I know you didn't make it up. I do wonder how it will be manifested in the future, though. You see, I'm more than a Contrarian, I'm also a speculator. I know that the world is changing exponetially at this time, and at thit pace, we will, in our lifetime, experience a very new world. I like to think about what it's going to be like. If we accept the premise that our government is corrupt, then we have to question everything they do, and I DO!!!!
I know people don't like to hear that their cozy, safe lifestyles will ever be taken from them, but the truth is we are now experiencing the result of globalization. It was inevitable, and it has consequences. The first consequence is that as the world rises from the bottom toward the middle (India), and some toward the top (China), America will decend from the top toward the middle, (hopefully not to the bottom.)
Please let me know if you disagree. I am the Contrarian, I live on disagreement.