Author Topic: Elan apologists disrupt, create chaos and spread lies and ve  (Read 6472 times)

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Offline Publisher

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The point of this web site is dialogue about  elan  and the

reasons why what happened happened...

not engaging in personal attacks against witnesses to the truth...

If these posted personal attacks (in my opinion)

(and useless and inane and profanity ridden, diatrobs by Elan Apologists, their lawyers, shills, synchophants and brainwashed blowhards who have had ALOT of experience giving haircuts and other forms of physical/psychological punishment and railing against me or anyone else trying to deal with their pain and suffering)

are "healing"  to those who engage and post reality these actions are, in my opinion, crated intentionally to  disrupt, create chaos and spread lies and venom.

If your "healing" creates pain and are

simply perpetuating the pain and suffering=therapy that was practice at

Elan, in my opinion.

Then--you become no better than the perpetrator of the abuse...and

learned you lessons well from Elan..

Therefore---you will never matter how hard you try...denying

and apologizing for Elan and attacking those who know the truth about

Elan is reprehensible.

If you hate me or this site...go start you own site and rail against us there...not here..

You guys are pathetic and extremely obvious in your intent and motivation...

Now---are you willing to give up your "anonymous" label and go on the record?  Or are you STILL scared of the truth and UNABLE to publically, with your own name, acknowledge it?

You anonymous attackers are just plain ridiculous.

We see you for whom you are.

Elan Apologists and perpetuators of the myth.

Dan  "Danny Boy"  Bostdorf



ps   Bring on your worst attack...make sure you make it libelous, slanderous because my leagl guns are loaded for bear. (please pardon my Ricci expression)

[ This Message was edited by: Publisher on 2002-06-30 17:40 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Elan apologists disrupt, create chaos and spread lies and ve
« Reply #1 on: July 01, 2002, 07:44:00 AM »
You simply cannot adress a former Elan resident without a "problem" or veiw like your own, minus a label can you?

Reality is my freind, hundreds of Elan "kids" are out there now living normal productive lives. These people frighten you and threaten your worthless cause.

Many people dislike you Dan, MANY! and there is no label, title, or category you can give them that can change this. You are a liar, and an opportunist who thrives on support for your feelings of hate for Joe Ricci.

If you had a shred of decency, or even a hint of reality, you would understand and appreciate that there are a majority of people who went through Elan who have no desire to reflect on the experience, no need to anylize it, and far more productive things to do with their time. But at this point, you categorize them, you label them, and you tell them "if theres nothing wrong with you as a result of Elan, your in denial" WHO ARE YOU to judge based on what indirect experience you have with Elan?? The ONLY people you have "interveiwed" are FAILURES...the ONLY thing you know about Elan is what people who not only failed Elan, but fail as a member of society in one way or another.
If my own child had the problems I had, and put me through the shit I put my family, and my teachers, my neighbors and the police through, I cant say I would send them to Elan without hesitation, and a 100% effort to find a different way...but knowing what I got out of Elan, I would be lead in that direction. And theres no "appologist" aire there Dan, just a REAL kid, with REAL problems.

Elan didnt CREATE problems for people who need your help to fix them,  it may have enhanced problems for kids, but your speaking to ADULTS dan with adult problems...Elan isnt an issue for them or anyone else but YOU anymore.
Get over it. Go away and leave these people alone, or interveiw EVERYONE who went to Elan, and share their overwhelming veiw that Elan did more good than harm, but both aspects couldnt be further form their minds.

Live your life looking behind you for the shit you stepped in Dan, and your bound to walk through another pile.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Elan apologists disrupt, create chaos and spread lies and ve
« Reply #2 on: July 01, 2002, 08:17:00 AM »
Whats with the "annon" thing?  Does a different point of veiw need to be identified? Does someone have to claim responibility for putting you in your place Dan? or are you just itching so badly for an opportunity to wage a personal attack?

Dan: "help me dig this hole"
Annon: "why"
Dan: "dont ask why just dig"
Annon: "you have the only shovel asshole"

Does the name "Doug" ring a bell Dan?
Now tell everyone exactly what you know about me, and why I shouldnt be taken are the Man Dan, the almighty insight, the leader of fools.
They should buy every word of your shit...and I will sit here and continue being happy, productive, and deal with the normal struggles of life.

I just have a question...if the 100+ members of Elan Alum are appologists, what would you call the 3 or 4 former ELan residents that follow your ideals?

A question for the rest of you "Dan" followers...If your not an appologist, you must be fucked up somehow from it fair to categorize and define you this way?
Dan has. Dan has managed to seperate ELan residents into two groups.."us and them"
yet he isnt a part of either! Be yourselves!

Hey Dan..I am going to rape your wife,cut your balls off and shove them down your throat, can you tell me which attorney will defend me, and seek an aquittal based on the fact that Elan made me do it?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Elan apologists disrupt, create chaos and spread lies and ve
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2002, 08:59:00 AM »
Did Dan attend Elan School? And if yes, when?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Elan apologists disrupt, create chaos and spread lies and ve
« Reply #4 on: July 01, 2002, 09:14:00 AM »
Dan didn't attend Elan. I think he attends some school in PA. Takes care of the grass or something. There is nothing wrong with that except he says he has six homes and lives in the Virgin Islands. There isn't much that Dan saya that is true. He may believe what he says. But it isn't real. Interesting pathology.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Publisher

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Elan apologists disrupt, create chaos and spread lies and ve
« Reply #5 on: July 08, 2002, 07:49:00 PM »
Until the anonymous posters reveal themselves with real names/...they are cowards and probably, in my opinion, staff or lawyers for Elan...
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Antigen

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Elan apologists disrupt, create chaos and spread lies and ve
« Reply #6 on: July 09, 2002, 12:08:00 AM »
On 2002-07-08 16:49:00, Publisher wrote:
Until the anonymous posters reveal themselves with real names/...they are cowards and probably, in my opinion, staff or lawyers for Elan...

Prolly not, Dan. One thing about the Program is that it's very, very effective. Not the least bit therapeutic, but very, very effective. Current staff is probably not posting here, but likely gets regular updates. See, they'd be getting their fix of sadistic coercion daily at work, hence no need to hang out here. Lawyers, of necessity, are generally are very thrifty with their public statements.

My guess is that these folks are just true believers who've so internalized the Program and so thoroughly identified with the cult that they perceive any criticism of the cult as a personal attack.

Then there are those who have something to hide, who would be horribly ashamed of what they've done to others and how they've debased themselves if they lost the illusion of the cause worty of any means.

Check this out,Dan: ... forum=8&50

About page 2, one of my brothers jumps in. More communication than I've gotten out of him in any one of the past 20 years. A little later, another one of my brothers jumps in as escaper. Both these guys have been away from the Program for nearly 3 decades. The shit is powerful stuff for some people. Way more intoxicating than any drug.

[ This Message was edited by: Antigen on 2002-07-08 21:08 ]

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"Don\'t let the past remind us of what we are not now."
~ Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Sweet Judy Blue Eyes

Offline Anonymous

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Elan apologists disrupt, create chaos and spread lies and ve
« Reply #7 on: July 10, 2002, 06:17:00 AM »
So Dan your wife is Sharon Terry?I remember her when I was at Elan.She was a corrupt old crusty "Been around the block with Joe Ricci, several times" whore.
She might not have participated in general meetings but she contributed corptness and covered up alot of bullshit that went on up there.

Dan did you know your wife slepted with Joe Ricci?They couldn't keep their hands off each other.So Dan the question I have for you is, How does it feel when you kiss your wife you taste what another man had for lunch?Or better yet, a corpse?

Your wife named the book "A duck in a rain coat". Do you know why?Do you know what it means?What it really means?
The duck was your wife.The rain coat was what she wore with joe during sex.Joe would shoot loads all over her and stain her cheap skirts so she wore a rain coat so Joe's loads wouldn't stain her anymore when she sucked him off
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Elan apologists disrupt, create chaos and spread lies and ve
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2002, 10:06:00 AM »
Did someone really type this?
I am no fan of Dan Bostdorf, and my thoughts of this post really have little to do with him, but this is quite disturbing, and patheticly juvenile. First, your assumption that Sharon Terry is Dans wife is a clear indication your head is as far up your ass as it can get. Second, you attempt to insult Dans "wife" in an effort to insult Dan himself, and theres a clear indication of how you veiw women here that YOU should actually be quite ashamed of. Get some help whoever you I stated, I am NO fan of Dan Bostdorf, but this post says more truths about you than it does about anything or anyone else.

I suppose I am a "Dan appologist" now?

"Harborside Anon"  :wink:
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Elan apologists disrupt, create chaos and spread lies and ve
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2002, 12:21:00 PM »
Jesus Christ Anon, you just showed the true teachings of Elan in your last post.  Anyone who feels the need to spew that kind of venom at, not the person they are disagreeing with, but a family member of theirs is truly fucked up!!!!  Sorry, but that kind of anger can come from only one kind of place...a Synanon/Straight/Elan type of program.  Attack the person (or in this case his wife) because you have no "real" comeback for what he's said.  If you truly had a great experience at Elan and feel that you really got a lot out of it and it improved your life, great...but there are a LARGE number of people whom it virtually destroyed...they have earned the right to bitch about it...even 20 years later because it's that insidious that it affects people 20 years down the road.   You think Elan was great?  Fine, write about that all you want, but DON'T tell the rest of us that we just need to get over it and realize that it was what we needed.   I find it UNFORGIVEABLE that you would even CONSIDER subjecting your children to such humiliation, degredation, brainwashing and abuse... but then again, you're STILL brainwashed into believing that it was a 'good place' for anyone.  Healthy people can disagree without launching a personal attack on the other party and, as I stated at the beginning of this post, you just showed what you learned from learned WELL.  You really do know how to hit below the belt, like they do, attack ANY criticism or sideways glance, like they do, and truly try and degrade another human being, like they do.'ve "Graduated" and proved to all of us who had any doubt about what Elan can "do for" someone that it really is nothing more than an abusive money making machine for the wealthy to drop their kids off to be "fixed"...thanks for the enlightenment.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Elan apologists disrupt, create chaos and spread lies and ve
« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2002, 03:23:00 PM »
I really find this whole thing offensive. She isn't Dan's wife anyway. Dan's wife is Maura Curly. Sharon Terry was Joe Ricci's wife. That doesn't really matter anyway. What matters is that you are mean. You keep attacking people. You keep being mean over and over and over again. It is always with insane accusations and crazy storys. None of them serve any purpose at all, None, except to be mean.

My question is "what is wrong with you?"

"So Dan your wife is Sharon Terry?I remember her when I was at Elan.She was a corrupt old crusty "Been around the block with Joe Ricci, several times" whore.
She might not have participated in general meetings but she contributed corptness and covered up alot of bullshit that went on up there."
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Elan apologists disrupt, create chaos and spread lies and ve
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2002, 05:23:00 PM »
Well I must agree with Harborside on this one that post was just plain sick! Who ever  posted it is in need of HELP! AND Kimber I really dont know why you have the need to insist that Elan was just for the rich kids GET OFF IT! Not rich now and wasnt then! Get some real info from some real Elan people so ya know what your talking about!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Elan apologists disrupt, create chaos and spread lies and ve
« Reply #12 on: July 10, 2002, 08:23:00 PM »
And Peter Moore sucks some more moose cock"Greenich stlye"
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline velvet2000

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Elan apologists disrupt, create chaos and spread lies and ve
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2002, 05:31:00 PM »
"and I will sit here and continue being happy, productive, and deal with the normal struggles of life."

"Hey Dan..I am going to rape your wife,cut your balls off and shove them down your throat"

Wowsers, did anyone else notice that these two quotes are from the same post? Was it in Poltergiest where the girls head spins around all crazy? Violent threats say one thing about a person. Mention of sex crimes and genital mutilation say a whole lot more, no matter what context they are used in. But those must be some "normal struggles of life" that he's "dealing" with.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Elan apologists disrupt, create chaos and spread lies and ve
« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2002, 10:54:00 PM »
You have no idea about me or who I am.  How do you know WHAT I have been through or what I KNOW or dont' know about.  Believe me, I DO know what I'm talking about.  Elan was just like all the others...they had to let a few "indigents" in to appear that they were helping everyone...You were just a pawn in their game.  They're not about HELPING people at all.  It's about control, money and making rebellious kids into these straight little robots.......PERIOD
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »