Author Topic: Milton Roy/Morgan Yacht survivors???  (Read 5238 times)

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Offline Woof-a-Doof

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Milton Roy/Morgan Yacht survivors???
« on: September 21, 2004, 12:13:00 PM »
Just curious to know who all are survivors during the Milton Roy Building and Morgan Yacht Building daze.

My Intake Date: January 21st, 1978

Just found this board and the yahoo group...Gawd knows why I did a search on Staight after all this time. Not really sure if I am glad I did, or not. Afraid it might just all be a big can of worms...but then again, you folkz are probably the only ones that know what it was like.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline kpickle39

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Milton Roy/Morgan Yacht survivors???
« Reply #1 on: September 21, 2004, 12:19:00 PM »
Hey woofadoof.  I was in Morgan Yacht building 78 - 80.   I hated it and hated the people who worked there.  Glad you found the site.  Looking forward to reading posts from you.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Woof-a-Doof

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Milton Roy/Morgan Yacht survivors???
« Reply #2 on: September 21, 2004, 01:22:00 PM »
On 2004-09-21 09:19:00, kpickle39 wrote:

"Hey woofadoof.  I was in Morgan Yacht building 78 - 80.   I hated it and hated the people who worked there.  Glad you found the site.  Looking forward to reading posts from you."

Thanks...I appreciate the welcome!

I remember so many things about the Morgan Yacht Building, then again it all seems like a blurr. The un-bearble heat, the freezing cold, the shards of fiber-glass on the floors, the "think room/green room" and I rember M-80's being thrown in the bay doors during open meetings.

I try and fool myself into thinking I harbor no grudges, but thats a lie. I have always thought of myself as a pretty easy going kinda-guy, but the seething rage I have contradicts that. I would love to point that rage at one person, one event, or just one instance...but I haven't been able to.

I have a real distaste for the rage, it seems almost interwoven thru much of my existance...I don't remember having rage prior to January 21st 1978. I have spoken with folkz about it, but it remains...not always apparent, but still churning beneath the surface.

Don't get me wrong, in all outward appearances I am a normal person...I walk, talk, chew gum at the same time...but far from "normal". I have been called "intense", "passionate" and a plethora of other adjectives. But fact is, I am just flat out angry...I have been ripped off, I have been robbed and most of the crap I was suppossed to learn as a teen...I never learned, because I was learning whatever it was I was being taught in Straight.

Nuff ranting for now....Thanks again!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline GregFL

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Milton Roy/Morgan Yacht survivors???
« Reply #3 on: September 21, 2004, 02:08:00 PM »
I was in Morgan Yacht in 73/74 when it was the seed.

No better then...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline mbell1960

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Milton Roy/Morgan Yacht survivors???
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2005, 01:58:00 PM »
Yup, Probably was there same time as me.
Mark Bell 78-79 14 months on program 6 months
graduate to comply with rules.(just to show I could do it). Had a beer following day. One reason I stayed the whole time there was the people I met at straight as well as some of the staff members there. Alot of good friends I met there.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Milton Roy/Morgan Yacht survivors???
« Reply #5 on: April 30, 2005, 05:03:00 AM »
My intake: Aug 1978 at Milton Roy

Lynne M.  (Hi Mark, I remember you.)

I was 3 months from 18 when I got there, and at first I thought I must be on Candid Camera or something (yes, that WOULD have been so much funnier).  I was there 11 months, and I never once saw anything illegal or abusive happen.

It sucked in major ways, but if I look at some of the positions I but myself in before I got there....I was far safer in Straight than left to my own devices at that point in time.

I learned a lot and in the end - I just took the good there was and left the bad behind me when I completed the program.  The single most positive thing about the whole experience was that it made me take a look at myself - something a lot of people never learn how to do - and I am the better for that.

Some of the "principles" that were taught were just utter bullshit, in my opinion.  For example:

We girls were told over and over again that if you had ever had sex, it must have been because you thought of yourself as trash.   ::drummer::
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Woof-a-Doof

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Milton Roy/Morgan Yacht survivors???
« Reply #6 on: April 30, 2005, 07:56:00 AM »
Mark shit! A serious blast from the past!

Lynne M, I am pretty sure I know who you are, hang out with the Ward Family? Know Chuck C., Rodney H.? How about our boy 85DJ (you will doubt. Mark Bell, you know 85DJ also...Speaking of, where is he, hadnt heard from him in a while.

Just waking up, too much to articulate. I will reply with a little more later!

Whata trip![ This Message was edited by: Woof-a-Doof on 2005-04-30 04:57 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
What is right is not always popular...What is popular is not always right

Offline Woof-a-Doof

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Milton Roy/Morgan Yacht survivors???
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2005, 10:04:00 AM »
Mark Bell--- Probably my strongest memories of you is sitting in group, stoic...with that 1000
yard stare and your legs bouncing like pistons,
non stop. I also remember times when the group would be whipped up into a frenzy, everyone "motavated", arms flailing, fingers snapping, seats sliding all over the place and the air filled with the sounds of grunting and that annoying sound that Arnold Horshack from "Welcome Back Kotter" Ooooh Oooh Ooooh would fill the warehouse. And you would simply...not often, but would simply raise your
arm, seemingly half interested. And staff would
do cartwheels to call on you. I guess considering ya only "related" once a month, it was the right thing to do.

I also remember you being signifficantly larger
than the vast majority of us. Your hieght and
your stoic like demeaner, quite honestly scared
the shit out of most of us...silent river runs
deep. Ya always seem to be capable of exploding
and creating massive carnage...but as I recall ya never did.

However I do have a memory of you, at least I
think it was you with a chair in each hand,
twirling yourself (and the chairs) to keep people at bay. There was such a to do over the entire incident that Ms. Pete herself had to come out to the group room to "de-escalate" you. And it worked as I recall.

Thanks to 85DJ (85 Day a search here
on will remember him) I was reminded that we also spent time in a home (the Patterson home)...seems I was just started over, or on a refresher or something. Those memories are less than clear. Another memory I have, and I am not sure of it's accuracy, but I also think we spent time in the Cantrel home as well.

In thinking back, you are of the top 10 people I
remember, in good standing. I think thats
probably because you were amoung the few of us at the time that thought it was all bullshit, and were not afraid to say it was all bullshit. We always seemed to sense who was full of shit, ya know, the brown noses, the "kiss-asses", those kinds. I think we all had the sense of the
undercurrent of defiance instilled within you.

You were a person I respected and admired from a distance. Because you were, um...less than aproachable, I remember trying to figure
you out. I knew, instinctively perhaps,(or the
fact we stayed in the same home) that your bad
ass persona was very real, but that there was
much much more to you. And I remember thinking that you somehow knew the difference between the two. You were very skilled in balancing the two, you made an impression!

Anonymous (Lynne M)--- Although my memories of you are not as plentifull as they are with Mark Bell, for obvious reasons. I do however remember you being hyper-intelligent.

After I replied yesterday morning, I spent the
better part of the day thinking this woman and
I have locked horns before. I had this annoying
sense that you and I used to engage in (at the
time) some type of cerebral jousting.

Now that all maybe be due to my fragmented memory, or it maybe in responce to your post.

For example, you said, "I just took the good there was and left the bad behind me when I
completed the program." Ok, I don't doubt you.
But, how did you do that? How, did you leave
the "bad"? To me, this is an inconcievable idea,
when almost daily I don't confront a fear or
insecurity that I can trace it's etiology directly to Straight Inc.

You said, "No harm, No foul"---your experience,
I know. But damn, it felt like a slap in the face when I read those words. I am trying to
differentalize your experience from my own and
remain calm. (difficult at best)

Like yourself, I also learned that there is a time and a place to speak ones mind. Speaking
strictly for myself, I have learned that speaking
my mind is often inappropriate under any circumstance. I can trace that survival technique back to Straight and give a 100 situations that served as a building blocks for the need of that, as a survival skill. How does that make me a better person?

I also tripped out when you discussed the concept of being made to "take a look" at oneself. Hostile, loveless, conforntational theraphy (if you can really call it theraphy) not only made us look at ourselves, but we had to scramble to come up with the right answer, lest we face the wrath of the group and subsequent reactions/concequences from the staff.

Think about it, is a successful student afraid/terrified of thier teacher? The entire concept was/is insaine. I have said it before, and I think it is worth mentioning again. I was like freshly poured cement when I entered Straight Inc. and then a buncha punks fucked with the cement as it was curing, now those marks are perminate. No harm, no foul...bullshit (in my experience)

I think it is true that many people do not get a chance, or learn to look at them selves. And I would agree that that is a shame. But I have found it ultra simple by simply asking, "Who am I?" And then thru a process of negation find that which I am...and abide in that. See, no life long bullshit baggage to schlep around. No humiliation, no fears, no intimidation, and no harm, no foul.

My apologises if I seemed to unleash on your post, this was not my intent. Apparently, you have also made quite the impression on me. If the sense I had about us engaging in spirited debate in the past is true, then we are certainly off to a good start at a continuance of such a debate. Ironic thing is, you may not even be the person who I think you are.

I wish no harm...Namaste

Just testing to see if one of my images would appear if I followed directions :grin:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
What is right is not always popular...What is popular is not always right

Offline mbell1960

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Milton Roy/Morgan Yacht survivors???
« Reply #8 on: May 02, 2005, 06:06:00 PM »
Well Scott you certainly bring back some memories from that time. Hope you are doing well.
Just looked at a post that showed Sue Cookson's prison picture. Her life has faired alot worse.
Could barely see the young Sue in the picture.
On a lighter note I haven't talked with Brett Patterson in 15 years. Although I moved down to Bradenton in 87 after a divorce. I rented his Grandmothers Trailer she had next to her house on the Bradenton river. I ended up getting a DUI and wrecked my car in St. Pete. Brett bailed me out and had a cold Bud and a joint waiting for me in the car. I later moved back to Atlanta, had some ups and downs ( Its called Life people!)
I worked at Lucent technologies as an Engineer for 6 years until laid off. Now working for the Railroad. My only advise about the Straight time we all endured is that no one can tell you what is right or true in going through this life. You pretty much know inside what is the correct path to take. As I've said before I gave up a couple of summers to go through the program (pretty hard choice at that age!) But I don't regret some of the people I've met there. I will probably run into some of them again along the way. Until later Mark
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline 85 Day Jerk

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Milton Roy/Morgan Yacht survivors???
« Reply #9 on: May 02, 2005, 08:10:00 PM »
It was a memorable open meeting for me that warm December night (we were in Florida)when you made home.  I myself had made home only a month and a half earlier and you were already a fixture in my dad's home, the infamous Patterson Horizons.
I can never forget how you stood up once your mom had the microphone and boomed "Coming Home!" like you were ready to lead a calvary charge and then you did something that blew everyone's mind that night.  You WALKED ALL THE WAY TO YOUR MOM....  Damn but that was a classic!! and then when you got there you hugged her and lifted her off the ground!  You stayed a few more days at our house and then you moved to another foster home.  

I'll also always remember that bitchin Camaro you had and the time we did a few donuts at Tyrone Mall then shot over to Sambo's with Aerosmith blasting that song "Nobody's Fault."

Write me at [email protected] and I'll let you know how to reach some of the others.  Oh, this is Bob Patterson by the way.  I am so glad you finally found the site.  Take care, 85DJ
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Inside a warehouse behind Tyrone Mall
we walked in darkness, kept hitting the wall.
I took the time to feel for the door,
I had been \"treated\" but what the hell for?

Offline Woof-a-Doof

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Milton Roy/Morgan Yacht survivors???
« Reply #10 on: May 03, 2005, 12:35:00 PM »
Mark, I am not Scott, I am Dave A. If ya think back to the open meetings as 85DJ has (which has triggered many memories in itself), my parents always called me and still call me Mr. D.

Funny ya mentioned Sue Cookson, our lives have crossed many times since our time in Straight. She and I always seemed to click! She attended my graduation from boot camp and came with all the "fixins" for a weekend after bootcamp. Another time she and I dropped some blotter and had the greatest trip I have ever had, well, maybe one of the most memorable. Those were wild times, no doubt! I am glad ya mentioned her, I did a lil more digging thru FL DOC and got the address, will sit down and write her.

Brett Patterson, I got a few memories about Brett, none bad. But my memory around the circumstances of him leaving staff are clouded.

I remember the nite you made "home" also, I agree with 85DJ, it was "classic". I can still in my minds eye see ya just kinda lumbering across that room. It was just the opposite of what 'everyone did'. I do recall, there was a string of guys yelling "COMING HOME" and getting the open meeting all fired up...and of course the wern't "GOING HOME" at all. Kinda like 85DJ's classic of hollering out "GUY'S MEDICATION" and a 1/3 of the group get up and herd towards the back of the group.

There were some pretty wild open meetings then, remember the woman that used to sing to her son and daughter, the McPhersons? Oh man, that reminds me of the newcomer I had at the time, he was the "Open Meeting Whacker", which was the moniker that the staff gave him. I will never forget it, right toward the end of some group in the "carpet room" staff came into the group with a "MI book" and stood me up and asked if I had been reading my newcomers MI's...which I hadn't then they stood up my newcomer and ripped into him for whacking off during the open meeting with that woman as his um...muse. It just blows my mind to this day that that happened...

I imagine it was a pretty tough choice to make at that age, I personally didn't have the choice. I agree that no one person, or group of people can say was true/false and one idea that fits all.

I don't regret alot of people I met there, however there are those others. So much time has passed and i just don't seem to have the fight in me to be all pissed off. I was for a long time, very pissed off and consumed with, I dunno, alot of hate towards alot of people.

I am not altogether convinced aging, or direct efforts to forgive are the reason for me cooling down, but I a degree.

I am glad ya found the site also!

85DJ, did ya get your modem and isp issues squared away yet, we gonna see more of ya?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
What is right is not always popular...What is popular is not always right

Offline mbell1960

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Milton Roy/Morgan Yacht survivors???
« Reply #11 on: May 04, 2005, 04:56:00 PM »
Just got back in town. I have been remembering a lot more from almost 30 yrs past.
Mr. D if I remember correctly you were one of the people that was subjected to the straight treatment that was truly unfair. You seemed to me to be completly normal and your parents wasted alot of money and your childhood for whatever crap was sold to them by the staff!
Bob Patterson, If my memory banks are not totally corroded you were not related to Brett and Scott but had a brother named Mike. If I'm correct your username is quite appropriate because you were stubborn as hell!
Gotta go now, be back soon.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline 85 Day Jerk

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Milton Roy/Morgan Yacht survivors???
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2005, 12:34:00 PM »
Yeah, that whole program was one big mind warp for me.  My "brothers" were adopted by my birth father long after divorcing my mother.  She was forced out of the program around the fall of '78 because she was not "economically viable" enough to suit the needs of Executive Staff.

Mike and Scott lived in the home and we were a short drive through Kenneth City to Doug Daly, and Steve Howe's houses.  I believe that you went to live at Steve's when you started school at JC or whereever.  I hated that damn house!!  Nothing in it was mine except all the damn housework. Do you remember that night me and you got into an arguement and I threw the door open in the pouring rain and told you to hit the fuck'n road if you were'nt happy with the way you were being treated?  You were one of the priveleged few that got to witness my nervous breakdown first hand.

I think that laugh of yours was what stands out in my mind the most.  It was like the laugh of an outlaw that had just broke from a posse, stole the fastest horse, and is sitting in a saloon, drinking the finest whiskey after paying for it with a wooden nickel painted silver.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Inside a warehouse behind Tyrone Mall
we walked in darkness, kept hitting the wall.
I took the time to feel for the door,
I had been \"treated\" but what the hell for?

Offline mbell1960

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Milton Roy/Morgan Yacht survivors???
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2005, 04:16:00 PM »
Steve Howe was the first oldcomer I had.
He was a good one for me because he always said "Take whatever good you want from the program, and disregard the bullshit." I think he made staff trainee and then screwed up. Probably thought Fuck this I'm young and want to enjoy life a little! Any way I also remember Doug Daley. Wonder what lifes path took both of them.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline 85 Day Jerk

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Milton Roy/Morgan Yacht survivors???
« Reply #14 on: May 07, 2005, 10:10:00 AM »
Steve Howe was always a mystery.  I am pretty sure that he went into the Airforce.  There was another guy named Mark Hodges who screwed up over the summer and was there waiting for me when I started school.  He came up and wanted to talk after several older straightlings walked away like pussies one day at Dixie Hollins.  I at least talked to him.  I said something like, "You knew this would happen did'nt you?"  "Was it worth it?"  I left him standing there with tears of frustration.

I was friends with Doug Daly.  We both had the same art class for 2nd period.  He had gotten a job at the nearby Winn Dixie and screwed up by drinking stolen beer and huffing Cool Whip of all things!  He was so ashamed of himself that he did not show up for Jewelry Class for 2 days and then got into another class or something.  He did have someone bring me a note.  My dumbass brother snatched the note from me once I got home and was on the phone to Liz Cassidy asking what the best thing to do was.  He loaded up his yellow shit mobile   to be continued...... (Library only allows 30 minutes and it is busy)  anyway, he loaded up that yellow piece of shit Galaxy 500 of his and headed over to "save his life" and what was funny was that him, Rob Lee, Chuck Cannon, were all big-time screw-ups by the following November.  Some goody two shoes even confronted me about why I waited for the end of the school day at that 7 step meeting and I was about ready to break a fucking chair over her head.  It was Dawn Deshawn I think.  Liz stepped in before there was any mayhem.  I don't care what anyone says about Liz, she at least hung around after she left staff and always made herself available to help you with whatever was bugging you.

It is so weird how each person that finds this Forum and joins in unlocks a whole new set of memories in me.  Like the New Years 1980 party we threw at my house and finally talked my dad to set off this bomb simulator in the back yard.  You guys were there for that were'nt you?[ This Message was edited by: 85 Day Jerk on 2005-05-07 09:45 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Inside a warehouse behind Tyrone Mall
we walked in darkness, kept hitting the wall.
I took the time to feel for the door,
I had been \"treated\" but what the hell for?