Author Topic: Ivy Ridge/WWASPS Sensationalized News Reports  (Read 7120 times)

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Offline trnsz

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Ivy Ridge/WWASPS Sensationalized News Reports
« Reply #45 on: December 01, 2005, 02:56:00 PM »
THey have'group therapy' every day and once a week session alone with him. He is also involved in other parts of my son's days. I have respect for HIM and the work he is doing.

I have a problem with the whole PROGRAM thing and what is required for graduation. [snip] I am willing to leave my husband over this..that is how strongly I feel, I have 2 younger kids here that I need to think about also. TIme to 'step left' my decision is made, away from the program.

I hope all goes well for you!  I'm sure you can find an excellent therapist outside of the program, too.  I just hope the "group therapy" he's getting isn't like the rest of the programs so-called therapy.  

Maybe these programs are getting better as the years go by, but that can't excuse the misrepresentation of their services, even with the absense of abuse.

Do what you can to keep the family together.  I've seen and heard of too many families that have been split up into pro-program and anti-program cliques!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline CCM girl 1989

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« Reply #46 on: December 01, 2005, 03:38:00 PM »
On 2005-12-01 11:41:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Cross creek has a therapist for every group. THey have'group therapy' every day and once a week session alone with him. He is also involved in other parts of my son's days. I have respect for HIM and the work he is doing.

I have a problem with the whole PROGRAM thing and what is required for graduation. I post on the BBS, and see these parents that are so totally reliant on the program, leaving kids there 23 months? WHat is that? I have faith in myself and my family that we can do this with some assistance, and yes some of the things in Discovery were awesome for me.

I am willing to leave my husband over this..that is how strongly I feel, I have 2 younger kids here that I need to think about also. TIme to 'step left' my decision is made, away from the program.

thank you all for the feedback(LOL)"

If your husband is not supportive in your decision, then I hope you do leave him. My father was not strong enough to leave my step-mother over it. He came sooooo close. My first therapist at Heritage School who went by the name J.P. (John Paul) told my dad straight up he should leave her. In the end he wimped out. She wore the pants that's for sure. In fact it was her that was so insistent to have me sent away at the age of 12. She was a real bitch. My parents recorded all their conversations with the therapist, and kept them in the home safe. Well, somehow a couple of these microtapes ended up in my bedroom drawer along with a mini tape recorder to listen to them with, and so on one of my visits I did, that turned out to be the last visit by the way! Oh that was painful, I heard everything. It was obvious to me during the phone conversations with my therapist, that while they were telling them how great I was doing, and I was........that my step-mom would say well what about this, or what about that. She enjoyed having all my Dad's attention. After my only brothers death (he was 4 years older then me) only 6 months after getting there I am positive she was thinking 1 down 1 to go. Why else would I be stuck in places for almost 4 1/2 years? Then at the age of 16 I was told no matter what I did, I was going to remain locked up until I was 18. I couldn't take another 1 1/2 years, so I ran away. I was the first girl from Cross Creek Manor who ran away, and stayed away. A little update on my family........the witch is dead. She died 6 years ago. She died of ovarian cancer. She had a long death (1 year), nobody let me in on the little secret she was dying. Infact, my 2 half brothers who are in there 50's (I am 32) could have told me, but they were told not to. When they decided to tell me, which was 5 months after she passed, I'll never forget the phone conversation! It went something like, shut up, you're kidding, no really, are you just fucking with me, come on stop playing! Oh, you are serious?!! Where is she buried, so I can do a little dance? Oh darn she's been cremated?!! Sorry, that's how I felt. She destroyed our family. We are all back on the mends, and have been for a while. My family (and even my father) see's the goodness that came out of the womans death.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
f you were never in a program, or a parent of a child in a program, then you have no business posting here.

Offline trnsz

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« Reply #47 on: December 01, 2005, 04:01:00 PM »
CCM girl, that's really sad, but I guess it's common after reading all these threads.

These programs are really capable of breaking up a family.  I've probably missed some funerals myself.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline CCM girl 1989

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« Reply #48 on: December 01, 2005, 04:34:00 PM »
On 2005-12-01 13:01:00, trnsz wrote:

"CCM girl, that's really sad, but I guess it's common after reading all these threads.

These programs are really capable of breaking up a family.  I've probably missed some funerals myself.

I think you may have misunderstood me? I was allowed at my brothers funeral. In fact it is the first funeral I had ever been to, and the only time I have ever touched a dead person. When I leaned in his coffin to say goodbye, I touched his arm. I will never forget how cold it was  :cry:. Now, my step-mom on the otherhand I did miss her service. Had I found out, I would've attempted to go. There was security there to keep unwanted people out. I'm pretty sure I wasn't on the guest list. Her own parents, and her only sister were not on the list either.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
f you were never in a program, or a parent of a child in a program, then you have no business posting here.

Offline trnsz

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« Reply #49 on: December 01, 2005, 06:37:00 PM »
Now, my step-mom on the otherhand I did miss her service. Had I found out, I would've attempted to go.

Yeah, that's what I was referring to, that was sad.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline AtomicAnt

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« Reply #50 on: December 01, 2005, 10:58:00 PM »
On 2005-12-01 07:50:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2005-11-29 23:10:00, AtomicAnt wrote:

"Oops! Forgot to sign in. The post on dissent is mine."

QUOTE: I am old enough to remember the youth movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s. Civil Rights, Womens' Rights, Gay Rights, and an end to a war came about because young people rebelled against the established adult order. Many positive changes were made; not the least of which is the greater transparency that the government and large corporations and other organizations must now operate under. The slogans included "Question Authority."

The point here is the combination of young people and dissent. What makes all these programs wrong is the simple fact that they allow no dissent. In this way, they are no different than Soviet or Communist China style re-education camps. END QUOTE

Your point is noble, but it doesn?t work because you start with the assumption that dissent is not allowed. The whole point of the program is to show the kids how to stand up for things they know are wrong. For example, girls who have been pressured or forced into sexual situations learn to communicate in an assertive but respectful way, looking out for their own needs rather then the needs of their ?friends??usually predators and drug dealers. Kids at most programs can dissent, as long as they do so with respect toward themselves and those they?re addressing. At some schools, they even have the opportunity to suggest changes and improvements to the overall program.

QUOTE: What is important is how those young people who disagree with the program and its methods are treated. The programs do not allow for any dissenting opinion without retribution. They are forced to adopt the Party Line. In this country that is considered a great evil; period. END QUOTE

As above . . .

QUOTE: No one has the right to forcibly strip search someone, steal their property, and force them into isolation and silence just because they disagree with their views or behavior. Not even that young person's parents. Not without due process of law. Without due process, these acts are abusive and unethical by the general standards of our society. Program supporters don't get this.END QUOTE

Don?t get this? Have you read the policies of any of these schools? I have worked at several, and there was NEVER a strip search. That becomes a real pain, because kids can try to get away with stuff, but no one ever sees these kids without clothing except their doctor and nurse who give them a physical. It's a matter of respect and safety.

Their property goes home, except for what they need. And there is no such thing as ?isolation.? Silence? Yes, at certain times such as in the classroom. Guess that makes public schools evil, too?

QUOTE: The icing on the cake. Placing a young person in an isolated environment in which these apparent sadists and potential pedophiles take complete control over that young person's life, without allowing them any safety measures at all (free communication, oversight), is simply irresponsible and asking for abuse to occur.END QUOTE

How can one be an ?apparent sadist?? What is a ?potential pedophile?? Those are very weighty terms, very accusatorial, and utterly unfounded. And the safety measures are extensive. Again, think about actually reading the policies of these schools. Go see for yourself how unrealistic your Oliver Twist angle is.


Your downplaying. Jay Kay stated in an interview that one girl was kept in isolation (OP) for 18 months at Tranquility Bay. You say there is no isolation.

Silence in class? How about for months on end. It can take months to reach level two and be allowed to speak.

Many students have stated they were punished (I refuse to the newspeak 'consequenced') for making statments that questioned the program.

The written policies mean little when they change the meaning of words:
punishment becomes 'consequences'
isolation becomes 'observation placement'
regimentation becomes 'structure'
torture becomes 'restraint'
torment becomes 'remove them from their comfort zone'
preventing normal social interaction becomes 'removing negative influences'

Who are you/they kidding? It is so ridiculously transparent that it amazes me that people can buy into it.

As for 'apparent sadist' or 'potential pedophile,' would you let your child sleep with Michael Jackson? I wouldn't. He was not found guilty. There were no witnesses, so it was his word against the plaintiff's.

Exactly what extensive safety measures are in place?

You sound like George Bush when he says, "We don't torture."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #51 on: December 02, 2005, 08:20:00 PM »
On 2005-12-01 08:07:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2005-11-30 08:17:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Have you tried therapy at the hands of a professional. Someone educated enough to psychologically work with your child.

The wwasp facilities do not provide any professional mental assistance (ie psychologist) unless specifically requested and paid for by the parent.

Wwasp does not have ANY effective drug treatment in place whatsoever. There is no 12 step program, NOTHING. Incarcerating a child at a compound will keep them of drugs while they are there. However  once they return home and the fear of being sent back wears off, they are likely to relapse. The addiction was never treated and since there are NO qualified mental health professionals at these facilities whatsoever the majority of the children who are acting out because of being emotionally disturbed, never get any real help at all. They are simply warehoused. Yes they are off the streets. Just waiting until the day they get out and can relapse.

 I say this as someone who went through the program, did the parent child seminars and everything. The majority of the boys in my parent child seminars , the ones I was in the program with, relapsed. They relapsed HARD. Some lasted 3 weeks some a couple of months some even 6 months to a year. A good portion of those who relapsed even moved on to heavier drugs and one boy from Dallas that I was there with had overdosed on heroin in less than a year after having graduated the wwasp program. He was in the program for two years.

 Wwasp is lying about the statistics unless they are doing the success survey the immediate following day after the boys are released from the progeram and have'nt had a chance to relapse yet.

Actually I don't think wwasp has had a survey done. I'm talking about an independent survey company to interview groups of graduates of the parent child seminars one year after the program. Maybe to study the long term effects they should do a five year study as well.  I know why they have'nt though, being in the program it would always make it back to us how our friends that had gone home were doing. Sadly often times they were doing worse than they were before the program.

You will have to take wwasp's word that their success rate it so high. And that their methods which they designed are better than what psychologists with degrees can do for your child.

Here is something to chew on. Why is the tuition so expensive when the cost of renting the facility is nearly free after dividing it amongst all the students. They buy the food in bulk which is cheap divided amongst all the students. And then their abundance of untrained, unqualified , minimum wage staff ( who are working there with no background check just a drug screening test which many of the teens can tell you how to beat.) Mix that with the fact that the upper level students are acting as non-paid staff. The costs of running these places is relatively low and they are extremely profitable. If they really wanted to help kids they could easily cut their tuitions in half and still turn a LARGE profit. But that's just it, it's not about helping the kids, it's about warehousing the child and seeing how long they can keep the parent hooked so they can milk them."

Well, I only ghave experience with one WWASPS school, so here goes:

Spring Creek currently has 9 full time therapists, including one that all students see within two days of arriving.

Surveys are done at 1, 3, 6, and 12-month intervals. However, a long-term survey is a very good idea, and is currently being developed. It makes sense to demonstrate how effective the program is, especially long-term.

You obviously don't know much about land values, but other costs include paying the many professionals,including 24 certified teachers. In addition, there is the cost of the extensive background checks--at two levels-- and ongoing training every week, including CPR, First Aid,  Mandt training, communications, and policy and procedure. The school is fully accredited and credits are accepted all over the country--including at some of the finest universities. Yet Spring Creek's tuition remains low in comparison to most programs around the country.



How about they survey the group I was there with? Well corey is dead George O.Ded on heroin Chaffins golden boy Mark relapsed and ran away. Eddie went back and worked there but was fired and then went into harder things than before the program. One boy got busted with massive amounts of drugs. And all others I've talked to don't seem to be doing that well either. So go ahead and do your selective survey.

 And that is quite a land portfolio than Cameron and Dan Peart have there but it is still just a pittance compared to the revenue collected in tuition.It is not that cheap, it still costs as much as an Ivy league education.Are we talking therapists or PSYCHOLOGISTS? The difference a degree vs. a do it at home course. If the teens are troubled enough to need drastic intervention then should'nt they get real help at the hands of a credential having professional.

The school in Montana was much nicer than the one in Samoa. In Samoa when I first got there, there was one set of High school curriculum and it was a photocopy of a photocopy quality. They made copies of those copies and then passed them out to the different beaches or compounds. The questions were like this (IE> The nile river is in Egpyt true or false)I think it had to have been from a special ed. high school. Even then though if you knew the right kids behind the scenes you could get answer keys. Sometimes the unskilled local teachers (how are they supposed to tutor you in english when they can hardly speak it?) would accept articles of name brand clothing in exchange for answer keys. One boy graduated high school for two starter basketball jerzeez.Then at the end after news crews started inquiring they got computers and real books all of a sudden. I'm not sure why Dace's eyes were so red all the time. Maybe he had CHRONIC eye problems. He was often hungry too if I remember correctly anyone at Casa notice that?

 I attended spring creek and it wasn't that bad. Honestly compared to Samoa it was a Five Star Resort. I think Cameron and Chaffin really want to help kids. I would be surprised if they really did remove the heater from the hobbit but then again I wasn't there at that time. I do remember Cameron challenging a boy to jump into the pond to demonstrate his comittment to change. Then we threw Cameron in and half the facility jumped in as well.

 It's too bad they don't believe in their own personal power and get out of bed with wwasp who has made millions abusing and warehousing teens.
I would say SCL is the least wwasp-like facility. Jamaica , Samoa and High impact are/were more along the lines of traditional wwasp schools. My beef is'nt with Spring Creek it is what they were allowed to do to us in Samoa.I had forgotten all about it and moved on with my life. I decided to look it up online and now they are acting like Samoa never even existed. All the abuse that took place they are trying to sweep it under the rug. I've heard similiar stories from those who attended Jamaica or other schools. WWASP is accountable for their actions, or does accountability only apply to the kids?

In Samoa it was called isolation for a long time because thats what it was. Then Brian and Duane got a company memo renaming it observation placement. The "Dungeon" then became the worksheet room. Changing the name to something more politically correct does'nt mean anything to me. It was still a place where they could handcuff, ductape, starve ,and beat you if it so pleased them and it did at times.

What I'm pushing for is more regulation in the industry. Institutions (both public and private) such as psychological hospitals and retirement homes are regulated and monitored to prevent abuse. WHY? Because there is a need. Abuse occurs and there needs to be regulation to counter and stop it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Ivy Ridge/WWASPS Sensationalized News Reports
« Reply #52 on: December 02, 2005, 08:41:00 PM »
You posted honest, detailed revelations about the treatment you received at Paradise Cove.  You say you were treated better at SCL, and I'm guessing that you were there as a higher level during the end of your stay, since this is common.  Do you think it's possible that yes, you were treated better there because you were better behaved, and also yes, the claims of abuse there are true because they treat the lowest levels and ones who get into trouble much worse than the rest?  

I know that at CCM I was fairly well behaved, so I didn't personally endure painful takedowns and unjust punishments as much as some of the others, but I saw them with my own eyes and believe those who were abused.  B

y the way, Cameron was at CCM when I was and I do believe he cared, but even while he was on shift he couldn't be everywhere at once and the others were using physical interventions completely without reason.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Ivy Ridge/WWASPS Sensationalized News Reports
« Reply #53 on: December 05, 2005, 12:13:00 PM »
On 2005-12-02 17:20:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2005-12-01 08:07:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2005-11-30 08:17:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Have you tried therapy at the hands of a professional. Someone educated enough to psychologically work with your child.

The wwasp facilities do not provide any professional mental assistance (ie psychologist) unless specifically requested and paid for by the parent.

Wwasp does not have ANY effective drug treatment in place whatsoever. There is no 12 step program, NOTHING. Incarcerating a child at a compound will keep them of drugs while they are there. However  once they return home and the fear of being sent back wears off, they are likely to relapse. The addiction was never treated and since there are NO qualified mental health professionals at these facilities whatsoever the majority of the children who are acting out because of being emotionally disturbed, never get any real help at all. They are simply warehoused. Yes they are off the streets. Just waiting until the day they get out and can relapse.

 I say this as someone who went through the program, did the parent child seminars and everything. The majority of the boys in my parent child seminars , the ones I was in the program with, relapsed. They relapsed HARD. Some lasted 3 weeks some a couple of months some even 6 months to a year. A good portion of those who relapsed even moved on to heavier drugs and one boy from Dallas that I was there with had overdosed on heroin in less than a year after having graduated the wwasp program. He was in the program for two years.

 Wwasp is lying about the statistics unless they are doing the success survey the immediate following day after the boys are released from the progeram and have'nt had a chance to relapse yet.

Actually I don't think wwasp has had a survey done. I'm talking about an independent survey company to interview groups of graduates of the parent child seminars one year after the program. Maybe to study the long term effects they should do a five year study as well.  I know why they have'nt though, being in the program it would always make it back to us how our friends that had gone home were doing. Sadly often times they were doing worse than they were before the program.

You will have to take wwasp's word that their success rate it so high. And that their methods which they designed are better than what psychologists with degrees can do for your child.

Here is something to chew on. Why is the tuition so expensive when the cost of renting the facility is nearly free after dividing it amongst all the students. They buy the food in bulk which is cheap divided amongst all the students. And then their abundance of untrained, unqualified , minimum wage staff ( who are working there with no background check just a drug screening test which many of the teens can tell you how to beat.) Mix that with the fact that the upper level students are acting as non-paid staff. The costs of running these places is relatively low and they are extremely profitable. If they really wanted to help kids they could easily cut their tuitions in half and still turn a LARGE profit. But that's just it, it's not about helping the kids, it's about warehousing the child and seeing how long they can keep the parent hooked so they can milk them."

Well, I only ghave experience with one WWASPS school, so here goes:

Spring Creek currently has 9 full time therapists, including one that all students see within two days of arriving.

Surveys are done at 1, 3, 6, and 12-month intervals. However, a long-term survey is a very good idea, and is currently being developed. It makes sense to demonstrate how effective the program is, especially long-term.

You obviously don't know much about land values, but other costs include paying the many professionals,including 24 certified teachers. In addition, there is the cost of the extensive background checks--at two levels-- and ongoing training every week, including CPR, First Aid,  Mandt training, communications, and policy and procedure. The school is fully accredited and credits are accepted all over the country--including at some of the finest universities. Yet Spring Creek's tuition remains low in comparison to most programs around the country.



How about they survey the group I was there with? Well corey is dead George O.Ded on heroin Chaffins golden boy Mark relapsed and ran away. Eddie went back and worked there but was fired and then went into harder things than before the program. One boy got busted with massive amounts of drugs. And all others I've talked to don't seem to be doing that well either. So go ahead and do your selective survey.

 And that is quite a land portfolio than Cameron and Dan Peart have there but it is still just a pittance compared to the revenue collected in tuition.It is not that cheap, it still costs as much as an Ivy league education.Are we talking therapists or PSYCHOLOGISTS? The difference a degree vs. a do it at home course. If the teens are troubled enough to need drastic intervention then should'nt they get real help at the hands of a credential having professional.

The school in Montana was much nicer than the one in Samoa. In Samoa when I first got there, there was one set of High school curriculum and it was a photocopy of a photocopy quality. They made copies of those copies and then passed them out to the different beaches or compounds. The questions were like this (IE> The nile river is in Egpyt true or false)I think it had to have been from a special ed. high school. Even then though if you knew the right kids behind the scenes you could get answer keys. Sometimes the unskilled local teachers (how are they supposed to tutor you in english when they can hardly speak it?) would accept articles of name brand clothing in exchange for answer keys. One boy graduated high school for two starter basketball jerzeez.Then at the end after news crews started inquiring they got computers and real books all of a sudden. I'm not sure why Dace's eyes were so red all the time. Maybe he had CHRONIC eye problems. He was often hungry too if I remember correctly anyone at Casa notice that?

 I attended spring creek and it wasn't that bad. Honestly compared to Samoa it was a Five Star Resort. I think Cameron and Chaffin really want to help kids. I would be surprised if they really did remove the heater from the hobbit but then again I wasn't there at that time. I do remember Cameron challenging a boy to jump into the pond to demonstrate his comittment to change. Then we threw Cameron in and half the facility jumped in as well.

 It's too bad they don't believe in their own personal power and get out of bed with wwasp who has made millions abusing and warehousing teens.

I would say SCL is the least wwasp-like facility. Jamaica , Samoa and High impact are/were more along the lines of traditional wwasp schools. My beef is'nt with Spring Creek it is what they were allowed to do to us in Samoa.I had forgotten all about it and moved on with my life. I decided to look it up online and now they are acting like Samoa never even existed. All the abuse that took place they are trying to sweep it under the rug. I've heard similiar stories from those who attended Jamaica or other schools. WWASP is accountable for their actions, or does accountability only apply to the kids?

In Samoa it was called isolation for a long time because thats what it was. Then Brian and Duane got a company memo renaming it observation placement. The "Dungeon" then became the worksheet room. Changing the name to something more politically correct does'nt mean anything to me. It was still a place where they could handcuff, ductape, starve ,and beat you if it so pleased them and it did at times.

What I'm pushing for is more regulation in the industry. Institutions (both public and private) such as psychological hospitals and retirement homes are regulated and monitored to prevent abuse. WHY? Because there is a need. Abuse occurs and there needs to be regulation to counter and stop it.   "

The therapists at SCL are all licensed and certified. Psychologists seldom do this sort of clinical work, although there are two at SCL. You usually become a therapist by getting a masters in counseling or social work.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Ivy Ridge/WWASPS Sensationalized News Reports
« Reply #54 on: December 05, 2005, 10:40:00 PM »
The therapists at SCL are all licensed and certified. Psychologists seldom do this sort of clinical work, although there are two at SCL. You usually become a therapist by getting a masters in counseling or social work. "

That's great SCL is miles ahead of any other wwasp facility. But if the kids are soooo disturbed and troubled that they need drastic intervention AND small fortunes are being spent on it.... then why not have the best and that would be psychologists. But back to my previous point SCL is not even typical of other wwasp facilities. I'm sure that there are several schools of this kind that are good for troubled teens. WHO is regulating the ones that are not? NOONE. There is nothing legislative to stop Samoa from happening again. There is nothing to stop high impact from happening again. And those are just wwasp programs. There's many other similiarly abusive "camps or school" that are independently owned and they can pop up anywhere at anytime do whatever they want and get away sometimes with murder.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #55 on: December 05, 2005, 10:46:00 PM »
The therapists at SCL are all licensed and certified. Psychologists seldom do this sort of clinical work, although there are two at SCL. You usually become a therapist by getting a masters in counseling or social work.

The therapist at SCL are an optional add on to the program. Your parents are given the option of paying extra for 'therapy' which is 30 mins long once a week. Only about two or three out of our twenty kid family went to a 'therapist'. They work with and for WWASP, and do not abide by confidentially agreements, they tell WWASP everything you tell them which is then used to manipulate you in seminars, etc. This is not therapy, it simply leaves you open to more emotional humiliation and abuse!

On a less politically correct note, these 'therapists' (note: there were NO psychologists there in 2000 when I was at SCL, and we never even saw a psychiatrist to deal with our many meds, they best they got was a nurse practioner) were hicksk from small-town Montana, who were frankly not too insightful when it came to therapy. Nothing at SCL, or any WWASP program is helpful! It is only harmful.

Whoever wrote this quote above is simply spouting the program's marketing shit... which is ALL LIES. This is why you can't believe these program people, they don't know the truth. You can't argue with people who believe a lie. Here at fornits most posts spent responding to them is simply correcting their blatant lies which shows us the don't know what they are talking about.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #56 on: December 06, 2005, 08:49:00 AM »
I'd like to add,the "therapist" at SCL also support SCL staff in sending kids to Tranquility Bay. Then deny the fact that they did so.

The written docs I received from SCL therapist was nothing short of a very bad joke.The incompetence was blatant.I was billed for services my child never received. MORE FRAUD.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #57 on: December 07, 2005, 11:30:00 AM »
On 2005-12-05 19:46:00, Anonymous wrote:

The therapists at SCL are all licensed and certified. Psychologists seldom do this sort of clinical work, although there are two at SCL. You usually become a therapist by getting a masters in counseling or social work.

The therapist at SCL are an optional add on to the program. Your parents are given the option of paying extra for 'therapy' which is 30 mins long once a week. Only about two or three out of our twenty kid family went to a 'therapist'. They work with and for WWASP, and do not abide by confidentially agreements, they tell WWASP everything you tell them which is then used to manipulate you in seminars, etc. This is not therapy, it simply leaves you open to more emotional humiliation and abuse!

On a less politically correct note, these 'therapists' (note: there were NO psychologists there in 2000 when I was at SCL, and we never even saw a psychiatrist to deal with our many meds, they best they got was a nurse practioner) were hicksk from small-town Montana, who were frankly not too insightful when it came to therapy. Nothing at SCL, or any WWASP program is helpful! It is only harmful.

Whoever wrote this quote above is simply spouting the program's marketing shit... which is ALL LIES. This is why you can't believe these program people, they don't know the truth. You can't argue with people who believe a lie. Here at fornits most posts spent responding to them is simply correcting their blatant lies which shows us the don't know what they are talking about. "

All the claims can be proven or disproven by checking the state certification of the therapists.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Ivy Ridge/WWASPS Sensationalized News Reports
« Reply #58 on: December 07, 2005, 11:35:00 AM »
All the claims can be proven or disproven by checking the state certification of the therapists.

What the fuck are you talking about? Claims of what? Who cares if they are/aren't certified, they work with and for WWASP's interests. This is completely counterproductive, as the teen will shutdown once they realize they cannot be honest with the therapist. It's not a matter of whether the state has certified these HICKS that call themselves therapists, it's about whether or not it's effective treatment. It most certainly IS NOT. Just another way for WWASP to make more money, THAT you can take to the bank.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Ivy Ridge/WWASPS Sensationalized News Reports
« Reply #59 on: June 13, 2006, 08:13:00 PM »
On 2005-05-19 18:32:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Mother Responds to Ivy Ridge Stories

Malaica Valiente

Davie, Fl ... 050518.htm


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »