Author Topic: Vermont school shooting plot linked to Ironwood Maine  (Read 6744 times)

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Vermont school shooting plot linked to Ironwood Maine
« on: December 30, 2018, 02:45:13 AM »
Vermont school shooting plot suspect recently left Maine treatment center
By Patty Wight, Maine Public • February 21, 2018

A student who was recently enrolled at York County Community College was arrested in his home state of Vermont last week after threatening a mass shooting at his former high school.

According to Vermont police, 18-year-old Jack Sawyer also attended a residential school near Belfast for troubled teens. York County Community College officials say they have no indication that anyone was at risk while Sawyer was a student.

Last Wednesday the Fair Haven Police Department in Vermont was notified that Sawyer was making threats against Fair Haven Union High School, where he had been a student, but Chief William Humphries says it was a follow-up tip from a friend that led to his arrest. The two had spent time together at Ironwood, a residential treatment school in Maine for teens with emotional and behavioral disorders. Sawyer had texted the friend about the school shooting in Florida.

“He had told her that he had been plotting to do the same for the last two years at Fair Haven High School, he said that he had no problem doing it, that he wouldn’t really have any remorse, that had no problem with ending it early,” says Humphries.

Sawyer had also purchased a gun. During an arraignment in court last week, Sawyer pleaded not guilty to several charges, including attempted murder. He’s currently being held without bail.

Until recently, Sawyer was taking a class at York County Community College. President Barbara Finkelstein says he withdrew earlier this month. After the news of his arrest, Finkelstein sent a letter to the school community, saying there was no indication anyone was ever at risk while Sawyer was a student, and emphasizing that safety and security are on ongoing priority.

“We’ve always been very vigilant,” says Finkelstein. “We have an active emergency response team that does practice drills all the time at the college. We have a number of security protocols in place at the college.”

Both Finkelstein and Vermont police credit the tips from Sawyer’s friends for averting violence, and say it’s a good reminder that if you see something suspicious, say something.

Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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I don't much about Ironood in Maine
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2019, 11:47:19 AM »
I don't know much about this place called Ironwood in Maine -

However I do know a hell of a lot about the Elan School - That existed in Maine for close to forty years- 1970-until it was allowed to close by the state of Maine in 2011. ( it closed in April of 2011 not a full year and started I believe in the summer of 70) .

I know that Elan was a protected criminal organization - it made its  money sadistically brutally and serially abusing at risk children for a serious profit, in the disguise as therapy -lol. The reason certain people  like Billy Diamond , career politicians and chief in my opinion architect of the corrupt protection afforded Elan by the State of Maine. Janet Mills , Jay McCloskey, ( former State Attorney Generals  and Janet was the last to kowtow to  Billy' Diamonds  hands off Elan policy -despite the fact that for forty years the Maine State police were well aware of the insanity that was going on behind those walls of Joe Ricci's Elan .

 A few days ago Lester Holt  and NBC Nightly  news  had a little segment on Child abuse  . I kid you not - He prefaced  this  as being a very disturbing segment  he was warning people that this was bad. And it was about this company that the Federal Gov is using to deal with the illegal migrant children that aee found with their parents to be entering this country illegally .

And So Lester was concerned for his viewing public . And what I witnessed were children being restrained and dragged around . Yeah Lester I hate to tell you but if you think that is bad and told us that criminal charges are being filed - then  NBC news is  the biggest hypocrite due  its refusal  to report about these places that use sadistic brutal and often violent child abuse  as a viable from of  therapy. 

Is it because of the money involved  or is there a form of child abuse that is acceptable . The  child abuse lite -which was really depicted in that news segment, I am very - really surprised,  Lester and NBC Nightly News  believe  that was criminal child abuse - and if he and NBC news thinks that is bad then they simply are blind or refuse to listen to the survivors of these for profit criminally abusive   unregulated residential treatment centers .

And Oscar or anyone one else that is reading this - it is not from lack of trying . When I awoke to PTSD  complex c in 2000 from Elan and my primary caregivers  sadistic abuse  - from reading a news article concerning  Elan and Michael Skakel, takes just one tiny trigger to let you know you have been severely traumatized when PTSD raises its ugly head    - I sure got in touch with NBC ,  and over the past 19 years I have spoken with NBC nightly news. Just every so often -

No Stalking  just when something would pop up that related to child abuse - I would drop them a line .  The last time was When there was a NBC nightly news segment  concerning the Florida Juvee adult supervised fight clubs. I mean Elan had a fight club of sorts - In fact on December 27 1982 a young boy ,a ward of the state of Maine, by the name of  Phil Williams  died after a session from  Elan's  notorious and well known ring . What is funny, on an old NBC Television show hosted by Carl Roberts called NBC Reports actually reported about Joe Riccis Ring  and knew about Elan s use of the Ring . That NBC news magazine came out in 1978.

Yeah so Phil Williams dies after one of Elan's beat down sessions -  - and because Elan was so very protected Phils Death was not investigated until 34 years after the fact. And guess who was the attorney General in Maine during this murder investigation 34 years late  - lol Janet Mills .

So here we are almost 20 years later and NBC news still cant do the right thing and report on this non ending story of for profit child abuse.  Because I reckon at one time they supported sadistic  ,brutal, violent child abuse - now they report on child abuse lite as it being as bad -

Which is it NBC nightly news and Lester Holt, can you not understand that there are  places  that are criminally abusing children for a profit -and just because the state knows like in the case of the Elan Fiasco in Maine, and protects it for the tax revenues that these places generate  doesn't make it right.

Lester Holt  are the tax revenues that the Maine career politicians  protected worth more , than protecting the vary children that these politicians were elected to protect .  Elan was fraudulently waving the flag of saving yet instead was horrifically in ways so sick criminally abusing the daylights out of these children on a daily basis for close to forty years.

I think the executives of NBC    and my buddy Lester Holt, I  left him a voice mail after the airing of the Florida  JuVee state run  of  fight club. Yeah you can actually get to their voice mails - lol whether or not they actually listen to them - who knows - lol. I think those folks including Lester Holt  need to see the film "The Last Stop. And then maybe start doing a story about child abuse and how it is the root of really all the problems that we have Today .

And the reason being is the damage that this type of criminal child abuse "attack therapy " causes , such damage to the individual - and that impacts society in myriad of  very negative ways. Yeah NBC nightly news - lol  warns people to be aware of disturbing images of so called child abuse - lol Lester Holt let me tell you a little story about the Elan school.
« Last Edit: January 04, 2019, 12:00:18 PM by Matt C. Hoffman »

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Re:Yo Oscar here is the link to the video
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2019, 06:57:35 AM »
That I was speaking about in this thread-  And While I have your attention - I have not heard back from the folks that you were going to check with - If need be I can post the link- Heck its not 5to far down the topics in this thread .  If one watches the video - it is a for profit private program that is dealing with these children. Immigrant and or Migrant children.  To me as a survivor, Oscar, of one of the most violent, sadistic,  and destructive of human beings in this country - It was called the Elan One  Corporation , when I entered it . And thru its  corruptly protected lengthy run as a protected criminal enterprise.

The Elan School, as its name changed,  damaged a lot of children thru its criminal abusive practices, that were protected  by career Maine politicians.  And the stories of abuse that survivors of Elan can tell is nothing depicted in these in my opinion child abuse lite videos. Yet the hype and build up as Lester told the viewing public that this was bad . Please3v - If that is bad then what did we go thru so Bill Diamond can have a four lane paved road that runs from Gray Maine just about all the way to his Subdivision ,Wyndham, located right off Maine Route 26.Theser career politicians   could spend all those tax revenues that Elan generated in a economically depressed  and underpopulated area of Maine now on such "Maine " improvements .

Further note this surfaced on  NBC nightly news 4 days ago.  Yeah what is depicted on the video isn't so much as disturbing to me - it is the things that these children might be going thru , that is not recorded that is the really triggering and horrifying to me - cause I know first hand what 17 and half years of criminal child abuse looks like, that was my life until I left Elan.

So yes maybe criminal charges can be brought if bad stuff happened and these children are believed - though in the case of Maine - money was valued more than the vary children, whose  adult career politicians in Maine were elected to protect .  Every  Governor from  Longly to Governor King, and every attorney General from Governor Longly's to Janet Mills  have serious blood on their hands for allowing a place like Elan to have ever existed in their state, in the first place.  Least of all to be involved in having protected that criminal enterpriser that ran for close to forty years in Maine .