Author Topic: I will help you escape from Cedu if you need help.  (Read 10636 times)

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Offline Anonymous

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I will help you escape from Cedu if you need help.
« on: June 26, 2004, 02:19:00 AM »
I live within an hour of the school.  
Sneak out and get to a pay phone.
I will tell you where to hide and give you a ride down the mountain or to Los Angeles.
After that you're on your own.
My suggestion is to go through the woods rather then the road.
Wear warm dark clothing and relax and have a smoke.
I graduated from there in 1992 and I will answer any of your questions about descriptions of the place to prove it to you.
My motivation is simply to do for someone else what I wish someone would have done for me.

Contact me through this Forum.  Simply state your interest to be free from that hell hole.  
I will then contact you at CEDU by mailing you a letter with information.
If you are a cop trying to bust me, bring it on motherfucker.  They're abusing kids there and I answer to a higher authority.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline mikehunt

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I will help you escape from Cedu if you need help.
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2004, 02:43:00 AM »
dude, don't suggest that these kids have a smoke; smoking is absolutely horrible for you!
and the letter thing won't work; they read through the mail.
laura solomon
cedu vet. 1996-1999
RIP[ This Message was edited by: mikehunt on 2004-06-25 23:45 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
aura solomon

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I will help you escape from Cedu if you need help.
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2004, 11:48:00 AM »
Something about you I notice, Laura, you always focus on the least important aspect in someone's post.  Frankly, I'm sick of it.  Either you are so unintelligent that you don't realize how your idiotic comments detract from the importance of these issues, or you deliberately want to sabotage.  

You are still so beat down by your CEDU experience, you have lost your faith in the Human being to accomplish ANYTHING he/she sets her mind to.  You remind me of the faux intellectual who, through your own displays of cleverness, shows how foolish you really are.

So if you think it so important to harp on smoking so you can have your attention, fine.  

Kids are being FUCKING ABUSED there!!

Why don't we all stop being cowardly hypocrites and do something about it!

I WILL help people to escape--- even if it only means that for an hour, a day, a week, (before they are inevitably caught and returned) they will be able to experience physical, emotional, FREEDOM to talk, read, listen, enjoy what every American citizen should have the right from birth, and -furthermore without ANY formal criminal charge EVER EVER have taken away!!!

So please no comments on smoking, I welcome however any comments about a plan of ACTION, to really help.  I'm sick of whining about injustice.  

We are NOT at CEDU anymore guys!!!  We have the freedom to do and say and listen and read and question and believe and argue and deny and uphold anything we, with our free will wish.

This is not meant to be insulting to you Laura, but, "as the harder the truth to tell, the truer the friend that tells it", I must say to you my fellow soldier in the battle against injustice-

Is the soul more important, or is the body?  
Which is more eternal?

Well, they are trying to destroy the Souls of innocent children at CEDU.  Not murderers, rapists, armed robbers.  Innocent children MOST without even a legal charge against them.

My name is BRYAN FELSHER.  My phone # is 310-756-4534.

And yes I am willing to serve time in jail for what I believe.

I already have, 2 1/2 years on a lonely mountain in San Bernadino.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline mikehunt

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I will help you escape from Cedu if you need help.
« Reply #3 on: June 26, 2004, 04:32:00 PM »
On 2004-06-26 08:48:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Something about you I notice, Laura, you always focus on the least important aspect in someone's post.  Frankly, I'm sick of it.  Either you are so unintelligent that you don't realize how your idiotic comments detract from the importance of these issues, or you deliberately want to sabotage.  

You are still so beat down by your CEDU experience, you have lost your faith in the Human being to accomplish ANYTHING he/she sets her mind to.  You remind me of the faux intellectual who, through your own displays of cleverness, shows how foolish you really are.

So if you think it so important to harp on smoking so you can have your attention, fine.  

Kids are being FUCKING ABUSED there!!

Why don't we all stop being cowardly hypocrites and do something about it!

I WILL help people to escape--- even if it only means that for an hour, a day, a week, (before they are inevitably caught and returned) they will be able to experience physical, emotional, FREEDOM to talk, read, listen, enjoy what every American citizen should have the right from birth, and -furthermore without ANY formal criminal charge EVER EVER have taken away!!!

So please no comments on smoking, I welcome however any comments about a plan of ACTION, to really help.  I'm sick of whining about injustice.  

We are NOT at CEDU anymore guys!!!  We have the freedom to do and say and listen and read and question and believe and argue and deny and uphold anything we, with our free will wish.

This is not meant to be insulting to you Laura, but, "as the harder the truth to tell, the truer the friend that tells it", I must say to you my fellow soldier in the battle against injustice-


Is the soul more important, or is the body?  

Which is more eternal?

Well, they are trying to destroy the Souls of innocent children at CEDU.  Not murderers, rapists, armed robbers.  Innocent children MOST without even a legal charge against them.

My name is BRYAN FELSHER.  My phone # is 310-756-4534.

And yes I am willing to serve time in jail for what I believe.

I already have, 2 1/2 years on a lonely mountain in San Bernadino."

smoking is detrimental to your health, not a petty issue.  these kids have been pulled away from smoking for so long (with the exception of any cigarettes they may have snuck in) why should they go back?  in case you think i'm some ignorant preacher, i'll have you know that i smoked for several years... i started at cedu and continued once i left.  i no longer smoke because of the damage it does to my body (i've come to realize that my inclination to smoke was the product of the imbalance between my body, mind and soul.)  
clearly, you don't know me.  i'm a militant advocate for the theory "anybody can do anything"; if you knew me at all, you'd be well aware of this.
seriously, i don't need to preach to the choir about this shit... i've stated my opinions as they were relevent in many other threads.  if you're sick of reading them, feel free to skip over them when you see my fornits pseudonym to the left.  i think it's ridiculous that you're looking for backup here.  i think it's noble that you'd like to help kids out of cedu; i'd like to say that i'd do the same if i didn't live across the country.  however, i think it's shitty that you'd smut up the honor in your cause by telling these kids to pollute their bodies [as if they hadn't been polluted the whole time they'd been at cedu; do you remember what they serve those kids (aside from abuse)?] and perpetuate their modes of self-destruction... cedu is all about tearing these children down and breaking their souls.  the last thing they need is to run from this confinement into a prison of their own.  
i'm sorry if you're bothered by the fact that i think people need to respect their bodies; as a spiritual being, i 'm a firm believer that our bodies are our temples and they deserve to be treated with honor and care.
you asked which is more important, soul or body.  on this earth, your soul would not be here without your body, which is why it ought to be treated with care.  your soul can flourish if your body is in optimal condition.  
how the hell can someone prepare to run when their lungs are being tortured with smoke??  

"So please no comments on smoking, I welcome however any comments about a plan of ACTION, to really help.  I'm sick of whining about injustice.  

We are NOT at CEDU anymore guys!!!  We have the freedom to do and say and listen and read and question and believe and argue and deny and uphold anything we, with our free will wish."

you contradict yourself here... you're having a problem with what i have to say.

if there's anything i can do to help, i'd love to, but i'm not sure what there is... i'm werking on producing books and a film to expose the nature of these places to prevent people from getting sent away in the future.
if any of you want me to talk to your parents, i'd love to.  if there's anything else you can think of that i can do, i'd be more than willing to do it.  please get in touch with me if i can be of service to you (even if you just need someone to talk to in order to preserve your strength.)

laura solomon
cedu vet. 1996-1999
RIP[ This Message was edited by: mikehunt on 2004-06-26 13:43 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
aura solomon


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I will help you escape from Cedu if you need help.
« Reply #4 on: June 26, 2004, 05:36:00 PM »
Laura, first of all, I apologize for offending you.  

I respect your opinion and I don't think I contradicted myself, because I stated we also have the right to argue.  

I also want you to know that from the little I do know about you I sincerely do like you as a human being.

You clearly are not the run of the mill average person I typically run into everyday.

We have different opinions on the nature of the Soul/Body relationship and it's a beautiful thing that we can disagree on this and still remain (dare I say) friends.

So let's squash it because rather then discussing our disagreements which leads nowhere,
let's discuss what we do agree on.

There is a serious problem at CEDU and its affiliates.

What can we do?- I think you have a GREAT idea in writing a book, compiling stories, and even making a movie.

If you look at my other posts, you'll see I am trying to organize a peaceful dissent.

Do you have any suggestions?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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I will help you escape from Cedu if you need help.
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2004, 08:51:00 PM »
Bryan, thanks for patching it up with Laura. I've known her for years and she is one of the most gifted and intelligent persons I have ever known. I mean, fucking brilliant! I see her as a voice of reason here - logical and mature. She pointed out that my criticizing that guy from the school for not even spelling "warrant" correctly. She said that it wasn't worth discussing. I agree and am glad she pointed that out to me. Both of you are smart and able - and you will make a powerful difference in the world.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline shanlea

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I will help you escape from Cedu if you need help.
« Reply #6 on: June 27, 2004, 12:20:00 AM »
All your ideas are good to get the attention of people re:CEDU's abuses.  However, if you get arrested, get arrested for protest, not helping someone escape.  Most likely they will try to bust you for kidnapping with the parent's support and that is a serious crime.  Don't give them this opportunity.  I know you are pissed.  Galvanize your energy and intelligence to act on your other proposals but not this one.

If you really want to put yourself out there, offer your contact information to give kids information on what they can do to get out of CEDU.  I know one person on this site, who has since edited everything out, gave a pretty good list of how one can leave with more protection (state services, age requirements, which states provide more rights etc.)  You can pass that on to a kid or ask that his parents call you and you can tell your story.  

I think people really resent feeling manipulated and if parents understand that CEDU gives a lot of stock phrases when kids are miserable or try to split, they may question keeping them in.  I know when I split, CEDU told them I would go on drugs and fall apart and that my cries for help were just manipulation, etc.  (Didn't matter that I never was addicted to drugs, stopped using them even recreationally months before CEDU and never went back.)  I think parents need to know how they are being manipulated.  So they feel like dumbasses and think twice.  My MOm was brainwashed a little by CEDU, but when I left, it was my Dad who supported my decision not to go back.  I think he knew something didn't smell right even if he didn't know exactly what.  One red flag is that they shot him down big time when he questionned one of their policies at the parent's workshop. THey wouldn't even answer the question, they just publicly rebuked him.  

What I want to know is why parents don't ask for longitudinal studies.  Any program can broadcast testimonies, but long term efficacy is another thing.

OK, I'm digressing. I'll stop now.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline former CEDU therapist

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I will help you escape from Cedu if you need help.
« Reply #7 on: June 27, 2004, 12:26:00 AM »
[ This Message was edited by: former CEDU therapist on 2004-08-01 22:37 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline mikehunt

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I will help you escape from Cedu if you need help.
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2004, 02:48:00 AM »
On 2004-06-26 14:36:00, Bryan Felsher wrote:

"Laura, first of all, I apologize for offending you.  

I respect your opinion and I don't think I contradicted myself, because I stated we also have the right to argue.  

I also want you to know that from the little I do know about you I sincerely do like you as a human being.

You clearly are not the run of the mill average person I typically run into everyday.

We have different opinions on the nature of the Soul/Body relationship and it's a beautiful thing that we can disagree on this and still remain (dare I say) friends.

So let's squash it because rather then discussing our disagreements which leads nowhere,

let's discuss what we do agree on.

There is a serious problem at CEDU and its affiliates.

What can we do?- I think you have a GREAT idea in writing a book, compiling stories, and even making a movie.

If you look at my other posts, you'll see I am trying to organize a peaceful dissent.

Do you have any suggestions?"


i think the ideas you mentioned in your other thread are great!  i'd love to be a part of that.  as i've said, let me know when it is, i'll come out.
let me know what i can do to help.
i think we should do something both at the hotel and at the skool gates... we should block the gates so that they can't get in without getting past us.  i also think we could have some sort of meeting at the hotel; we could like slip vague flyers in the hotel rooms to let parents believe that it's some cedu sponsored meeting, and then have a discussion with them or whatever.

and not to dwell on the petty shit, i just wanted to clarify that the contradiction lays where you tell us not to comment about smoking, then you proceed to talk about freedom of speech, argument, etc.

laura solomon
cedu vet. 1996-1999
RIP[ This Message was edited by: mikehunt on 2004-06-28 01:00 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
aura solomon


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I will help you escape from Cedu if you need help.
« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2004, 01:43:00 PM »
« Last Edit: September 28, 2006, 10:24:27 PM by Guest »

Offline mikehunt

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I will help you escape from Cedu if you need help.
« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2004, 03:29:00 PM »
don't worry about it; you didn't wrong me, you were just defending yourself before considering where i was coming from.   i'm sorry to hear you lost sleep over it.. i was offended at first and wrote a post that reaked of defensive energy, but i changed it as i went back and reflected on the situation.  i forgive you.
i too am an ignorant one who once called myself wise.  
i'm going to meet your friend in florida this week (he told me about werking with you yesterday.)  i think you're doing a great thing, and i support you 100%.  i've definitely got your back when the shit goes down.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
aura solomon

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« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2004, 07:08:00 PM »
The trick to catching the brainwashed manipulators that run cedu is this. first tape all the calls. if they ask if you are taping them deny it. second call other parents  and have them go up there with you. call the police and have them come with you. have the police run backround checks on staff. many are felons who will lie  for the boss becuase they cannont work anywhere else but there. cedu calls this loyalty. have the police surround the building becuase cedu staff will run out the door if they see cops. the cult leader whoops i mean headmaster will do all the talking.  if they will not let your child come home for a visit. threaten to sue them for false imprisonment and extortion. remember that they are sociopaths who practice in private on how to manipulate parents and cops  and of course students. if the child does not want to go and claims that her friends are there  yank her right away.  cedu pretends to care about kids but they really only care about how they appear to all the placement people who pimp kids to them. they will use the excuse that being loyal to your friends is all that matters and try to manipulate you into keeping the kid there. if the kid wants to go back do not let them  and have him talk to other kids when they are released. make them put everything in writing. if they refuse. one parent went down there with a gun to get his kid out. do not hesitate to do the same and bring as many people with you as possible.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Hell on Wheels

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« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2004, 09:35:00 PM »
[ This Message was edited by: Hell on Wheels on 2004-07-07 19:30 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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« Reply #13 on: June 28, 2004, 10:50:00 PM »
Actually, a good friend of mine did face some kind of similar charges 20 years ago. He was picketting a Straight location when one of the kids made a run for it. My friend put the kid up for a couple of days while he decided what to do next. He was very, very lucky that the court was unable (not unwilling, mind you, just unable) to place the kid back in the Program so he could be broken down till he changed his testimony.

Here's my advice to any kids stuck in a Program and looking to run. If you have a relative who might be sympathetic, contact them. If they take you in, do NOT let your parents know where you are. I know they'll worry, but it's just not worth the risks and it's really only a short while before you come of age and they can't legally force you back into the Program.

If you haven't got a relative who will help you and you're determined to run anyway, get a coupld of states away and find a job. Lie if you have to about your age or whatever. Truck stops are always hiring waitresses and boys can find casual work at construction sites or almost anyway. But find some kind of work so that you can 1) support yourself and not have to rely on strangers who may or may not have your best interest at heart and 2) make a good case to the courts should have to explain yourself at some point in the future.

Guard with jealous attention the public Liberty. Suspect everyone who approaches that Jewel. Unfortunately, Nothing will Preserve it but downright Force. Whenever you Give Up that Force, you are ruined.....The Great Object is that every man be armed.....Everyone who is able may have a gun.
Anonymity Anonymous
It is wrong to leave a stumbling block in the road once it has tripped you.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Anonymous

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I will help you escape from Cedu if you need help.
« Reply #14 on: June 29, 2004, 09:05:00 PM »
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »