Author Topic: Danny Bennison raped residents while Elan School staff  (Read 262627 times)

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Re: Proof that Danny Bennison raped residents while he was s
« Reply #90 on: October 02, 2011, 12:43:47 PM »
« Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 01:05:17 AM by Anonymous »

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Re: Proof that Danny Bennison raped residents while he was s
« Reply #91 on: October 02, 2011, 12:45:49 PM »
« Last Edit: October 04, 2011, 08:21:09 PM by Anonymous »

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Re: The rape of Yvette Portella by Danny Bennison
« Reply #92 on: October 04, 2011, 03:29:46 AM »
« Last Edit: February 03, 2012, 01:03:20 AM by Anonymous »

Offline DannyB II

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Re: Proof that Danny Bennison raped residents while he was s
« Reply #93 on: October 04, 2011, 03:40:13 PM »
   Thank you Susan,

    When I was on your show last time, I spoke about my book, A Life Gone Awry: My Story of the Elan School, which is a true story of my time there from 1978-1980. At that time I was friends with my abuser, Daniel Lee Bennison, and he gave me permission to have my publisher release the book in e-reader and paperback on Amazon, Barnes&Noble, and on my publisher's site,

No Wayne you were never my friend, I tried like probably no one else in your sorry life did, to like you and love you like a fellow survivor. But I found you to be so sick and twisted with your perceptions on life that it impaired me from being in relationship with you.
As far as permission on the book, first thing you did when we began as co-admin on our facebook group was manipulate me by trying to get me to OK the book. If you read the email you keep using as proof I gave you support you will see the conversation is not finished.

   When I became friends with Danny people questioned my sanity because he is an internet stalker and abuser, and his actions in the past have ranged from bad to criminal. If you Google search Danny Bennison and Elan you will understand what I mean. He hasn't changed one bit from the days he beat and abused us in Elan. My friends were worried about me and rightly so.

If you google my name you will see Wayne Kernochan, Matt Hoffman, Felice Eliscu, Mark Babbitz and Sharon McCarthy/Gaines and what they have printed and posted to various sites. Your friends these people I just mentioned can't stand the sight of you because you lie, manipulate and hustle everyone you meet. They don't like you Wayne, they believe as many you are a fucking PIMP and a Scumbag that came around looking for easy money.
Folks if you go on the Absolute Write Derailed 1& 2 blog you will see where Wayne had the admins scramble all his posts that were damaging and incriminating to his ethical behavior towards Elan.
Wayne is a fraud.
Wayne yes I deleted the posts from here but they are in a file. I still have them, it goes toward intent.
Wayne I talked with Susan and on your best day of the year you could not have convinced her that any of this was true. You really don't get it, no one is with you on this. You are a whack job, plain and simple. You screwed yourself.

   What they didn't know is that I had become friends with Danny to gather information. I hadn't told the whole story in my book. There was much more.

Yes, Wayne we know. One of the oldest tricks in the books. When busted say I wanted you to bust me because I was using you. STFU!!!

   Together Danny and me started an Elan survivor group on Face Book, and to the world we looked like the epitome of forgiveness. People told me how much it meant to them that he and I were able to forget the past and fight abusive programs like Elan together. Danny seemed like a changed man, and my ego took over. I began to believe that I had helped to cure him of the sickness that was inside him, but that came crashing down one day.

Really!!!! Wayne your right all of this you just wrote ^ above and all of the sick twisted accusations of raping girls, sodomizing young boys, beating girls, dragging girls behind vans, calling girls sluts and bitches and boys faggots ect......
What do you see here, it is a pattern Wayne. A pattern that is more and more becoming clear of what is going on inside your own world. None of this has anything to do with me. I am "your object" to ridicule.
There is nothing for me to be forgiven of, nothing. Elan and my guilt ended well over a year ago. I sought my forgiveness and you are not the omnipotent source I genuflected in front of.
Wayne you can't even help yourself, from what I hear you are still self destructive and it shows by your behavior here.
Dude get some serious help, I mean it.
All these violent sex allegations are issues you have to deal with.
Wayne whether you choose to admit it or not we have never met, ever. You really know this somewhere inside you. I am very sorry if any of these horrible acts happened to you or if you committed these acts onto someone else. I am beginning to believe this may be the case. If we have met then use the name you used at Elan.
You sound a lot like Mike C. and why he was sent to Elan. If you are Mike then come clean and let us know.

   Danny has repeatedly told me that he doesn't remember me, and my therapist told me that was very possible because to him I was an object. That changed when we spoke on the telephone. He hung up on me abruptly one day, and sent me a private message on Face Book saying that our friendship was finished.. He wanted to keep it private, but I posted it on a few of his favorite groups and blogs, and Danny began his campaign against my book. After having given me permission to print the book, he then said it was a lie, and that I had never been to Elan. This is important because he sensed that I may actually come forward and tell the stories of his sex crimes against children in his care. Before Danny hung up on me that day he hesitated, and stammered, when he finally realized who I am.

First off you have told many of us that you haven't seen a therapist on a seriously consistent bases ever. So please stop this lying now. You can't write all this crazy shit (about me all over the internet) and then come here and say my doctor told me Bla Bla Bla......Jesus because then I know for a fact I am dealing with a freaking loon.
Yeah that what it was, Wayne. Wayne go back to the dates. I found out through a friend you made a ass of me on Stinkin Thinkin and that was the last straw. The first two straws were about you getting freaked out by your excursions onto other sites harassing people and then when they outed you and your personal information you would come back to the group and disrupt the entire group. One time you deleted everyone and tried to destroy the group. Paranoia that was blamed on. Doesn't Schizophrenia run in your family, I am serious your brother and I believe you show signs. Just check out your writing variations from day to day and week ect....
Wayne there isn't a person here that believes this shit for one nano second. You have harassed me for 2 1/2 years with van dragging girls, beating girls it is sexually violating girls and boys. If I had raped you pal, this would have been in the book pronto, ON THE FIRST PAGE. But that BIG FUCKING LIE would have stopped everything, no publisher would have gone with that.
Now your fake courage has manifested itself into something your ego can not even handle anymore.
Daniel only tells people he doesn't know, "THAT HE DOESN"T KNOW THEM"  what a concept.

On the website fornits, Danny admitted to raping one resident, and didn't deny raping another, and that was because he was too busy denying that he forced a young boy to give him oral sex. His admission to raping the girl wasn't really an admission. He said he was in a relationship with her. I pointed out that a 15 year old girl cannot give consent, so he claimed she was 19. When I brought a witness who knew her forward who said she was in fact 15, he started a thread saying that Doug is a liar, and titled it “Wayne K's witness to Rape and Sodomy, Doug Hannah”
Wayne (or whoever you are)
Where did I admit I raped some one. Yvette Portella came in to Elan 8/78 at 16 years old. If and when she comes by here this will be authenticated. Till then lets get to the email I sent Wayne that he has altered. I did say I had a thing for Yvette or we had a thing. I did not say I had sex with Yvette although that would have been nice. The consequences were not worth it.
This pervert can say what he pleases but I stand by this email I sent him. If he feels like twisting it around then fine, so be it.
I will tell you this when and if Yvette ever gets here this will not be one of her better moments in life.
Wayne you are a fucking pig, plain and simple.
What is really sick this guy was never even there at Elan, he doesn't even know her. Her name was given to him.

This is important because I never accused him of sodomy. I accused him of rape, and I accused him of forcing a young boy to give him oral sex. Sodomy was never mentioned. The title of his discussion on fornits is Danny's second admission of guilt, and it means he remembers me because I was the one he sodomized.

I don't know what else to say. I am fucking young girls, making boys blow me and fucking Wayne in the ass. Shit this is better then Sodom and Gomorrah. I had a real Roman orgy going on.
I just wonder who will play Danny in this adaptation of "The Orgy of Poland Springs".

   I was ashamed to say what he did to me but after he realized who I am he became particularly vicious. His attacks became anti gay, and very sexual. Search the fornits site and you will see subtle innuendos like, “I'm going to be up your ass,” and “What are you going to pull out of your ass next” and “I'm going to strip you naked,” and more. Anyone who is familiar with Danny's attacks will agree that this is his way of trying to embarrass me into not saying anything about what he did to me.

Where are all these posts and emails, please. After you have gotten all this stuff together please make the direct correlation with these posts and emails. We need to be able read what is going on up inside your head. Allow us to follow you through all this pain and anguish you say you endured.  I mean this is so traumatic that none of us can believe you would leave this out of your book you wrote so honestly about Danny, why would you. Oh I know your therapist was holding this last piece of info until you fully paid up for past appointments. I guess the book printing time slot didn't coincide with your payment to your therapist.
Shit I hate when that happens.
So now we get to hear about your sexual fantasies with Danny.

Today I could care less. Danny won't go to jail or be sued because the statute of limitations is up for his crimes in Elan. I'm not saying these things for money because there won't be any. I also don't say this to defame him. He can't be defamed. I confronted him about the sex crimes he committed on fornits and the people there weren't surprised at all. His reputation is such that I couldn't make him look worse.

Who are these people on Fornits, please. Can you list there names, these folks that said yes I believe Danny raped you, made another blow him and had sex with Yvette. Oh I know it is confidential.
Hey if anyone would like to come forward and say "Yes" that would be fine.

Danny's language is foul. He's been reported on Face Book for calling me a faggot, a bitch, a cunt, and a punk, among other things. He has threatened to send people to my house, and when I said online that I was going to the celebration in NYC for the closing of Elan he was reported for posting that new York is dark, and bullets are cheap. Danny doesn't scare me but I have private messages from women who are. He has threatened many of them.

Wayne (or whoever you are) can you please show us all where I have called you these names, please. Many of us have searched fornits, facebook Elan sites ect....and can't seem to find any reference to these horrible attacks coming from Daniel.

   Abusive ex staff members troll the internet looking for their victims, so they can bully them and shut them up. One such example is the Face Book group, I survived the horrors of Aspen Ranch, a fake survivor group that ex staff member like Amber Speiss and Steve Burr use to bully survivors who come there in an effort to keep them from connecting and corroborating the statements of other survivors who have lawsuits against Aspen Group. They should both be investigated for tampering with possible witnesses. This is a serious crime.

Wayne (or whoever you are) I really think you need to go back and look for yourself what happened on that site. Even the reddits group deleted what you posted. You and your sock puppets Coin Allen, Jerry Torres (Jeffery Weintraub) ect....went on there a disrupted and harassed survivors who were fraternizing with staff. A young 22 year old woman asked you to stop harassing them because you misunderstood the conversation and you told her no. She asked you again and you called here a "CUNT". A 22 year old woman, this coming from a fat 50 year old slob who feels he can act with impunity.
The only serious crime that happen on that site was you verbally assaulting a young woman.
Wayne this is a fact, if anyone doubts this please ask the admin of the site. Wayne was kicked off along with his stupid CORE CAMPAIGN.

   Unlike Danny, they haven't been accused of sex crimes, but the 2000 violence against women’s act, made internet stalking a part of the federal stalker law. Yet it goes on with impunity. It needs to be enforced.

    Thank you

You have no idea how much I have on you Dan. I've been watching you for years

Enjoy the show you rapist piece of shit

Wayne would you please show us where I have stalked, raped and sodomized. I mean you are throwing these fallacious words about, can you come forth with anything more then your "big drama" presentations. I didn't think so.
BTW, please by all means keep writing and bumping.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
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Re: Proof that Danny Bennison raped residents while he was s
« Reply #94 on: October 04, 2011, 08:21:25 PM »
« Last Edit: February 02, 2012, 01:05:10 AM by Anonymous »

Offline none-ya

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Re: Proof that Danny Bennison raped residents while he was s
« Reply #95 on: October 04, 2011, 08:36:32 PM »
You do know that obnoxious signature of yours is nothing but spam.And you,pimping your book from the mens room at the port authority bus depot.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline YV23

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Re: The rape of Yvette P by Danny Bennison
« Reply #96 on: October 05, 2011, 10:49:32 AM »
Quote from: "Wayne Kernochan"
Wayne's sexual fanatsies Of DannyB

by DannyB II » Yesterday, 20:48

I don't know what else to say. I am fucking young girls, making boys blow me and fucking Wayne in the ass. Shit this is better then Sodom and Gomorrah. I had a real Roman orgy going on.
I just wonder who will play Danny in this adaptation of "The Orgy of Poland Springs".

Nothing helps you defend your name like a good child rape joke Dan
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline YV23

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Re: Proof that Danny Bennison raped residents while he was s
« Reply #97 on: October 05, 2011, 10:50:43 AM »
Still a classless ass, Danny Bennison. You're still a bully
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline DannyB II

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Re: Proof that Danny Bennison raped residents while he was s
« Reply #98 on: October 05, 2011, 05:24:56 PM »
« Last Edit: October 22, 2011, 11:22:12 PM by DannyB II »
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Re: Proof that Danny Bennison raped residents while he was s
« Reply #99 on: October 05, 2011, 07:58:52 PM »


Danny, you take your sociopathic shit out on people on the internet.  You haven't changed. Wayne is right, you would do it all again

Not one survivor doubts the book is true BTW

I don't know who Jojo is, but I remember you.

I remember the car dragging incident too. You didn't drive. You stood there smiling though. As soon as I read in Wayne's book about you smiling while someone was being beat in the ring I remembered that. You never so much as smiled as a resident. Walked around angry all the time

When you were staff was the first time I ever saw you laugh. It was while you had someone beat with a clipboard

I believe you did all of this

You were a sick piece of shit then and you're still one. You just use the internet to scare women and abuse people

You're addicted to being staff, but you're a nobody flooring bum, so you flex your insanity here

I'm writing a book too Danny. You're in it.

Carry on
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline YV23

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Re: Proof that Danny Bennison raped residents while Elan sta
« Reply #100 on: October 07, 2011, 10:08:26 AM »
According to a conversation I had last night Jojo is Joicylyn. First I'm Jeff Weintraub, then Joicylyn and now I'm Wayne. Or Felice or Mark or Matt or K Lynn Corning or the many liars who hate Danny. You're paranoid Danny. Have a drink and relax

I asked twice and you haven't answered me. Why haven't you called a lawyer?  If someone accused me of raping kids I would have called in two minutes. The only thing that could make you that afraid is if you're guilty. That and the creepy sex threads you've created, and the rape jokes make you look like you were molesting kids in Elan

I didn't believe it at first, but I do now. And I'm not the only one. Also, please stop with the None Ya bullshit. We know you created it to find out what people thought of you. Every Elan survivor here was contacted by "none ya" asking about his "sworn enemy" Danny. I knew months ago, just like I knew your friend Juan Ferreria was going to try to reopen Elan I also know about the e-mail you sent to him about Wayne. He asked me about it

Now I'm going to ask Wayne. Why don't you get a lawyer and sue Danny and Elan? There's no statute of limitations

The first one to call a lawyer wins in my opinion. Put up or shut up. Put an end to it.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
"The people, when they have been unchecked, have been as unjust, tyrannical, brutal, barbarous and cruel as any king or senate possessed of uncontrollable power.
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« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline butterfly1972

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Re: Proof that Danny Bennison raped residents while Elan sta
« Reply #103 on: October 09, 2011, 08:22:52 AM »
OMG!!! Is this shit for real? I see him on other sights and had no clue about this!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Offline DannyB II

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Re: Proof that Danny Bennison raped residents while Elan sta
« Reply #104 on: October 09, 2011, 12:30:58 PM »
« Last Edit: October 22, 2011, 11:22:36 PM by DannyB II »
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