Author Topic: New Skakel trial likely to call expert to testify about Elan  (Read 56411 times)

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Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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On day 8 of Mike Skakel's trial he was quoted
« Reply #75 on: May 01, 2013, 08:35:48 AM »
In reference to wanting  his attorney Mickey Sherman to bring in an expert to discuss what Elan was, his quote is below and is;
"It was imperative because there's no logical way a person who has never been there could possibly comprehend the magnitude of the insanity that went on in such a place," Skakel said. "It was a mad house."

Matt Hoffman wrote:
I think either Paul Morantz or Richard Ofshe, both experts on cults, or the countless  Elan survivors that spoke out in condemnation of elans "insanity" could have offered a glimpse of what it was like to live in that "madhouse". It is surprising to me that Sherman did not try to show the " madhouse " that was life inside of Elan to the jury, maybe he was so overwhelmed, who can really speculate as to his reason for not doing this.

No doubt about this. You can definitely believe what Mike said as I recall Elan was a brutal, violent, sadistic, soul- eating hellhole. No person dancing on this planet could fathom what went on in that horror show of a clone of the cult Synanon.

The "insanity " that Elan offered as therapy and it's brutal tools of compliance that Joe Ricci and his henchmen that helped him run- this fraudulent treatment program- that were used on children and adults, (during my time) to make them fit his one size fits all program were I dare say absolutely criminal.

It now makes sense that when ever there was a state inspection that Elan and the directors that ran Elan control the "floorshow " as to what inspectors of any state were allowed to see, because the truth of what they were doing to children was criminal, and could have sent them all to prison while shutting down this amazing money generating cash cow, that was known as Elan.

Yet they demanded from us, the unfortunate residents, to be honest, in the face of fear from the pressures of emotional coercion, negative peer pressure, humiliation and always the threat of the use of assorted physical beatdowns that were unmercifully applied, regardless of the truth or the out come of lack of truth.

Yes Mike Skakel is correct no one on this planet unless they had the unfortunate experience of a few compared to the many of human beings that exist , could really understand what that soul eating hellhole (Elan) was really like.

And for some former residents it was much worse for they no longer dance on the face of earth, for just having come in contact with Joe Ricci and his program called Elan.

I am a survivor of this hellhole.

Matt Hoffman
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Che Gookin

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Re: New Skakel trial likely to call expert to testify about
« Reply #76 on: May 03, 2013, 08:08:39 AM »
I wonder though if they are calling on the right sort of witnesses. There are some decent expert witnesses they could call to testify that would go a long way in substantiating much of the crazy that was Elan.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Re: New Skakel trial likely to call expert to testify about
« Reply #77 on: May 04, 2013, 08:08:39 AM »
Che - We will now have to wait and see whether the judge in Mike Skakel's habeas corpus trial rules in favor of granting him a new trial.

It seems that there was some evidence that the prosecutors had sealed -regarding a psychological report  that I am not sure if Mickey Sherman knew exactly  what it contained - but never the less he did not persue it's contents.

Which goes along with Mike's  corpus trial arguements that his attorney Sherman- was an ineffective and incompetent lawyer who was more involved with the meadia circus atmosphere of the trial than instead of convincing a jury of twelve that there was reasonable doubt in regards to Mike's alledged guilt.

It is not a wonder that the states prosecuting attorney's wanted this report sealed-  it is something else- and why Sherman didn't persue it in  Mike's defense is as mysterious as the Higgs particle.

Judge Bishop has up to 120 days as of this past Tuesday to render his verdict, until then Mike  sits in the hoosegow wondering whether or not he gets a new trial.

And if it is granted then the prosecutors have to decide whether or not they want to try  Mike again, the whole thing is mind boggling.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Che Gookin

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Re: New Skakel trial likely to call expert to testify about
« Reply #78 on: May 08, 2013, 08:44:06 PM »
The wheels of justice turn slowly and all that.. probably feel even slower for the guy in prison.

Sorry to say, but I still can't make heads or tails of this whole thing.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Re: New Skakel trial likely to call expert to testify about
« Reply #79 on: May 15, 2013, 08:47:16 PM »
Interesting - the wheels of justice turn very slow- quite the opposite when someone is being railroaded. - at least they are turning. ... 516124.php

I wonder what Ken Littleton has been doing with himself lately. Morrall's report on Ken Littleton is something I think Mickey Sherman would have wanted in his hands, it is not a wonder that to this day the assistant prosecutor Gill and special prosecutor Benedict still want that report sealed.

I sure hope some one follows up on Ken Littleton, he doesn't seem to be a happy soul.

lots of questions here.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Offline Che Gookin

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Re: New Skakel trial likely to call expert to testify about Elan
« Reply #81 on: October 24, 2013, 06:15:22 AM »
I hope he gets a fair hearing this time around. Best of luck to him.

Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Re: New Skakel trial likely to call expert to testify about Elan
« Reply #82 on: October 24, 2013, 11:07:52 AM »
Here is the link to Judge Thomas bishop’s ruling concerning Michael Skakel’s  heabas corpus trial.

Interesting long legal rendering - parts are surprising to me like not having an expert to testify as to what Elan was ( a Synanon comparable/based center or worse as Dr. Ofshe the cult expert testified), and in Judge Bishop's opinion this would not have influenced the out come of the verdict - Slightly baffling to me.

I believe it would have certainly given the jury a better context as to just what the hell went on in that place during that time of Elan's historical context - and what was happening to M. Skakel at the time, who knows how it may have affected  a verdict.

-Still- far and wide Sherman was certainly an ineffective counsel at best for a person being charged with such a serious crime and I am glad that Judge Bishop recognized this in his verdict of this Habeas corpus trial.

Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Michael Skakel made bail today
« Reply #83 on: November 21, 2013, 12:55:45 PM »
Today Michael Skakel made bail - It is wonderful - considering that he has had his conviction overturned, from his previous 2002 trial.

This  is a very rare occurance in any habeas corpus trial. I am very glad that common sense has  prevailed in this case. I do not believe that the prosecutors will be successful in their apeal of Judge Bishop's ruling - though it has been said "that stranger things have happened".

I would hope that the state of Conn. would spend their taxpayer's monies more wisely - than they did by sending their state wards ( children) to Elan for imo fraudulent therapy. Maybe instead of wasting more money on prosecuting  Michael Skakel the state of Conn. could try to get their taxpayers money back from Elan - by way of asking the Federal Justice Department to begin an investigation into elan and the state of Maine  for imo running a continuing criminal enterprise for close to 40 years.

It would only take one state to start the federal investigation - though there are more states that imo were  also defrauded of their taxpayers monies.

This would be a great first step in righting a terrible wrong which was done by the state of Maine by allowing elan to function imo as a continuing criminal enterprise for close to 40 years. Sadistic criminal child abuse is not therapy and that is what elan provide imo for many state's wards for their taxpayer's hard earned  dollars. It really is a no brainer - we are talking about fraud on a grand abusive scale.

Still it is a very good day for Michael Skakel and his family and I think justice is finally starting to be  served.

« Last Edit: November 21, 2013, 01:00:40 PM by Matt C. Hoffman »

Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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It has been two years since Michael Skakel was released
« Reply #84 on: November 21, 2015, 09:59:04 PM »

Well, well, well- two years have passed, and the prosecution, (on the day Mr.Skakel was released, vowed to appeal ) and if that doesn't fix it the way they want it over there in that sad state of Connecticut which shipped many a state child to the Elan Corporation/school – located  in Poland Springs Maine, said that they would, if the appeal failed ( concerning his habeas corpus trial resulting in the  verdict of his "release " )  that these sharpshootin prosecutors would  then simply re-try him.

Damn that was sure a long dang sentence.

All this pep rally talk and blustering by the prosecution has really only resulted in an appeal filed recently, this past September  to be exact, by the prosecutor finally appealing his Habeas Corpus trial's verdict – just this past September mind you – and according to a writer by the name of Mr.  Marchant who hacks for the Greenwich Times this past October 29th, 2015 – Mr. Marchant wrote in his article that the prosecutors are appealing Judge Thomas Bishop's ruling that because Mr. Skakel paid 1.5 million dollars for his defense- then and therefore it must be found that Mr. Skakel had competent legal counsel.

- oh my -

I laughed  hard when I read Mr. Marchant's words – it was the only redeeming part about his article that I found not to be  pure tacky tabloid journalism.

Soo-ooo- the prosecutors are appealing this verdict on simply the amount of money spent – too freaking comical – if it weren't such a sad and tragic case – the death of a little girl.

It behooves the state of Connecticut's prosecutors to read Judge Thomas Bishop's 136 page ruling supporting his rendering of his verdict in throwing out Mr. Skake'ls murder conviction – it has nothing to do with the monies spent – lol.

It is absurd to base an appeal on a case based on the amount of monies spent by a  defendant on any case – because sometimes, as in this case, as exhibited by Judge Bishop's  136 page abstract supporting his ruling -it was obvious that the defendant did not have competent legal representation and money had nothing to do with the Honorable Judge Bishop's ruling .

Is the state of Connecticut just dragging their heels- or do they simply don't have a case.

I would post Mr. Marchants article from the  October 29, Greenwich Times  here – but I won't because for some reason  the  Greenwich Times still perpetuates the lie, and myth, that the three former residents that were with Mr. Skakel (in Elan), and testified against Mr. Skakel in his original trial in 2002 were in an actual school, called Elan.

And that could not be further from the truth – Elan, located in Poland Springs, Maine was no school by any stretch of anyone's imagination, it was however in my opinion and many other former residents – opinions, a protected continuing criminal enterprise, that existed for close to forty years.

It really is the time for the State of Connecticut to quit wasting their states taxpayer's monies on this case concerning Mr. Skakel and ask the DoJ to begin an investigation into those in Maine State Government that protected, aided and abetted  this imo criminal enterprise that lasted for closed to forty years and also investigate and prosecute the adults that ran Elan  with and for Joe Ricci, as it operated in my opinion as a continuing criminal enterprise for close to forty years.

The DoJ has a tool called the "Rico Act" in it's investigative and prosecutorial "toolbox", and  it is high time that the criminals in Maine state  government that protected Elan and aided and abetted Elan – as well as the adult untrained miscreant criminals that ran that brutal ,violent, sadistic soul eating hellhole, by simply directing the "residents" to abuse the living daylights out of each other  on a daily basis while fraudulently taking many states tax payer's monies,  many insurance company's monies, and many hard earned parent's monies, due to deceptive marketing practices that simply used serial sadistic and violent  criminal child abuse as therapy – be investigated by the DoJ and prosecuted by the DoJ using the Rico Act.

It is nothing but a win -win case for the DoJ – and the best thing is it doesn't matter that Elan is closed – the Rico Act can reach back many many years.  Joe Ricci began his scam, of criminally abusing children back in the early 70's. His hell hole only recently closed in 2011. At least put the imo  adult criminals that made life long careers out of serially abusing children in prison where they belong – where they may hopefully live out  long natural  lives- in agony like they subjected the " Elan residents" to their sick torture that they fraudulently made monies on for close to forty years.

Man, it is time that justice be found for the many survivors of that insidiously sick fraudulent criminal enterprise, called Elan, that made Joe Ricci tens of millions of dollars.

Talk about justice dragging it's heels- jeezzz.


« Last Edit: November 30, 2015, 02:54:37 AM by Matt C. Hoffman »

Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Re: New Skakel trial likely to call expert to testify about Elan
« Reply #85 on: December 08, 2015, 06:21:24 PM »
An aside -

and I write -  I hope people are really reading and comprehending what is written  - maybe Oscar will cut and paste this "current news" story where ever he goes like he does here  , do it Oscar because you also want to see justice for Philip Williams  - he died after a "hot Box" session in Elan on 12-27-82.

There is no statute of limits on murder in the U.S. - sure it was the Elan Corporation and its practices that killed him , maybe that adds a quirk to the story though then again murder is murder -Corporation or not .

carry on


Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Skakel's sentance is vacated.
« Reply #86 on: May 04, 2018, 06:52:51 PM »
This is a big Deal - Michael Skakel has had his conviction overturned by the Connecticut Supreme court - It is unclear , at this point if prosecutors are going to file for another trial.

I hope the Department of Justice looks into the deal - Connecticut CPS/CJJS had with Joe Ricci and the amount of money that state paid Joe for participating in his well protected by Maine folks -elected officials - Joes continuing criminal enterprise known as the Elan School- It ran for forty years - Connecticut sent thousands of children to Elan. 

Offline Eliscu2

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Re: Skakel's sentance is vacated.
« Reply #87 on: May 14, 2018, 05:17:07 AM »
This is a big Deal - Michael Skakel has had his conviction overturned by the Connecticut Supreme court - It is unclear , at this point if prosecutors are going to file for another trial.

I hope the Department of Justice looks into the deal - Connecticut CPS/CJJS had with Joe Ricci and the amount of money that state paid Joe for participating in his well protected by Maine folks -elected officials - Joes continuing criminal enterprise known as the Elan School- It ran for forty years - Connecticut sent thousands of children to Elan.

I just read this article in The New York Post where the Author referred to Elan as "a posh reform school in Maine" :o
It's in the opinion section.
Skakel’s tossed conviction just another example of Kennedy privilege


Offline Matt C. Hoffman

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Re: New Skakel trial likely to call expert to testify about Elan
« Reply #88 on: May 15, 2018, 05:19:59 PM »
Ms Callahan treads a line of fiction that is libelous and slanderous - where in the world did she find that the perpetrator had placed their semen on the remains - Jesus for the last time , there was not one scintilla of direct evidence linking Mr. Skakel to the crime. Her whole premise is that people with money get treated differently , though in this case , one could argue because of money justice was not served - and my point is

Mrs. Maureen Callahan does not know about the sheet that was found  " loving placed over Martha Moxley's remains by - some one unknown after the fact , huh, and there was no biologics  of Mr. Skakels found on anything including the sheet, nor the body.  I am also surprised at how some one has apparently given up - that maybe the jig is up. Therefore why repeat something that is known to be false.

She has to boister the lie of this Camelot by stating that Elan was a posh ( hahahahahaha) place , which is funny considering how many thousands of Connecticut's, New York's , Massachusetts , state wards were processed thru this brutal ,broke down palace, of a well protected criminal enterprise, where attack therapy akin to torture was used by  the adults that ran that hell hole, as they criminally  warehoused children under the guise of  therapy. and for a hefty profit . Since these adult employees directed us, the residents, to abuse each other on a daily basis. Posh no it was eat or be eaten /or life during Wartime. Nothing therapeutic about Elan, imo it was the biggest criminal scam to have existed in the State of Maine for close to forty years.

Felice and then I inquired -you know inquiring minds want to know - The NY post is a rag that is a akin  to that of other super market tabloids - so why would there be any  imo fact in this prattle of this woman's obvious premise  to maintain the status Quo of the Kennedys, as untouchable which is not true -a man with money was still was railroaded into prison - while apparently the killer who imo also has money as  well, remains free. - A death  bed confession, at this point would not surprise me.

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Re: Michael Skakel update.
« Reply #89 on: January 08, 2019, 08:25:03 AM »
Per the United States  Supreme court. Michael Skakel is a free man .

Odd as a parent - I don't understand Mrs. Moxley's reaction. (It is false that Connecticut had an very very good  case at  against Mr. Skakel, which is obvious to anyone  paying attention cept Ms. Moxley.  money  had nothing to do with it -  truth and justice did and does .   Her reaction to me is odd ,unless  she knows who lovingly placed in a nurturing a fashion the bed sheet that covered her daughters body after the incident. Ya who was it, Danny Bennison said one time that stranger things have happened - in this case  I wouldn't be surprised . )

Good luck Mr. Skakel - hopefully you will not waste the rest of your life and will work with Elan survivors to expose the generational corruption  that allowed a criminal enterprise to exists in the State of Maine for close to forty years.

Now it is time to get justice for Phil Williams a ward of the State of Maine who died after complaining of headaches , and instead of seeing a nurse was put into the infamous ring ,and received a beat down session that truncated this 15 and half year old ward of the state of Maines life on December 27 ,1982. 

This case was never investigated properly, then nor 34 years later when the facts could not be denied anymore and an investigation was finally started in this young mans death on March 13 2016 - yet in my opinion the powers of generational corruption found no wrong doing after 10 months of a scam of an investigation that ended on Feb. of 2017,  concluding there is insufficient  evidence to proceed with indictments - yet there are 6 plus eyeball witnesses to this event.

Surreal .

« Last Edit: January 08, 2019, 10:04:06 AM by Matt C. Hoffman »