much less piss is a frikin toilet and not a bedpan?
having meals fed to you like your an animal. staff would spoon feed me while im tied down. what fun.
should have spit it right in their faces. damn. wish i thought of that sooner.
I did manage to get them a few times tho. I put up a few good fights when a restraint was in my path.
Funny I had a nightmare the other night about PV. I was back there wanting to leave so badly. Somehow in my dream, i beat the undereducated staff to a pile of worthless waste, grabbed the keys, and got out. what fun that night of sleep was. HAHAHAH
Maybe Im sick but i dont give a shit, so are they.
the fuckkers are goin down.

Post edited by: jerseychick, at: 2007/07/12 14:50

Jersey Gurl

There is something that really just bugs the shit out of me... Peninsula Village is to treat adolescents with depression, PTSD, anxiety, eating disorders, etc.
Now maybe Im old fashioned but these issues are where we need to help sufferers by helping them gain self confidence. PV breaks you down to a mere nothing. For example, before I went into PV I had extreme anxeity and depression issues. My mother passed away at a crucial age of 14 years old for me. I thought everyone in my High School here in Jersey didnt understand, that they were laughing at me and thought of me as some psychotic chick.
PV seemed to try and VERIFY that more than help me build my self confidence back up. I was told that I always blame others and do not look at myself. when on the contrary, I was always blaming myself and hated who I was. Breaking me down to that mere nothing, did the reverse of "mending my life and restoring my family". It fucked it up even more. I can remember feeling so low when I was there because not only was I depressed, but they helped me to feel like shit.
I do not think that people realize what all goes on there, but from a former patient, Ill tell you. I will keep coming back and posting more.

Truly Yours

Jersey Gurl

PV tends to beat the "truth" out of you. Always saying.. I know there is more than that that you need to tell the group. Fuck that. Bitchboy McLain can kiss my ass.
Pegler I kicked in the balls, literally, during a restraint.
He told me I had an addiction to sedatives. I threw it back in his face saying that I never touched one until I came to PV.
It cost over 8500 a month to stay there. Maybe its just me but I could have better used that money to go on a cruise or something nice. Im sure McLain and Pegler and all of them are living the life of luxury. Well, not for long. I dont give a shit, Ill fight em till the day I die. Like I said, Karmas a bitch and so am I.
We need to stand up for ourselves, and for the rest of the youth out there in a quest to bring this shit to an end. Fuck em. And fuck their bullshit.

Jersey Gurl

PV in my OPINION.. is a money sucking corrupt company that takes advantage of parents who are extremely worried about their youths and uses that to keep the patients a coming. They want to manipulate parents by saying how wonderful they are, when from a past patients point of view, they are totally full of shit. They dont follow their guideline criteria for admissions and they dont know how to treat adolescents with depression, PTSD, anxiety, eating disorders. They always are telling you each time that you open your mouth that you are attention seeking and the consequences come up. They say that you have addiction problems even if you do not and they brainwash your parents or legal guardians into believing that when you tell them how terrible it is there that you are being manipulative and not responding properly to treatment.
I remember when I was there, I wanted to report a grievance that I felt I had about how I was being treated. Some illegitimate lady came to talk to me, and later on I had to process it in group. It was decided that I was in denial and that I needed to focus on how I am not taking responsibility for my actions.
My actions?!?? what about them taking responsibility for their actions?!?!?!
who is with me?

Jersey Gurl

Karmas a bitch and so am I when it comes to these RTC asses. Im not afraid of em. Multibillion dollar companies? Take that and shove it. I will not back down, I will fight these pricks till I die. They wont intimidate me, they dont scare me. wanna send a hit out on me or some shit? it will come back to them. These mamalukes want to try and scare us out of putting them in their place. Well, they tried to "put me in my Place" and now its time to fight back. Whatever they say or do to me, I no longer live in fear. Im a pissed off victim. Screw em. Watch out were coming. At least I am.. WHos with me?

If we settle for nothing now, we will always settle for nothing.

There is no shelter here. The frontline is everywhere. they wanna fight, im ready.

We have got what it takes.. Renegades is what we are.. So once again who is with me?!?

Yea man, lets do it. Im not scared of any RTC pansies.
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Organized Malcontent

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 Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:25 pm    Post subject: who is with me  

lets get these pricks to the point where theyre shitting their pants... like i said, they didnt scare, intimidate me whatsoever when i was there.. even when they were tying me down or pinning me to the ground covering me in bruises, i still screamed at em to go fuck themselves. Now, Ill scream it from the rooftops, for everyone to hear.


Im standing at the frontline, waiting for you.
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Organized Malcontent

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 Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 10:49 pm    Post subject: ?  

anyone have feedback???
Yours Truly,
Jersey Gurl
Rompere i coglioni a qualcuno
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Yours Truly,
Ms. Vigilante
Im standing on the frontline, there waiting for you PV bitches. Lets rock n roll.

Offline Nihilanthic

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Peninsula Village
« Reply #1459 on: October 17, 2007, 11:37:18 PM »
Quote from: ""not free""
nihilanthic your a teenage stupid little shit but your quotes good
sorry i read a lot, i'll try to tone it down for you
put big spaces in for you and all that

I'm 22.

I work full time. SALES.

I have an IQ of 146.

I have to placate vendors and customers, retail and commercial, and deal with shit from my coworkers and management.

I know a thing or two about communication.

Try slowing down and listening to others? Everyone isn't out to get you, you know... and a lot of other people have been hurt to, but they deal with it differently.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

CCMGirl on program restraints: "DON\'T TAZ ME BRO!!!!!"

TheWho on program survivors: "From where I sit I see all the anit-program[sic] people doing all the complaining and crying."

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #1460 on: October 17, 2007, 11:37:19 PM »
hey settle for nothing less how is life treating you
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #1461 on: October 17, 2007, 11:37:53 PM »
hey settle for nothing less how is life treating you
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline SettleForNothingLess

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« Reply #1462 on: October 17, 2007, 11:40:08 PM »
Quote from: ""not free""
hey settle for nothing less how is life treating you

Awesome... Im living in Florida now and going to school and life is goood... and PVs got it coming to them :) which excites me!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Yours Truly,
Ms. Vigilante
Im standing on the frontline, there waiting for you PV bitches. Lets rock n roll.

Offline SettleForNothingLess

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Peninsula Village
« Reply #1463 on: October 17, 2007, 11:41:13 PM »
How about yourself missy? Hope all is well :) Stay strongg
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Yours Truly,
Ms. Vigilante
Im standing on the frontline, there waiting for you PV bitches. Lets rock n roll.

Offline SettleForNothingLess

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« Reply #1464 on: October 17, 2007, 11:43:16 PM »
41,250 views of this thread!!! HELLL FUCKIN YEA!!!!!!!!!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Yours Truly,
Ms. Vigilante
Im standing on the frontline, there waiting for you PV bitches. Lets rock n roll.

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #1465 on: October 17, 2007, 11:49:02 PM »
Nihilanthic weren't you the one who called me cunt girl for about five pages?  
yeah your a public relations, diplomatic talk to them in a calm manner, try to understand and listen expert,

nothing is more annoying then when some overbearing ass tells you to listen to feedback better,
especially as they listen and understand not at all and act like an overbearing ass,
or even call you cunt girl,
like i said you seem like a charming mature adult multitasker,
 do you want a fucking cookie for it
and every one has a 146 IQ me too,  146 is the IQ number everyone says they have, pick a better one like 148, nobody ever says 148,
mines 148, everyone always says 146
again i would kick your ass and i think i would enjoy it
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #1466 on: October 17, 2007, 11:55:28 PM »
also pretty good, getting good grades
i had lasic surgery a couple years back but it wore off
so i just went today and got it updated
if you ever get it done be sure to buy the warranty
it's so cool though, i've been blind as a bat
 but now i can see again,
i think i'm kinda high though, they gave me something for the surgery
IQ tests are pretty bogus anyway
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #1467 on: October 18, 2007, 01:08:40 AM »
all i was trying to say is i figured out another crappy catch 22
i'm getting good at that i think
i want to get this down so it's understandable, surgery medication or not
as a young girl or woman
guys can be really sexually agressive and no one seems to know this?
so the woman or girl especially young women or girls
always get in trouble for it
it's a catch 22 because there are all these people doing everything to get a woman or girl to do something, and then the woman has to deal with prejudice in relation to this thing that the other person was trying to get them to do?  and wasn't aboving lying, hitting them over the head with a club or getting them drunk on fermented berries to make happen?
this really is the oldest story ever damn it

that's still not it exactly but to you get what I'm saying
it's like if you were with some person who was totally focused on stealing your wallet, then when your wallet gets stolen everyone beats you up over it.
nihilanthic you called me cunt girl for 5 pages don't talk to me about being hurt and understanding asshole i still want to kick you scrawny, never in a program 22 year old ass, i'm guessing those who were actually in a program could win hands down over anyone who never was as far as ass kicking goes
i give up
people live in a bubble,
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Froderik

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« Reply #1468 on: October 18, 2007, 08:47:10 AM »
This thread is a bubble, of sorts.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline stoodoodog

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Bubble Village
« Reply #1469 on: October 18, 2007, 10:12:22 AM »
Quote from: ""Froderik""
This thread is a bubble, of sorts.

Yes it is, but that is appropriate because Peninsula Village is a bubble too...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »