Author Topic: The Chuck Wyatt thing  (Read 2518 times)

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Offline blownawaytheidahoway

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The Chuck Wyatt thing
« on: September 03, 2004, 11:23:00 AM »
I spoke with the detective. His name is Chuck Wyatt. He works at the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department (909) 336-0600

He is for real. Please do not worry that he is a mole. He is not. I called the sheriff's dept. and spoke with him. My current work is related to the SB County system now and I know that he is for real. Also, be aware that the county children's placement people NEVER place at kid at CEDU. They would send him to Sri Lanka first!

If you have any information at all, please call him. He is eager to go after CEDU with all the ammunition available to him. However, if we do not speak up, if we give him nothing, that is precisely what he will have.

Not giving him anything is like expecting a doctor to help you but not letting him examine you nor give you any medication. We are all eager to post our stories, hurt, and anger here, but we also need to help him.

Am I scared? You bet. Do I think we should talk to him, anyway? Absolutely!

He assured me that if I talk, CEDU cannot threaten me. If they cause any problem for me and I have made a statement to law enforcement, that is a crime.

He wants any information at all. Any leads to people who can testify. Any ex-staff. Any kids who were there, any parents.

He wants details about the techniques. Do they still use sleep deprivation in the profeets? Do they use shaming and name-calling? It's been so long since I was there that I don't know what they do now. Please call him and tell him everything you know about how they treat kids.

Although he is in the San Bernardino mountains, he is seeking information about any of the CEDU schools. He is involving the state, the feds - any agency that can go after CEDU.

Please speak up! They can't hurt you for telling the truth.

[ This Message was edited by: blownawaytheidahoway on 2004-09-03 08:51 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Life is a very wonderful thing.\' said Dr. Branom... \'The processes of life, the make- up of the human organism, who can fully understand these miracles?... What is happening to you now is what should happen to any normal healthy human organism...You are being made sane, you are being made healthy.
     \'That I will not have, \' I said, \'nor can understand at all. What you\'ve been doing is to make me feel very very ill.\'
                         -Anthony Burgess
                      A Clockwork Orange

Offline blownawaytheidahoway

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The Chuck Wyatt thing
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2004, 11:50:00 AM »
No, I have not called this man ever. Will I? It depends on the opinions of the few poeple I see regularly posting here. Is there a chance to document officially my experience as part of a broader investigation? Where is the guy who was on here as an investigator a coupla' months ago? How many people who know what has really been going on with these schools and their inner network are posting here? Doesn't seem like I see many people flocking here? Why? I know I am NOT in contact with almost anyone from there. It seems like there should be a way of categorizing us posters by era.  Pre RMA ceduites, First RMA groups, all the way to the nuisance of so many different programs, I don't know what is related to what anymore.  
     I can recall many many people from my "era". Students who did and did not finish or even get close. Are we the only ones upset or does no one know about Fornits? I have tried to find another site more comprehensive, and supportive but no real luck. so...we're stuck together and I gotta lot of difficulty writing about the tactics used to get me love what I so viciously hate now.      
     That, in itself, causes physical making a fist and clenching my jaws, adrenal reaction...
     For example, I heard so much shit about how powerful the program was and how people left and screwed up so much worse than they would have without having had the program. This came from the Ex-student staffers whom I have had the displeasure to have endured. I think it's true for me, and I know others who have said it, where are these founding members of CEDU. The first few peer groups and the ones that actually BUILT RMA? I am curious about hearing their point of view. Have many died in Heroin/suicide/or bizarre gardening accidents?
     Is there a timeline available to see the growth rate of the schools and what's the deal with the selling of the programs? I have many questions, but most important is to know if I have a grievance with what I learned at CEDU ed. and how I was treated while I was there, and if I can prove lasting effects from the program involving traumatic response WHAT CAN I DO?
     I can't shut down something I don't know is the same as what I endured. I do know that if any aspect of the coercion to rat on people still exists, then the "Big Brother" model of attaining the information still exists, and that would be enough for me.
     In general, I have a lot of questions and thoughts on the matter of what the hell happened to me there, but I can't see now where it's going to lead me except outta this darkness.
I will become less convoluted (sp?) in my next posting after some time.
    As usual, comments welcome on whether to call WYATT guy or any other involved investigators.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Life is a very wonderful thing.\' said Dr. Branom... \'The processes of life, the make- up of the human organism, who can fully understand these miracles?... What is happening to you now is what should happen to any normal healthy human organism...You are being made sane, you are being made healthy.
     \'That I will not have, \' I said, \'nor can understand at all. What you\'ve been doing is to make me feel very very ill.\'
                         -Anthony Burgess
                      A Clockwork Orange


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The Chuck Wyatt thing
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2004, 03:42:00 PM »
Don't believe whatever you heard.  The CEDU program in essence is the same totalist regime it ever was.

Maybe, now you can listen to britney spears and wear your shirt untucked as long as it isn't past your belt, but its just wrapping paper around the deep-rooted undeniable abuse that occurs there.

I, and many others have spoken to Chuck Wyatt.  Its just a phone call- no big deal.

Why don't others flock to this?  Well, why did not one Senate member including John Keary sign the petition to contest the Florida vote count.

It takes stand up men and women to act alone sometimes.

Sometimes if you want others to help you, you have to start by helping others.

Think of all the great men in history.

Now realize you have the same potential inside you .
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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The Chuck Wyatt thing
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2004, 04:42:00 PM »
Chuck Wyatt is the guy who posted as Investigator; at least, that's my impression.

I have a few thoughts on why people aren't flocking here or flooding Twin Peaks Sheriff's office w/ sworn statements.

There are a couple of built in hurdles to people in our position getting anything done. Nothing that can't be overcome, though.

First, have you noticed that we're a rather strident bunch? I mean, not to put too fine a point on it, but we're a bunch of frelling a-holes who, for the most part, can barely stand each other's company and tend to run off more mellow types. Not that we're bad people at the base of it. Just that we tend to have a brash style of communicating, to put it lightly. That's no coincidence and you know very well we weren't all jerks before recieving the blessed gift of Synanon style "help'. We have to try a little harder to be polite and civil. It can be done, though.

Second, you mention how they hammered it into your heads that everyone who leaves the group winds up a skidrow junkie. Even though most of us never fully believed that, it does tend to effect the way we think of each other. Until I decided to investigate programs, the last think I ever wanted was to chum it up w/ Program people! The few times I've run into someone I knew from back then, I never even thought of trying to stay in touch. In fact, the first thought to enter my mind was "Is that so-and-so? Shit! It is! God, I hope they don't recognize me!" You guys seem to have had more opportunity to form some bonds w/ fellow ceduites so you probably won't have as much trouble w/ that aspect of the aftermath as some others do. But it's there.

Finally, I think it just can't hurt to get your story documented in the form of a LE investigation. I don't think this one investigation will be some kind of silver bullet to shut down the industry. But it may well take a few bad actors out of the game and put others on notice. Once the investigation is completed, much of that information can also help inform the public by way of the media. And that can't hurt either. I just don't see where you have anything to lose by talking to the guy, except a little time on the phone and, possibly, the time it may take to write and have notorized a formal affidavit.

Prohibition will work great injury to the cause of temperance. It is a species of intemperance within itself, for it goes beyond the bounds of reason in that it attempts to control a man's appetite by legislation, and makes a crime out of things that are not crimes. A Prohibition law strikes a blow at the very principles upon which our government was founded.
--Rep. Robert L. Henry, TX December 22, 1914 (quoting Lincoln)

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline blownawaytheidahoway

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The Chuck Wyatt thing
« Reply #4 on: September 03, 2004, 08:51:00 PM »
I never meant to say that I wouldn't call. I plan to. But I did want to hear a bit more first about why I might.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Life is a very wonderful thing.\' said Dr. Branom... \'The processes of life, the make- up of the human organism, who can fully understand these miracles?... What is happening to you now is what should happen to any normal healthy human organism...You are being made sane, you are being made healthy.
     \'That I will not have, \' I said, \'nor can understand at all. What you\'ve been doing is to make me feel very very ill.\'
                         -Anthony Burgess
                      A Clockwork Orange


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The Chuck Wyatt thing
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2004, 02:55:00 PM »
By the way- about the birthday thing: There were too many similarities and I had a gut feeling.

My birthday is Jan. 3.  Strange isn't it?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »