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Re: Staff you Hate - please comment
« Reply #135 on: October 07, 2009, 07:39:19 PM »
Quote from: "Che Gookin"
Do any of you all ever recall seeing Lon Foolsbury out at RMA? I know the horsefucker worked at RMA as an admission director of some sorts at some point.

I dont ever remember seeing him, and he was indeed working admissions during my tenure.

First off, I don't even recall where the admissions office even was when I first got there, but eventually, they moved into emmerson, once it was built. I have no idea who any of those people were, we barely exchanged one word to each other. They were like ants, working diligently underneath a house or something, without the owners even knowing there is some series insect labor going on below them.

Maybe that was my own experience, though. Maybe other students had more contact with them, such as leadership.

The only extensive contact I had with anyone in that place was dealing with transcripts and graduation, and by extensive, I mean more than two sentences. Nobody went through propheets, nobody sat in on raps. If there were a few individuals, they were the exception, and I don't remember them. We rarely, if ever, got admin people over in our sector.

The one admin person I recall who crossed the lines and jumped into RMA therapy was the woman in charge of admittance (as opposed to admissions), Cydniey. She was the one who basically orchestrated your admittance process, such as the paperwork, strip search, haircut (if needed). So in some ways, she was admin, in others, she was staff. If you were staff, you went through the program, because you were working with the kids. She seemed to be a nice enough woman, but I had such a negative association with her, I didn't like her much. I was in a few exercises with her in raps/workshop-type things, and it sure seemed as if the ideology had just bitchslapped her. She definitely appeared to be dealing with the WTF part of the process. Yeah, you stupid bitch, what do you think you had been preparing us for? Therapy?

No idea what happened to her. I don't even remember if she was still around when I graduated. I believe so...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Staff you Hate - please comment
« Reply #136 on: October 08, 2009, 08:35:38 PM »
I definitely remember similar experiences where "staff" who were not part of the program yet but really just hired help for other things suddenly being in a rap or propheet and having that WTF!!!?? reaction on their faces.

Chuck Selent was one of them.  He was part of my Summit or I and Me workshop, yet I don't think he had ever been in any other propheet prior, maybe a couple of raps.  He was just then becoming more of a full-fledged staff member and all I remember was him being very resistant to the opening of the workshop where they tell you that you have to obey all of the rules then go on to suggest there will be violence.  That part where they say there will be No Violence, unless otherwise directed...  He had a real problem with that one.  But he had also just started on some sort of herbal supplement regimen where you had to take these pills or whatever every day, cost him a thousand dollars or something and when they told him he couldn't take them during the workshop he nearly walked out and quit his job.

H eventually backed down, but he looked shell-shocked from that point onward.  I don't remember him doing much while in there.  He contributed little, said little, and just looked like he had woken up in an insane asylum and wasn't quite sure how he had gotten there.  

I do remember Lon Woodbury.  He's still a huge part of the system.  He is the one who interacts with parents and therapists on the outside and gets people to send their teens to places.  He's deep, deep, deep in to it all.  Very corrupt.  But while I was there in '84-'86 he was on campus, had an office in that underground lair beneath the girls dorms and the library.  He dressed like a leprechaun in a green tweed coat, corduroy pants and he smoked a pipe all the time.  A very odd individual.  But he never sat in any raps or propheets.  But he was in the dining room for lunch every day so you saw him often.  But it was a 9-5 job for him so he was gone for dinner and never hung out with students.  He appeared harmless, only because you didn't know he was The Man who got kickbacks for getting parents to send their kids to Hell.

And there were a lot of employees who worked under the girls dorms who you just never saw.  One of the few places that was locked all the time.  Very hidden.  The people in there came and went without a word spoken to anyone really.  Just little minions doing the all the paperwork and billing.  Even Hitler had paper pushers.  

But only certain staff went from being helpers to therapists.  Will Vernard was staff before I arrived and after and he just did maintenance work.  But everyone liked him.  Never showed up in any raps as far as I know.  Lou, the guy who worked at the farm was on and off with raps.  Sometimes he was there, sometimes not.  Yet he had basically the same job description as Will Vernard.  And the night watchman once appeared in a rap, but he was never made "staff."  

So I kind of wonder how some went from helpers to therapists?  Hindsight lets me surmise they had a process for weeding out who would conform and who would not.  In the CEDU Documentary, one of the videos has a former staff member at CEDU describing how they sent him a questionnaire with questions like; "Do you consider corporal punishment in the school an acceptable form of discipline?"  Answers would be very revealing.  In this way they could find people who would not be too opposed to being abusive towards kids or looking the other way while others were.  And I don't think Will Vernard was the type who would have condoned that.  And yet they were there daily and had to see what was going on.  Did they stick around, heads in the sand just for the paycheck?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Staff you Hate - please comment
« Reply #137 on: October 08, 2009, 09:24:30 PM »
had an office in that underground lair beneath the girls dorms and the library

One of the few places on campus Id never been to. While I was there, Tim Brace's apartment was there, and the other part was the crystal cave, (so named because it was so fucking cold during the winter) a dorm that was sometimes in use, sometimes not. I think you used to get haircuts on part of that first floor, too.

Oh, and how's this for Lou? Both he and Wendy went through the entire program.  I'd been in a few raps with Lou simply as a staff participant, and everything Id ever heard him say in raps was uttered in the same low-key tone as if he were just talkin with you out on the farm.

Chuck was similarly low-key during the time I was there, but later accounts state that he became a power staff, or at least tried too.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Staff you Hate - please comment
« Reply #138 on: October 10, 2009, 01:21:00 AM »
Lou had that quiet, composed cowboy kind of voice.  He did have a bit of a retired drill sergeant demeanor, not seeming to be too comfortable with undisciplined kids, but I could see him going through the program as a staff and not making any waves or even being noticed much while he did.  Kind of Chuck in my I and Me workshop. There, but not really there.

But Chuck I could tell had some anger issues just below the surface.  His facial muscles were always tight, he was a perfectionist and those kind generally have anger issues towards others who settle for "good enough."  It is hard to imagine him becoming a full fledged staff member because he appeared to be a bit like Joe Sweeney in that he seemed to not want to do anything more than build stuff with his hands.  Chuck built the pit in the living room all by himself.  The cowhide seat cushions, the flag stone floor and rock fireplace.  He was good at it, even though the cowhide had to go.  But I can see him becoming power staff.  If he became staff, he would have turned to the dark side quickly.  As I have mentioned, I think CEDU/RMA had a system for weeding out the weak willed, those who would condone, participate in, or turn a blind eye to abuses.  Chuck would fit that description.  And didn't he later become an escort too?  Following Richard Armstrong's footsteps?

But while I was there, I had no problems with him.  He was pretty quiet, didn't say much, didn't participate in hardly anything and when he did, you never noticed he was there.  

Funny and related story; I had a guy in my peer group named Mark.  We were in the Brothers or whatever propheet where they give you characters to play like Dudley Do-Right.  During a rap or something, someone said I should talk to him and I said I didn't know him well enough to comment on anything in his life.  That I never even saw him around, had no idea who he hung out with.  Someone then asked an older student who was in the propheet with us to say something to him because he was his dorm head.  I jumped in and said I was in the dorm too and that Mark wasn't in the dorm with us.  The dorm head agreed.  Then Mark said..."I am in your dorm.  I've been in your dorm for six months..."  After the propheet we talked to the other three members of the dorm who all agreed there was some other guy in there but weren't sure what his name was.  Six months!  Talk about being invisible.  He got reamed hard in the propheet and later in raps for being a ghost.  I actually envied him.  To remain anonymous so long in the program, nobody yelling at you, nobody even noticing you for months.  God that would have been sweet!

So during the rest of the propheet whenever we had to go around the room and everyone says their character part, he had to stand up and say 'Hi, my name is Mark.  You might not know me, but I have been living in your dorm for the past six months."  Poor guy.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Staff you Hate - please comment
« Reply #139 on: October 10, 2009, 04:13:43 AM »
So during the rest of the propheet whenever we had to go around the room and everyone says their character part, he had to stand up and say 'Hi, my name is Mark. You might not know me, but I have been living in your dorm for the past six months." Poor guy.

You have to admit, that's a pretty funny lug. Especially when you realize that it says faaar more about the school than it did about mark and his dormmates.

I cant conceive of being able to fly under the radar for as long as six months like that. I'd say he had Harry's invisibility cloak, but Rowling hadn't even written it into existence yet.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Staff you Hate - please comment
« Reply #140 on: October 31, 2009, 02:16:35 AM »
Michael Allgood was somewhat of an enigma. While all the other staff would blow you away by yelling and try to humiliate you, Allgood could speak in a normal tone and make you want to commit suicide. He had interesting powers and knowledge that I often wonder were some results of Holocaust experiments or something. I'll never really figure that guy out.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Staff you Hate - please comment
« Reply #141 on: November 30, 2009, 04:02:53 PM »
I hate every staff member that had anything to do with Cedu. I think they should all be put in jail. They were either evil themselves or to scared to say anything about what went on there, or to stupid to know. Anyway you look at it they are all guilty of the abusive, devastating mistreatment of the children that where put in there care. And to let a man like James Lee Crummel anywhere near us is fucking a joke. I was there from 92-94, which was the time this monster was aloud on campus. I liked running away too. So I was one of these monsters targets. Thank GOD I am still alive. If parents can go to jail for letting there kids have a post prom party with underage drinking then all these people should go to jail. It is child neglect, child abuse just for starters and letting James Lee Crummel anywhere nears us should put all Cedu staff in jail for a long, long time. These people were in essence our guardians at the time. They were suppose to protect us, not put us in the hands of peer evil. I have blocked out as much I as I can about this evil place and since it's been close to 20 years I don't remember much but the names I do remember are...Rudy Bentz, Jill Bentz, Guy Banano, Pam Abel, Martin Weins, Russ Decker, Karl Kent, Rob Nelson, Laura Diekel, Tim Brase, Sal something...I believe he was involved with the recruiting. That's the best I can do right now. But from what I hear all these people are still involved with kids still and need to be stopped from destroying anymore lives. If they can't be jailed because our laws protect them from prosecution then hopefully they can be stopped from anything having to do with education or mental health care. Cedu is the closest thing to HELL we have on earth. No kid should ever have to go through that.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Staff you Hate - please comment
« Reply #142 on: November 30, 2009, 07:03:23 PM »
Speaking of drinking at prom parties.  

When I was there, the staff decided to have a party for themselves including heavy drinking.  They held it at the Denali lodge, lots of loud music too.  A very awkward evening from what I recall as basically all of the staff were nearby getting drunk, but all the students were standing on the smoking porch sort of watching and wondering what to make of it all.

Then during the party, a bunch of staff including Tim Brace, Bruce Wilson, Caroline Wolfe, Randy Eide, all came down to the lower deck near the Woodshed, drunk and abusive.  After, a day or two later, students were complaining in raps and the staff just responded with "Grow up!"  What a nice mixed message.  Do as we say, not as we do.  

Kind of ironic.  All the messed up teens were left to take care of the school while the adult staff partied to loud music and got drunk.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Staff you Hate - please comment
« Reply #143 on: December 01, 2009, 06:56:32 AM »
Wow. I think that may have happened when I was there. Isn't obvious now, that the staff, many of them, had real substance abuse issues, and abused their power. There were staff with serious sadistic tendencies and pedophililia histories and they used it and the kids to make money and get off on power and bizarre spritual trips.
they harvested souls.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Staff you Hate - please comment
« Reply #144 on: December 01, 2009, 12:40:19 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Staff you Hate - please comment
« Reply #145 on: December 05, 2009, 03:48:01 PM »
yes,you're right,cedu/brown schools most assuredly honk the ol' dog bowbow. while some of these people yer trashing are serious douche bags and deserve nothing less than a public flogging, I'm
  filled with the sense that most of you have no idea what it's like to survive in corporate america. of course people eat shit,of course people adapt to the company line. thats called bringing
home a check. don't even try to tell me you've never compromised beliefs for gain(be it money,sex or drugs).ok,my point is, some of you were at these schools 25 years ago. GROW THE FUCK UP!
so you were a kid and someone was mean. did they cut yer nuts off? thats what it sounds like. GROW A SAC!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Staff you Hate - please comment
« Reply #146 on: December 05, 2009, 11:13:21 PM »
Quote from: "fishhead"
yes,you're right,cedu/brown schools most assuredly honk the ol' dog bowbow. while some of these people yer trashing are serious douche bags and deserve nothing less than a public flogging, I'm
  filled with the sense that most of you have no idea what it's like to survive in corporate america. of course people eat shit,of course people adapt to the company line. thats called bringing
home a check. don't even try to tell me you've never compromised beliefs for gain(be it money,sex or drugs).ok,my point is, some of you were at these schools 25 years ago. GROW THE FUCK UP!
so you were a kid and someone was mean. did they cut yer nuts off? thats what it sounds like. GROW A SAC!
Hmm. Something smells fishy in this thread...  :seg:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: Staff you Hate - please comment
« Reply #147 on: December 05, 2009, 11:19:44 PM »
its obviously someone who was never incarcerated in one of those places.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Staff you Hate - please comment
« Reply #148 on: December 06, 2009, 12:45:51 AM »
Quote from: "fishhead"
yes,you're right,cedu/brown schools most assuredly honk the ol' dog bowbow. while some of these people yer trashing are serious douche bags and deserve nothing less than a public flogging, I'm
  filled with the sense that most of you have no idea what it's like to survive in corporate america. of course people eat shit,of course people adapt to the company line. thats called bringing
home a check. don't even try to tell me you've never compromised beliefs for gain(be it money,sex or drugs).ok,my point is, some of you were at these schools 25 years ago. GROW THE FUCK UP!
so you were a kid and someone was mean. did they cut yer nuts off? thats what it sounds like. GROW A SAC!

Considering "most" of us are in our 40's now, or at least late 30's, I think we've been through the corporate mill enough to know the routine.  Many of us have had to deal with ass-kissers like you who love to shout the party slogan from atop their desk.  And I have lost many jobs for not compromising on my beliefs.  But I am sure you have never had a problem compromising on anything.  Sounds like you sold your sac to get ahead and are now crying, wishing you hadn't.  Maybe some surgery could fix that for you.  I was born with three testicles, I'll donate one if you'd shut the fuck up.  

And go back to school and learn to use capital letters.  Might help convey a sense of intelligence that your post lacked.  But mainly your post reveals you got the same shoddy crap that passed for education in one of these programs.  So go get some surgery, get some balls and go back and demand a real education.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Re: Staff you Hate - please comment
« Reply #149 on: December 07, 2009, 08:18:13 PM »
Red Ashcraft from Mount Bachelor Academy prided himself on being the "forever young" guru. Forever young was a lifestep LGAT brainwashing session. First he demanded that we fucking confessed. We must write down everything that we had done wrong, with the implicit assumption that if we confessed it now, it wouldn't be a problem for us later on. However, some people who confessed things that were bad enough got literally sent to wilderness on the spot. Then came the feedback horseshoe. This was Red's favorite part, because it involved going in a circle and only giving negative "feedback", basically just judging and giving your opinion on what the person in the spotlight's problems in fact are. He would literally sit there for hours and just break down kids until they cried. And he fucking loved it. This man is a child abuser, and I'm sure that now that he's done with MBA, he'll have to find another fucked up school to work at, because this guy just loves abusing children so much that he will never stop until he's fucking dead.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »