Author Topic: Copper Canyon Academy  (Read 6775 times)

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Offline disk_pusher

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Copper Canyon Academy
« Reply #15 on: May 18, 2005, 02:13:00 PM »
Anon - CCA was originally located in Camp Verde, Arizona (a truck-stop town located between Flagstaff and Pheonix) but was moved (by the students!) to a new location now on display on their website in Lake Montezuma, AZ, just a few minutes north of Camp Verde.  And yes, I agree.  It IS all about the money to these people, and it's simply horifying to think that the people who ran CCA were regarded as "upstanding" in the Mormon community.  As if regular bible-beaters weren't bad enough, we have a state full of people who glorify this crap.

Oh yeah - work hours.  Gotta love those bitches.  We got them, like you I'm sure, for everything and anything.  I watched a student be given 5 workhours for manipulation for telling one staff member she was bummed out because she was tired and telling another she was hungry.  We weren't allowed to level up if you had recived workhours in that week, and it was really vicious.  The staff would watch you like a hawk when they knew you put your "level up letter" in.  We did the most useless things for workhours.  Staff members would bring their cars in on the weekend to get them washed by girls with whs.

We originally were allowed to level up with the concent of our therapist and Tammy.  Tha changed once we got 20 students, and was gradually transitioned to the voting system.  I'm not sure how it works now.  We had a workbook authored by Linda that we had to complete to level up, and it was the stupidest thing ever writen.  It was the kind of psychobabble you'd expect from a Hare Krishna or a Japanese Aum cultist.

I never had to write a letter of apology, but I was always told I apologized too much.  The only people who were kicked out were those who ran and actually got somewhere.  My little sister wasn't thrown out, but the pair (level 2 and 3, if memory serves) who made it to Pheonix were sent to Cross Creek Mannor.  I often wonder what's become of them.

Do you think your time in the program has effected you now?  I've always been caught between the thought that I really don't seem to be the same (very passive, terrified of social situations to the point where I can barely walk out in public) and the the thought that I am blaming the program for my own faults, and that I'm just a coward.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline plomly22

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Copper Canyon Academy
« Reply #16 on: May 18, 2005, 05:31:00 PM »
The first work hour I got was for not taking a shower every day. One girl had recieved over 20 work hours when they decided that they weren't working. So for a couple weeks they didn't have any puishment to give us, which I thought was funny. Then they went to a check mark system where for every three marks you got 1 work hour. If you got over a certain number of marks in one week you got lower phase privileges for the next week. They also made a rule that if you were cought leaning back in your chair you had to pay a 2 dollar fine out of your checking account.

We also went through a phase of having to eat 3/4 of everything on your plate. Which when we had really gross things like salty beans or zucchini casserole I would pile everything into 1/4 of my plate and try to get passed the staff. They usually stood by the garbage cans to check the plates. We also had a rule that if you left your eating area dirty or put your elbows on the table you had to sit at the Miss Manners table with the staff. They picked how long you had to stay there. Whenever they put me at that table I would complain the whole time, which they would threaten to keep me there longer but I never cared. Sometimes there would ba a whole group of us that sat together anyway and it wasn't much different that sitting any where else.

There was certain things that happened that have definitely caused problems. This is kind of a long story and hard to explain but I will try.
This was after I ran away in December. It was in February I started shaking my leg or when I was walking my arm and rocking back and forth or pacing. They took me to the doctor to see if there was anything wrong with me and there wasn't. So my therapist Katie at one point said she wanted to hypnotize me but she didn't do it at that moment. She thought that I was having repressed memories coming back to me. I had therapy one day and she did this thing where she took 2 fingers and waved them back and forth in front of my face and I had to follow them with my eyes. The first time nothing happened, then the second time I saw myself as a little child sitting in my room tucked into a ball crying and then I started crying and she stopped. For the next few days I couldn't speak very well and was inside my head. Nothing I can really explain. Then whenever it was noisy I started crying and rocking back and forth. I finally started to speak when I went into Prescott to get my blood drawn. I think part of getting out of my head was being in the real world. I could barley sit through meals because the dinning room would get so loud and I would start crying. From that point I was the indicator of the room being too loud. A couple times even for one girls b-day they made eveyone have a silent meal because I would start crying and rocking. It had gotten better but I still have problems if people yell especially at each other or in my ear. I went to a Demolition derby about two years ago and didn't think anything of it until I was there and I had to plug my ears for most of the time.
It wasn't until about 3 years later when I was reading an old issue of the Family Therapy Networker about EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) that I realized that was what Katie had done to me and obviously had no idea what she was doing.
I have not mustered up enough courage to see anyone about it to see if they can reverse what she did.

I have one friend and that is beacuse we were at Dancing Moon together and we live by each other. I am horrible at making friends and I am scared to have them because the last people who I thought were my friends screwed me over. I also don't like to tell people about my past or I tell them to try to keep them away. I am very ashamed and don't think that anyone will understand what I have gone through.

Being in a place where everyone wears the same thing, speaks the same way, and tries to be perfect it is a hard adjustment to the real world. I know that I will never go up to someone and say my experience of you is or tell them how I feel about them and then ask them to repeat what I said back to me. I think I have become a stronger person and I know that if I ever had a kid I would never send them away. My mom tries to say that some things I have done I would have never done if I wasn't sent away which I try to tell her you can't say that because you don't know what would have happened. She told me we were afraid you were going to kill yourself even though I tried to kill myself a month before I turned 18. I was so scared of the real world and I had no experience of how to handle it being sheltered for 2 and 1/2 years.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Spring Ridge Academy 97-99
Dancing Moon Ranch 99-00

Offline Deborah

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Copper Canyon Academy
« Reply #17 on: May 18, 2005, 07:47:00 PM »
I have a good opinion of EMDR based on many people?s feedback of the therapy, which is suppose to be excellent for PTSD. There?s lots of info in the internet, just search EMDR. If she was employing a form of hypnosis, I can?t comment.

Based on my ?unprofessional? understanding and knowledge of the subject, it sounds like you ?were? having some memories return that were being stimulated by the environment you were in. I don?t want to presume, but it may have been the best therapy for you. It sounds like she didn?t complete the process and just left you hanging. You don?t open a can of worms and leave the person to deal with the mess without assistance and adequate information. That?s irresponsible.

Let me give you an example of how it can work. Say that you had a very harsh mother. She frequently called you stupid, harshly criticized your efforts, and mistakes resulted in severe consequences and/or violence. Using the computer as an analogy, that software gets loaded- I?m stupid and can?t do anything right, and there will be harsh consequences if I make a mistake. Often times, there is a coping mechanism associated with it, like pacing or rocking, cataplexy- mental paralysis (zoning out), etc.  Later in life you may have a boss who is critical and always looking over your shoulder. This can bring up the old feelings without conscious awareness of any association with your mother.
While you wouldn?t resort to ?sucking your thumb? or other coping mechanisms you developed as a child, you might get nervous, or stressed, sweat, etc. And rarely will a person be able to rationalize when they are in the presence of the stimulus, not until after some therapy anyway. Another person, with the same boss, would not necessarily have that reaction, because they weren?t ?programmed? with that particular software. They may have been ?programmed to know their worth and how to blow-off irrational people; and will simply ignore him/her or move on if the boss is too unreasonable.

A very important reason that we should be careful what we model for our kids. They are like sponges and and are being ?programmed? every minute. If they see you dealing with difficult situations in a reasonable way, if the self worth program is installed, they will have a much easier time dealing with difficult people and situations when faced with them. This was one of my major concerns when my son spent two years in a program against my wishes. I knew there would be much software to re-write, much to ?de-program?, when he returned.

The way it played out for my son (the older) who also did time in a military program?. He was heinously abused which resulted in a successful lawsuit. While there and unable to even vent about all the abuse and injustice, he turned it inward. He was cutting and devil worshipping when he got to my house, and smoked lots of pot to keep the rage at bay. In a nutshell, he was treated disrespectfully. Anytime he was in a situation and even ?felt? disrespected, he couldn?t contain the rage. Even though he made no conscious connection, it was as if he were back in that situation, only currently with no fear of retaliation, free to express the anger he felt. He still turned it inward most of the time, hurting himself by hitting a wall or something similar.

Trust was very difficult for him too. I set him up with the best EMDR therapist in our town. He would rarely go to appointments, so I went and gained what knowledge I could so I could help him. I was the only person he fully trusted, so I spent many hours, late nights, 'counseling' him.

So, what EMDR and/or really good therapy does- if done correctly- is re-write the software. It doesn?t always happen that one will be totally free of the old software/feelings, depends on the degree of trauma associated with it. But, you can learn to recognize when it?s happening and develop strategies that will make it easier when you?re in those stressful situations that might tend to recall the feelings attached to the old software.

I'd hate for you to reject a potentially benefical therapy based on the misbelief that it 'caused' those behaviors. But, I don't know what she actually did and you should get your records or otherwise inquire, and hope that the answer is contained in the notes.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline Anonymous

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Copper Canyon Academy
« Reply #18 on: June 28, 2005, 05:20:00 AM »
Tammy, that filthy whore, refused to take me to the doctor while I was suffering from a severe kidney infection.  It finally progressed to the point where they had to take me to the hospital where I was laid up for 3 days, and caused perm. damage to my kidneys , liver, and ovaries.  I am now infertile because of that miserable, greedy, lazy Mormon.  The medical records she had sent to my parents were mysteriously incomplete, and so by the time my parents knew the truth of what happened, they were powerless to sue.

If I ever see her again, her God will be powerless to save her from the retribution she deserves.  Death would be far too quick and merciful for this woman and her filthy inbred family that ran CCA.  I can only hope that their children are killed and their reprocutive organs cut off or torn out so that they may know my pain.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #19 on: June 28, 2005, 09:41:00 AM »
I know your pain.  Fortunately, we had a daughter before our fertility went south, and that helps immeasurably, but there's no pain quite like it.

I hope with the various technological developments that someday you will have a baby of your own with the man you love, even if it takes winning the lottery or some other windfall to pay for it.

Blessings to you and prayers for you and yours.

(BTW, I am *not* Mormon.)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Copper Canyon Academy
« Reply #20 on: June 28, 2005, 03:09:00 PM »
I've lurked here for quite some time, and I've come to apreciate your posts, Timoclea.  Thank you for your kind words.

However, fertility treatments are waisted on me.  Exploratory surgery showed my ovaries to be like rasins, and the eggs were damaged by long exposure to a toxic enviroment (a month I suffered, until finally all their threats became meaningless and I colapsed and could not rise again), causing damage to their chromosonal structure acording to my doctors at UC Davis.  Even were I to use an egg, it would result in some horribly retarded and deformed mutant.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »