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Petition to close the abusive Provo Canyon School is gaining
« Reply #120 on: May 26, 2004, 09:43:00 PM »
FYI - Brooke Adams is another journalist from the Salt Lake Tribune that has written very well researched articles on the teen help industry. Though not widely known, The Deseret News is owned by the LDS church.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Petition to close the abusive Provo Canyon School is gaining
« Reply #122 on: May 26, 2004, 11:03:00 PM »
Cherish Wisdom - Are you a Utah or California resident?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Deborah

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Petition to close the abusive Provo Canyon School is gaining
« Reply #123 on: May 26, 2004, 11:10:00 PM »
From Amy's article:
Meanwhile, Utah licensing officials say there is little they can do about complaints that come in for programs like WWASPS, which remain unlicensed because they are "boarding schools."


"Our concern is that there is currently very little, if any oversight," Stettler said.
While licensed facilities have to meet minimum requirements for health and safety purposes, programs termed as "boarding schools" such as Majestic Ranch are outside the state's purview.

This is total BS and a frustrating issue industry wide, as they all want to claim to be traditional boarding schools but operate as pseudo mental hospitals heavy on the BM. Stettler's been around the block and absolutely knows what's going on in WWASP and other facilities- knows beyond a shadow of a doubt that they aren't "boarding schools".

The burning question is WHY aren't licensing officials requiring the facilities to define their scope of services and then making their OWN determination as to what classification the facilty falls under.

Licensing is charged with monitoring residential facilities. It should be incumbent on every facility that hangs out a shingle to contact the state and file paperwork defining the full scope of services in detail. If licensing suspects a facility is not what they profess to be, it should be incumbent on them to go in and access what the actual classification should be.

Stettler and other officials like to spin the illusion that their hands are tied because the facility is claiming to be a boarding school. So, tell the public what you need to hear in order to initiate an investigation. In my case, a complaint stating that the facility was other than what they claimed. (well documented)  It is beyond me that licensing doesn't have the authority to walk into any facility and inquire about their operation. A major oversight in the laws governing such a powerful state entity. Corporations have too much power and licensing does not want to risk lawsuits, etc.

If the folks at licensing can't distinguish the difference between a traditional boarding school and a residential treatment facilty or therapeutic boarding school, I suggest they adopt the definition of boarding school, "primarily educational institution" used by ICPC:

ICPC Regulation 4-1-(a):  "Primarily educational institution" means an institution which operates one or more programs that can be offered in satisfaction of compulsory school attendance laws, in which the primary purpose of accepting children is to meet their educational needs; and which DOES NOT DO ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING:  1) accept responsibility for children during the entire year;   (2) provide or hold itself out as providing child care constituting nurture sufficient to substitute for parental supervision and control or foster care;   (3) provide any other services to children, except for those customarily regarded as extracurricular or cocurricular school activities, pupil support services, and those services necessary to make it possible for the
children to be maintained on a residential basis in the aforementioned school program or programs.
ICPC Regulation 4-5 : The type of license, if any, held by an institution is evidence of its character, but does not determine the need for compliance with ICPC. Whether an institution is either generally exempt from the need to comply with the Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children or exempt in a particular instance is to be determined by the SERVICES IT ACTUALLY PROVIDES or offers to provide. In making any such determinations, the criteria set forth in this regulation shall be applied.  
The Office of Evaluation reported to the Office of Inspector General that (excerpted)
the Compact has jurisdiction over the following types of interstate placements: placement into foster care; child care institutions, and residential treatment facilities. The Compact does not have jurisdiction over the following placements:
placements into schools,  made by a child?s parent, stepparent, grandparent, adult sister or brother, adult aunt or uncle, or non-agency guardian with any such relative or non-agency guardian. (Non agency- any person or entity
which has court appointed parental rights)
The Office of Evaluation in a May 2000 report for the Office of Inspector General, states:
For the purpose of this study, we define residential care as 24-hour group care of children provided by paid staff unrelated to the children. Children who are placed in residential care often need services that other settings do not provide, such as specialized counseling.

And fine hell out of facilities that are found to be in violation. I would bet money that there's not one program owner/director perpetrating this fraud that doesn't know what they are doing. There maybe some ignorant licensing directors out there who are clueless. Stettler's not one of them.

Come on Stettler, what boarding school restricts contact with parents, provides care ("treatment")  24/7/365, doesn't allow access to public phones, monitors phone calls and mail, doesn't allow students off campus, denies home visits and contact with parents for "therapeutic" reasons... just to name a few. And one more, how many calls does licensing receive regarding abuse at bonafide boarding schools? This ought to send up red flags.  All one has to do is take a look at the facility's website and/or Google their name. If you don't have the time, I'll offer that service free of charge if you'll go after the bastards and insure they are prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline Deborah

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Petition to close the abusive Provo Canyon School is gaining
« Reply #124 on: May 27, 2004, 12:16:00 AM »
***But what about these drugs he was taking? Could they have been part of the problem in a physical, mental and emotional sense?***

In my opinion, they were very much a part of the "problem".
What possess a parent to send an overweight child on heat inducing meds- who rarely left the confines of an air-conditioned condo- to the desert to participate in forced marches?

I suppose she felt the woo-woo "connection" between Ian and Wardle to be a "sign" that it was the right thing to do.

And Hale, I wonder where she is now. The state should have revoked her EMT license for ignoring her medical training and defering to Skyline's method of "flushing out fakers". I wonder how she sleeps at night.

I also wonder how the teens are fairing who were allowed to harrass and humiliate him for holding up the group right up until he died. I would love to hear their accounts of the events that day. Eye witnesses who we may never hear from. I have a long list of questions.

I had almost recovered from my unsuccessful battle to have my son removed from an unlicensed wilderness program when I received an email stating that Ian had died while hiking in Utah. My entire body flushed and my heart race as I considered the possibility that he was at a program. I shot off a inquiry, hoping that he was on vaction with family, anything but a program. The response confirmed that he was indeed at Skyline. I raged and cried for an hour. And felt very grateful that my son had survived his 28 days in the woods with ex-military bubbas from the backwoods of Ga.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

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Petition to close the abusive Provo Canyon School is gaining
« Reply #125 on: May 27, 2004, 12:44:00 AM »
Amy, you're just scratching the surface.  If you really want to get the real life pain and breakdown of families and their decision to place their child in a school/program like WWASPS, register and go to their personal development seminars, which, by the way are open to anyone, not just parents and family of a child in one of their schools.  I won't tell you my story, because it really isn't news that would sell.  You'll have an opportunity to experience what many on this board would say is brainwashing.  It's like we are stupid and would allow someone to make us into Stepford parents.  It's a scapegoat and when people base their stories on fear, it works.

Anyone can go into any organization and find unhappy employees that love to share their views.  That kind of story sells.

Quit dancing around the issues and dig below the surface. You could probably even find one of the WWASPS support groups in your area so you can talk with parents about your own challenges with your child.  If it's anything like the one we have where I live, no one is going to tell you to put your child in the school.  It's a personal decision ,and all we would do is be ourselves, giving support to each other during a hard and emotional time.

You have a lot of power in your writing. It's your call how you research your story, and I don't think being on this forum is the healthiest way to find the truth.  It's easy to get sucked into the negative posts and question if what's being said about specific programs is real or fantasy.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Deborah

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Petition to close the abusive Provo Canyon School is gaining
« Reply #126 on: May 27, 2004, 07:50:00 AM »
***You have a lot of power in your writing. It's your call how you research your story, and I don't think being on this forum is the healthiest way to find the truth. It's easy to get sucked into the negative posts and question if what's being said about specific programs is real or fantasy.***

A card totin' program parent here. "This forum is not the healthiest way to find the truth"? What truth would that be anon? There is no one truth (your opinion) that fits all. We only have our experiences and what we perceive to be the truth. Some of us had negative experiences and I resent the implication that the stories maybe fantasy, not real. Perhaps you could share your story without trying to discredit others, or this forum? If not, then you might find a seminar real quick that helps one deal with control issues.

Here's a good but lengthy thread to read on WWASP in which the participants were given every opportunity to explain, debate, discuss, many aspects of the program in detail and declined. ... 65&forum=9

I believe it reveals everything one would need to know about your program of choice.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Hidden Lake Academy, after operating 12 years unlicensed will now be monitored by the state. Access information on the Federal Class Action lawsuit against HLA here:

Offline cherish wisdom

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Petition to close the abusive Provo Canyon School is gaining
« Reply #127 on: May 27, 2004, 03:01:00 PM »
When I made reports of abuse and violations of law the authorities seemed to care less. Ken Stettler and the others were more concerned about the viabilitiy of the "business" than the welfare of the children. Case in point, I reported the abuse of several other children - this abuse was witnessed and detailed by my child - names were given.  One 14 year old child (rape victim) had her nose broken in a violent human take down and had been overdosed with a forced injection of Haldol even though she was on several other psychotropic drugs.  Another 16 year old girl with mental illness was being isolated in the tiny, cold, concrete observation room all day long. She wasn't allowed to go to school or socialize with anyone.  
As for the rules - there are many - State and Federal Mental Health Codes and State laws. There are also violations of Constitutional Freedoms that are guaranteed to all who live in America.
According to the weakest of laws governing residential programs - Utah "core rules" children are not to be isoated for more than four hours.  This one rule is constantly ignored as children are isolated for weeks.  They are also not to keep children in solitary during the sleeping hours. My own child was kept in the cold, concrete, observation room until 1 am. I gave the authorities the document that showed this - the actual "observation room record" transcribed by a staff member. It also showed that she had been in there for 6 hours. Just on this one record alone there were two violations of the weak "core rules." Of course this was also a violation of State and Federal law as well. The document showed that the staff had not used any less restrictive method before resulting to isolation. (There is a box where they can check if they tried other things such as talking to the child) The list goes on an on. When I brought up all of the violations of Federal and State law - the licensing supervisor almost laughed and said, "Residential Facilities do not have to go by State and Federal mental health codes." HA HA HA.  Then I brough up US CODE - Title 42 - and told him that they had to abide by this law - that the definition of "facility" was quite broad and would include their residential facilities. To this the "supervisor" of licensing of all of the youth programs and wilderness programs in the state of Utah, said, "I don't know anything about Title 42." So if someone knows the law and comes back at them - they claim ignorance. WELL they should NOT be ignorant of the laws that the United States Congress enacted in an effort to protect the mentally ill from abuse in their gawd-awful youth programs.
These programs are consistantly in violation of not only the weak core rules but every law from every body of law - State, Federal, Constitutional -
Provo Canyon School had an injunction placed on them for reading the mail of students. They were told in the Milonas case that even children do not give up their Constitutional rights when they are in the care of an institution or school. Regardless, they continue to violate the Constitutional rights of students. They also violate Title 42 daily as they impose strict and cruel punishments on children who are suffering from depression and other mental illnesses. Anyone with half a brain would conclude that it would be cruel and untherapeutic to isolate a child with severe depression for an entire week for venting about the abuse they had experienced in a group therapy session.  This is done routinely. When children complain - the therapist tells the parent that they are lying.  The therpists and administrators are lying and they are constantly violating child abuse reporting laws - which should be strictly enforced but are not. Instead of reporting the abuse my child experienced her therapist ordered isolation for a week. It's all documented.  
The FEDERAL GOVERNMENT MUST STEP IN AND SHUT DOWN EVERY SINGLE YOUTH FACILITY IN THE ENTIRE STATE OF UTAH. All of the children should be questioned about what is really going on in those dens of horror and abuse. [ This Message was edited by: cherish wisdom on 2004-05-27 12:08 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Petition to close the abusive Provo Canyon School is gaining
« Reply #128 on: May 27, 2004, 03:48:00 PM »
Cherish, it's terrible what you and your child have been through.  Have you thought of organizing a protest at the state Capitol in Salt Lake City comprised of PCS parents and former students?  Also, I am confused as to whether you are a California or Utah resident and what, if anything, is the LDS church's position on this issue?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Petition to close the abusive Provo Canyon School is gaining
« Reply #129 on: May 27, 2004, 03:54:00 PM »
Cherish, one other thing.  Have you thought about getting in touch with the Youth Law Center to see if they would be interested in studying the complaints you are raising about PCS?  If this facility is accepting state/federal money, it meets the standard for being under "color of state law" and a federal lawsuit can be brought alleging civil rights violations, among other allegations.  The YLC in San Francisco, Ca. is the group who represented the plaintiffs in the Milonas case, if I am not mistaken.  Wouldn't hurt to contact them for advice, either, as they are quite aware of what's going on in the privatized teen help industry.

Good Luck!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Petition to close the abusive Provo Canyon School is gaining
« Reply #130 on: May 27, 2004, 09:18:00 PM »
I am a member of the LDS church - they have no position or interest in these youth programs. Some members of the church do own and opperate some of them. The church is officially opposed to child and spousal abuse.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Timoclea

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Petition to close the abusive Provo Canyon School is gaining
« Reply #131 on: May 27, 2004, 10:04:00 PM »
Federal violations get enforced by federal law enforcement.  Call the FBI to report those.

You'd also need to look at the enforcement provisions in the law---but generally, unless a particular category of violation is specifically delegated---ie, DEA, Forest Service, BATF---the FBI has jurisdiction.

If they say they don't have jurisdiction, ask them who does.


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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Wildpony

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Petition to close the abusive Provo Canyon School is gaining
« Reply #132 on: May 27, 2004, 10:18:00 PM »

 Wow, thanks everybody. I appreciate all the responses - especially the insight into educational consultants and their role as well as pathways  to follow with a variety of  lawsuits.
   I have limited time to respond to everyone at this point, but I appreciate the interest.
  While I agree I have just scratched the surface as someone pointed out, at least it was a scratch. Again, my interest is that because so many of these programs are Utah-based and generating controversy, perhaps they merit some ink in terms of what people are saying and what is happening generally in the teen help industry.
   Someone expressed concern using this forum to get at the truth because so many of the posts are negative. The forum, I believe, is simply a good way to gather information that can be verified and substantiated later on.
   I am no more anxious to put my neck in legal noose than my editors are.
  And the church connection, alas, comes up frequently by critics who claim Hinckley AKA the prophet  gets a fax daily on controversial stories and exercises prior restraint. Not so.
 Most of the staff on city desk - where I am assigned - don't even belong to the church.
  But I won't argue that battle here.
 Again, thanks everyone. I'm going to be away from the computer for a few days but I'll check in again Monday.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Petition to close the abusive Provo Canyon School is gaining
« Reply #133 on: May 27, 2004, 10:45:00 PM »
I don't think it's that much of a mystery "why" so many emotional growth, behavior modification or residential treatment programs are in Utah.  The State gives parents the "right" to be parents.  Utah residents are family values oriented, though they don't define what those values are for each person.  Too many States give children the right to dictate, control and abuse their parents.  THey know if they say don't want to get help, they don't have to stop the behavior or the drugs.  They can just say NO and continue to control.

Is it a Mormon thing why Utah is open to parents making decisions for their child?

Amy, look outside Utah as well and to what kinds of help are available.  There's not much in the way of anything outside of a quick fix or mandated insurance guidelines.

In one of the threads I read about these programs being a multi-million a year industry.  It's a much healthier way to help families, for the mostpart, than the multi-million dollar a year drug companies living fat from feeding our kids prescribed medication.  The commercials show a warm and fuzzy result from telling us it's okay to give your kids new and improved ADD meds as an answer to defiant behavior.  That's what I call wrong.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Petition to close the abusive Provo Canyon School is gaining
« Reply #134 on: May 28, 2004, 01:03:00 AM »
To the Anon Program Apologist:

Making children a prisoner of their minds by locking them up in a "program" that controls their every thought and action, is child abuse.

Shoving drugs down the throats of children as the answer to unwanted behavior (or to enhance performance) in the home or classroom is another form of child abuse.

Children may not have many rights in this country, but one right they do have is the right not to be abused by their own parents.

This multi-million dollar industry could not make a dime without gullible parents writing checks every month to support their program-of-choice, all the while believing (as you do) they are to be commended for their efforts, instead of condemned for abusing their children by proxy.  

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »