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Offline Timoclea

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Reports of Abuse at Provo Canyon School
« Reply #15 on: May 26, 2004, 03:12:00 PM »
Hope, lemme tell you a little story---When I was in college, I went to the "counseling center" and mentioned being suicidal and the counselor talked about did I want to change my major---but he *also* referred me to the infirmary to talk to the psychiatrist.  Okay, he was so-so, but at least he knew his limitations.

Then I went to the infirmary psychiatrist, and I told him I thought I was manic-depressive and he said that since he couldn't see it, he couldn't diagnose it, and suggested I only take classes half-time and basically resign myself to living life as an invalid.

I went on my way convinced psychiatry could do nothing for me and I was on my own.

It nearly killed me, because I *do* have a major mental illness.

Fortunately, along the way after nearly killing myself (a couple of times), and nearly getting committed, and scaring my closest friends half to death, I ended up in the office of a *competent* psychiatrist.

He diagnosed me, not correctly yet, but close enough, and got me on medication that helps---my diagnosis got refined to the right one later.  Bipolar II (what I have) is hard to tell from Major Depressive Disorder---it wasn't incompetence, it was lack of data, and it didn't harm me because the doctors were competent and were following my condition---so once enough data accumulated, they fixed my records. No harm, no foul.

I didn't find out until *years* later that the shrink who tried to tell me to just live as an invalid was at the far extreme of the field in his *extreme* reluctance to prescribe medication.

He should have told me so.  Not telling me his opinion was an extreme minority was unethical.

But he was *ONE* bad shrink----and I almost let that *ONE* bad shrink get me killed by keeping me from getting the quality treatment that any of the vast majority of competent and ethical shrinks could give.

Don't make the mistake I did.  Please.

Hope, I've known more than half a dozen shrinks in a professional capacity.  When you have a mental illness that requires medication, over the years you accumulate various shrinks just for medication management.

I've known *one* lousy one, and a couple of so-so ones out of about ten.

Consider the possibility that the shrinks and pseudo shrinks willing to work for these places are the bottom of the barrel, professionally.

Consider that a *competent* shrink would have a successful private practice and *not* be working in the middle of nowhere in someplace as sucky as Provo Canyon.

It sucks for the kids, but even though it's no excuse for the staff to do the things they do, accept for a minute that working there sucks for the staff and that's part of the reason they get their jollies of pathetic power plays with the kids.

Now, would a *competent*, *ethical* shrink work in a shithole like that if they could get a better job?

To be a *good* shrink, you have to have empathy and ethics---which maybe suggests why the "therapists" (and I'm being generous by dignifying them with the term) who wind up at PC can't get a better job elsewhere.

Please don't let the profession's sleazy bottom of the barrel affect your opinion of all shrinks, or keep you from getting the genuinely helpful assistance any of the vast majority of the profession's *good* practitioners can provide.

I know it's hard to trust that you can find a good shrink when you've had a bad one.  I can certainly relate.  But please trust that you're *much* more likely to find a competent one *outside* a BM institution than you were to find one *inside* one.

By the way---the first competent psychiatrist, who got me on medication that actually helped me---was working at the mental health clinic run by my county health department, and was based on ability to pay----so lack of money doesn't have to be any   bar to getting basic, good quality treatment.

What experiences and history teach is this-that people and government never have learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it.

--G.W.F Hegel (1770-1831)

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Reports of Abuse at Provo Canyon School
« Reply #16 on: May 26, 2004, 03:49:00 PM »
How common is it for teens with a serious mental illness like BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) to be inappropriately placed in a behavior modification program because the child has been labeled by non professionals (e.g. "parents helping other parents") as "defiant", "manipulative" and/or suffering from this new and wholly made-up condition called "entitlementitis"?  

This really concerns me knowing that illnesses like BPD can not be cured by a 2 year stint in some one-size-fits-all behavior mod program or any kind of "program" for that matter that is not equipped to provide the kind of specialized treatment these teens need and deserve.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline darkhunterhope

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Reports of Abuse at Provo Canyon School
« Reply #17 on: May 26, 2004, 03:49:00 PM »
On 2004-05-26 12:12:00, Timoclea wrote:

"Hope, lemme tell you a little story---When I was in college, I went to the "counseling center" and mentioned being suicidal and the counselor talked about did I want to change my major---but he *also* referred me to the infirmary to talk to the psychiatrist.  Okay, he was so-so, but at least he knew his limitations.

Then I went to the infirmary psychiatrist, and I told him I thought I was manic-depressive and he said that since he couldn't see it, he couldn't diagnose it, and suggested I only take classes half-time and basically resign myself to living life as an invalid.

I went on my way convinced psychiatry could do nothing for me and I was on my own.

It nearly killed me, because I *do* have a major mental illness.

Fortunately, along the way after nearly killing myself (a couple of times), and nearly getting committed, and scaring my closest friends half to death, I ended up in the office of a *competent* psychiatrist.

He diagnosed me, not correctly yet, but close enough, and got me on medication that helps---my diagnosis got refined to the right one later.  Bipolar II (what I have) is hard to tell from Major Depressive Disorder---it wasn't incompetence, it was lack of data, and it didn't harm me because the doctors were competent and were following my condition---so once enough data accumulated, they fixed my records. No harm, no foul.

I didn't find out until *years* later that the shrink who tried to tell me to just live as an invalid was at the far extreme of the field in his *extreme* reluctance to prescribe medication.

He should have told me so.  Not telling me his opinion was an extreme minority was unethical.

But he was *ONE* bad shrink----and I almost let that *ONE* bad shrink get me killed by keeping me from getting the quality treatment that any of the vast majority of competent and ethical shrinks could give.

Don't make the mistake I did.  Please.

Hope, I've known more than half a dozen shrinks in a professional capacity.  When you have a mental illness that requires medication, over the years you accumulate various shrinks just for medication management.

I've known *one* lousy one, and a couple of so-so ones out of about ten.

Consider the possibility that the shrinks and pseudo shrinks willing to work for these places are the bottom of the barrel, professionally.

Consider that a *competent* shrink would have a successful private practice and *not* be working in the middle of nowhere in someplace as sucky as Provo Canyon.

It sucks for the kids, but even though it's no excuse for the staff to do the things they do, accept for a minute that working there sucks for the staff and that's part of the reason they get their jollies of pathetic power plays with the kids.

Now, would a *competent*, *ethical* shrink work in a shithole like that if they could get a better job?

To be a *good* shrink, you have to have empathy and ethics---which maybe suggests why the "therapists" (and I'm being generous by dignifying them with the term) who wind up at PC can't get a better job elsewhere.

Please don't let the profession's sleazy bottom of the barrel affect your opinion of all shrinks, or keep you from getting the genuinely helpful assistance any of the vast majority of the profession's *good* practitioners can provide.

I know it's hard to trust that you can find a good shrink when you've had a bad one.  I can certainly relate.  But please trust that you're *much* more likely to find a competent one *outside* a BM institution than you were to find one *inside* one.

By the way---the first competent psychiatrist, who got me on medication that actually helped me---was working at the mental health clinic run by my county health department, and was based on ability to pay----so lack of money doesn't have to be any   bar to getting basic, good quality treatment.

What experiences and history teach is this-that people and government never have learned anything from history, or acted on principles deduced from it.

--G.W.F Hegel (1770-1831)


Actually I am quite sane, just very very opionated, ask any of my friends if they ever find this place,heh, but yea, I don't need to live through chemicals, not ye anyhow, thanks for the info. though, ijust get stressed and over produce acid causing great pain, but i gotta go, mom needs me. tanks again.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
o be able to look back upon one\'s past life with satisfaction is to live twice.

-  Marcus Valerius Martial

Offline Timoclea

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Reports of Abuse at Provo Canyon School
« Reply #18 on: May 26, 2004, 04:41:00 PM »
On 2004-05-26 12:49:00, Anonymous wrote:

"How common is it for teens with a serious mental illness like BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) to be inappropriately placed in a behavior modification program because the child has been labeled by non professionals (e.g. "parents helping other parents") as "defiant", "manipulative" and/or suffering from this new and wholly made-up condition called "entitlementitis"?  

This really concerns me knowing that illnesses like BPD can not be cured by a 2 year stint in some one-size-fits-all behavior mod program or any kind of "program" for that matter that is not equipped to provide the kind of specialized treatment these teens need and deserve.  "

I don't know how "common" it is, but because illnesses like BPD have a heavy genetic component---mental illness tends to run in families, and in a family with those genes, even family members who are not actually mentally ill may eccentric----well, these parents may very well be more vulnerable to the manipulations of recruiters and administrators in this industry.

So it's a very real risk---especially among families that have some kind of prejudice against medication.  These families may decide that "therapy doesn't work" and that doctors are "only trying to stick your kid on drugs."

Some kids need drugs.  The right drugs.  Most kids don't, but some kids do.

So sometimes it very well could happen that a mentally ill child is inappropriately placed in a behavioral modification facility that promises (not in words they can legally be held to---but enough to let the parents hear what they want to hear) to cure their mentally ill child's "problems," and that that inappropriate placement happens because parents don't want to hear what mainstream child psychologists and child psychiatrists are telling them.

And there are no checks or balances in the system to keep that from happening.

Which isn't as it should be, since failing to get proper medical care for a sick child is child neglect.

I'm not saying every parent whose kid has a mental health problem should be forced to medicate their child regardless of the parents' opinions.  I am saying that if the child has a major mental illness (and I want BPD reclassified as one--it's the only diagnosis I want reclassified) the parents shouldn't be able to institutionalize the child in preference to medicating the child.

First management had plans and then strategic plans. Now we have vision, and we're only one small step from hallucination.
-- Ansley Throckmorton upon assuming the presidency of Bangor Theological Seminary in Bangor, Main per Information World 8-4-`97

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Timoclea

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Reports of Abuse at Provo Canyon School
« Reply #19 on: May 26, 2004, 04:50:00 PM »
Oh---caveat---if the *child* with the major mental illness *wants* institutionalization over medication, and the parents agree, *of course* the government shouldn't force pills down the poor kid's throat.

I just think that anybody who's dangerous off meds (but safe on them) who is willing to take the medicine should have the *option* of medication over institutionalization.

Regardless of age.

One of the reasons I think that is that there *is* no cure for the major mental illnesses.  When these places say or imply that they can cure them, they're lying.

Experience is that marvelous thing that enables you recognize a mistake when you make it again.' target='_new'>Mark Twain

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Reports of Abuse at Provo Canyon School
« Reply #20 on: May 26, 2004, 05:31:00 PM »
Thanks Timoclea, I appreciate the feedback on the question about diagnosable mentally ill teens. You would be shocked at how many parents who refer other parents to their program-of-choice are doing so much more harm than good.  It is really a tragedy and one of the reasons why federal regulations are so vital to establishing
protections for teens from child abuse and neglect at the hands of these so-called "professional parents".  What a crock!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Reports of Abuse at Provo Canyon School
« Reply #21 on: June 01, 2004, 10:00:00 PM »
This was taken from the petition to close Provo Canyon School:

This inhumane place needs to be shut down!!!!  It?s absolutely disgusting that this abusive and neglecting center is still open. Why does America stand for this kind of abuse to its children?? SHUT IT DOWN! How can anyone justify shooting a child up with Thorazine, or sexually abusing a child, or denying a child medical attention. I've seen all these happen in my 11-month stay there in 1990-1991. God help those that are in there now, and those of us that are left to deal with the "demons" since we have left.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Reports of Abuse at Provo Canyon School
« Reply #22 on: June 03, 2004, 02:11:00 PM »
It's hard to believe that this place is still in opperation. The children are severely disciplined and often the discipline is abusive. They tell parents and authorities that the children are liars and somehow they continue to get away with sadistic and abusive treatment of children and mentally ill children.
It must be closed down. I don't know if the petition will work - but it is worth a try.  :wink:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Reports of Abuse at Provo Canyon School
« Reply #23 on: June 08, 2004, 02:04:00 PM »
This inhumane place needs to be shut down!!!!  It?s absolutely disgusting that this abusive and neglecting center is still open. Why does America stand for this kind of abuse to its children?? SHUT IT DOWN! How can anyone justify shooting a child up with Thorazine, or sexually abusing a child, or denying a child medical attention. I've seen all these happen in my 11-month stay there in 1990-1991. God help those that are in there now, and those of us that are left to deal with the "demons" since we have left.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Reports of Abuse at Provo Canyon School
« Reply #24 on: June 08, 2004, 02:07:00 PM »
Recently returned home from a private prison. I just wanted to share with those who think this is a wonderful place. I was there during flu season on orientation and investment (where I stayed most of the time) A nurse told our group that we had to take our medication and that we could not refuse. "If you refuse the medication - you will be given a shot by force if need be!" That's what we were told. Oh - and for those thinking of coming to PCS for therapy - FORGET IT - unless you consider isolation and seclusion theray. Oh - and then we had this person with an infrared machine. The nurse - or whoever - said "you wont get to go to the doctor if you get sick - so wash your hands well." Then our hands were examined. Many people were sick - and no one could go to an outside doctor.
If one isn't insane when they go to PCS - they will be. Most of the staff are power-tripping sadists who enjoy tormenting certain people (some people are treated Ok - if they kiss ass. Well - that's all for now - I'll write more as the horrors that linger in my brain subside. How long will it take to stop having nighmares and breaking out in cold sweats? It's 2 am - dare I try to sleep?
Broken Doll
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Reports of Abuse at Provo Canyon School
« Reply #25 on: June 08, 2004, 02:15:00 PM »
I was at PCS for a little over six months. The horrors I wittnesed there appauled me. The staff members and therapists there (I had Earl Cardon) had fun toying with the kids there, they would say stuff to the kids to try and make them angry and lash out...and when they did they would get beaten, thrown over a table, get kneed in the back, elbowed in the face, drugged, isolated for days. If you tried to say anything about the terrors that went on there to you're parents whether it was by phone, or mail, the therapists would find out and you would be cut off from any communication of any type from you're parents, family, and friends. They called it.."Manipulation". Clever huh...Finally my mother came down to visit me for the first time. Good thing she did, because when she saw how loony Earl Cardon (my therapist) was. less than 2 weeks more I was out of that Nazi concentration brainwashing power tripping mind controling hellish terrifying horrifying prison camp...Or what did they call it there...Oh, yes, A "Residential Teatment Center". Sounds fun huh.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline darkhunterhope

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Reports of Abuse at Provo Canyon School
« Reply #26 on: June 08, 2004, 03:25:00 PM »
On 2004-06-08 11:07:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Recently returned home from a private prison. I just wanted to share with those who think this is a wonderful place. I was there during flu season on orientation and investment (where I stayed most of the time) A nurse told our group that we had to take our medication and that we could not refuse. "If you refuse the medication - you will be given a shot by force if need be!" That's what we were told. Oh - and for those thinking of coming to PCS for therapy - FORGET IT - unless you consider isolation and seclusion theray. Oh - and then we had this person with an infrared machine. The nurse - or whoever - said "you wont get to go to the doctor if you get sick - so wash your hands well." Then our hands were examined. Many people were sick - and no one could go to an outside doctor.

If one isn't insane when they go to PCS - they will be. Most of the staff are power-tripping sadists who enjoy tormenting certain people (some people are treated Ok - if they kiss ass. Well - that's all for now - I'll write more as the horrors that linger in my brain subside. How long will it take to stop having nighmares and breaking out in cold sweats? It's 2 am - dare I try to sleep?

Broken Doll"

Hmmm... I find you interesting. The whole hand washing with a chemical then putting your hands under a black light was used to show you where you missed when washing 'bacteria' away off of your hands. This was done during the 'medical intake' thingy that all the kids there go through, I went through it too, it was just to show you whats what and to keep you aware for the sickness season there.

And yea you are forced to take meds, even though you really do have a chocie, they just don't tell you that and let you exercise that right, course when I exercised that right with them I was thrown into observation until I was willing to take my meds.

And when you are sick there they never take you to a Dr. you could be making RUN PLANS< dun dun DUN> Stupid people, so you had to be like really sick and then maybe you could see Cathy Black and then she would decide but you had to have a temp. over 100 to be put on bed rest and if you got out of your bed then you would be given a class two and possibly sent back to school, cause you couldn't read, crochet or do homework to pass the boredom of the day, yea that was always fun.

Oh. And I have never seen a student thrown over a table, I think that's a bit extreme, course I have seen a kid dropped down the stairs on her head. Hmm...

Oh, and the only kids there that are treated well are those that do as staff say and sacrifice they're spirit and all that they are and bend to they're every need and heed they're every word, those like me that remained true to themselves and wouldn't fold and would not let them break they're spirit, well, let's just say it was rough for those like me.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
o be able to look back upon one\'s past life with satisfaction is to live twice.

-  Marcus Valerius Martial

Offline Anonymous

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Reports of Abuse at Provo Canyon School
« Reply #27 on: June 08, 2004, 07:47:00 PM »
The boys are treated worse than the girls from my understanding. There is a campus in Orem for the girls and another in Provo on University for the boys.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Reports of Abuse at Provo Canyon School
« Reply #28 on: June 08, 2004, 08:08:00 PM »
While i was at pcs, i can rememebr only times of fear and loathing, i lost what i could concider pride as they took me and beat me in the observation rooms, when parents decide to send there children to provo canyon school they see happy children climbing on rocks and having group therapy, but i remember therapy as an escape from the torture that we have all been through. As a student i have been beaten, sexually herassed, falsy accused, and permenantly damaged, today i am free, free because of the fear of what would happen if i wer e to be there another day, free for the sympethy of few staff that realized i have been there for nearly two years. Some staff did help me to make it through, but in the way that they only protected me from myself, and that was not who i needed to be protected from. I hurt myself in the way that i became the person my parents belived belonged in a treatment facility. No matter how much i grow, or how much i learn, i will never over come the fear, hate, and pain i went through at pcs. To all former students i bid ye my greatest respect for the pain you have had to suffer, and to all current or former employees i have only this to say, i hope you can understand the pain the children have to go through, there is no cause for the pain most staf contribute, students being all under the age of 18 have no power to defend themselves, i recall select individuals who helped me to survive pcs and would like to thank them, tony mosier, you made me belive in myself even when no one else in the world thought i was worth the breath, john (therapist) u helped me to remain calm even when i am rudely awakened by a fist flying to my face from an employee of the school. but asx for bruce, your fat ass will burn in hell for your lack of human sensitivity, i will never forget the fifteen or so chairs u have broken you *******. Jason, you will forever be a memory, a peice of **** i left in the toilet years ago, you will never have the privilage to touch me again. Alvin and jackson, thanks for your kindness you have been strict but you have also been kind and understanding, as for the physical therapy staff, you are all kind, but not all the students get to experience this kindness, this is one thing they do deserve. As for the parents sending the children to Provo Canyon, what the **** are you thinking, you deserve to be in a mental hospital or something, when your children call crying and begging to go home, listen to them, who the **** are you to ignore your own children when they are hurting. I will leave my statement at that, sorry for the crude language, i know i should know better, but im not scared anymore.
love always
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Reports of Abuse at Provo Canyon School
« Reply #29 on: June 09, 2004, 01:59:00 AM »
So good to see you on the net!!  I am constantly reading these sites for two reasons, first, to see if any former students I know leave messages and, two, to remind myself of who I have been given the great responsibilty to care for and to educate myself to the concerns and issues regarding PCS.  It makes me a better, more effective and empathetic staff member (except for when I raise my voice.  Hey, stop laughing.)

You are right about Tony.  He is an excellent therapist and I am glad you had the opportunity to work with him.  Jackson is doing well and still sounds like Barry White on the phone.  

It is not often I get to work with our students outside the Investment Unit, but when that chance comes, I relish it.  Yeah, I can be firm, even strict, but I pride myself on being fair and never shying away from a moment to give a  needed hug or word of encouragement.  Jackson, on the other hand, well, just call him everybody's "dad".

Best wishes to you Tyler.  Give us a call sometime and let us know how you are doing.  While a major part of your stay at PCS was challenging, I am grateful we met.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »