Author Topic: Anyone else feel like Straight made them ascetic?  (Read 3016 times)

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Offline Woof-a-Doof

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Anyone else feel like Straight made them ascetic?
« Reply #15 on: May 15, 2005, 09:10:00 AM »
Anyone else feel like Straight made them ascetic?

?i think that's the right word. if not, i will edit?.  No, no reason to edit your chosen word. At first glance my first thought was of the ?Ascetic? Hindu. These individuals take a vow of poverty, isolation and most often don?t even speak, but the reason they do this is for religious reasons, it is self imposed.

Not sure myself, if the word ?ascetic? was the proper word (even though I knew exactly what you meant) I went to the Merriam-Webster Online dictionary to find out and here is how that site defines ?Ascetic??

Etymology: Greek askEtikos, literally, laborious, from askEtEs one that exercises, hermit, from askein to work, exercise
1 : practicing strict self-denial as a measure of personal and especially spiritual discipline
2 : austere in appearance, manner, or attitude
synonym see SEVERE

Interesting synonym---SEVERE?.no doubt!

Although I personally do not practice ?strict self-denial as a measure of personal? or ?spiritual discipline?, I am all too familiar with the concept of hermitage.

Because most of my working life has been devoted to the mental health field, I was in a position to give of myself, on-demand---as situations would arise. Once I was off the clock, I morphed from a gregarious, caring individual to one that would not even engage in simple eye contact as I walked down the street, or thru a mall. And as time went along this practice increased and perfected itself.

I am no longer in the mental health field, and yet this pseudo-asceticism thing is well engrained into my daily life. For example; Saturday night, I attended a small gathering of my girlfriend?s co-workers. I knew about this gathering for almost a month. My girlfriend politely reminded me weekly as the time went on. Each time she would mention it I cringed. No clear thought ever really emerged, and by that I mean that I never came up with any firm reason for not going. Yet, internally, it was very clear?.I did not want to go.

Subtle albeit palpable fear was clearly evident. All morning long I felt panicked, I even had lower back pain along with a piercing pain right below the left shoulder blade. During the day, I ran scenarios thru my head. Much like Antigen?s ?What-If? scenarios she mentioned. According to my keen calculations---there was no way I would be comfortable, fit in, or be accepted by this group of people. That sense of impending doom that was mentioned earlier in the post was certainly beginning to manifest. I managed to keep that impending doom thing to myself and did my utmost not to let my girlfriend in on my dilemma, or at least the full gravity of it. Yet, I was extremely anxious and that was much more difficult to conceal from her.

This is not my first experience in this type of situation. I suspect it won?t be my last time either. And it is interesting to me how justified this behavior seems to me. I work (and keep to myself) come home, and art. I know my neighbors names because they introduced themselves to me, despite my best efforts to avoid them. We have never engaged in any socializing with our neighbors and have no plans to do so. One particular neighbor approached me about a job working with his father in-law. I got the job, and it took me over a week before I approached him and say a simple ?thank you? for the heads up on the job. It wasn?t that I didn?t have the opportunity earlier, I was simply afraid to approach him and express my appreciation. When I finally did cross the street and step in his yard to say ?thanks? I felt incredibly awkward?but I did manage to get the words out and I simply thanked him.

This idea of asceticism or hermitage seems so right, feels so comfortable. I once was called a troglodyte by a client when working in the Mental Health Field. At the time, I maintained my composure but scurried home to look the word up. Troglodyte=Cave Dweller. I remember thinking to myself?how appropriate!

Now, everything written so far describes my emotional reactions to people, social settings and simple courtesies. And as I mentioned, they seem perfectly justified and worth defending. Yet, there is an intellectual understanding that as a human being I need interaction with other people. You remember that old corny song from the program. ?No man is an Island??. Well, intellectually that makes a lot of sense.  But in practice, I create my own island of imprisonment.

Having had periods of incarceration, other than Straight, I fully understand what it means to be ?free?. One might think I would celebrate this freedom enjoying other people and liberties that follow incarceration. But I think somewhere along the line I confused ?freedom? with ?security?. If I would have been asked if I preferred ?freedom? or ?security?, verbally I would have responded with ?freedom?, however, internally I would have sided with ?security?. I don?t like anything/anyone fucking with my ?security?! I despise anything that threatens my ?security? or nudges me from my comfort zone.

Can any of this be traced to Straight? In my personal, direct experience I believe I can answer that with a resounding, YES!

I don?t pretend to have any answers regarding this ?Ascetic? issue. However, I do have the experience. Sometimes I wish  could be the gregarious creature that I know lies dormant within my being, but I don?t see that happening anytime in the near future for me. Of course that would mean I am truly free. But for now, and the foreseeable future I will simple settle for being secure and just do the best that I can.

Sometihng else that may sound corny, but has alot of truth to it...You are not alone in feeling the way you do.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Graelin

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Anyone else feel like Straight made them ascetic?
« Reply #16 on: May 18, 2005, 07:47:00 PM »
My 2 cents...

I sit here trying to make sense of this thread even though it is so simplistically true. My attitue towards life per se.

I am stuck in life trying to determine what is real... what is reality. I try to make a connection between my humaness to my environment. Something happens.. and I react to it.. but I have no connection to it... it could easily be a dream. Every thought is usually proceeded by "Is this real.. is this really happening?"

I suffer from chronic "grass is greener" syndrome. I don't know if this has always been the case, but it was definately exacerbated by straight. After my disbelief and incredulity of being incarcerated.. after the hatred and anger receeded enough for me to think coherently.. after the despair and hoplessness jolted me into action, I decided that passive resitance was the way to go. I candy coated this betrayal of my thoughts with fantasies of things being different when I got "there": When I get T&R, things will be different.. when I can go home, Life will be better, when I get out of this hell-hole, I will be me again... and each escalation of environment resulted in the same disappointment.  And so I have learned that to strive for something different is futile. Because its always the same. No matter where you run.. there you are! No matter how hard you try, nothing ever really changes. I will always be this collection of rebellious thoughts. I have to fight everything... that when I'm told this is the way it is... the way it has to be I say BULLSHIT!

Integrity is a problem.. because I don't have a belief system.. I struggle through every day trying to figure out what really matters.. only to take a stance on a belief to find tomarrow, or a week, month, year or hour later I have taken a 180 degree stance on what I was so firmly grounded in. So now I have learned that not only will nothing change, but that when something seems like it MAY never change, that when something becomes a source of security or at least a familiar waypoint in life, that it's all a lie.. and nothing can be trusted.. Thank you Straight. Fuck you very much.

I am a social hermit. Because to be social, you have to have something in common with your environment. And I simply don't. People place values on stability, sanity, and the almighty dollar. Status and station is what determines your worth in civilization. To a person that has no status or station civilization is worthless. I have no use for the political correct paradigm we live in. I'm sorry... It's not MY fault that a black persons ancestors were abused by mine.. I take no responsibility for ANY of it. I will treat anyone as they have treated me. But you know what? if you act like a nigger towards me.. I'm going to refer to you as one. I'm going to treat you like one. And I will have absolutely NO remorse about it. If you are a gay man... great.. act like it. You start pulling feminine "queen" behavior with me, I'll drop you like a bad habit.. I have no use for that crap. Be a fucking MAN if you have the Y chromesone.

So... near as I can tell...  Life is nothing but a collection of fantasies... Moments in time. each as real as the next. What I experience in life, even if it doesn't make any sense at all, IS reality. This accounts for my ability to love something with my every fiber of being.. and despise it at the same time. My family. I would lay my life down for any of them individually or collectively without hesition. Some would point out the paradox that to die saving them would cause more harm than good. That my not being part of their lives anymore is a selfish thing. Some may even be right about that. But I cannot subscribe to the idea that my life is not my own. It is my choice when my time comes.. and if at that moment in time I decide that all my collective fantasies have been leading to this one moment... and it's only purpose  has been to be there in that point of time to perpetuate this fantasy of family, whether I'm there or not to observe it, that is completely my perogative. Yet at the same time I can't help feeling that my family holds me back. That sometimes I despise the very notition that I need them.. and worse.. they need me. I'm not that important.

Perhaps I should be locked away.. perhaps I am completely fucking cracked. Perhaps I'm just sick. Perhaps I'm a figment of my own imagination. I like to keep that concept handy... I find that when I take myself too seriously I need that reminder that I am nothing in the grand scheme of things. The things I think are important actually aren't.. because nothing really matters. I made it all up anyway.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Anyone else feel like Straight made them ascetic?
« Reply #17 on: May 19, 2005, 10:28:00 AM »
Welcome fellow traveller! No you are not crazy but probably one of the few sanest left. Thank GOD true reality is not pinned to the almighty dollar. Those of the human race that think all that life is about is aquiring wealth and "things" are going to be extremely let down when this 'blink in corporal exsistence' is over and they return to spirit essence. I for one have always had intuition that I have exsisted before in a better realm/space and so living here in todays world does sort of suck. There must be a reason we're here though and once our tasks are deemed completed I have no doubt I,'We' will return back to where we really belong.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Anyone else feel like Straight made them ascetic?
« Reply #18 on: May 21, 2005, 10:35:00 AM »
many things said here
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Anyone else feel like Straight made them ascetic?
« Reply #19 on: May 21, 2005, 03:26:00 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Anyone else feel like Straight made them ascetic?
« Reply #20 on: May 21, 2005, 03:33:00 PM »
keeping it going
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Anyone else feel like Straight made them ascetic?
« Reply #21 on: May 21, 2005, 09:17:00 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »