In my child's own words,"Tt was bad Mom, really bad." There was sex, drugs, alcohol and physical abuse. Several kids were physically punished by other kids for misbehaving. My child witnesses another child get his nose smashed by another kid. Others were punched, kicked and hit for "smoking pot" or "having sex" or "getting drunk." What in the world would you expect with 40 kids/teens turned lose that are heavily monitored at all times while at The Whitmore.
I have also heard that several kids were "smuggled on board the ship" in order to save money. One was actually deported for not having the proper papers. Apparently our $40K wasn't enough for the trip even after buying low grade food, open feast time at Cosco and once a day meals. I was shocked my child witnessed the blatant act of stealing from the cruise line as well as involving several children to participate.
Yes, parents, beware of the trips. I know I personally would have removed my child long ago if I had read a fraction of these postings. If you chose to leave your child there during the investigation, please beware of the trips! My child had no reason to lie or make up the events witnessed, especially being home safe. Sadly several of the other kids have shared the same horror stories with me-not knowing what the others had shared!