Author Topic: Thayer Learning Center in Kidder MO  (Read 98636 times)

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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Thayer Learning Center in Kidder MO
« Reply #76 on: July 19, 2004, 02:18:00 PM »
On 2004-07-17 09:33:00, Anonymous wrote:

"The Bundy's are dead. Did you experience include crossing over and visiting spirits?"

What the?when?

I was threre from June(last year) 2 october.

ill state what i know, about the isaac webpage

"Willa Bundy has made claims of having "30 years experience" when speaking to parents and when posting to internet bulletin boards."

True, In Seminars(4 Total throughtr the "program") she said that

"According to former staff members, Willa is only 42 years old."

I heard that on another board

"The current Director of Thayer Learning Center is the Bundy's 21 year-old son."

around the time i left, DrillSgt Bundy, aka Jake Bundy was the assistant director/bootcamp director(they forced Drill Sargent Lawlor out, he wasnt "crooked" or anything, people just said he was the hardest drill sgt(whihc he was, lots of leap frogs in a smok session :sad: ) anywyas we never so lawler or his sister(who was a sgt in bootcamp) again!Anwyays they were preparing Jake Bundy to be the Director.Befor i came he was there for like a month, and then in July he came back.There was a big anticipation like he was a hard drill sgt(which he wasnt, most of his excersise sets were easy except when he came back in August(he left after being there 2 weeks))Anywyas It was during the first seminar, Willa told us that hed be comin soon, and he was her son, and hed been Drill Sgt in the Army(he had a Army patch where most Drill sgts had TLC bootcamp on there camouflauge blouses) for 10 years.The 21 son might be there "step son" Wayne Jensen(who was a sgt in bootcamp when i was there, towards the time i left he became a "family rep"(talked with the parents etc).

"John Bundy currently owns Parent Help/Parent Help Center in St. George, Utah."

I think thats known over here

"According to former employees, "Grisel" is the maiden name of Willa Bundy."

If i remember correctly, there was a guy there named Olsen(forgot his first name) I think he was addopted, but on his chart for excersise, and school achievements, one of the names said Grisel.He told us all he was related to the bundys but they never talked to him like a family memeber just treated him normal.Anywyays he ws just there because he was fat and didnt wannado nothin cept play video games all day.He was at the last part of the program jr staff when i left,  i heard from somehwere else that came home recently he Became a SGT, he was like 16 when i left, so he's workin at 17 i think.

"During a one year period, group therapy occurred just once - at 10 PM and was led by Willa Bundy."

when i was there it happened for atleast 30 mins every tuesday.we all talked about our week we had, and how to make improvements on our team.

"All calls from children to parents are monitored and children are punished for saying anything against the program."
Yes it is true.In bootcvamp u dont get calls just write letters if u say somehtinfg bad ikjn the letters u get a long smoke session(excersise).In Residency you get a Big Fine, one of the kids asked if he could go home if he got his school finsihed early, and he was down in bootcamp till i left.his name is John Diarbakely

"Willa and John Bundy are reportedly gone for extended periods of time and leave their 17 year old daughter in charge of the facility."

yes they are, atleast one of them are there maybe 4 days out of a week.Most of the time the Resident Directors(might ive changed i dunno, but her name was Jamie Barker), and Bootcamp(Jake Bundy when  i was there) ran it im pretty sure.I dunno who there 17 year old daughter is.

"A male staff member distributed illegal drugs to at least one female student."

i wasnt there during that tiem but i herd his name was sgt derby when i was there from pothewr students.

"Before announced visits by the Department of Social Services, Willa Bundy allegedly takes "problem" students out for ice cream or to Wal-Mart."

i dunno about that, might have been after i was there.Around the time i left they were getting unstricter.B4 I got there, It was mroe hectic, I heard from like 10 kids that were there b4 me, they told me that there was a 5 Day smoke session and the ONLY time they gotta break was during enrichment(g-rated video tapes 2 hours a day only), and eating, and they had 3 parties(1-2 hour excersie sessions in the middle of the night), The next week they were all like Zombies they said lol.

"In one building on the property, 26 female children share 1 bathroom and are given just 30 seconds to get ready for bed at night."

when i ws tehere there was only one building, but yes it wsa true there weere 20 of us, and we got 1 minute showers at the end of the night, we brushed our teeth used the bathrookm etc

when i left they were expanding the building building another facility which was a gym for the residents, maybe a basketball gym, and it was suppsoed to be finished December 1st, but i never knew if it was cuz i left b4 that.

"Students are awakened in the middle of the night and forced to exercise."

thats what a party is, 1-2 hours of excersiing, sometimes after they let us take 30 second showrers(just rinseing no soap), other times u just sleep in sweatyt clothes.In bootcamp tjhose haopopen like once every 2 weeks.

"Children who are not physically fit are required to perform strenuous activities, including 6-mile runs."

i dunno about that, during one smoke session , we ran 3 miles, and drill sgt bundy said we would start running 5 miles, then 8 miles on monday and friday to get more "fit".During the run we had to chant cadences while running for the first 2 miles.I went uyp to residency later ,and laster hte poeple who came up told me the 5 mile and 8m ile nevcer happened.

"The facility reportedly has no certified teachers. Classes are "taught" via videotape."

thats in residency ur give n the ameridcan scool books, anbd u do the books urself, it takes atleast  2 months(6 hours a day) ofg school to finsih  a Year of school if u work very fast.B4 i was in residency there was a certified treacher who was also a sgt. named Gym gray him and his wife helped students with there books.When i was there the sgts(some of which were college students) helped us  with what they knew, and checked our tests.


Level 1 boot camp students sleep on a concrete floor."

yes when i was there, we sleptin sleeping bags, with a blue styrofoam 4 centimeeter mat under.

in residenct we slept on bunkbeds, pretty confy lol, we hit the magtresses with brooms to get the dust out every sunday, we kept the pace pretty cleasn

"The facility is reportedly overcrowded and housing some children in trailers, yet hoping to double enrollment for the summer boot camp program."

musta been after i left.When i first camre there, there were like 60 peopel total, when i left liek 125.OVer a 4 month span.

one thing that was said by thre resident director jamie barker when we were in group therapy once in bootcamp, we were talking about how we all thought we were only there for a month(which we were) and she said, 'were talkign to your parents about how good the program is andf what its about when your not"(which is true case we can only write letters,adn the family reps sometimes cross out what we write

ok im tried of typing ill rest some.wsorry for my spelling errors i was jsut tryna get this doe fast

if u want to talk to me, get at me on [email protected] on Yahhoo messenger or e-mail me.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Thayer Learning Center in Kidder MO
« Reply #77 on: July 19, 2004, 02:45:00 PM »
On 2004-07-19 11:18:00, Anonymous wrote:


On 2004-07-17 09:33:00, Anonymous wrote:

"The Bundy's are dead. Did you experience include crossing over and visiting spirits?"

What the?when?

I was threre from June(last year) 2 october.

ill state what i know, about the isaac webpage

"Willa Bundy has made claims of having "30 years experience" when speaking to parents and when posting to internet bulletin boards."

True, In Seminars(4 Total throughtr the "program") she said that

"According to former staff members, Willa is only 42 years old."

I heard that on another board

"The current Director of Thayer Learning Center is the Bundy's 21 year-old son."

around the time i left, DrillSgt Bundy, aka Jake Bundy was the assistant director/bootcamp director(they forced Drill Sargent Lawlor out, he wasnt "crooked" or anything, people just said he was the hardest drill sgt(whihc he was, lots of leap frogs in a smok session :sad: ) anywyas we never so lawler or his sister(who was a sgt in bootcamp) again!Anwyays they were preparing Jake Bundy to be the Director.Befor i came he was there for like a month, and then in July he came back.There was a big anticipation like he was a hard drill sgt(which he wasnt, most of his excersise sets were easy except when he came back in August(he left after being there 2 weeks))Anywyas It was during the first seminar, Willa told us that hed be comin soon, and he was her son, and hed been Drill Sgt in the Army(he had a Army patch where most Drill sgts had TLC bootcamp on there camouflauge blouses) for 10 years.The 21 son might be there "step son" Wayne Jensen(who was a sgt in bootcamp when i was there, towards the time i left he became a "family rep"(talked with the parents etc).

"John Bundy currently owns Parent Help/Parent Help Center in St. George, Utah."

I think thats known over here

"According to former employees, "Grisel" is the maiden name of Willa Bundy."

If i remember correctly, there was a guy there named Olsen(forgot his first name) I think he was addopted, but on his chart for excersise, and school achievements, one of the names said Grisel.He told us all he was related to the bundys but they never talked to him like a family memeber just treated him normal.Anywyays he ws just there because he was fat and didnt wannado nothin cept play video games all day.He was at the last part of the program jr staff when i left,  i heard from somehwere else that came home recently he Became a SGT, he was like 16 when i left, so he's workin at 17 i think.

"During a one year period, group therapy occurred just once - at 10 PM and was led by Willa Bundy."

when i was there it happened for atleast 30 mins every tuesday.we all talked about our week we had, and how to make improvements on our team.

"All calls from children to parents are monitored and children are punished for saying anything against the program."

Yes it is true.In bootcvamp u dont get calls just write letters if u say somehtinfg bad ikjn the letters u get a long smoke session(excersise).In Residency you get a Big Fine, one of the kids asked if he could go home if he got his school finsihed early, and he was down in bootcamp till i left.his name is John Diarbakely

"Willa and John Bundy are reportedly gone for extended periods of time and leave their 17 year old daughter in charge of the facility."

yes they are, atleast one of them are there maybe 4 days out of a week.Most of the time the Resident Directors(might ive changed i dunno, but her name was Jamie Barker), and Bootcamp(Jake Bundy when  i was there) ran it im pretty sure.I dunno who there 17 year old daughter is.

"A male staff member distributed illegal drugs to at least one female student."

i wasnt there during that tiem but i herd his name was sgt derby when i was there from pothewr students.

"Before announced visits by the Department of Social Services, Willa Bundy allegedly takes "problem" students out for ice cream or to Wal-Mart."

i dunno about that, might have been after i was there.Around the time i left they were getting unstricter.B4 I got there, It was mroe hectic, I heard from like 10 kids that were there b4 me, they told me that there was a 5 Day smoke session and the ONLY time they gotta break was during enrichment(g-rated video tapes 2 hours a day only), and eating, and they had 3 parties(1-2 hour excersie sessions in the middle of the night), The next week they were all like Zombies they said lol.

"In one building on the property, 26 female children share 1 bathroom and are given just 30 seconds to get ready for bed at night."

when i ws tehere there was only one building, but yes it wsa true there weere 20 of us, and we got 1 minute showers at the end of the night, we brushed our teeth used the bathrookm etc

when i left they were expanding the building building another facility which was a gym for the residents, maybe a basketball gym, and it was suppsoed to be finished December 1st, but i never knew if it was cuz i left b4 that.

"Students are awakened in the middle of the night and forced to exercise."

thats what a party is, 1-2 hours of excersiing, sometimes after they let us take 30 second showrers(just rinseing no soap), other times u just sleep in sweatyt clothes.In bootcamp tjhose haopopen like once every 2 weeks.

"Children who are not physically fit are required to perform strenuous activities, including 6-mile runs."

i dunno about that, during one smoke session , we ran 3 miles, and drill sgt bundy said we would start running 5 miles, then 8 miles on monday and friday to get more "fit".During the run we had to chant cadences while running for the first 2 miles.I went uyp to residency later ,and laster hte poeple who came up told me the 5 mile and 8m ile nevcer happened.

"The facility reportedly has no certified teachers. Classes are "taught" via videotape."

thats in residency ur give n the ameridcan scool books, anbd u do the books urself, it takes atleast  2 months(6 hours a day) ofg school to finsih  a Year of school if u work very fast.B4 i was in residency there was a certified treacher who was also a sgt. named Gym gray him and his wife helped students with there books.When i was there the sgts(some of which were college students) helped us  with what they knew, and checked our tests.


Level 1 boot camp students sleep on a concrete floor."

yes when i was there, we sleptin sleeping bags, with a blue styrofoam 4 centimeeter mat under.

in residenct we slept on bunkbeds, pretty confy lol, we hit the magtresses with brooms to get the dust out every sunday, we kept the pace pretty cleasn

"The facility is reportedly overcrowded and housing some children in trailers, yet hoping to double enrollment for the summer boot camp program."

musta been after i left.When i first camre there, there were like 60 peopel total, when i left liek 125.OVer a 4 month span.

one thing that was said by thre resident director jamie barker when we were in group therapy once in bootcamp, we were talking about how we all thought we were only there for a month(which we were) and she said, 'were talkign to your parents about how good the program is andf what its about when your not"(which is true case we can only write letters,adn the family reps sometimes cross out what we write

ok im tried of typing ill rest some.wsorry for my spelling errors i was jsut tryna get this doe fast

if u want to talk to me, get at me on [email protected] if u have info
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Thayer Learning Center in Kidder MO
« Reply #78 on: July 20, 2004, 04:38:00 PM »
The information I have is that the Bundys are not dead.  Contact someone at isac and ask them.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Thayer Learning Center in Kidder MO
« Reply #79 on: July 20, 2004, 05:26:00 PM »
To the Anonymous former TLC student-- these pictures of basketball games and video games that you see on their website may be nothing but an act pictured and posted there to make it seem like the kids at TLC get to enjoy this kind of recreational activities. Many programs do it, it makes them seem more "normal"-- even Tranquility Bay tells parents about how the kids are taken on hiking trips and snorkeling and stuff like that.

So, don't believe everything you see in these websites...

Thanks for all the information (insider info is always good to have), and I hope you're doing better now that you're out of that place. Take care.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Thayer Learning Center in Kidder MO
« Reply #80 on: July 21, 2004, 04:35:00 PM »
Why does her college have no record of her degree?
As a matter of fact there is no record of her anywhere.
Did someone beam her down?  Hey Scottie where are you when you are needed?
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Thayer Learning Center in Kidder MO
« Reply #81 on: July 21, 2004, 05:40:00 PM »
Before I came to TLC I was a complete wreck. I was using drugs such as marijuana, cocaine, shrooms, and ecstasy, as well as drinking alcohol, and smoking cigarettes, I was also using medically prescribed drugs in the wrong way. My life was headed down the path of destruction, and I could care less about it. My parents tried everything, they spent an abundance of time and money on me, but I continued to stick with my bad habits, even when my parents threatened me with programs. I arrived at TLC on June 30th, 2003 and I have now attended T.L.C. for 12 1/2 months. My first days at TLC were very hard on me emotionally, I didn't think I belonged here. At first I thought my parents were playing a joke on me, and that they were trying to scare me with Bootcamp. After my 5th day I realized that my parents were not playing games with me and that I was going to be here for a while. I hated my parents for sending me here, and I couldn't believe they would do such a thing. Once I figured out that I was going to be here for a while I decided that I was not going to change my life, because it seemed too hard, so I tried to run away from my problems, which turned out to be avery big mistake. I was put into isolation and was given a red suit, which is the lowest you go in the program. I was in isolation for (2) weeks, and once I got out of Isolation I decided to at least give it a shot. So I started by giving a 100%. effort on my physical exercise, and by being the best at everything I did. Around my 20th day I started setting goals for myself. The first goal I set for myself was to get a brown shirt and become a team leader. On my 32nd day I earned my brown shirt and was appointed the Co-Team Leader of Bravo. While I was the Co-Team Leader I maintained a positive attitude, and kept on striving to be the best. On my 40th day I became the Team Leader of Alpha. As a Team Leader I actually felt in some ways how my parents felt when they told me something to do and I mouthed off to them I learned how frustrating it can be. By this time in my life I felt excellent about myself. I had set goals for myself, and I worked hard to achieve them. For once in my life I had accomplished something for myself that would improve my well being. In Bootcamp I learned to set goals for myself and that goal setting is a very important key to obtain in life.

While in Bootcamp I had a decent relationship with my family, it was a lot easier for me to talk to my parents through a letter than to their face. After a while I started getting tired of just writing my parents I wanted to talk to them on them on the phone, and I knew that in residency you could talk to them. So I began working as hard as I could so that I could become a resident. By my 84th day I made it up to residency. In residency I learned that it was a lot harder to communicate with your parents on the phone than through letters. I had a few setbacks in residency that resulted in Bootcamp, but each trip back to Bootcamp was a quality learning experience. I learned that we will all mess up, but what really matters is how we will handle ourselves when we do mess up. After my 3rd trip to Bootcamp I was done doing the wrong thing. I knew I was better than that. I began to realize it's not that hard to do what you are expected of. As I improved myself life got easier and easier. I still had issues, but I learned how to handle myself in a mature way. In residency it took me a while, but I became consistent. Instead of following others I started following through on my own beliefs, and doing what I knew was right. By my 9th month I began thinking seriously about junior staff and a month later my tremendous effort throughout the program paid off and I advanced to Junior Staff.

In Junior Staff I learned that to get anything you must give everything. In Junior Staff I had normal arguments with my dad, but Ilearned how important it is to keep communicating so my dad knows how I feel instead of just shutting down. Before I thought there was no point in arguing so I just shut my mouth and didn't say a word, which may seem like the better thing to do, but when I did that I was just Isolating myself. Junior Staff was the greatest learning experience of all because you find out exactly who you are, and your integrity is constantly being tested. I know all you guys think Junior Staff is just a bunch of fun and games, but there is a lot of work involved with Junior Staff, and much more is expected out of you than any other stage of the program. But along with all the hard work came loads of fun, and plenty of exciting moments. TLC has been a gut-check for me and I am leaving here a completely different person that walked in here 385 days ago. I am pleased to know that I have a successful future ahead of me. The first individual I would like to thank for giving me a second chance in life is my father in heaven. The second person I'd like to thank for sticking with me through thick and thin is my father. I know there's not a soul in the building that's as proud as my dad is right now. I would like to thank Mr. Bundy for being a father like figure for me. I would like to thank Mrs. Willa for all the helpful moments she provided. I would also like to thank Miss Chelsy for making a big difference in my life. I wouldlike to thank Sergeant Sperry for never giving up on himself when I was    -demolishing him at basketball. I'm just kidding I want to thank Sergeant Sperry for all the fun rides up to the chicken coop. I would also like to thank Sergeant Jensen and Sergeant Aitchison for instilling discipline into my life. I would like to thank Miss Jamie and Miss Wendy for keeping faith in me throughout my stay here at TLC. And last but not least I would like to thank all the junior staff and senior residents, also Resident Smith for helping me get through the program. Thank You, God Bless.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Thayer Learning Center in Kidder MO
« Reply #82 on: July 21, 2004, 05:42:00 PM »
"Hello everyone,
I would like to tell you a little bit about my stay here and how T.L.C has helped me change my life. I arrived here at T.L.C. on May 11, 2003 and to tell you the truth I was a mess and I hated everyone and everything around me, I didn't want to change, I loved my life and noone was going to make me change, then I started thinking about all the things I did when I was at home and maybe I did need to change my life around but I had to do it, no one could do it for me I had to do it for myself. Well I started to do things right and do what I was told and on my 97th day I moved up to residency and there I started to build a really strong relationship with my mother, and we became really good friends, I started to respect her a lot but little by little. I got my 1st family visit and I tried to convince my mother that I was ready to go home and she told me that she had a commitment with the school that she would keep me here for a year. In that year I have had some set backs, but I never let them hold me back. I have goals for the future and I will not give up until I succeed, I've learned so much here and one thing that I've learned is that you can't give up even when the going gets tough.

1st I would like to thank God for giving me everything he has and for seeing me through the hard times in my life.

2nd I would like to thank my parents for being my #1 fan and for always being there for me and never giving up on me even when it seemed like there was no hope for me. I want ya'II to know that it is greatly appreciated.

3rd I would like to thank Mr. Bundy, Mr. Jake and Ms.Willa for always believing in me and for helping me change my life around, with out you guys I am sure that I would not be the respectful young lady I am today, so thank you for everything.

4th I would like to thank Ms. Kim for always being there for me when I need you, you have been a big part for me here at T.L.C so thank you for everything.

And last I would like to thank Ms. Chelsy and Sgt. Sperry for making Jr. Staff fun and exciting and for caring about me so much and giving me the attention I needed. Everything ya'll have done for me has made a big impression on my life and I will never for get what you all have done. Thank you"
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Thayer Learning Center in Kidder MO
« Reply #83 on: July 21, 2004, 07:41:00 PM »
Hello everyone.
I arrived at TLC on September 19, 2003. I thought that day was the worst day of my life, but I was wrong. The first week I was here was terrible. I spent it with my new best friend, a bucket. I was very sick and could not even pick myself up. But I remembered my granddad always telling me that whenever something bad or hard was going on to remember those five little words "And this too shall pass." And it did pass and I used those five words to help me through this program. After that, I became the quiet one. I always tried to do everything right so I wouldn't get smoked. I stayed that way all through residency but with a different purpose, it just felt good doing things right.

In Junior Staff, I was forced to open up. I used the tools I have learned through this program and really changed. I had learned to respect others and especially myself before I moved up to Junior Staff but here is where I used it the most. I also learned to maintain a job, which I never did at home. This part of the program showed me how life is with a job and school. I found out how stressful it is and what all my parents go through everyday. I am going to carry all these things with me to help me have a wonderful and successful future. My time at TLC passed just like my granddad told me it would and believe it or not this was the best thing that ever happened to me.

After being here for 10 months, I have learned many valuable lessons from many people. First I would like to thank God. He showed me that everyone has a purpose and I'm so thankful that He gave me this opportunity to show me mine. Second, I would like to thank my parents for everything they have done for me. You know I always thought it was harder on me being here all alone but after seeing my parents I can tell it was much harder on them. I love both of you so much! Next I would like to thank Mr. and Mrs. Bundy for all their hard work they put into this place. I am so thankful for everything you have done for me. Also I would like to thank Miss Chelsy and Sergeant Sperry for caring - this much and making Jr. Staff an awesome learning experience for me. Last, Ms. Lisa, she helped me through so much here, I could not have done it without her. She has been so kind to me as well as my parents. Thank you for everything you have done for us.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #84 on: July 21, 2004, 08:05:00 PM »
Perhaps you could tell me where she got her degree it wasn't Utah State as she claims, thanks
respond to:
[email protected]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #85 on: July 21, 2004, 10:05:00 PM »
Obviously Ms. Bundy is alive and well, as she can compose three separate "endorsements" supposedly from grateful students.  Ms. Bundy, however, has the same fault as the editor of The Source magazine from WWASPS.  All the messages to this board have the same syntax, grammar, spelling, code phrases, and program rhetoric.  Even slipping some cute little "...I was really wrong and got sent to isolation, but came to learn that life was better if I was good" don't make the postings sound like they came from three different formerly-rotten teens.  

Nice try, Wila.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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« Reply #86 on: July 22, 2004, 12:25:00 PM »
It's really sad.  I can almost hear---who was it?  Steve Martin?---

"Ah was born a poor black chahld, but Thayer *saved* me!  They taught me to set goals and re-spect mahself and now ah am a 5'7" blond, blue-eyed Harvard Law student--with perfect teeth, studying medicine on the weekends, and work part-time as a supermodel on alternate Thursdays---but only in Christian catalogs, of course."

So, come, turn in your defective normal kid that looks and acts just like *you* did as a teenager.  We'll put him through our transmogrifyificator and turn him into the perfect little Aryan Christian Achiever of your dreams!


How much do you have to hate yourself to take a teen that looks and acts just like you did and "send him back to the kitchen" for a full makeover into some frankensteinian combination of Donnie or Marie Osmond crossed with Jennifer Anniston or Mel Gibson, crossed with your local congressman or congresswomn, crossed with Doogie Howzer?

I think some of it has to do with too much television----not the *kids* watching too much, but the *parents* watching to much.

On TV, everybody's beautiful, even the geeks are beautiful, if you look closely--their social problems are only matters of style that they could change if they only "knew better."

On TV, if you're bad at school, you're socially cool to make up for it---nobody suffers through being awkward *and* struggling academically.

On TV, the actors playing teenagers are all in their 20's, and they all manage to solve their "growing pains" in a heartwarming way and learn an important life lesson in thirty minutes---one hour, max.

On TV, the "good" kids either get their life together or have some compensating strength--in thirty minutes to an hour---and the kids going through a bad patch episode after episode tend to be depicted as rotten monsters.  The kids going through a bad patch not only don't fix their problems in thirty minutes, they *never* grow out of being rotten.  They occasionally have their mandated heartwarming moment---but they always go right back to being rotten by the end of the episode or the next episode.

On TV, nobody ever has a truly insurmountable problem that actually *does* limit their options in life.  Joan of Arcadia's paralyzed brother is about the closest I've seen TV come---and everybody is supportive and nobody freaks out and just treats him weirdly.

On TV, nobody is ever a jerk about just one or two things and just plain dislikes one or two people who get along with the rest of their friends.  On TV, nobody just has plain old bad parents.  If they do, the bad parents aren't a part of an ongoing drama, they're the butt of comedy.  (Angelica on Rugrats, Al and Peg Bundy).

I think Program Parents expect raising a teen to be like a TV show, and are surprised and frustrated when *their* teen isn't Richie Cunningham or John Boy or Lizzie McGuire.

And so it becomes "unacceptable" for their teen to be just like they or their brothers or sisters or their classmates were as teens, and the Program Parent becomes easy prey for places that promise a too-good-to-be-true outcome for prices that, if you're spending that much, *must* mean they can fix all your parenting "mistakes" that made *your* kid not turn out like John Boy or Lizzie.

And, of course, paying through the nose makes it feel enough like penance that you can indulge in a little self-flagellation to calm your soul and feel like you're expiating your sins of commission or omission in parenting.

Program Parents need to grow the hell up.

Life is not a TV show.  Real teenagers do not look like charming twenty-somethings.  Real teenagers do not solve their adolescent turmoil in thirty minutes or even thirty weeks.  Real teenagers *also* don't stay stuck in adolescent turmoil forever.  Their bodies and brains mature, they figure it out, and over the course of several *years*---they grow up---no Program required.

Program Parents need to grow up and accept their adult responsibilities.  *Their* parents put up with them during their pain-in-the-neck teenage years.  It's their turn, it's their job, and shuffling them off to strangers will never substitute for modeling accepting personal responsibility and being a parent *personally* even when it's tough---no matter *how* much money they spend.

A couple who work 80 hours a week, each, and foist their toddler off on the best nanny money can buy are no kind of parents, no matter how good the nanny is or how much she costs.

A couple who send their teen to a Program instead of taking personal responsibility to personally raise him or her are no kind of parents, no matter how much the Program costs or how many "seminars" or how much "therapy" they attend.

They want their teens to turn into instantly personally responsible little adults---while abdicating their own ***personal*** responsibility as *real* adults and parents.

What a ginormous whopping case of "do as I say, not as I do"!!!!

Hint:  *Personal* responsibility means you can't just pay someone else to do it.

(As always, I exempt genuine cases of child criminals actually convicted in a court of law with due process serving a sentence with all their rights respected, and genuine cases of a mentally ill person who's an imminent danger of harm to self or others being temporarily hospitalized in a quality mental hospital to have his/her condition stabilized, and genuine cases of a person so permanently mentally impaired that he/she will need an assisted living arrangement for life, and genuine cases of substance *addiction*--not casual abuse--where the child is receiving the *same* short course of rehab that adult addicts sign themselves in for.)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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Thayer Learning Center in Kidder MO
« Reply #87 on: July 22, 2004, 04:48:00 PM »
ACTUALLY, those Stories Are Real, Im the m7dt428 guy.The first one, I recognize as Max Slade, because i remember he came there the 30th, and went up to residency on the 85th day.His dads name is Dave Slade, and there from Ne Mexcico, and he owns a milliondolar company i think.Ive talked to him before, and told him he should take him out cause there's nothing really good comign out of it and EXPLAINED eveyrhting that was happened but i guess they convinvced him otherwhise
 I dont remember the May 11 one(must be a female)
  but i think the sept 19 one is a guy named Thomas Dobia im not sure.

 Anyways these Stories ARE Real, written by the students themselves, and revised(not really just spelling errors) by Staff.These Are Written for graduation Day, which used to be every 3-4 months, but what I guesss is it is every month for all the students comin in.Anyways the Studentss probly are jsut writing that to get out, becasue if they dont they will get to be in bootcamp for 3 more months as stated in the contract(if they return to previous behavior they can attend basic traning for 3 more months for free).All the people named in those speeches are real, Im sure of that.

Who are posting these speeches?Post Some more :smile: :smile:  id liek to hear.

[email protected]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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Thayer Learning Center in Kidder MO
« Reply #88 on: July 22, 2004, 05:25:00 PM »
im just bored now so ill post whayt i no

joshua wilriams on the left, timothy farrignotn on the right, with an American Schools book on the couch.I believe this is on the 3rd floor built by the residents(i painted part of it)

this picfutre was taken back in may 2003 when blake scroggins arrived.The 2 sargents r sargent atchison and sgt skidmore.

this is during the kidder parade in october, i am actually there down the row but not visible

this is the male residents room

timothety farrignton with Family Rep Jim Gray, Former Drill Sgt.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Reply #89 on: July 24, 2004, 02:21:00 AM »
Scotty now has Alzheimer's, poor thing, and he probably can't beam Willa back up.  Too bad.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »