Author Topic: YOU'VE BEEN DRAFTED  (Read 946 times)

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Offline Antigen

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« on: May 18, 2005, 06:50:00 PM »

I want to thank the over 4,400 people who have sent emails to their
Representatives opposing Congressman Sensenbrenner's draconian mandatory
minimum sentencing bill. This bill is now garnering national attention.

This bill would have serious consequences for our democracy, requiring you
to spy on all your neighbors, including going undercover and wearing a wire
if needed. Refusing to become a spy for the government would be punishable
by a mandatory prison sentence of at least two years.

We need your help to fight this bill, including your ideas.

We alerted you last week ( ... 76&l=93541 ) to the bill,
entitled "Defending America's Most Vulnerable: Safe Access to Drug
Treatment and Child Protection Act of 2005" (H.R. 1528). Thousands of you
have faxed Congress in opposition to the bill and we've already raised
$2,000 online to fight it. Thank you!

We already told you about many of the terrible provisions in this
legislation, but we are especially concerned about a section of the bill
that turns every American into an agent of the state. Here's how it works:

If you "witness" certain drug offenses taking place or "learn" that they
took place you would have to report the offense to law enforcement within
24 hours and provide "full assistance" in the investigation, apprehension,
and prosecution of the people involved. Failure to do so would be a crime
punishable by a mandatory two year prison sentence.

Here are some examples of offenses you would have to report to the police
within 24 hours:

--You see someone you know pass a joint to a 20-year old college student.

--Your cousin mentions that he bought Ecstasy for some of his college friends.

--You find out that your brother, who has kids, recently bought a small
amount of marijuana to share with his wife.

--Your substance-abusing daughter recently begged her boyfriend to find her
some drugs even though they're both in drug treatment.

In each of these cases you face jail time if you don't call the police
within 24 hours. It doesn't matter if the offender is your friend or
relative. It also doesn't matter if you need 48 hours to think about it.
You have to report the person to the government within 24 hours or go to
jail. You also have to assist the government in every way, including
wearing a wire if needed. Refusing to cooperate would cost you at least two
years in prison (possibly up to ten).   In addition to turning family
member against family member, the legislation could also put many Americans
into dangerous situations by forcing them to go undercover to gain evidence
against strangers.

This is what we're up against in Congress and, as I told you last week,
it's not going to be easy. Sensenbrenner, the chair of the powerful
Judiciary Committee, usually gets what he wants. Lots of people are afraid
to challenge him. But we have a duty to our children to stop our country
from turning into a police state. I'm sure you feel this duty, as well.

Here's what you can do:

--If you haven't already, please e-mail your member of Congress: ... 76&l=93541

--Send us your creative ideas. How can we galvanize the American people
against this bill? Email ... 76&l=93555 . Even $25 goes a
long way (for instance, $25 will allow 100 voters to fax their members of
Congress in opposition to this bill.)

--Submit a letter-to-the-editor ( ... 76&l=93557 ) to your local
paper urging your member of Congress to oppose the bill.

--Send this email to everyone you know. Unless tens of thousands of
Americans speak up this bill could become law. It's already passed out of
subcommittee. The sponsor is now trying to line up the votes he needs to
get it out of the full committee. From there it goes to the floor for a
full House vote.

The provision that would turn Americans into spies is not the only thing
wrong with this bill. Visit ... 76&l=93543 to read the full
text of HR 1528 and learn more.


Bill Piper
Director of National Affairs
Drug Policy Alliance

Forgiveness is divine. Forgetfulness is just a mental dysfunction.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2005, 10:39:00 AM »
fuck the US GOVT! i will take the two years and have a damn good time getting down with prison chicks rather than be a spy for the US GOVT!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2005, 11:07:00 AM »
Oh, it gets better!

Take Judith (also not her real name), another Valley State prisoner, incarcerated on a probation violation for saying "Fuck you" to a case worker in a drug treatment program. Desperate to get into California's Community Prisoner Mother Program, where children can stay with their mothers for up to six years in a residential facility, she was informed that she would first have to have an oral exam to prove that she had no dental problems, not even a cavity. (Karen Shain believes this requirement exists as a filtering mechanism more than anything else because there are so many women who qualify for the program.) In a cruel paradox, dental care is not provided to applicants to the program, other than extractions. No fillings, no cleanings. Nothing. Judith had myriad dental problems. According to Shain, in order to be with her baby she had to have 15 teeth removed. She had no other choice. ... ex_np.html

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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes