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Offline Froderik

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The 9/11 Debate
« on: April 03, 2004, 10:53:00 PM »
"No one anticipated the kinds of strikes that took place in New York and at the Pentagon." - 'The 9/11 Debate,'  Washington Post editorial, 03-24-04

That line from the Washington Post has been repeated ad nauseam by other newspapers, and across radio and  television. It has achieved the status of bedrock conventional wisdom, of something axiomatic. These statements are  a paraphrase of National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice, who said on May 17th, 2002, "I don't think anybody  could have predicted that these people would take an airplane and slam it into the World Trade Center, that they  would try to use an airplane as a missile - a hijacked airplane as a missile."

This kind of thinking elevates the attacks to something mythical, a magic trick, an act of God that no mere mortal  could possibly have interfered with or anticipated. In fact, it was an operation planned for years by men who left  clear tracks. As such, it could have been stopped. It should have been stopped. Saying so, however, interferes with  the cultivation of a national attitude of vengeful victimhood, an attitude the Bush administration is actively promoting  for its own benefit and political protection. Surely we were victims of terrorism on September 11, but was this  unavoidable? Are the Washington Post, Condoleezza Rice and others correct in stating that no one anticipated  these kinds of attacks?

The facts say no.

Ramzi Yousef was one of the planners and participants in the first bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993.  Yousef's right-hand man, Abdul Hakim Murad, was captured and interrogated in 1995. During that interrogation,  Murad described a detailed plot to hijack airplanes and use them as weapons of terrorism. The primary plan was to  commandeer eleven commercial planes and blow them up over the Pacific Ocean. The secondary plan was to  hijack several planes, which would be flown into CIA headquarters, the World Trade Center, the Sears Tower, the  White House and a variety of other targets.

Ramzi Yousef eluded capture until his final apprehension in Pakistan. During his 1997 trial, the plot described by  Murad resurfaced. FBI agents testified in the Yousef trial that, "The plan targeted not only the CIA, but other U.S.  government buildings in Washington, including the Pentagon."

In 1993, the same year as the first World Trade Center attack, a $150,000 study was undertaken by the Pentagon  to investigate the possibility of airplanes being used as bombs. A draft document of this was circulated throughout  the Pentagon, the Justice Department, and to the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The circulation of the  report was timely.

In 1994, a disgruntled Federal Express employee invaded the cockpit of a DC10 with the intention of crashing it  into a company building. Again in 1994, a pilot crashed a small airplane into a tree on the White House grounds,  narrowly missing the building itself. Also in 1994, an Air France flight was hijacked by members of a terrorist  organization called the Armed Islamic Group, who intended to crash the plane into the Eiffel Tower.

The 1993 Pentagon report was followed up in September 1999 by a report titled 'The Sociology and Psychology  of Terrorism.' This report was prepared for the American intelligence community by the Federal Research Division,  an adjunct of the Library of Congress. The report stated, "Suicide bombers belonging to Al Qaida's martyrdom  battalion could crash-land an aircraft packed with high explosives into the Pentagon, the headquarters of the CIA,  or the White House."

Abdul Hakim Murad described plans to use hijacked commercial airplanes as weapons in 1995. Ramzi Yousef's  trial further exposed the existence of these plans in 1997. Two reports prepared by the American government, one  from 1993 and another from 1999, further detailed again the existence and danger of these plots. The Federal  Express employee's hijacking attempt in 1994, the attempted airplane attack on the White House in 1994, and the  hijacking of the Air France flight in 1994 by terrorists intending to fly the plane into the Eiffel Tower, provided a  glaring underscore to the data.

No one anticipated the use of airplanes as weapons before September 11? Given the facts, the claim from  Condoleezza Rice, carried forward to today by the mainstream media, seems impossible to believe.

We come, next, to priorities.

A mission statement from the internal FBI Strategic Plan, dated 5/8/98, describes the FBI's Tier One priority as  'counterterrorism.' The FBI, under the Clinton administration, was making counterterrorism its highest priority. The  official annual budget goals memo from Attorney General Janet Reno to department heads, dated 4/6/00, detailed  how counterterrorism was her top priority for the Department of Justice. In the second paragraph, she states, "In  the near term as well as the future, cybercrime and counterterrrorism are going to be the most challenging threats in  the criminal justice area. Nowhere is the need for an up-to-date human and technical infrastructure more critical."

Contrast this with the official annual budget goals memo from Attorney General Ashcroft, dated 5/10/01, which  directly compares to the 4/6/00 Reno memo. Out of seven strategic goals described, not one mentions  counterterrorism. An internal draft of the Department of Justice's plans to revamp the official Department of Justice  Strategic Plan, dated 8/9/01, describes Ashcroft's new priorities for the Department of Justice. The areas Ashcroft  wished to focus on were highlighted in yellow. Specifically highlighted by Ashcroft were domestic violent crime and  drug trafficking prevention. Item 1.3, entitled "Combat terrorist activities by developing maximum intelligence and  investigative capability," was not highlighted.

There is the internal FBI budget request for 2003 to the Department of Justice, dated late August 2001. This was  not the FBI's total budget request, but was instead restricted only to the areas where the FBI specifically requested  increases over the previous year's budget. In this request, the FBI specifically asked for, among other things, 54  translators to translate backlog of intelligence gathered, 248 counterterrorism agents and support staff , and 200  professional intelligence researchers. The FBI had repeatedly stated that it had a serious backlog of intelligence data  it has gathered, but could not process the data because they did not have the staff to analyze or translate it into  usable information. Again, this was August 2001.

The official Department of Justice budget request from Attorney General Ashcroft to OMB Director Mitch Daniels  is dated September 10, 2001. This document specifically highlights only the programs slated for above-baseline  increases or below-baseline cuts. Ashcroft outlined the programs he was trying to cut. Comparing this document to  the FBI's request to the Department of Justice request described above, it is clear that Ashcroft ignored the FBI's  anti-terrorism requests. Specifically, Ashcroft was planning to ignore the FBI's specific requests for more  translators, counterintelligence agents and researchers. It additionally shows Ashcroft was trying to cut funding for  counterterrorism efforts, grants and other homeland defense programs before the 9/11 attacks.

The difference in priorities is clear. The Clinton administration was focusing on terrorism and al Qaeda as its highest  priority. This focus was dramatically reversed by senior officials within the Bush administration. The idea that no one  could have anticipated the kinds of attacks which came on September 11 comes into sharper focus. It isn't that "no  one" could have anticipated the threat. It is the Bush administration itself that could never have anticipated the threat,  because they were paying little attention to the existence of these threats.

Then, of course, there were the warnings.

FBI agents in Phoenix issued warnings in the summer of 2001 about suspicious Arab men receiving aviation training  in American flight schools. The warning was never followed up. An agent in the Arizona field office commented in  his case notes that Zacarias Moussaoui, arrested in August after suspicious activity at one of these flight schools,  seemed like a man capable of flying airplanes into the World Trade Center.

Newspapers in Germany, France, Russia and London reported in the months before September 11th a blizzard of  warnings delivered to the Bush administration from all points on the compass. The German intelligence service,  BND, warned American and Israeli agencies that terrorists were planning to hijack commercial aircraft and use  them as weapons to attack important American targets. Egypt warned of a similar plot to use airplanes to attack  Bush during the G-8 summit in Genoa in June of 2001. This warning was taken so seriously that anti-aircraft missiles  were deployed around Columbus Airport in Italy.

In August of 2001, Russian intelligence services notified the CIA that 25 terrorist pilots had been trained for suicide  missions, and Putin himself confirmed that this warning was delivered "in the strongest possible terms" specifically  regarding threats to airports and government buildings. In that same month, the Israeli security agency Mossad  issued a warning to both the FBI and CIA that up to 200 bin Laden followers were planning a major assault on  America, aimed at vulnerable targets. The Los Angeles Times later confirmed via unnamed U.S. officials that the  Mossad warnings had been received.

On August 6, 2001, George W. Bush received his Presidential Daily Briefing. According to reports, the briefing  described active plots to attack the United States by Osama bin Laden. The word "hijacking" appeared in that  briefing. Shortly after this briefing, George W. Bush departed to Texas for a month-long vacation.

Richard Clarke, former Director of Counter-Terrorism for the National Security Council, has worked on the  terrorist threat for the Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, and Bush Jr. administrations, amassing a peerless resume in the  field. He is now a central figure in the commission investigating the September 11 attacks. Clarke has laid bare an  ugly truth: The administration of George W. Bush did not consider terrorism or the threat of al Qaeda to be a  priority prior to the attacks.

Clarke, along with former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill, who as a member of the National Security Council was  privy to military strategy meetings, indicate that the Bush administration was obsessed with an invasion of Iraq from  the day it arrived in Washington. This obsession continued even after the attacks, despite the fact that the entire  intelligence community flatly declared that Iraq was not involved.

The attacks of September 11 were not mythical, not a magic trick, not an act of God that no mere mortal could  possibly have interfered with or anticipated. The warnings, the data, stretch back all the way to 1993. The Bush  administration came into power and absorbed a barrage of warnings about Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda.  Former National Security Advisor Sandy Berger told Condoleezza Rice that al Qaeda terrorism would be the single  most important problem the Bush administration would deal with while in office, and handed her a huge file on the  matter. Rice has admitted that she did not read that file until after the attacks of September 11 had taken place.

Of course the Bush administration could never have anticipated an attack like the one that took place on  September 11. They weren't paying attention to the threat. Had they done so, the attack could have been stopped.  Final proof of this can be found in the events of December 31, 1999. Al Qaeda planned, and put into motion,  simultaneous attacks against the national airports in Washington DC and Los Angeles, the Amman Raddison Hotel  in Jordan, several holy sites in Israel, and the USS The Sullivans at dock in Yemen. In scope, scale and import,  these attacks would have matched the catastrophe of September 11. Each and every single one of these attacks,  which ranged from one side of the planet to the other, were foiled by the efforts of the Clinton administration. They  were able to stop these attacks because of one simple reason: They were paying attention to the threat.

September 11 could have been stopped. September 11 should have been stopped. The "No one could have  anticipated this" excuse is dangerous nonsense.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline kaydeejaded

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The 9/11 Debate
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2004, 01:59:00 PM »
Frod this is what I have been saying on the alum forever and being attacked by the republicans with there flags firmly shoved up there asses....since forever.

They knew they made money off it.

You can lead a camel to water but you can't make it stink (any more than it already does)
-- Job

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
or those who understand, no explanation is necessary; for those who don\'t, none will do

Offline Anonymous

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The 9/11 Debate
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2004, 07:05:00 PM »
In February 1993, the WTC was bombed by Muslim fanataics, killing 5 people and injuring hundreds.

Clinton, advised by Dick Clarke, did nothing.

In October 1993, 18 American troops were killed in a savage firefight in Somalia.  The body of 1 American soldier was dragged through the streets on Mogadishu as the Somalian hordes cheered.

Clinton responded by calling off the hunt for Mohammed Farrah Aidid and ordering our troops home.  Osama Bin Laden told ABC News, "The youth ... realized more than before that the American solider was a paper tiger and after a few blows, ran in defeat.

In November 1995, 5 Americans were killed and 30 wounded by a car bomb in Saudi Arabia set by Muslim extremists.

Clinton advised by Dick Clark, did nothing.

In June 1996, a U.S. Air Force housing complex in Saudi Arabia was bombed by Muslim extremists.

Clinton, advised by Dick Clarke, did nothing.

Months later, Saddam attacked the Kurdish-controlled city of Erbil.

Clinton, advised by Dick Clarke, lobbed some bombs into Iraq hundreds of miles from Saddam's forces.

In November 1997, Iraq refused to allow U.N. Weapons inspectors to do their jobs and threatened to shoot down a U.S. U-2 Spy Plane.

Clinton, advised by Dick Clarke, did nothing.

In February 1998, Clinton threatened to bomb Iraq but called it off when the United Nations said no.

On August 7, 1998,  U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were bombed by Muslim Extremists.

Clinton, advised by Dick Clarke, did nothing.

On August 20, Monica Lewinsky appeared for the 2nd time to testify before the grand jury.  Clinton responded by bombing Afghanistan and Sudan, severely damaging a camel and an aspirin factory.

On December 16, the House of Representatives prepared to impeach Clinton the next day.

Clinton retaliated by ordering major air strikes against Iraq, decribed by the New York Times as "by far the largest military action in Iraq since the end of the Gulf War in 1991".

The only time Clinton decided to go to war with anyone in the vicinity of the Muslim fanatics was in 1999 -- when Clinton attacked Serbians who were fighting Islamic fanatics.

In October 2000, our warship, the USS Cole, was attacked my Muslim extremists.

Clinton, advised by Dick Clarke, did nothing.

Bush came into office telling his national security advisor, Condoleezza Rice he was "tired of swatting flies" , he wanted to eliminate al-Qaida.

On September 11, 2001, when Bush had been in office for barely 7 months, 3,000 Americans were murdered in a savage terrorist attack on U.S. soil by Muslim extremists.

Since then, Bush has won 2 wars against countries that harbored Muslim fanatics, captured Saddam Hussein, immobilized Osama Bin Laden, destroyed al-Qaida's base, and begun to create the only functioning democracy in the Middle East other than Israel.  Democrats opposed it all- except their phony support for war with Afganistan, which they immediately complained about and said would be a Vietnam quagmire.  And now they claim to be outraged that in the months BEFORE 9-11, Bush did not do everything Democrats opposed doing AFTER 9-11.

What a surprise.


« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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The 9/11 Debate
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2004, 07:10:00 PM »
Yeah, Iraq's a "functioning democracy".  Idiot.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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The 9/11 Debate
« Reply #4 on: April 04, 2004, 07:42:00 PM »
On 2004-04-04 16:10:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Yeah, Iraq's a "functioning democracy".  Idiot."

Well, the Butcher of Bagdad is behind bars and his murdering, raping sons are dead.  Democracies are not built overnight, but at least Iraq and indeed, the world, is rid of Saddam and Company and thier horrific crimes against humanity in the name of Allah.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline RTP2003

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The 9/11 Debate
« Reply #5 on: April 04, 2004, 08:07:00 PM »
Look fool, prior to the invasion of Iraq, it was not a haven for Al-Qaeda or other Islamic fundamentalist terrorist organizations.  Saddam Hussein saw them as a threat to his regime, and rightly so.  Al-Qaeda and their ilk did not like secular governments like Hussein's, and they were not present in any great numbers in pre-war Iraq.  That has all changed.  George has gotten us involved in a fucked up situation where American soldiers are dying every day.  Islamic terror groups have had a field day with the recruiting opportunities Bush has provided them.  
     I saw Ambassador Joseph Wilson (not a liberal Democrat by any stretch) speak on this topic and he brought up the following points:
1) Saddam did not possess WMDs--and if he had, he was far too much of a control freak to share them with Al-Qaed, who would just as soon have used them against him.

2) Iraq probably had the fewest number of Islamic terrorists of any country in the Mid-East.  Now, they have the greatest number.  Thanks, George.

3) If creating a democracy was our goal, why didn't we go after Saudi Arabia?  The same could be aked re North Korea, a country that actually does possess WMDs.  However, North Korea has no oil reserves.  Hmmmmmm....

For you to think that the Iraq war was about anything but the oil and reconstruction revenues that Bush and his backers are going to reap from it, you are a fool. This is going to be a fucked up situation for years to come, and we are going to be paying for it with the lives of young American soldiers.  Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld have gotten us into the worst foreign debacle since Vietnam.[ This Message was edited by: RTP2003 on 2004-04-04 17:08 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
RTP2003 fought in defense of the Old Republic

Offline kaydeejaded

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The 9/11 Debate
« Reply #6 on: April 04, 2004, 08:16:00 PM »
I agree the shit w/Iraq was little Bush Jr finishing his fathers mess if you think George Bush is not still our president your fooling yourself.

If a woman has to choose between catching a fly ball and saving an infant's life, she will choose to save the infant's life without even considering if there are men on base.
-- Dave Barry

March 29, 2004

Gangsters in the White House

There are gangsters in the White House.

Whenever the Bush Administration gets criticized, it responds like Tony Soprano, and Bush's capos put a hit out on whoever dares to question the don.

That's the way it was when Paul O'Neill, Bush's former Treasury Secretary, said Bush wanted to go to war against Iraq way before 9/ll. Within hours, the Bush goons were threatening O'Neill with prosecution for allegedly publicizing classified information.

That's the way it was when former ambassador Joseph Wilson went public with his account of how the Bush Administration played up the false story of uranium in Niger. Within days, the White House was outing Wilson's wife, Valerie Plame, as a CIA officer, with Karl Rove reportedly saying, "His wife's now fair game."

And that's the way it is today, with Bush surrogates unloading on Richard Clarke, the counterintelligence pro who has leveled two serious charges against the Administration.

First, that it was "lackadaisical" about Al Qaeda prior to 9/ll.

And second, that Bush's Iraq adventure has "greatly undermined the war on terrorism."

Rather than just debate the merits of these accusations, rather than have Condoleezza Rice testify in public before the Sept. 11 bipartisan commission, the Bush thugs have revved up the slime machine.

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist slammed Clarke for being, in Frist's words, "consumed by the desire to dodge blame for the 9/11 attacks" and for "profiteering." But he didn't stop there. Frist went on to make very unsubtle threats about prosecuting Clarke for perjury, alleging that Clarke lied to Congress.

Then the White House began to blackball Clarke. "You're not going to make another dime in Washington again," said one White House staffer, Clarke told Tim Russert.

Hostile to the very essence of democracy, which is the freedom to dissent and to criticize our government, the Bush gang wants to rule by fear, intimidation, and goon squad tactics.

-- Matthew Rothschild

Bush makes me want to puke  ::puke::  [ This Message was edited by: kaydeejaded on 2004-04-04 17:19 ]
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline Anonymous

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The 9/11 Debate
« Reply #7 on: April 04, 2004, 08:51:00 PM »
On 2004-04-04 17:07:00, RTP2003 wrote:

"Look fool, prior to the invasion of Iraq, it was not a haven for Al-Qaeda or other Islamic fundamentalist terrorist organizations.  Saddam Hussein saw them as a threat to his regime, and rightly so.  Al-Qaeda and their ilk did not like secular governments like Hussein's, and they were not present in any great numbers in pre-war Iraq.  That has all changed.  George has gotten us involved in a fucked up situation where American soldiers are dying every day.  Islamic terror groups have had a field day with the recruiting opportunities Bush has provided them.  

     I saw Ambassador Joseph Wilson (not a liberal Democrat by any stretch) speak on this topic and he brought up the following points:


1) Saddam did not possess WMDs--and if he had, he was far too much of a control freak to share them with Al-Qaed, who would just as soon have used them against him.

2) Iraq probably had the fewest number of Islamic terrorists of any country in the Mid-East.  Now, they have the greatest number.  Thanks, George.

3) If creating a democracy was our goal, why didn't we go after Saudi Arabia?  The same could be aked re North Korea, a country that actually does possess WMDs.  However, North Korea has no oil reserves.  Hmmmmmm....

For you to think that the Iraq war was about anything but the oil and reconstruction revenues that Bush and his backers are going to reap from it, you are a fool. This is going to be a fucked up situation for years to come, and we are going to be paying for it with the lives of young American soldiers.  Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld have gotten us into the worst foreign debacle since Vietnam.[ This Message was edited by: RTP2003 on 2004-04-04 17:08 ]"

The situation in the world is too serious to politicize just so the liberals can get back into power.

Personally, what concerns me is North Korea: the world's largest prison camp and an economic basket case. What America must do to keep it from unleashing misery and destruction on a global scale is a daunting question.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Anonymous

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The 9/11 Debate
« Reply #8 on: April 04, 2004, 08:55:00 PM »
Dick Clarke, now there's an idiot.  Lying bastard, too.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline kaydeejaded

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The 9/11 Debate
« Reply #9 on: April 04, 2004, 09:01:00 PM »
you raise a good point even though I am a liberal I don't support the policy of appeasement which is what Clinton did to North Korea which has long been the policy regarding this country.

Bush uses preemption with Iraq yet tries to negotiate with North Korea as if they were ration the only deterrence from nuclear war is going to be more money ie: appeasement which should have gone out with the Rhineland...didn't we learn from Hitler??? Or we need to take action the problem here is there is nothing worthwhile in North Korea. We pussyfooted around to long they now have nukes that can reach California and Bush is pulling the major bait and switch and had spread us so thin.

We are in Haiti, Afganistain, Irag......they are talking reinstating a modified draft for skilled craftsmen like machinests?? (I dunno won't be me I'm a girl thank you God I'M NOT THAT LIBERAL!)

North Korea is a real threat one that has not be dealt with they are not rational either and we have appeased them in the past all mistakes, all will come back to haunt us. Make no mistake being liberal doesn't mean hiding your head in the sand.

Give to every other human being every right that you claim for yourself - that is my doctrine.

--Thomas Paine

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
or those who understand, no explanation is necessary; for those who don\'t, none will do

Offline RTP2003

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The 9/11 Debate
« Reply #10 on: April 04, 2004, 09:06:00 PM »
On 2004-04-04 17:51:00, Anonymous wrote:

The situation in the world is too serious to politicize just so the liberals can get back into power.

Personally, what concerns me is North Korea: the world's largest prison camp and an economic basket case. What America must do to keep it from unleashing misery and destruction on a global scale is a daunting question."

The situation in the world and in this country has gotten worse since the cons came to power here.  Bush and his neo-conservative handlers have hijacked the Republican party to serve their own fiscal interests at the expense of this country's security, reputation, economy, and ehe lives of many soldiers.   The war in Iraq was a ruse started under false pretenses.  
They have no interest or intention of doing anything about North Korea unless oil reseves were found there, in which case we would be at war tomarrow.  I can't believe people fall for Bush's lies.  Meanwhile in Afghanistan, the Taliban are retaking territory lost in the war, and the American occupation is starting to resemble the Russian one--control of the capitol and little else.  Osama bin Laden remains free, and billions of dollars each month are spent in Iraq. Good job, George.  He has created a record deficit.  Remember when Republicans said deficits were a bad thing?  This man is a worse president than his father was, and that's saying a lot.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
RTP2003 fought in defense of the Old Republic

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The 9/11 Debate
« Reply #11 on: April 04, 2004, 09:09:00 PM »
Hmmm, here's an opinion that dates back a year or so ago --- before all the controversy surrounding Clarke's book (hey, good for sales) and testimony before the 9-11 commission (hey, best to blame anybody and everybody else rather than admit you made some serious errors, yourself).

Richard Clarke's Legacy of Miscalculation
The outgoing cybersecurity czar will be remembered for his steadfast belief in the danger of Internet attacks, even while genuine threats developed elsewhere.

By George Smith Feb 17 2003 01:38AM PT  
The retirement of Richard Clarke is appropriate to the reality of the war on terror. Years ago, Clarke bet his national security career on the idea that electronic war was going to be real war. He lost, because as al Qaeda and Iraq have shown, real action is still of the blood and guts kind.

In happier times prior to 9/11, Clarke -- as Bill Clinton's counter-terror point man in the National Security Council -- devoted great effort to convincing national movers and shakers that cyberattack was the coming thing. While ostensibly involved in preparations for bioterrorism and trying to sound alarms about Osama bin Laden, Clarke was most often seen in the news predicting ways in which electronic attacks were going to change everything and rewrite the calculus of conflict.

September 11 spoiled the fun, though, and electronic attack was shoved onto the back-burner in favor of special operations men calling in B-52 precision air strikes on Taliban losers. One-hundred fifty-thousand U.S. soldiers on station outside Iraq make it perfectly clear that cyberspace is only a trivial distraction.

Saddam will not be brought down by people stealing his e-mail or his generals being spammed with exhortations to surrender.

Clarke's career in subsequent presidential administrations was a barometer of the recession of the belief that cyberspace would be a front effector in national security affairs. After being part of the NSC, Clarke was dismissed to Special Advisor for Cyberspace Security on October 9th in a ceremony led by National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice and new homeland security guru Tom Ridge. If it was an advance, it was one to the rear -- a pure demotion.
Saddam will not be brought down by people stealing his e-mail or his generals being spammed with exhortations to surrender.
Instead of combating terrorists, Clarke would be left to wrestle with corporate America over computer security, a match he would lose by pinfall. Ridding the world of bad guys and ensuring homeland safety was a job for CIA wet affairsmen, the FBI, the heavy bomb wing out of Whiteman Air Force Base -- anyone but marshals in cyberspace.

Information "Sharing" and Cruise Missiles
The Slammer virus gave Clarke one last mild hurrah with the media. But nationally, Slammer was a minor inconvenience compared to relentless cold weather in the east and the call up of the reserves.

But with his retirement, Clarke's career accomplishments should be noted.

In 1986, as a State Department bureaucrat with pull, he came up with a plan to battle terrorism and subvert Muammar Qaddafi by having SR-71s produce sonic booms over Libya. This was to be accompanied by rafts washing onto the sands of Tripoli, the aim of which was to create the illusion of a coming attack. When this nonsense was revealed, it created embarrassment for the Reagan administration and was buried.

In 1998, according to the New Republic, Clarke "played a key role in the Clinton administration's misguided retaliation for the bombings of the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, which targeted bin Laden's terrorist camps in Afghanistan and a pharmaceutical factory in Sudan." The pharmaceutical factory was, apparently, just a pharmaceutical factory, and we now know how impressed bin Laden was by cruise missiles that miss.

Trying his hand in cyberspace, Clarke's most lasting contribution is probably the new corporate exemption in the Freedom of Information Act. Originally designed to immunize companies against the theoretical malicious use of FOIA by competitors, journalists and other so-called miscreants interested in ferreting out cyber-vulnerabilities, it was suggested well before the war on terror as a measure that would increase corporate cooperation with Uncle Sam. Clarke labored and lobbied diligently from the NSC for this amendment to existing law, law which he frequently referred to as an "impediment" to information sharing.

While the exemption would inexplicably not pass during the Clinton administration, Clarke and other like-minded souls kept pushing for it. Finally, the national nervous breakdown that resulted from the collapse of the World Trade Center reframed the exemption as a grand idea, and it was embraced by legislators, who even expanded it to give a get-out-of-FOIA-free card to all of corporate America, not just those involved with the cyber-infrastructure. It passed into law as part of the legislation forming the Department of Homeland Security.

However, as with many allegedly bright ideas originally pushed by Richard Clarke, it came with thorns no one had anticipated.

In a January 17 confirmation hearing for Clarke's boss, Tom Ridge, Senator Carl Levin protested that the exemption's language needed to be clarified. "We are denying the public unclassified information in the current law which should not be denied to the public," he said as reported in the Federation of American Scientists' Secrecy News.

"That means that you could get information that, for instance, a company is leaking material into a river that you could not turn over to the EPA," Levin continued. "If that company was the source of the information, you could not even turn it over to another agency."

"It certainly wasn't the intent, I'm sure, of those who advocated the Freedom of Information Act exemption to give wrongdoers protection or to protect illegal activity," replied Ridge while adding he would work to remedy the problem.

Thanks for everything, Mr. Clarke.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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The 9/11 Debate
« Reply #12 on: April 04, 2004, 11:05:00 PM »
On 2004-04-04 17:55:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Dick Clarke, now there's an idiot.  Lying bastard, too.

 :flame: "

On 2004-04-04 17:55:00, Anonymous wrote:

"Dick Clarke, now there's an idiot.  Lying bastard, too.

 :flame: "

Actually, I am confused, it's not Dick Clarke that's a lying bastard.  That would be the infamous "Tricky Dick".

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Deborah

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The 9/11 Debate
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2004, 10:09:00 AM »
Delivered-To: [email protected]

Know how to tell the difference between the truth and lies of 9/11? If they're talking about hijackers having done the dastardly deed, you know
they're part of the sinister coverup extravaganza, wittingly or not.

In order for the people of the world to be convinced that Islamic hijackers were responsible for terrible tragedy of 9/11, we need to see
some evidence. Not hearsay, innuendo, aspersion or promises of evidence, but real evidence.

Otherwise, the whole subject is rightly regarded as a ruse, a setup to conceal the identities of the real culprits, the ones who sit smugly in
front of the TV cameras and plot their cynical war on terror - otherwise known as the war on the peoples of the world.

As President Bush continues to insist that his word be accepted as truth on numerous questions, time after time his statements have been revealed
as blatant falsehoods. Yet he continues to repeat them, and the whorish corporate media continues to accept them.

Why hasn't either the Bush administration or some element of law enforcement in the United States issued a single solid piece of evidence
connecting the hijackers to the hijacked airplanes? Why don't the alleged hijackers appear on the airport security videos? Why aren't there credit card records of their ticket purchases?

Why did FBI director Robert Mueller say very publicly to the Commonwealth Club of San Francisco that nothing on paper connected Arab
terrorists to 9/11? I mean, two and half years have passed. And the feds produced 19 names within 72 hours of the disaster. Notice a mathematical inconsistency here? All that has happened since is mere vigilante hysteria, hypothetical scenarios trumpeted ad nauseum by America's notoriously brainwashed Zionist press.

Seven or eight of the names on that original list have been found living comfortably in other countries. Why hasn't the FBI made any attempt to
correct the errors made on that original list? See for yourself. ... -alive.htm

And why, after much hullabaloo about Colin Powell using phony information in his remarks to the United Nations about the reasons for war, hasn't the U.S. government produced a single conclusive piece of evidence to back up its claim that 9/11 was the work Osama bin Laden and other Islamic terrorists? Not a single piece!

If you disagree, tell me what it is!

There's a simple answer to this, you know. It's because there isn't any evidence. And why is that? Because those pseudo-Muslims revealed to be
so publicly incompetent at piloting jerkwater training planes had absolutely zero chance of flying sophisticated jetliners into anything
narrower than the Grand Canyon, never mind executing tricky maneuvers with extraordinarily complicated machinery.

The unknown men who played the roles of the so-called Arab terrorist hijackers were really recruited by either American and/or Israeli
intelligence services in a scheme set up as a diversion to inflame dumb Westerners against the Islamic world. The purpose was to divert the
world's attention from the Israeli genocide and dispossession of the Palestinians by blaming the attacks on Muslims.

But that was only half the objective. The other half was to enable our despicable cabal of neocon gangbangers to fleece the American public with an endless array of no-bid contracts to enrich the conscienceless billionaires who are really driving the war machine.

You know how the Bushista American government uses anything for PR to supposedly authenticate its own evil agenda. If they had any concrete
evidence against the hijackers - if they even possessed all their correct names - we would have heard about it by now. There would be an
avalanche of TV shows about them, unlike that Jewish claptrap hate crime against Muslims that appeared on NBC the other night.

After two and half years, with the whole world knowing that eight of the 19 names on the hijacker list are fraudulent, the FBI has made no
attempt to substitute new names. And why is that? Because the identities of the hijackers were constructed with mostly stolen papers, for some of
the patsies designed to take the heat. In any case, and whoever they were, there is no evidence they ever got on the planes.

But nothing. Instead we have one minor player convicted in Germany, then the conviction was overturned, partly because Americans refused to help with the prosecution.

We have the so-called 20th hijacker and assorted other preposterous character actors languishing in jails on trumped up charges. We have security camera film at the Pentagon, which surely reveal that no jetliner hit that building, locked away in Ashcroft's vault under the phony aegis of national security. We have all the rubble of the World Trade Center, which surely would have revealed the use of nuclear explosives creating shattered beams in odd places, instantly carted away with no forensic investigation. We have transcripts - but no recordings - of these phony cellphone calls, some from people who may not have even existed.

And we have the famous standdown, in which America's air defenses suddenly evaporated - the only time in our history this has happened.

We have Marvin Bush sitting suspiciously on the board of directors of the security company that had the contract for the Twin Towers.

We have Larry Silverstein, who conveniently leased and insured the towers shortly before the big hits, telling officials to "pull" a relatively intact tower, which then fell identically to the two structures that were struck by airplanes, creating the impression that
that's the way all three came down.

We have billions of dollars of windfall profits made by savvy investors in the days before 9/11, and an FBI investigation that insists nothing was amiss with these spectacular deals. Of course, we don't get the details. Only "assurances" that the trades were not suspicious, despite patterns and results that were unprecedented in the entire history of financial trading.

We have reports from firemen of explosions at the base of the Twin Towers BEFORE they fell, and the seismographic evidence to back up these assertions.

We have leader after leader saying they didn't know such a thing could happen when the government had been studying the problem for ten years. It had held at least two major drills simulating such a possibility.

And we have a president sitting in a ghetto classroom in Florida, at possibily the most pivotal moment in American history, pretending to
read a book that he was holding upside down.

Perhaps most tellingly of all, we have the tragic tale of John O'Neill, rabidly honest FBI investigator, prevented from following his leads
about Osama bin Laden because of the danger he would have discovered the links from Afghanistan back to CIA headquarters. Just review the way he
was prevented from conducting his probe of the Cole bombing, and prevented by digging into other leads by the same guys - namely insiders Louis Freeh and Thomas Picard - who prevented significant reports from other FBI agents from seeing the light of day.

So, how does all that make you regard the supposedly impartial government panel investigating these matters? When they talk about
Presidential Daily Briefings months before the event, or chitchat with presidential flunkies who leak out these pseudorevelations about this and that tidbit of essentially trivial information. And especially when they talk about the dastardly hijackers (without being able to name them) as if there is no question of their guilt. Talk about your misleading urban legends! This one is the champ.

Well, no sense feigning surprise. We knew this commission was a set-up from the get-go. Recycled Watergate investigators, even. Part of the same bunch that has run the country and covered up everything for the past 30 years or more.

Surely you didn't expect a real investigation. Thomas Kean declared at the outset of his hearings that Osama bin Laden was guilty. End of
discussion. As soon as he made that statement, there was no way the hearings could be legitimate.

Asserting that genuine Arab hijackers did not carry out the attacks of 9/11 requires analysis of two concomitant categories: the history of
American (and Israeli) involvement (and subterfuge) with Arab terrorists, and methods of remote control of aircraft, or other means of
piloting the aircraft.

The remote control aspect continues to be a bone of contention among legitimate pilots, with some asserting only real pilots could have made such extemporaneous maneuvers and others insisting only remote control could have accomplished such a feat. An interesting new perspective on this debate can be found here:

A third natural area of study in this regard would be the intimate histories of those whom officials claim to be the hijackers, including
putting the microscope on their behavior in the days and weeks before the tragedy.

Many researchers claim the name al-Qaeda was made up in middle '90s by a variety of American functionaries (one of them being none other than
Richard Clarke) as an all-purpose villain the U.S. could blame as a convenient reason for its military adventurism. And a group of Israeli
provocateurs was recently discovered trying to create their own faux version of al-Qaeda.

How many more hints do you need? The absence of any relevant arrests or discovery of any clues to the hierarchy of this supposedly worldwide terror group should tell you a lot.

Al-Qaeda doesn't exist except for when they want it to, to blame for any sort of strategic terror they have created themselves for some political
reason, like influencing the elections in Spain. Hah, that one really backfired.

Why haven't American intelligence operatives gone to these foreign countries to interview these named hijackers who turned out to be alive?
Simple. Because they knew the list was fiction in the first place, and the Arab-types who have been named as terror gurus are mostly their own
employees, or people who have been set up by them.

It is a celebrated fact that Mohammed Atta and some of his friends were seen in nightclubs in the hours before 9/11, certainly a fact that
argues against them being able to carry out their supposed missions because they were motivated by Islamic religious zeal. So their appearance in strip clubs blows the whole story that they were devout Muslims giving their lives to Allah. Devout Muslims don't drink, never mind cavort with strippers.

If we knew who the hijackers were, we'd know their names, wouldn't we? Or is it now worth bombing other nations and murdering thousands of
innocent people because we say we know who the hijackers were, even though we don't know their names? It is the great shame of the American
people that they have approved of the murders of thousands of people because of that blatant lie.

Many of the men who were fingered as 9/11 hijackers received preferential treatment from American immigration officials when it came to entering and leaving the U.S. on numerous occasions. Many of these same names reportedly trained at various U.S. military installations.

What has resulted after two and a half years of work by America's crack intelligence agencies, besides the persecution of Muslims throughout the

Well, hundreds of innocent people have been unjustly imprisoned and tortured at Guantanamo. All of them innocent, hapless dupes rounded up
in a Rumsfeld-ordered dragnet in Pakistan after U.S. planes had (inadvertently or otherwise) allowed the Taliban fighters to escape with the Pakistani army from Afghanistan.

Two pathetic flunkies have been arrested and held without due process. One of them, the notoriously pathetic shoe bomber who was obviously a
deranged personality and not a member of any terror network, was ceremoniously sentenced to life in prison.

Other than that, no al-Qaeda kingpins have been even named, never mind apprehended. No clue about how the 9/11 attacks were engineered has ever
emerged. This is simply not consistent with being able to name all 19 hijackers the day after the attacks. It is a case of pretending you have all of the information instantly, and then pretending you no information for the next two years. What a smell!

This means two things: that the list of 19 names was a total fabrication, and that the worldwide terror network called al-Qaeda is also a total fabrication, the wet dream brainchild of the CIA and the Mossad to be trotted out as an excuse for a whole string of terror attacks - Madrid, Bali, Riyadh, Istanbul, etc. - that were really carried out by the CIA and the Mossad themselves, cleverly involving designated patsies to give the operations a suitably foreign flavor.

Al-Qaeda does not exist except as a bogeyman invented by Western powers to justify their evil agenda. There were no hijackers flying those
planes on 9/11. And honest FBI agents have been prevented from publicizing that fact.

If you disagree, prove it! The world knows you can't, though the high-tech mass murder by the United States and Israel spreads around the
world because of this falsified version of events.

History will show - and the public will soon realize - that those who are telling these lies not only allowed 9/11 to happen, but planned it
for their own personal advantage.

The only question that remains is will the American public awaken to this murderous, treasonous scam before the perpetrators achieve their objective and bury the whole planet in the flames of their insane perfidy.

Just remember. If they're talking about the hijackers, they're part of the coverup, whether they know it or not.

Much more productive would be analyzing the tiny hole in the Pentagon, how the ejected material in the WTC photos prove there were unexplained
explosions, or how those emotional cellphone calls could not possibly have been made as government flunkies have presented them.

But you won't hear the official 9/11 commissioners talking about any of that, because they are definitely part of the coverup. You can obviously tell, because they keep talking about the hijackers.

* * *

Other than a general alert to citizens of the world about the basic lies that continue to underlie all political debate in the United States at this time, there is another, more pressing reason to discuss and contemplate all these matters at this time.

On Tuesday, April 20, and Wednesday, April 28, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments on the power claimed by the President to designate
people as "enemy combatants" and have them incarcerated by the military- indefinitely, without charges, and without access to the court
system--solely on his say-so.

As my friend Alvin notes, "This is a critical moment in United States history."

"How the court rules on these cases will determine the type of country we will be living in. We urge those of you who can to be present outside the Supreme Court on these dates," said Alvin. For more information please see

It is one thing to realize all law enforcement and defense strategies in America in 2004 have become lies.

It is quite another to incorporate those lies into the law itself, and that is about to happen next week.

The decision expected will make a time of darkness grow even darker, and practically guarantee that freedom and justice for all is now an outmoded phrase that has been conveniently discarded by the evil robots who now control the lives of every person on earth.
John Kaminski is the author of "America's Autopsy Report," a collection of his Internet essays seen on hundreds of websites around the world, and also "The Day America Died: Why You Shouldn't Believe the Official Story of What Happened on September 11, 2001," a 48-page booklet written
for those who insist on believing the  government's version of events. For more information about both, go to

So, If there's anyone out there who doubts that the WTC events were orchestrated from the White House, I'd like to hear what that doubt is based on.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Offline kaydeejaded

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The 9/11 Debate
« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2004, 11:30:00 AM »
that was excellent

although far to much for the head in sand types to even begin to bite let alone chew and made far to much sense...

hmmm boggles the mind
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
or those who understand, no explanation is necessary; for those who don\'t, none will do